NorthstarATL November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 What is it that Jay does when he's not onscreen? Watch tv? That's the problem with too many characters; not enough development. We've seen Jay for a couple of episodes, and all he is so far is Captain Exposition explaining to us the Earth 2 concept and giving us the "Who's Who" synopsis of the new arrivals, and a someone for Caitlin to lust after...BUT we have no idea how he feels about being displaced, what he's doing on Earth 1 besides watching TV, who he misses on Earth 2, if anyone, or even how he feels about the loss of his speed. All of which would be interesting, at least to me, and would make whatever they have in store for him more impactful. I don't mind Caitlin falling for Jay rather quickly, either. She lost Ronnie previously, and has already been there/done that, and might consciously be forcing herself to "move on" just to avoid having to go through the process again. I am a comics geek from way back, and the whole having Earth 2 characters refer to their Earth as "2" always bugged! No matter which Earth you are from, you are going to refer to your home as "Earth". As for Atlantis, back in the old days, it was indeed on the surface and ruled by an enemy of Wonder Woman's. In the most recent books, it was sunken again, and ruled by an Aquawoman. Never liked any of the 'Doctor Lights", male or female. Boring power. Loved what they did with Cisco becoming "Vibe". Don't expect his dating life to have much of a future with that particular barista. And, YES, to whoever pointed out that some sort of goggles/eye protection when Barry went after the Doc the second time would have made sense! That is why you have a team of scientists and guy hanging around who has already faced the villain! 3 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 And, YES, to whoever pointed out that some sort of goggles/eye protection when Barry went after the Doc the second time would have made sense! That is why you have a team of scientists and guy hanging around who has already faced the villain! Totally agree with this. Barry should have been mounting retractable welding goggles or something similar, since he was taken down so easily by her the first time. Did they just forget this fact ? 2 Link to comment
zannej November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 I can sort of buy that their tech isn't as good since Eobard left. Maybe he was the brains behind some of the ideas and/or he gave them inspiration and they don't think things through the way he did or they lack confidence without him. The glasses Cisco rigged for Barry's blind date were not all that high tech. The headgear Barry was given to face Grodd didn't have any sort of strap to hold it on and was too easily damaged. We know Cisco can make fantastic things, so I think the problem must be lack of confidence and stress after the whole situation with Eobard. I wish we could get a map of Star Labs with a look at the entrances/exits, and where everything is so we can get an idea of how people get in and where they go. Obviously they must have bathrooms somewhere. They probably have showers and possibly even some guest rooms where employees could nap if they pulled an all-nighter. They never really explained how people were always able to just walk right in. 1 Link to comment
XtremeOne1 November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 (edited) Okay, I'm watching this episode now and I have to laugh...the show can;t even pass the Brenchel test in the news room. Somehow these two great journalist still have a talk about a man. The writing for women on this show continue to be specularly awful. You have Perky Patty Perfect, Ignored Iris, and Caitlin Can't Get A Plot Without a Guy and Even Passes Out In a Cuddle. Glad to see Linda will be sticking around for more. Cool appearance by Hawkgirl . Barry/Patty are sickeningly cute together, and I don't mean that in a good way. "How do you know I'm smiling" because you're always smiling. You're what a male writer's view of a woman is(or what they feel a woman should be). Earth 2 Dr. Light was a cool surprise. I hope they give Linda more to do. So Harrison's daughter is... supposed to be Jessie Quick, so we might see her get powers. or given that t's this show.... she'll die Edited November 9, 2015 by XtremeOne1 1 Link to comment
Tara Ariano November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! The Flash Encounters Familiar Faces On Unfamiliar PeopleOnce more out of the breach, former friends! 1 Link to comment
NorthstarATL November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 Okay, I'm watching this episode now and I have to laugh...the show can;t even pass the Brenchel test in the news room. Somehow these two great journalist still have a talk about a man. The writing for women on this show continue to be specularly awful. You have Perky Patty Perfect, Ignored Iris, and Caitlin Can't Get A Plot Without a Guy and Even Passes Out In a Cuddle. Glad to see Linda will be sticking around for more. Cool appearance by Hawkgirl . Barry/Patty are sickeningly cute together, and I don't mean that in a good way. "How do you know I'm smiling" because you're always smiling. You're what a male writer's view of a woman is(or what they feel a woman should be). Earth 2 Dr. Light was a cool surprise. I hope they give Linda more to do. So Harrison's daughter is... supposed to be Jessie Quick, so we might see her get powers. or given that t's this show.... she'll die That would be sad since Jesse has both a really cool pedigree and a different way of accessing the Speed Force than other speedsters 1 Link to comment
phoenics November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 That would be sad since Jesse has both a really cool pedigree and a different way of accessing the Speed Force than other speedsters Since a new ep has aired - maybe she's adopted? Besides - that's Earth 2 Jesse. Link to comment
Oscirus November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Finally got around to watching this episode: Can we please stop making female villains tragic villains? It's getting ridiculous at this point. Remember last season when Barry got pissed at Wells for using girder as bait because "they were the good guys?" good times Ok, prick Dr. Wells is probably my new most favorite character. Oh goodie, an unneeded cameo just to remind us a crossover's in the works. LOL, Joe. I love that he just goes around shooting people. Also did he just not keep a secret from Iris? WTF is going on here? While we're at it did Barry and Iris share ( a rather poorly done) bff scene? But seriously, could showing us that Iris accepts Patty have been any more forced? Patty is so innocuous that it's hard to dislike her. It's hard to have any emotions towards her since she's seemingly gone from a kickass cop to the perfect love interest. Barry if a meta-human makes you blind or otherwise injured, don't go on a date with the person that you're trying to keep your secret identity from. Caitlin and Jay is a weird pairing. Jay is so boring. I'm probably in the minority but I was rooting for Harry in that fight. 1 Link to comment
KirkB November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Caitlin and Jay is a weird pairing. Jay is so boring. I'm probably in the minority but I was rooting for Harry in that fight. Then WE'RE in the minority because so was I. 3 Link to comment
Xander November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 They haven't done a good job with Jay so far. Here's hope that things turn around soon. Link to comment
phoenics November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Where does Jay go when he's not at Star Labs? Into a pocket dimension? 1 Link to comment
zannej November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Where does Jay go when he's not at Star Labs? Into a pocket dimension? Good question. I don't know if his world's currency is the same as our world's currency, so I don't know how he'd be able to buy things. I wonder if he has an Earth1 counterpart. Despite not having superpowers, it seems he and Wells both had some sort of super-stealth and super-stalking abilities. They were able to leave and enter Star Labs and Wells even broke in to Mercury Labs and steal a weapon. 1 Link to comment
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