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Willa posted a photo from an Air Canada flight last night so presumably she's heading back to shoot 521.

Also, since the finale was announced for May 24 and they probably won't run repeats during sweeps, that puts 520's air date at May 3.

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Sounds to me like KP is just speculating. If he knew he'd be more definitive in his answer.

That being said, I wouldn't be shocked if she's back for a cameo. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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35 minutes ago, Trisha said:

JBA just released another 520 spoiler from MG: "Oliver and Felicity are not the only couple addressing their issues." Must be a Dyla-heavy episode too?


Maybe Curtis refused to sign those papers Paul so rudely slid across the table before he stuck Curtis with the check, LOL.

Also - I didn't know the Diggles had issues. They better not be breaking up.

Edited by apinknightmare
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2 hours ago, strikera0 said:

I am generally not opposed to bringing back dead characters for cameos, but in the case of Laurel/KC, they are simply doing it way too often and it makes her appearances less special. Moira died in 2x20 and we didn't see her again until the 100th episode this season. That's a gap of nearly 3 years, but then Susanna Thompson doesn't appear to be the kind of actor who gladly takes every little scrap these writers throw at her - unlike KC, who seems to come back for everything, no matter how insulting it is. 

Literally everyone who has been killed off this show has moved on to better things. I think it would be in KC's best interest to not take these little scraps and actually go and find something better suited for her. She's only in one scene for LOT which is a vision, I can't imagine (if true) what an Arrow appearance would be like in the finale. 

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1 minute ago, Cleanqueen said:

I can't imagine (if true) what an Arrow appearance would be like in the finale. 

I can see it as flashback!Oliver finally gets back to the island, he has the picture of doom when he decides to come home, so he has a flashback [#flashbackception] to Laurel from before the island, and the words "Dinah Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world" are involved, and then in present time Oliver finally gets rid of the island picture of doom, maybe giving it to Lance, or frames it for the bunker, or something ~symbolic... that transitions into Tinah accepting the BC name.

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Since it was said that 520 was a heavy Olicity and Dyla ep.... I imagine the other couple dealing with issues is them....

but what issues? Haven't they addressed most of theirs? Maybe she is pregnant again and/or he tells her about Sara?

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1 minute ago, LadyChaos said:

Since it was said that 520 was a heavy Olicity and Dyla ep.... I imagine the other couple dealing with issues is them....

but what issues? Haven't they addressed most of theirs? Maybe she is pregnant again and/or he tells her about Sara?

Well i dont think we saw Lyla since Dig got out of prison. And he has been spending all this time with Tinah.

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18 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I can see it as flashback!Oliver finally gets back to the island, he has the picture of doom when he decides to come home, so he has a flashback [#flashbackception] to Laurel from before the island, and the words "Dinah Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world" are involved, and then in present time Oliver finally gets rid of the island picture of doom, maybe giving it to Lance, or frames it for the bunker, or something ~symbolic... that transitions into Tinah accepting the BC name.


Edited by Cleanqueen
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I think that the other couple dealing with their issues might just be Curtis and Paul and that Lyla and Diggle might just be there to be the 5 year parallel for Oliver and Felicity, probably along with some scenes between Lyla and Diggle about balancing their own relationship with him being on Team Arrow and her leading Argus while they have a kid to raise and their own issues that they dealt with along the way.

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I'm just going off the show right now, since as of now Diggle and Lyla don't have issues, while Curtis and Paul do. I guess something could come up in the episode/leading to 520 (even though I kind of hope not, since I'd rather Diggle and Lyla not have issues), but just spit-balling right now.

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I'm glad we'll get to see Dyla have some trouble in paradise because frankly they haven't had any focus in terms of their relationship. I do think there might be some bottled up issues esp on Lyla's part about Diggle leaving last summer and then him wanting to stay in jail. 

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1 hour ago, LadyChaos said:

Since it was said that 520 was a heavy Olicity and Dyla ep.... I imagine the other couple dealing with issues is them....

The other couple could be Oliver and ... Susan? I'd hate it, but it would parallel 320, when Felicity and Ray "dealt with their issues" before she went to Nanda Parbat. Maybe O&S break up at the beginning of the episode, and then O&F get trapped in the bunker.

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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

The other couple could be Oliver and ... Susan? I'd hate it, but it would parallel 320, when Felicity and Ray "dealt with their issues" before she went to Nanda Parbat. Maybe O&S break up at the beginning of the episode, and then O&F get trapped in the bunker.

Didnt KP say that Susan and Oliver have been done for several episodes? And i didn't hear anything about CP filming this episode.

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11 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Do you think he knows things or is he speculating? Why can't LL just leave? How many times do we have to wrap up her story??


Its been quite some time since the last time the show glorified this already over glorified sidekick. Lets remind people  how much of a legend she was *rolls eyes*

Edited by theOAfc
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Lyla is in a powerful position as head of ARGUS.  Maybe Diggle doesn't like what she's doing there, in the same way Oliver may have trouble with what Felicity is doing with Helix, and they have to work things out as Oliver has to with Felicity.  Fingers crossed Felicity still has a storyline in 5x20..

2 hours ago, dtissagirl said:

I can see it as flashback!Oliver finally gets back to the island, he has the picture of doom when he decides to come home, so he has a flashback [#flashbackception] to Laurel from before the island, and the words "Dinah Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world" are involved, and then in present time Oliver finally gets rid of the island picture of doom, maybe giving it to Lance, or frames it for the bunker, or something ~symbolic... that transitions into Tinah accepting the BC name.

Yes, please.   It's been four episodes since they've referenced WWLD and it will be a year since we're seen the picture. I want it blown up and framed in the bunker so that Oliver and Felicity can look at it regularly and be reminded of Laurel.  She can be the team's guardian angel.

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18 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I want it blown up and framed in the bunker so that Oliver and Felicity can look at it regularly and be reminded of Laurel.  She can be the team's guardian angel.

That would require them to pay monies to KC next season, so I was thinking a regular framed picture that will be last forever seen in the finale, and never again.

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When the apocalypse finally comes there will only be two things left. Cockroaches and Laurel's island picture of doom. Haha.

As for Dyla, Lyla is head of ARGUS now which might create some problems. I assume they're gonna call her in for help soon. But yay for Diggle getting something to do!

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Helix looks very cool -- it's a much bigger organization than I assumed. WM confirms that she joins in "an attempt to save the team and save Oliver." (Of course, WM also tries to sell Susan as "someone that Oliver cares about deeply" so perhaps we shouldn't put too much stock in her quotes.)

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Man, Wendy's talking about two parts of the story that she and her writing buds skipped entirely: Oliver cares deeply about Susan? Okay! Felicity joined Helix as a result of what Prometheus has done to save the team AND Oliver? LOL, that legit did not happen. Did she forget that Felicity joined at the end of last ep?

Edited by apinknightmare
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The more WM tries to sell Susan as someone Oliver cares about deeply, the more I roll my eyes. They really hurt now btw.

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Every time WM mentions Oliver and Susan "caring about" each other, it just makes me want to see her turn on Oliver even more. And right away in the episode too so we don't have to see him "worried" about her for too long.

1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Man, Wendy's talking about two parts of the story that her and her writing buds skipped entirely: Oliver cares deeply about Susan? Okay! Felicity joined Helix as a result of what Prometheus has done to save the team AND Oliver? LOL, that legit did not happen. Did she forget that Felicity joined at the end of last ep?

Remember, didn't WM also say it was thanks to Chase that Diggle was out of prison and call Helix Felicity's "old friends" one episode after she met one of them?

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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Remember, didn't WM also say it was thanks to Chase that Diggle was out of prison and call Helix Felicity's "old friends" one episode after she met one of them?

She said that Felicity finds out she had a hand in starting Helix which I guess could still happen? But probably not. 

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It's very weird, because I really like Chase and I'm kinda pulling for him in this one, haha.

You can have one of my Team Prometheus t-shirts.

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57 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Man, Wendy's talking about two parts of the story that she and her writing buds skipped entirely: Oliver cares deeply about Susan? Okay! Felicity joined Helix as a result of what Prometheus has done to save the team AND Oliver? LOL, that legit did not happen. Did she forget that Felicity joined at the end of last ep?

i think it's because these previews were recorded a while back so she's confused as to what finally makes it to the episode and what doesn't. And im sure Oliver also cares deeply for his assistant at the Mayor's office, no shocker there. 

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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

I do wonder when they tape these producers previews? After each episode is completed production? Right before they air? Grouped together and film 4-5 at a time?

I'd think they film a bunch at a time since it's same location/shot/clothes/lighting each time, but I wonder exactly when as well.

Just now, Trisha said:

@YonkouProductions is currently posting Arrow spoilers on Twitter, starting with:

The lol at all of those post-mortems about their big twist. Does it bring back the Talia theory, then?

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Do you think the real Adrian Chase is in a trunk somewhere with the real Oliver?

I'd love it if Talia were Prometheus but it walks like a man (and sounds like Worf).

43 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It's very weird, because I really like Chase and I'm kinda pulling for him in this one, haha.

Well it's pretty hard to root for Oliver these days.

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