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What is the point of a whole season if at the end nobody watching will be happy? I mean shouldn't people at least get something so that they have the desire to come back. Maybe I don't understand how to tell a story...

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"I get that you don't live here anymore, but those were nice windows"

I love you, DD.

Why is Stephen Amell spoiling the ending by saying it's the opposite of last season's?

And why is Natalie Abrams an idiot? The only time they hinted at the big bad in a season finale was in S3. That doesn't make a trend.

Edited by looptab
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So stupid. I wonder if it's being 'resolved quickly" because what happened in the Flash is going to impact Arrow in that Oliver and Felicity ARE not together and were never together?

Surely I'm being paranoid right?

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No seriously, what was the point of breaking O/F up in 415 if they were just gonna do nothing with them? LOL what. I don't get it. 

Also well done SA. I'm super pumped for the finale now! *sarcasm*

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Better to go into the episode knowing we're not going to get anything, I guess.

Well done, Arrow writers. Good job of making sure we're NOT motivated to spend the summer creating buzz for the show and won't be looking forward to the new season. Opposite of season 3's finale indeed.

Edited by lemotomato
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5 minutes ago, Belinea said:

What is the point of a whole season if at the end nobody watching will be happy? I mean shouldn't people at least get something so that they have the desire to come back. Maybe I don't understand how to tell a story...

That's a super shipper centric view.

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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

That's a super shipper centric view.

Not really. It seems like none of the characters end the season happy. That doesn't make it shipper centric. 

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7 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

That's a super shipper centric view.

I meant in general. DR even sad that Diggle will be very broken and we won't know how he will move on from this, he will have to deal with Lyla and they will still be mourning Laurel. So it is not just O/F related but it seems nobody will have anything to be optimistic about. 

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15 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

So stupid. I wonder if it's being 'resolved quickly" because what happened in the Flash is going to impact Arrow in that Oliver and Felicity ARE not together and were never together?

Surely I'm being paranoid right?

I thought the resolved quickly stuff was referred to 422's ending, not Oliver and Felicity?

1 minute ago, Belinea said:

I meant in general. DR even sad that Diggle will be very broken and we won't know how he will move on from this, he will have to deal with Lyla and they will still be mourning Laurel. So it is not just O/F related but it seems nobody will have anything to be optimistic about. 

But that's also kinda like how S1 ended.

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No time for any hint of resolution to the dragged out and forced Olicity breakup, but according to Echo K's interview with Vulture, but we're going to have time for an Oliver and Curtis heart-to-heart. I don't know about you guys, but that's a relationship I'm totally invested in.

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I love Olicity. I also love pedal to the metal breakneck pace they took with the relationship. So I would be content if they just setled down now, got married & had adorable babies with a fabulous Nanny to keep them offscreen for most of the season.

That being said we missed a LOT of build up. if we can get back some of that build up and sexual tension next season then it might be worth it. Imagine s2 without the ship stalls. It could be glorious if they also manage to keep out the fabricated for plot & stall melodrama of s3/4.

I'm just saying it could be a good thing for the show and Olicity.  Of course I drank from the optismitic side of my coffee cup this morning, so I am aware this could all go very bad, very quickly. I'm choosing optimism & hope today.

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7 minutes ago, looptab said:

I thought the resolved quickly stuff was referred to 422's ending, not Oliver and Felicity

Oh I thought he meant Oliver and Felicity.  I'll have to watch it again

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

but we're going to have time for an Oliver and Curtis heart-to-heart. I don't know about you guys, but that's a relationship I'm totally invested in.

Don't act like that isn't what you have secretly been waiting for since last October. ;-) I know I am just dying for that relationship


59 minutes ago, kismet said:

Britney or Christina

I wonder what OQ would decide if he had to make this decision...

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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

No time for any hint of resolution to the dragged out and forced Olicity breakup, but according to Echo K's interview with Vulture, but we're going to have time for an Oliver and Curtis heart-to-heart. I don't know about you guys, but that's a relationship I'm totally invested in.

Maybe the Oliver/Curtis talk is about Felicity/Olicity?

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8 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I meant in general. DR even sad that Diggle will be very broken and we won't know how he will move on from this, he will have to deal with Lyla and they will still be mourning Laurel. So it is not just O/F related but it seems nobody will have anything to be optimistic about. 

If you meant in general then I might agree I don't know that I need a happy ending or everything wrapped up in a bow in order to enjoy the finale. It really depends on how what happens and how they handle it

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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

No time for any hint of resolution to the dragged out and forced Olicity breakup, but according to Echo K's interview with Vulture, but we're going to have time for an Oliver and Curtis heart-to-heart. I don't know about you guys, but that's a relationship I'm totally invested in.

Right? Who else to help Oliver emotionally but the guy who met him a couple of times? LOL. Seriously next year they don't need so many characters, not even Oliver. They have Curtis who is the man for everything in every situation.

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I'm a bit upset that Oliver and Felicity's relationship isn't really going to be addressed, but I've still got some stuff I'm aching to see tonight, Darhk finally being defeated, this magic thing being put to rest, Poppy dying in the flashbacks, Diggle and Lyla, Curtis for comedy relief, and whatever scene that Oliver and Felicity have at that cemetery, since that at least means that Oliver and Felicity have a scene together unlike the last two episodes. I personally feel as long as I've got a scene between the two of them that still supports a good rapport between them, I'll be overall ok with it. Plus, regardless of what was said in interviews, that first clip still got me excited for tonight despite my better judgment. 

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I said that I was okay if O/F didn't get back together yet. But I was expecting some kind of scene between them at the end where they had a little talk and a moment, where there was hope. But it seems they're not even giving us that. Sorry but they've messed up. You don't spend the season building O/F as a couple on the verge of marriage and set up all these expectations when they got engaged and then ignore it ever happened. That's not how storytelling works.

If they wanted to get me excited for the finale and s5, they failed.

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4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Maybe the Oliver/Curtis talk is about Felicity/Olicity?

Based on something SA said during an interview the other day, I think it has something to do with figuring out a way to defeat DD. Can't recall the interview though. 

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I said that I was okay if O/F didn't get back together yet. But I was expecting some kind of scene between them at the end where they had a little talk and a moment, where there was hope. But it seems they're not even giving us that. Sorry but they've messed up. You don't spend the season building O/F as a couple on the verge of marriage and set up all these expectations when they got engaged and then ignore it ever happened. That's not how storytelling works.

If they wanted to get me excited for the finale and s5, they failed.

This, all this.

I'm just tired of it. The prospect of going through something like season 3 again makes me very very tired. I just can't.

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I said that I was okay if O/F didn't get back together yet. But I was expecting some kind of scene between them at the end where they had a little talk and a moment, where there was hope. But it seems they're not even giving us that. Sorry but they've messed up. You don't spend the season building O/F as a couple on the verge of marriage and set up all these expectations when they got engaged and then ignore it ever happened. That's not how storytelling works.

If they wanted to get me excited for the finale and s5, they failed.

Maybe there is? I don't know, maybe SA's "no hope" was referred to them not getting back together in this episode. He probably thinks people are expecting a full-out reconciliation, and that's what he was addressing. 

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Welp, that's cool. My evening just cleared up. I'll wait and read the responses to see if it's worth watching at all.

I massively don't care about any of the DD stuff, although I think NM has done a great job. I have no interest in tuning in to watch some super dumb magic battle, I don't want to see Digg be miserable and I don't care about Thea anymore, so the only thing I was hanging on for was some Oliver/Felicity resolution.

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1 minute ago, looptab said:

Maybe there is? I don't know, maybe SA's "no hope" was referred to them not getting back together in this episode. He probably thinks people are expecting a full-out reconciliation, and that's what he was addressing. 

SA actually said that he feels like there's always hope for Olicity but that hope doesn't get addressed in this episode at all. I wasn't even expecting a reconciliation tbh but to have nothing at all is bizarre. It's like they're ignoring the fact that O/F even happened. It's so weird. 

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Just now, Angel12d said:

SA actually said that he feels like there's always hope for Olicity but that hope doesn't get addressed in this episode at all. I wasn't even expecting a reconciliation tbh but to have nothing at all is bizarre. It's like they're ignoring the fact that O/F even happened. It's so weird. 

That's what I got from it too, and is why I'm wondering if the Flash is going to affect Arrow. I mean theoretically...what if Barry's antics reset things in Arrow so that Felicity is actually in a LDR with Barry? O_O.

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7 minutes ago, looptab said:

Maybe there is? I don't know, maybe SA's "no hope" was referred to them not getting back together in this episode. He probably thinks people are expecting a full-out reconciliation, and that's what he was addressing. 

I got this vibe from David every time he answered something O/F related since COH2. Like the actors are equating "resolution" with O/F getting engaged again, or married out right.

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My overall impression from all the spoilers is that the team members will all be kinda traumatized by the end of this season by the culmination of everything that's happened (Laurel's death, killing Andy, nuke strike causing thousands of deaths, threat of world Armageddon, defeating Darhk), so that any "resolution" to O&F will take a back seat.  Then the team will break apart, with presumably O&F staying in Star City while Diggle and Thea leave to go elsewhere (at least for the summer). In other words, team-wide PTSD (except maybe for Oliver).

In other interviews, SA has said that O&F's relationship will be in a mature place with respect to their break-up, and that we will get a certain sense of what the future holds for O&F and where they're headed in S5 and beyond.

Also, DR has said that O&F are in a better place but not back together, that there's movement in the right direction but we won't get everything we want, and that there is hope but don't expect a wedding at the beginning of S5.

Edited by tv echo
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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

SA actually said that he feels like there's always hope for Olicity but that hope doesn't get addressed in this episode at all. I wasn't even expecting a reconciliation tbh but to have nothing at all is bizarre. It's like they're ignoring the fact that O/F even happened. It's so weird. 

Yeah, I meant that maybe he went ahead and by "the hope doesn't get addressed" he meant that there won't be resolution this episode. Honestly I'm just going by what DR said at COH2 - I don't remember what SA said on the matter - that it wouldn't be definitive but ambiguous.

Edited by looptab
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Just now, dtissagirl said:

I got this vibe from David every time he answered something O/F related since COH2. Like the actors are equating "resolution" with O/F getting engaged again, or married out right.

SA has no chill about Olicity. Even when he tries to hide shit he can't.

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It's definitely weird that they don't even get a moment apparently. We know they have that graveyard scene but that probably won't be about their relationship I guess.They built them up so much, made a huge deal about the engagement and the break up, had them have plenty of focus in all the big episodes like the premiere and midseason and even had why is the ring gone as the big question in the second flashforward and then nothing major in the finale or any of the episodes around it makes no sense to me. I don't think they're ignoring the relationship, they had them talk about it to other people, they're just keeping them from talking about it with each other for some reason.I get wanting to stall the main couple but it shouldn't be done in a way that's so forced and sudden.

Edited by tangerine95
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1 minute ago, dtissagirl said:

I got this vibe from David every time he answered something O/F related since COH2. Like the actors are equating "resolution" with O/F getting engaged again, or married out right.

Exactly, that's why I'm not that freaked out about Stephen's answer. He was just addressing that, IMO.

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I really don't think Flash finale will impact Arrow at all.  However, there is a itty bitty part of me that wonders if the actor's talking about non-resolution and everything being up in the air makes me wonder if Flash might actually have an impact

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I read on Twitter from different people that SA said what happened on the Flash isn't going to have an impact on the season finale but maybe on season 5. I think he gave another interview today but I have no idea about the source.


I found the source if anyone is interested: 


Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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Maybe after everyone has left, Oliver will go to the graveyard feeling down and Felicity will stop by to tell him that they still have work to do and we will leave them there for the season knowing that they will protect the city... I am bad at speculating.

Does it seem like nobody cares about spoilers for this season finale? Maybe I am just getting old and cannot remember but I feel as though they are very openly giving things away. Doesn't SA usually play stuff a little closer to the vest? I seriously cannot remember. Maybe he just wanted to get out of the interviews as fast as possible.

Edited by Belinea
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35 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

No time for any hint of resolution to the dragged out and forced Olicity breakup, but according to Echo K's interview with Vulture, but we're going to have time for an Oliver and Curtis heart-to-heart. I don't know about you guys, but that's a relationship I'm totally invested in.


30 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Maybe the Oliver/Curtis talk is about Felicity/Olicity?

I'm so happy we will get a possible Curtis/Oliver scene talking about Oliver and Felicity's relationship. Especially when they decided to cut the much needed Felicity and Curtis scene which would have really been the only scene that had Felicity talking about how she's been feeling post-break up. 


This show man. 

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1 minute ago, tv echo said:

In other interviews, SA has said that O&F's relationship will be in a mature place with respect to their break-up, and that we will get a certain sense of what the future holds for O&F and where they're headed in S5 and beyond.

SA has used the "mature" line every time Oliver and Felicity have broken up. He said it after 301, which lead to a whole half season where their relationship/friendship was ignored. He said it after 415, and again, the subsequent episodes, with exception of 416, showed little movement towards resolving their differences. With the latest reveal that there's no resolution in the season finale, I'm thinking that the "certain sense of what the future holds" is them being apart long term and the show treating them like they never lived together for 6 months and were almost engaged. 

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16 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I'm now even more curious what's that scene SA and EBR filmed at the cemetery for half a day. If that's not about O/F having a convo about the future, WTF is that scene for?

To address whether or not FS is a ghost? Because there is no way, she is not in the grave. So it must be an apparition of her that has been haunting him & the show since Dec. :)

To address these new rumours of a great show called Felicity & Friends...

I kid :)

But seriously I want to know if we will ever find out why there is a "h" in Darhk's name. I mean the list of questions that OQ & Arrow need to answer for me is growing by the minute :)

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I get worried every time SA says Oliver/Felicity act mature about their relationship. When he said it S3 it turned out to mean O/F barely spoke for 19 episodes, Oliver joined the LOA and Felicity started a relationship with RP.  In S4, it meant Felicity leaving the team and, again, not talking for multiple episodes.

I love all of the elements that make up Arrow (action, romance, drama, etc) but, at this point, I'm a bit meh about the finale and just want the season to be over already.  

Whether I come back for S5 will depend on if the finale of the Flash affects Arrow.  I am bored, bored, bored by the Flash so I have no desire to see it driving Arrow's storylines and resetting characters I care about. 

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If I'm trying to put an optimistic spin on things (trying, I said), then the delay in reuniting Oliver & Felicity as a couple could just be additional confirmation that they're endgame.

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20 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:


How will that work? They'd just change the entire storyline without giving anybody a warning? They'll probably save it for the crossover because they need to connect them all but then Barry's choice will have an impact on their timeline with a delay. Because that makes every viewer even more confused. 

I wish Arrow could just tell their own storyline without adding all the timelines and time travel and all that. If I were into that I'd watch the other shows. But then again you see what they come up with if it is their own story ( cough *nuclear wars* cough) 

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24 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

SA has used the "mature" line every time Oliver and Felicity have broken up. He said it after 301, which lead to a whole half season where their relationship/friendship was ignored. He said it after 415, and again, the subsequent episodes, with exception of 416, showed little movement towards resolving their differences. With the latest reveal that there's no resolution in the season finale, I'm thinking that the "certain sense of what the future holds" is them being apart long term and the show treating them like they never lived together for 6 months and were almost engaged. 

Yeah, he seems to equate "mature" romantic relationship with, like, not talking.

So how bad is jbuffyangel freaking out right now? She's been predicting an actual O/F wedding for two seasons now.

Also, this show is so dumb.

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1 minute ago, Belinea said:

How will that work? They'd just change the entire storyline without giving anybody a warning? They'll probably save it for the crossover because they need to connect them all but then Barry's choice will have an impact on their timeline with a delay. Because that makes every viewer even more confused. 

I wish Arrow could just tell their own storyline without adding all the timelines and time travel and all that. If I were into that I'd watch the other shows. But then again you see what they come up with if it is their own story ( cough *nuclear wars* cough) 

The most logical explanation in my opinion is that SA's "possibly" wasn't based on something he knows but just his speculation because it makes no sense that the Flash finale won't have an impact tonight but have it tomorrow. Of course it's not like they care that much about logic but until we have something more I'll keep thinking that it won't have an impact on S5.

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11 minutes ago, tv echo said:

If I'm trying to put an optimistic spin on things (trying, I said), then the delay in reuniting Oliver & Felicity as a couple could just be additional confirmation that they're endgame.

Or maybe they'll change the timeline and Felicity will be with Curtis. Diggle will be a kindergarten teacher and Thea will be an independent woman who doesn't get drugged every 2 episodes. Meanwhile Oliver and Malcolm will cultivate wine together because SA and JB like to hang out because as Stephen said about 4x15 he enjoys storylines with a personal touch. :-)

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I don't really understand the issue here. I thought most people here were pro Oliver/Felicity not getting together by the end of the season? So I don't get people ragging on the show for this :p 

Also I thought the interview meant that O/F won't be getting together this season (which is what people consider a full reconciliation) but that won't mean that there won't be any forward movement.... I mean we've been hearing for weeks that O/F end in a solid, better place which means that, yes, they'll probably be having a conversation about the status of their relationship in the finale. 

I mean I'm probably wrong, but I'll wait till the episode airs to judge.

Edited by wonderwall
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13 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

The most logical explanation in my opinion is that SA's "possibly" wasn't based on something he knows but just his speculation because it makes no sense that the Flash finale won't have an impact tonight but have it tomorrow. Of course it's not like they care that much about logic but until we have something more I'll keep thinking that it won't have an impact on S5.

I kinda think Steve got thrown at the wolves today, haha. Nobody at all from Flash said a peep in post-mortem. And I think the EPs are legit on vacation? Guggenheim is posting vacation pics on Instagram and everything.

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