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Please don't let the trailer be disappointing...


Haha. It's possible. The hype and build up to it has been something else. But at least we might get a glimpse at some new footage and then we'll have something else to talk about FINALLY.

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The new Reign and iZombie trailers were about 40 seconds long with about 30 seconds of actual footage, so I'm assuming the Arrow trailer will be about that long too. I figure there'll be a shot of all the costumed characters in action (including Diggle), something Olicity-related, at least a line of dialogue from Oliver, probably at least a few shots of Sara and maybe a cameo by Constantine. 

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Well... It's so bad it almost makes laurels look good....

Maybe that was their mission! ;-)


Maybe they were so fed up with people asking for a costume for their favorite guy Diggle that they made it so horrible that nobody will ever ask again. They sit there: 'We'll you wanted it and you got it. Didn't say what it should look like so we made it this.'


In all honesty: It looks horrible. But expect for Thea's costume all the others look stupid. I don't like Oliver's either. The arm part still bothers me. You only have to aim for the arms to get in a good injury. And it is easier to leave DNA too. But nobody other than Laurel wins in the DNA area. She will just leave her whole hand full of fingerprints. I liked the original Oliver costume. While it looked nice it also looked somewhat realistic. None of these look realistic and I don't consider them cool but I can understand that others might find them cool.


That being sad: Diggle...You just be you...

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I work in marketing/pr and the only time you post something late on a Friday before a holiday is if you don't want it to get much attention. I don't work in TV promotion though so maybe it's different? Whatever, I've moved past being excited and now I'm just tired of hearing about it. People have been constantly asking for its release on Twitter /Facebook since filming started in July and I'm over it at this point.

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Like I said earlier, I really think something is going to happen with the side parts moving together. Perhaps there will be visor or something. I can't (ok I don't) want to imagine that the helmet as it stands is what they made for Diggle

Maybe that was their mission! ;-)


Maybe they were so fed up with people asking for a costume for their favorite guy Diggle that they made it so horrible that nobody will ever ask again. They sit there: 'We'll you wanted it and you got it. Didn't say what it should look like so we made it this.'


In all honesty: It looks horrible. But expect for Thea's costume all the others look stupid. I don't like Oliver's either. The arm part still bothers me. You only have to aim for the arms to get in a good injury. And it is easier to leave DNA too. But nobody other than Laurel wins in the DNA area. She will just leave her whole hand full of fingerprints. I liked the original Oliver costume. While it looked nice it also looked somewhat realistic. None of these look realistic and I don't consider them cool but I can understand that others might find them cool.


That being sad: Diggle...You just be you...

The only reason why Thea's still looks decent is because all they did was tailor Roy's suit. His suit was made before they decided to take the word "costume" seriously and make walking Halloween costumes. I wonder (& not in a good way) what she will get once they decide to upgrade her costume.

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I work in marketing/pr and the only time you post something late on a Friday before a holiday is if you don't want it to get much attention. I don't work in TV promotion though so maybe it's different? Whatever, I've moved past being excited and now I'm just tired of hearing about it. People have been constantly asking for its release on Twitter /Facebook since filming started in July and I'm over it at this point.


That's the accepted wisdom for news stories, but I think with Arrow it might be different. For one, as others have pointed out, DragonCon is involved. For two, after last year's weekend Friday drop, Disney is using today to dump its new Star Wars toys. Granted that's retail and Labor Day weekend is a traditionally strong retail sales month, and Disney presumably wants to get word of month going before Christmas sales really get rolling, but it also strongly suggests that entertainment conglomerates are seeing some value in the Friday before U.S. holiday weekends. Disney doesn't have a 100% perfect track record on this, but 85% is pretty solid. 


With all that said, I also don't think that, heading into season four, Arrow is going to be trying to get new viewers through a trailer. I think any new viewers at this point are more likely to come in from Flash and Legends crossovers (like last season) or (less likely) Constantine fans or (even less likely) people who for whatever reason decided to wait until three seasons of the show were out to marathon it, and then decided to watch the fourth season live. I think this is more for last season's viewers - thus the emphasis this week on happy Oliver/Felicity vacation photos and Diggle's costume, to reassure viewers who complained about all the Oliver/Felicity angst and Diggle often getting stuck in the lair/sidelined last season. 

Edited by quarks
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I can't decide if that's the new lair or just some random warehouse. Or maybe it's the new lair before it's finished.

ETA: that's probably not the new lair. SA said at WW Chicago that they hadn't filmed on the new set, and they were filming ep 5 then.

Edited by apinknightmare
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It definitely resembles the concept art (although it seems like they might have flipped the design if that's the same area where the cars were parked in the concept art), although it looks way more industrial here than it did in the pic. I don't think this is the new lair though, because SA said they hadn't filmed in the new lair yet, and that was when they were filming the episode that comes after this one-although maybe there just weren't any lair shots in that ep. IDK. Looks too unfinished to be the final version, IMO.

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I think its a combination. I think they are just going to redress a previous set for some portions of the new lair. The car port area is probably the easiest to repurpose from an old set. So the concept art might reflect the existing infrastructure they are using. But Willa might just be hanging out in an old set, soon to be new lair car garage. It does look a little too industrial to be the finalized new lair.

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 I don't think this is the new lair though, because SA said they hadn't filmed in the new lair yet, and that was when they were filming the episode that comes after this one-although maybe there just weren't any lair shots in that ep. IDK. Looks too unfinished to be the final version, IMO.


Not that I know anything for sure,  but when Stephen said they hadn't filmed in the new lair yet, they still had 3 shooting days for that episode, after his panel in Chicago. So technically, they could have filmed in the new lair for 405.

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Not that I know anything for sure,  but when Stephen said they hadn't filmed in the new lair yet, they still had 3 shooting days for that episode, after his panel in Chicago. So technically, they could have filmed in the new lair for 405.


Yes, or they could have not had any scenes in the new lair in 4x05. I still think that's probably some random warehouse, though - one that might possibly be used for the set of the new lair. 

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So much interesting stuff...but did not appreciate QL speech and I think the new costume looks silly.


I was kind of happy to see Amanda Waller, (who would have thunk it?) probably because of SS movie one and I thought her last appearance was kind of weird? unfinished...?

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Couldn't see anyone but Sara

Sad we only got the one clip of Constantine but it was perfect for the character.

Loved the ending, I think i'm going to like this Curtis/Felicity friendship. What were they juggling? A new tech toy they made or shrunk down Ray/ATOM?

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What I liked about the trailer:

  • Lots of action
  • Damien seems really menacing which I love
  • Oliver being happy and trying to find out who he can be if he can't be the Arrow
  • Felicity being badass but in a believable way - as in you can see she really didn't know how to use that machine gun
  • Curtis actually looks like a character that's going to support Felicity unlike Ray
  • The consequences of the pit and how it affects Thea
  • Sara looks badass rising from the pit
  • It made me look forward to Constantine
  • Diggle's mask looks a lot better in action
  • Felicity trying to get Diggle/Oliver to make amends and make each other have each other's backs out in the field
  • IDK this promo made it seem that Digg/Felicity/Oliver are all equals and are the core of the show which I liked


What I didn't like:

  • Quentin
  • Not enough info about Diggle's arc/HIVE
Edited by wonderwall
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Loved the ending, I think i'm going to like this Curtis/Felicity friendship. What were they juggling? A new tech toy they made or shrunk down Ray/ATOM?


It looked like a tech thing - a ball of some kind? It's possible Ray's in it - although tossing it around like that if he is is a little mean, haha.

Diggle's mask looks a lot better in action


It really does. BUT HOW CAN HE SEE

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You have to freeze the video, it took me a couple of tries to get the right frame. once the video finds his way to youtbube it be easier using the half speed play to see who else is in the frame.


ALSO Felicity is reading Cooking to Impress :')




I can't stop staring at this

Edited by foreverevolving
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Loved the ending, I think i'm going to like this Curtis/Felicity friendship. What were they juggling? A new tech toy they made or shrunk down Ray/ATOM?


I think that's a T-sphere?  One of the little robot balls that gives Mister Terrific his powers.

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It's freaking amazing! So glad I moved stuff around to watch it when it dropped. I can't quite process it, just yet. But everything looked so good! Domestic Olicity bliss. Awesome action sequences. Damien Darhk. Sara's back. Thea looked a little possessed. Felicity is a badass. The suits still looked silly, but I'll let it go for now.


About the only thing that killed my buzz was the fact that they renamed the city after Ray Palmer!! So knew they were gonna do that & its utter bullshit. And no amount of anything is gonna not make me hate that they did that.

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You have to freeze the video, it took me a couple of tries to get the right frame. once the video finds his way to youtbube it be easier using the half speed play to see who else is in the frame.


I think Laurel is definitely the one in the white. I spotted Malcolm, but I couldn't make anyone else out - although there seemed to be at least two others there.

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