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S02.E06: Zombie Baby Daddy

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I'm glad Cassandra's gone. Her situation was just sad. I'm also glad that the fugly CGI baby is gone.


But overall I feel like the show is so light on plot this season. I don't remember thinking it last season, but now it's like every episode is really about 15 minutes and the rest is random fighting and running around.

Edited by natyxg
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I was glad that this episode had a plenty of 10K -- sure he had to put down Cassandra, but at least he got some screentime (and he's recovering from the anthrax) because has been injured and mostly offscreen the last couple of episodes.


I'm sure Lucy will grow up to command a zombie army -- and that will come back to bite the group in the ass.


At least the issues with Vasquez have been somewhat resolved.


All those Lincoln zombies -- almost all still wearing hats.


What have those zombies in the hospital been doing for the last 3 years or so ?  Just laying around waiting for someone -- because the ones on the gurneys didn't appear to have moved since they died.

The Baby, I suspect, will be back. Probably with a very rapid age-up.


Totally agree -- she will probably be fully grown up by the end of this season.

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Did the gangster suit guy have a tattoo on his hand? Is he the one who killed Vazquez's family? When suit guy was introduced in like episode two, towards the end of the episode the camera lingered on his hand for some reason that I didn't catch at the time, but now I'm guessing this is why? Was there a tattoo?


I think it was just the letter Z.

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I got distracted a bit when Murphy was with the couple.  What did he do to them to change their minds about Z-Baby?


I didn't have any real connection with Cassandra like I do with the others, and she was getting on my nerves, so I was glad when 10K finally put her out of her misery.


I also haven't missed Citizen Z that much although I expect they'll go back to him next week.

Edited by Ohwell

I got distracted a bit when Murphy was with the couple.  What did he do to them to change their minds about Z-Baby?


What I understood was that he bit them on the face like he did with Cassandra and gave them the command to love Lucy and take care of her. Since they weren't dying that's why they didn't go all zombie/human like Cassandra? I don't know.

  • Love 6

Ah, ok, I missed him biting them on the face, I was distracted for a few minutes.


No, we don't see it. But I think I saw the bite marks on their cheeks when they were gushing over Lucy in the end. Anyone can confirm?


All we see is that they want to kick Murphy and Lucy out and he tells them that he just has one last favour to ask before he leaves. Then we cut to something else (or maybe to commercials, I don't remember), and the next thing we see is that Murphy returns to the group without Lucy, and then in the end the couple with Lucy. 

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I was really concerned that they were going to kill 10k. At least this show has that going for it. You can't tell who will die in any particular episode because characters do die off randomly.


I'm not sure how I feel about Cassandra's death. She hasn't really been that interesting this season.


I am glad they stopped showing Citizen Z in every episode mostly because a lot of the time his appearances added little to the episodes.

Edited by wayne67
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"Arrrrrrgghhhhh!  Noooooooooooooooooo, not Cassandra!"  That was my response to her death.  She was a slightly dim ass-kicker as a zombie/human hybrid but there were times when it seemed she could fight her way out of that zombie fog.  I was always hoping that something, like a Z-weed injection, would be a cure for her.  Siigghhhhh!  And then to see her covered in dirt like some stranger was so disappointing.  It reminded me of Tyreese being covered with dirt after his death on The Walking Dead.


After 10K stabbed Cassandra and as she began to fade away I think her eyes began to clear up so maybe death was the only cure.


I hope Murphy doesn't try that biting-folks-to-save-'em crap anymore--at least not on people in the group.

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Cassandra's condition opened up a huge door of storytelling opportunities.  Instead, the writers put the actress in short shorts and had her grunt and prowl for 6 episodes, only to unceremoniously kill her.  

Murphy's baby opened up a huge door of storytelling opportunities.  Instead, they get rid of it in one episode.  (At least they can use the bad CGI as an excuse.)  

I can understand the team getting looped around, but Springfield, IL?!  Shit, why not send them all the way back to New York?

Vasquez's little "confession" explained next to nothing.  He is the most boring character in the group, and nothing's changed.

And the Big Bad they choose for this season is a Mexican drug cartel?  Really?  This is the zombie apocalypse, not Law and Order!  Where are the crazy cultists and cannibals?  

I used to like this show for being able to combine the cheesy dark humor of the classic zombie movies, but still have compelling characters and storylines.  This episode feels like the writers said, "Meh!  That's too much work!  We're just going to have people running around killing zombies from now on!"  


Worst episode yet.  

Edited by Buzzcut
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On 10/17/2015 at 7:24 PM, natyxg said:

All we see is that they want to kick Murphy and Lucy out and he tells them that he just has one last favour to ask before he leaves. Then we cut to something else (or maybe to commercials, I don't remember), and the next thing we see is that Murphy returns to the group without Lucy, and then in the end the couple with Lucy. 

I could see that the couple was bitten but it didn't make sense. Murphy had previously asked if they would take care of the baby and they recoiled in horror when they saw her, telling him to get out and take the baby with them. Then Murphy asks for one small favor. What was the favor--can I bite you both on the cheek? The man was armed and clearly could hold off Murphy (or shoot him). I never liked the zombie baby plot, but this was a lame way to end it.

OTOH, I was relieved to have Cassandra's plot end with 10K giving her mercy--not just for being a zombie, but for being reduced to an animal-like slave. 

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