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  1. The good: Gotta love Doc. His love for 10k was one of the redeeming factors of this episode. Murphy's always been a narcissistic a-hole, and Keith Allan plays him beautifully. Butch/Sundance ending was probably the best-shot part of the show. The Huck Finn angle was nice, if not really well-executed. The Bad: Dentist opening was stupid, but heck, remember that idiot biker taking his own blood pressure in Dawn of the Dead? Whoever's in charge of location failed miserably. They've never, ever seen the Mississippi. Love how everyone's telling Doc he "can't make it across" on a canoe when it looks like you could cross to the other side on foot without getting your belt wet. Lazy as hell. The Zeroes had zero reasons to be in this episode (see what I did there?). Seriously, wtf did they have to do with that town? Last episode made me feel like the writers are giving up. This episode hasn't made me feel better.
  2. Cassandra's condition opened up a huge door of storytelling opportunities. Instead, the writers put the actress in short shorts and had her grunt and prowl for 6 episodes, only to unceremoniously kill her. Murphy's baby opened up a huge door of storytelling opportunities. Instead, they get rid of it in one episode. (At least they can use the bad CGI as an excuse.) I can understand the team getting looped around, but Springfield, IL?! Shit, why not send them all the way back to New York? Vasquez's little "confession" explained next to nothing. He is the most boring character in the group, and nothing's changed. And the Big Bad they choose for this season is a Mexican drug cartel? Really? This is the zombie apocalypse, not Law and Order! Where are the crazy cultists and cannibals? I used to like this show for being able to combine the cheesy dark humor of the classic zombie movies, but still have compelling characters and storylines. This episode feels like the writers said, "Meh! That's too much work! We're just going to have people running around killing zombies from now on!" Worst episode yet.
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