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S11.E01: The Job


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I really hope they start off this season well and it takes a steady toll throughout. I'm very excited upon meeting Dr Tara Lewis and I hope she's as good as everyone says she is. I heard that Reid has a disturbing scene during this episode, when he talks to the Unsub? I'm not for sure, I think I saw it on an interview somewhere. Either way, I'm pretty excited for this episode and strongly hope that it doesn't turn out to be a flop. 


It starts in 18 minutes. 

The beginning of this episode felt a lot like the beginning of a new series, introducing a new team.

I actually didn't mind the interaction between Morgan and Garcia ("profiling ones and zeroes"), although Garcia was pretty annoying.


I was ambivalent about Lewis - don't think we saw her enough to really get a handle on her - but then she said "2am is my jam" and it basically all went down the toilet. I absolutely despise that phrase. My little sister says it sometimes and I get so annoyed with her because it's such a stupid thing to say. I don't think there is any single phrase gets on my nerves more.


Not very interested in this story arc though.


Also, wasn't Reid supposed to do something physical to connect with the unsub at some point? Or was that a different episode?


This was the episode that Reid had to do something physical. It was the scene with the grenade, though that was not as gross as it was made out to be. But I think Erica was the one who teased that one (like the whole idea of the mole), and both were underwhelming in that regard. Both interesting story plot points, just not spoiler worthy. More overhyped misdirection. 

I really enjoyed this episode. Generally speaking the show does well with season openers, with a couple of exceptions. Even though the amount of unsub picked up toward the end, this was definitely more of a team oriented episode. This episode is a good example why they should not have more than five profilers, because this enabled all the team members to make good contributions. It really felt balanced and equal, with everybody getting some good contributions, with no one team member dominating to the detriment of the others. Dr. Lewis had a good introduction and she certainly didn't overtake the episode with her presence. The one big Morgan and Penelope scene didn't make me want to take a Silkwood shower afterward, and there was some good profiling along with the computer work. Reid had some good contributions, both of a physical and mental nature. It was good to see the team talking the profile out, like the good old days. It wasn't action oriented for the most part, though of course we do need a big takedown scene at the end. But bonus points for taking the unsub alive. The unsub was dastardly and manipulative, and we likely have not seen the last of him. It was an interesting setup for the story arc, and I can only hope subsequent episodes don't diminish this. 

  • Love 9

This is one of the best season premieres I've seen in a long time.I appreciated that the new character's introduction was rather low key instead of giving her a lot to do,the way they did when Blake and than Kate was introduced to us. I felt that the whole team was used fairly well and there was no Garcia and her magic computer. Instead Garcia reminded me more of the earlier seasons Garcia. But most of all I was pretty damn happy with Reid's contributions.

  • Love 5

I liked this episode very much, a capper to an excellent day! Breen seemed to drop his favorite "oh lets make Reid be the stuttering idiot" theme for this one. Maybe someone told him that wasn't working very well. 


The story sucked me in, and I liked Aisha Tyler more that I had anticipated. Garcia's "That never gets old" when Morgan kissed her cheek was just the right amount. Hotch was commanding and SEXY SEXY SEXY, as usual. I was very satisfied with this episode. 

  • Love 5

I'm going to paste my thoughts that I typed up during commercial breaks as I was watching.

I liked the intro with the cops walking to the meth lab and the senior cop quizzing the rookie.
It was interesting to see Rossi showing up instead of having the whole team going to the office and getting on the plane.
There was a good feeling of suspense and I was interested in what was goign on.

JJ looked tired, which is understandable. It was a nice little conversation with Hotch.

I like that Reid is figuring things out. I liked Garcia's comment about aluminium being "crinkly".

I liked that Hotch told Dr Tyler that her experience isn't quite what is required for the BAU. I do think the bit about her father wasn't the right thing to say for a job interview-- but maybe she considered it an ice breaker. Still not the best thing to say.

I loved seeing the team (Rossi, Morgan, and Reid) working together to get the grenade unglued from the guy's hands. Personally, I think it would have made more sense if they had tried to find something to wrap around the grenade to hold the lever in place. I'm not sure exactly what happened that caused Rossi to let the lever slip.

Battery acide seemed a bit extreme. I wonder if there was some sort of solvent that could have been used that would not harm human skin-- would that type of adhesive have worked on human skin?

I wish we had not already seen the unsub's face. We could have just seen the accomplice-- although I wish we hadn't seent he accomplice either.

I was ok with seeing that the unsub had the former customer prisoner when he got the text because that seemed to explain what was going on. I sort of wish they had done it so that the team arrived and the guy had a grenade in his hands and we were told after the fact (and shown sort of a flashback) of what happened only with the unsub's face completely obscured.

The makeup on the unsub for the jaw injury didn't look right. I wish they had just kept his face hidden with the hood and mask. We should not have even seen the unsub's eyes in full light until after they revealed.

Thus far the episode is still interesting.

Interesting that the "mole" is a cop-- I sort of suspected that would be the case.

I'm still not seeing quite enough of Hotch just yet though.

I actually liked Dr. Tyler's contributions.

Interesting scene at the end where the unsub was faking and pretended that Morgan hurt him.

I wonder if they failed to tell the unsub which one of the clients hired a hit man to kill him.

I'm not really interested in the whole hit man group thing though.

My afterthoughts:

I sort of wish we had seen the first cop again because I liked him. I could actually see a show about that guy as a possible spinoff. He had personality without being too in-your-face. It didn't scream "very special character" like some of the past guest characters where I felt they were trying too hard to make them interesting and it was distracting. This was more organic.

I love how Rossi did not take guff from the guy with the grenade but he still wanted to save his life.

Overall, I enjoyed this episode. It had a lot of good things and mostly, I loved that the team worked together. I still wish there had been a bit more Hotch, but the team balance was still good.

I give this one an A. (I had to lower the bar because I know the episodes will never be up to the standards they were in the first 4 seasons).


On the unsub's face and the feeding tube-- maybe he illegally obtained it? I'm not sure. I wish they would have given more details. I'm not a fan of Angry!Morgan, but he wasn't beating the guy up or anything-- just letting him know they were going to take down the rest of the bad guys.

  • Love 6

A pretty good episode. Nice to have it so team oriented and with plenty of good Reid moments. If I had to criticise anything it would be once again the lighting. I know it's a dark show but I found the end scenes where they caught the unsub so dark it was difficult to follow. But a good start - and I did find myself warming to Dr Lewis after they introduced her in such an understated way.

  • Love 6

Once you pull the safety pin on a grenade, unless you have a tight grip on the spoon, it will fly off and the grenade will detonate seconds later. They could not afford to take any pressure off it, and if the man's hands were glued to it, they probably couldn't have gotten anything around it. And if they did that, it would have to have same amount of pressure as a hand.

  • Love 4

I haven't been able to watch it again, which I like to do because I miss stuff, but I liked it overall. At times, it seemed like they were bending over backwards to reinforce the well-loved parts of canon cliche, like showing Reid at his desk mounded high with books, snarky Rossi bitching up the LEO in the opening scene, Garcia all achatter, Hotch large and in charge, etc. Or maybe it was to entice new watchers, I dunno. Anyway, they didn't make Spencer look dense, in fact, he was very brave to step up to the guy glued to the grenade. Morgan was a little on the angry! side, and, for some reason, Garcia out in the bullpen looked teeny tiny. Liked the JJ thing. Liked the way the newbie didn't play too much into the mix, just slightly (I guess that probably will change big time next week). I really like it when they don't have to write for a team of 7 plus victims, LEOs and unsubs, I wish they would just leave it at 5 profilers.


The unub, what the hell was that? Why did getting shot in the jaw result in a Joker-like zigzag cutting injury, and exactly how would that render him speechless? How did he get a feeding tube without treatment for the jaw? And the stitching of the wound in the hospital, have you ever seen stitching that big and thick and black? In the first place, a wound like that would have been mostly stitched from the inside and butterflied on the outside, and later, plastic surgery would be performed. At any rate, he would be able to speak. Oh, well, their medical research still leaves a lot to be desired.


If this balance of attention for the team could continue, I'd be happy, though. I'll make a prediction now, though: Morgan will be fired or have to go underground eventually because of something this Unsub does. Maybe he will be vindicated later and come back, but I'm sure they are setting a tone for Morgan to have focus until he leaves. IMO.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 7

Well, it passed the Reid-meter.  Overall, it was an okay episode, that I think played better because it was the season opener.  If it had come later, apart from launching the season-long arc, I’m not sure I would have found it particularly memorable. 


I agree with whoever said that it opened as though it was a pilot episode, with tough guy Rossi mixing it up with a resistant detective, ‘the genius’ (looking particularly delicious, I might say) nearly hidden behind his fortress of books (did he lug them all there?), the stern, determined team leader calling them together around the table.  Had I been a brand new viewer, the whole opening sequence would have helped me tremendously.


I'm glad they got to include JJ in the episode.  What a head of hair on her little one!  Tara played well except for that opening remark about her father's drinking. 


I liked that Reid thought of Punchinello and the idea of the unsub having lost his voice.  And I noticed how attentive everyone around the table was when he first brought it up. 


I like the idea of Morgan having it out for the hit men, even though I don’t understand why that would be a BAU case.  Maybe they’ll profile the next of ‘The Dirty Dozen’, so they can figure out who the other potential victims might be?  I’m wondering if Morgan returns to his undercover past as part of this arc, and that we’ll see him seem to leave the BAU.  Who knows---it might be in a season finale, so he would have the option to stay or go, should we get a season 12.


The medicine in this episode was terrible.  Terrible.  Terrible.


I think we were meant to believe that the unsub’s injury was fairly recent, hence the ridiculous stitches that could be torn out to allow him to speak.  There would have been no need for a feeding tube, unless he were to use that one that is commonly called a ‘straw’.


While I was glad that Reid got his moment in the garage, all I could think of was-----Don’t they have any soap and hot water?


The unsub taking a text in the middle of murdering his victim, and Reid’s explanation to the tune of ‘he didn’t want to wait around for an embolism'.  An air embolism, injected into the carotid, would have been instantaneous. 


Finally, two questions:
Why was Reid the only BAU member not wearing a radio when they went into the garage?  Does he always have to be accompanied by an adult?


The first two victims were killed in Albany and Seattle, which is where we first saw Rossi and Morgan.  Why were they being autopsied in DC?  Morgan left the round table room, went to the autopsy, and then immediately returned.  When he said, about the unsub, “This guy travels thousands of miles in two days, so he probably doesn’t sleep,” I thought---just like you, Derek.


Overall, a decent start that didn’t excite me but didn’t bore me either.  And then, there was Reid.  So I'm happy.

  • Love 8

Thanks for that info about the grenade, FA.

I was thinking they should have wrapped something around the unsub's hand to hold the grenade closed until they could find something to stick inside where the pin should go. Might not have been comfortable for him, but better than being blown up or having acid poured on his hands-- which reminds me: battery acid eats through metal. Why didn't Reid remember that? You'd think he would have mentioned that it eats through metal (although I don't know if it eats through that fast or fizzes that much). It would be pretty damn dangerous to put the acid on the metal since it would eat through it.


Did they ever say the name of the automotive adhesive used? I want to look up whether or not it adheres to human skin.


I agree that the medical stuff in this was just bad.


IIRC, the "mole" was the cop who was being blackmailed by the unsub because his wife had hired the unsub to kill her drug dealer.

  • Love 3

Decent episode, with contributions from everyone.  I agree with Old Dog about the dark scenes.  I would assume the actors and fight coordinators worked hard on that fight scene, but all I could make out were bodies moving violently in the dark. It might as well have happened off screen.


I also didn't understand where Morgan's anger came from.  Haven't other unsubs tried to kill him before?  Or were none of them apprehended alive? 


I liked Tara, but I thought Garcia's appreciation of Tara's performance on the phone was a bit over the top, especially the mesmerized, jaw-dropped look Garcia had on her face at the end.


I don't understand the connection between EM's spoilers and how this episode actually played out, but then again I don't think the two of us spend much time on the same wavelength.  


I, for one, will enjoy the next few JJ-free episodes.  

  • Love 8

I spent more time than I should have puzzling over the bad guy's injuries. Getting shot in the jaw might require some sort of immobilization (thus requiring a feeding tube, but one of a straw-like variety) but it wouldn't render him silent. I can't believe that this dude never groaned, grunted or made any other noises to supplement his written communiques with his victims. Also, those stitches couldn't have been all that strong if he could rip them apart to speak to Morgan at the end. That was all just strange.


I like the psychiatrist so far, except for her non-ironic "2 AM is my jam." I don't want to hear anyone say "[x] is my jam" unless it's incredibly obvious that they are doing it for truly comic effect.

  • Love 3

Overnight ratings were 2.0 and less than 10 million viewers. It actually got less than a 2.0 but it was close enough to be rounded out to a 2..0. Here is hoping the final ratings don't have it adjusting down. That is down from the 2.7 it got with last season's premiere. And from the comments I've seen very few people seem to be giving it a pass for having to go up against Empire this time around. The sad irony of it all, this was probably one of the best written season premieres this show has had in quite a while. Even if the writing does improve and CM starts returning more to the things we originally loved about it, I do wonder if it going to be a case of too little too late in helping to secure a season 12 for it. ON the positive side so far only NCIS and Scorpion  beat it in the demo for their premiere's. And if these ratings hold CM will once again be Wednesday night's #1 drama.

  • Love 2

Well now I am officially done with the show which after about twenty minutes I dubbed "The Man Show." Criminal Minds has officially got rid of all its women except Garcia to so much so that they had Garcia attempting to profile.

Don't get me wrong I was kinda done with the show last season. I liked JJ and she was my only reason for sticking around but now well.....

Well now I am officially done with the show which after about twenty minutes I dubbed "The Man Show." Criminal Minds has officially got rid of all its women except Garcia to so much so that they had Garcia attempting to profile.

Don't get me wrong I was kinda done with the show last season. I liked JJ and she was my only reason for sticking around but now well.....

JJ will be back all too soon.

  • Love 4

Well now I am officially done with the show which after about twenty minutes I dubbed "The Man Show." Criminal Minds has officially got rid of all its women except Garcia to so much so that they had Garcia attempting to profile.

Don't get me wrong I was kinda done with the show last season. I liked JJ and she was my only reason for sticking around but now well.....


I don't understand.  Two women left, of their own accord, to have children, one temporarily and one permanently.  The show introduced a new 'temporary' female character last night, while also giving us a scene of the one on maternity leave.  There is also another female FBI agent prominently visible in the preview for next week.  


Was there something else you thought should happen?

  • Love 10

Well now I am officially done with the show which after about twenty minutes I dubbed "The Man Show." Criminal Minds has officially got rid of all its women except Garcia to so much so that they had Garcia attempting to profile.

Don't get me wrong I was kinda done with the show last season. I liked JJ and she was my only reason for sticking around but now well.....

You do realize JJ is going to be back that she is just on maternity leave. I for one found it rather refreshing that the men particularly Reid for once didn't have to take a backseat to JJ aka the Mary Sue aka MESSer's perfect little princess aka the precious. And if we end up with another season of that bleeping Mary Sue being shoved down our throats once again I just might be the one leaving.

  • Love 6

What exactly was the show supposed to do in the wake of Jennifer's VOLUNTARY departure and AJ's maternity leave? They are bringing in Aisha to cover the gap until JJ returns. That will leave them with four male profilers and one female profiler- a configuration they had for six years that worked quite well. Since it doesn't seem like they will ever have another media liaison, this is a perfect number of profilers to ensure that the main cast gets enough attention. 

  • Love 6

What exactly was the show supposed to do in the wake of Jennifer's VOLUNTARY departure and AJ's maternity leave? They are bringing in Aisha to cover the gap until JJ returns. That will leave them with four male profilers and one female profiler- a configuration they had for six years that worked quite well. Since it doesn't seem like they will ever have another media liaison, this is a perfect number of profilers to ensure that the main cast gets enough attention. 

I agree what exactly could the show have done. They certainly couldn't deny AJ Cook her maternity leave. She needed it and she was entitled to it. And one would think that a fan of hers would be happy that she was getting the rest that she needed and was entitled to.

  • Love 5

Some people are just never happy.


Since CM is now against Empire, I really think they need a better edge. It would be great if Andrew Wilder came back. Maybe he could even run the show. He's got his act together now, and he might have some good ideas for it. He was the one who used to attend forensic conferences and is more in tune with police work. It wouldn't be the same as having Ed back, but I think he'd really help with making the police work more solid.

  • Love 3

Well now I am officially done with the show which after about twenty minutes I dubbed "The Man Show." Criminal Minds has officially got rid of all its women except Garcia to so much so that they had Garcia attempting to profile.

Don't get me wrong I was kinda done with the show last season. I liked JJ and she was my only reason for sticking around but now well.....


Women have babies, they're entitled to time off (well technically not entitled in the USA). And her replacement is a woman. 


It struck me as odd that they're only interviewing for JJ's replacement now, after she's had her baby. Won't she be back in a couple of weeks?

  • Love 1

Women have babies, they're entitled to time off (well technically not entitled in the USA). And her replacement is a woman. 


It struck me as odd that they're only interviewing for JJ's replacement now, after she's had her baby. Won't she be back in a couple of weeks?

AJ just recently returned to work from having taken time off for maternity leave. Aside from that brief cameo appearance that explain her absence, she was out for the first 6 episode.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 1

Women have babies, they're entitled to time off (well technically not entitled in the USA). And her replacement is a woman. 


It struck me as odd that they're only interviewing for JJ's replacement now, after she's had her baby. Won't she be back in a couple of weeks?

JJ is back in episode 7. But don't forget they are looking for a replacement for Kate also.

  • Love 2

Did they say they are looking for a replacement? I thought they were ok with the status quo.


Someone on IMDB pointed out how odd it was that none of the SWAT team recognized the captain's wife. Wouldn't they have met her?


And the battery acid on the grenade thing is starting to bug me more now because Reid would know the acid eats through metal and it seems rather dumb to put that on the grenade-- unless the grenade was plastic-- but he would still know that the handle was metal. I just think there were better ways of dealing with it. I'm pretty sure that they would have something to nullify the adhesive in case of an accident.

  • Love 1

You do realize JJ is going to be back that she is just on maternity leave. I for one found it rather refreshing that the men particularly Reid for once didn't have to take a backseat to JJ aka the Mary Sue aka MESSer's perfect little princess aka the precious. And if we end up with another season of that bleeping Mary Sue being shoved down our throats once again I just might be the one leaving.

I really enjoyed the episode and it crossed my mind that not having JJ or other female characters heavily involved was a big part of that. Don't get me wrong. I loved JJ in the early seasons. I adored Emily and Elle and I also liked Blake and Callahan. Seaver was a huge mistake. Absolutely hated her. But it was refreshing to have Reid get some decent stuff to do for a change and to behave like the intelligent adult he is. Could have been a tad more Hotch for my taste but I loved that both he and Rossi were strong, more like their old selves. Never been a huge Morgan fan, but I was okay with his scenes. Garcia -  don't know. I hated her opening outfit again. And her adoration of the new female was over the top. My only complaint about the newbie was her hair. She's such a beautiful woman. I'm tired of the CM hair and makeup people turning out such crappy looks. 


As for the story line it mostly held my interest. There were attempts to get back to the kind of profiling and effects we loved in the early seasons. I think Rossi even mentioned that Morgan's specialty was obsessive crimes. That's something they haven't touched on since maybe season 1. As for the unsub, I'll have to watch again to put the whole plot together, but all I could think of with that partially covered face was the old Bazooka Joe comics with the guy (was it Mort?) who had his face half-covered by a red turtleneck. Anyone here besides me old enough to remember that? Not sure where they're going with this network of killers connected to the unsub, but I thought the whole pulling out the stitches thing was reminiscent of the kind of gory stuff Janine would write, so not a fan. And I totally agree with everyone who pointed out that injury wouldn't have prevented him from talking or ingesting liquids. Still I liked the episode and considered it a good start to the season. 

  • Love 7

You do realize JJ is going to be back that she is just on maternity leave. I for one found it rather refreshing that the men particularly Reid for once didn't have to take a backseat to JJ aka the Mary Sue aka MESSer's perfect little princess aka the precious. And if we end up with another season of that bleeping Mary Sue being shoved down our throats once again I just might be the one leaving.


I do agree sooo much!

I hope writers tone up JJ when she is back and keep this dinamic, it's not perfect but it has been the best in years and I didn't miss JJ a single bit, actually her scene was cute.

It really seems EM has been reading fans complains or something because: they worked as a team and different degrees of expertise; Rossi was great with the cops and not the lately sappy; Hotch in command (and no Haley photos in his office, there are Jack's pictures, that makes sense); Reid didn't look stupid, Morgan his angry-self; Morgan and García were lighter than usual and the newbie was ok, I didn't like the comment about her father either! but was an ok introduction.

so the big question is if they will be capable of keep all this when AJ Cook is back. I'm crossing fingers.

(sorry for grammar mistakes)

Edited by smoker
  • Love 6

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