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S31: Monica Padilla


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Moved this from an ETA above since I think we cross posted on our most recent posts:



ETA:  I now see what you were saying and that you said Kelly, when you meant Monica, as the one remaining in your original post.  Not sure I agree it would be exactly the same, who knows what buff Monica would have drawn, who knows how she being there would change the tribe's dynamic.  I don't think it is as simple as swapping out one for the other and assuming all things remain the same.

Edited by pennben
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Oops, my mistake, original post fixed.


I will concede that you are correct. There is no guarantee that she winds up on the same tribe.

However if she does wind up on that tribe, the dynamics change by a lot.  Abi's no longer needed meaning that Andrew's probably the one to go tonight. Abi's now a free agent, Kass/Ciera provide a connection to Kelley. 

But is Savage gone a bad thing for Kimmi? Jeremy has to put more trust in her and has less options at the merge. Which was kinda the main point of the "bad move for Kimmi," crowd, good players kept their options open for as long as possible. Now we come to the merge where Jeremy can kinda go where ever he wants to go while Kimmi's kinda stuck with one choice. 

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Abi's no longer needed meaning that Andrew's probably the one to go tonight. Abi's now a free agent, Kass/Ciera provide a connection to Kelley.
Maybe. Monica and Kass didn't get along on Bayon and Monica didn't have much love for Spencer, so it's also possible that absolutely nothing would have changed. Or Monica may have drawn a different buff, and the butterfly wings of probability would have brought a different group for swap.
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Had Monica been in the game instead of Kelly and all else the same, it seems to me it would have been good for Monica, and not affect Kimmi badly at all.  Monica would have joined up with the women here, whether with or without Spencer, not with or without Abi.  There's no downside for Kimmi that Woo went home.  There would also be no downside, for that matter, with Andrew going home, unless I've missed some secret scene where Andrew and Kimmi had a super-close connection during the few days they spent together.  Kimmi gets to the merge with the option to join those women, or to be the double agent to get revenge on them, or whatever she wants.  Instead, as she is now, she is roped to Jeremy and Stephen; and as we see, Jeremy is only thinking of himself (as he should be, as Kimmi should have been) and wants to keep threatening men to hide behind, i.e., not Kimmi.

Edited by KimberStormer
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Stephen described Monica as someone who was "driving 90 mph in a school zone" and that she was "schemes". Him and Jeremy have both strongly hinted that they threw the last challenge to get rid of her. It sounds to me like sh was doing something interesting out there. As to why she wasn't shown much? No idea but then again these are the same producers who thought Savage's story about meeting his wife was the most romantic thing ever and that Spencer's story about he is a big boy now because he caught a minnow was interesting. To Ms. Blue Jay's question above about her ethnicity, Monica is Puerto Rican.

Why it wasn't shown? Because TPTB don't think we are interested in pre-jury boots, unless they are "characters" that they are thinking of bringing back, or give exceptionally entertaining soundbites. In other words, this comment below (sorry I cannot quote you both, the quote function doesn't work on multiple post pages for me) 

I think she probably was doing interesting stuff, but since she got voted off early due to that or saying the wrong thing to Kimmi, the editors didn't think there was any reason to show it. I know most didn't remember her from her first season, but she was clear in my mind, she got under Russell's skin like crazy, so I appreciated her for that, and that made her memorable to me. Of course, she's also probably one of the top five most beautiful women to ever play Survivor, so that helped as well.

I do remember her very well too and she's one that could have deserved the nickname "firecracker" in her first season - not lethal enough to turn to game around but disruptive enough to unsettle the people in a strong position. As to that "top five", well, there's been so many beautiful women on this game that I'm not sure of the ranking any more - straight female speaking :-) but in the brunette category, I would have at least three above her in 2 seconds flat. 

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