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K is for King of Hell:

Olivette the hamster proves useful. http://archiveofourown.org/works/4480574

Poor Crowley, how to count the ways of what to do for revenge...that should keep him on his toes.  Nice one, and thanks for the chuckles.  It must be boring to be a demon that lives forever and a King.  Why he doesn't make his chair more comfortable is beyond me...I mean he should figure out a way to make it look like a throne but still be comfortable to sit on.  LOL

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If I'm writing too much, it's because I've had my fiction writing need bottled up for something like 25 years. I wrote historical fiction--like a 40-page scene between two aristocratic French brothers at the start of the French Revolution!--in my high school history class instead of term papers. (My history teacher gobbled them up. That one got the comment, "Uh-oh! I see a Reign of Terror looming in the distance!")

I went into college with the expressed plan to make my living as an adult writing historical romances. Then I flunked German (which I was taking for the sole purpose of researching my history). Oops. And dropped out of college. (Went back and got a degree years later.). Then I got sucked into business writing and programming.

So what you're getting is the feeding of a long-buried monster. And it's HUUUUUNNNNGGGGRRRYYYY...like, "Feed me, Seymour!" hungry.

Anyway, this is a sort of apology/explanation for why I'm flooding y'all.

With that, I've completed "Bindings" and started work on a sequel because my one commenter on it was worried about Sam at the end. Um. So if anyone's interested, here's chapter one of "Bad Blood":


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Oh gods you guys. I seriously can't stop watching that vine with Dean and Cas. I cry laugh every time. Take it away from me. 


Like any of us would dare do that!


We all like our limbs! And I myself would like to live a few more years...

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I know, I know.


Tomorrow will be the last workshop until October and so I can then finally spend more time rather than bits and pieces here and there. For some odd reason my bug stuff and my writing stuff seem to clash with each other in my brain, so when I've got bug stuff to do, there's not enough room in my brain for the fanfiction creativity and vica versa.


I should be getting it posted for you very soon though... I'm mostly trying to find that good "stopping point" (the chapter is long enough) that will feel like a natural break.


But it's good that I've got you poking me - you are my biggest fan by the way - because it gives me the motivation to keep going. For some reason the story doesn't seem to be resonating with many, which is not going to stop me from writing it because I like it, but does sometimes make me wonder if I'm going in the right direction or not with the fic. (Maybe it's a little too weird?). I still seem to get much more traffic for my Buffy fic, and that one is like 10 years + old. (Then again that one's kinda weird also, but there is a "romance" sort of, so...) I'm not even sure how people are finding that one to be honest... it has to be buried in the middle somewhere of like 100 pages of fic at least. And it's really long, so I'm usually impressed that people even invest the time to finish it. I don't get much feedback anymore, but the steady numbers for people reading keep on going.


Okay enough babbling... I'm done with the bug work for tonight, so I'll go write for a bit before I have to go to sleep.

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Now I'm going to have to find your Buffy fanfic!


One of the reasons I like your writing, is because it flows so well. I like longer fanfic, that has more complicated and involved storylines. Plus your ideas are original, and not just a re-hash of the show.


I understand that work comes first, (even spiders ::shudder::), but I'm so into this story, I lose perspective sometimes. I mean you have to work right? But I'm happy the last workshop is tomorrow!

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Oh, finding my Buffy fanfic is fairly easy. On any of my Supernatural fanfics you've been reading, just click on my pen name for that site (Night Nymph) up in the left hand corner, and that will take you to my profile page which has most of my fic. "In His Shadow" seems to be the favorite. I wrote it many years ago though, so the first couple chapters are a little wordy and slow until I hit my stride. The sequel is unfinished as of yet, but it still has some good stuff in it I think (though it is a bit darker.) "A Renewed Nostalgia For Nail Polish" is more dryly comedic... and a bit odd with a little bit of a difference in style.


For both it definitely helps to know the Buffy characters and storyline as I don't rehash the plotlines but jump right into the story, but if you haven't watched Buffy, I can PM you a summary of previous goings ons to get you to where you need to be. If you do know Buffy - and hopefully like Spike, Buffy, Angel, and Tara, I think you may enjoy without the need for summary. I am an unapologetic souled Spike/Buffy shipper and a Spike/Dawn friendship person, so both will be a part of the story. You may also find my odd variation of Buffy/Spike/Angel, because I like that non-traditional ship as well.


I hope that you will enjoy, and it may give you some more stuff to read between SPN fanfics.

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This made me teary eyed.

I know there are viewers that find no reason to ship Destiel. Some of the argument is "Dean has never been shown to be gay or bi" and why I never thought of this before as a Torchwood fan, I should have. But this tumblr post is beautiful because FOR ME this would work IF they were to make Destiel canon, from Dean's viewpoint.


"So you're into guys now?"
"It's not men. It's him. It's only him."

Also, Ianto..../sniff


Edited by catrox14
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Not really Destiel?!? Holy cow, it's like totally Destiel! Awesome video, thanks for linking it.

For those that see a strong bro romance it could be that way but I can see the Destiel as well.  I liked the full circle of course it was what they like to do in Supernatural, rinse and repeat but this one doesn't bother me as much because it hasn't been beaten to death like the brother's fighting.  :)

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To me Destiel is the romantic/sexual relationship.  I thought that video was more about their relationship in total. It's all about the love they have for each other. I was just trying to make clear it wasn't like a sexual thing. Sorry for any offense

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No offense taken, at all! I just thought it was interesting how you saw non-Sestiel and I saw total-Destiel. ;-)

I just think it's a cool way to illustrate how people's beliefs influence their perceptions. I admit, I ship Destiel big time, so my viewpoint is tainted by predisposition.

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Oh I go back and forth on shipping Destiel but I just thought that was all about their totality in their relationship vs just the long looks that are possibly romantic love if that makes sense. And it reminded me of how much I need them to be on the same side again :(. It broke my heart!  I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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My favorite parts in no particular order


Benny Hill theme with the sped up chase in the lair

"I'm gonna make you beg for it " extended version

Dean snoring and Sam slapping him

And the scream


But really the whole thing made me laugh so hard.

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Okay, maybe I've missed this in our fan fiction discussion but I've started reading basically a novel at A03 that is just unbelievably good called

Down to Agincourt


I've just started it and my brain is already  broken...and help me.


I want this to be a real thing now. Like just reboot the show using this story and I'm so there..  meep.

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I've seen that recommended multiple times. So...is it Sam, Dean, and Cas in King Arthur's day?

Another one that's been recommended multiple times is Twist And Shout. They all rave...I couldn't get into it. :-( But y'all should give it a try, it's about Dean and Cas in the early sixties...I'd post the link, but the forum is giving me fits and won't let me. (Damn thing keeps reloading on certain pages, like this one.)

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