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  On 6/6/2015 at 7:07 PM, catrox14 said:

Cool thanks I'll noodle on it.

Just let us know where you do post it.  Links help us that don't know all the places.  lol

  On 6/6/2015 at 8:21 PM, Mick Lady said:

What the hell is AO3?! I swear I can't keep up with this stuff. I like links ;)

It's okay there are nice folks that will help us that don't know how, although I've never done a blog or live journal.  There is more out there than I have time for...hence the reason many of my long fics are undone. ;)

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  On 6/6/2015 at 9:18 PM, 7kstar said:

Just let us know where you do post it.  Links help us that don't know all the places.  lol

It's okay there are nice folks that will help us that don't know how, although I've never done a blog or live journal.  There is more out there than I have time for...hence the reason many of my long fics are undone. ;)


Well, get crackin'!


I swear "noodle on it" is becoming the motto of this place! What the hell are the less talented of us supposed to do all summer?


I swear I'm gonna start handing out deadlines...

Edited by Mick Lady
  On 6/7/2015 at 3:57 AM, Mick Lady said:

Well, get crackin'!


I swear "noodle on it" is becoming the motto of this place! What the hell are the less talented of us supposed to do all summer?


I swear I'm gonna start handing out deadlines...

Hey start with the ones done...I've got a few that will get you by for a bit.  Plus the monster is almost 30 chapters over 60,000. words so it will take you a few days to read.  :)  What can I say the muse is fickle but I have a  short one buzzing around so maybe some good reviews will spark my muse into overdrive...you just never know.  Hee hee!

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  On 6/7/2015 at 4:59 AM, 7kstar said:

Hey start with the ones done...I've got a few that will get you by for a bit.  Plus the monster is almost 30 chapters over 60,000. words so it will take you a few days to read.  :)  What can I say the muse is fickle but I have a  short one buzzing around so maybe some good reviews will spark my muse into overdrive...you just never know.  Hee hee!


Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Dedication! Thank you!


Awesom04000 has some great stuff up too (Swore I wouldn't call it awesome. See how well I did?)


So with these I at least  have some good stuff to read while catrox14 noodles, what ever that means!


Rue721, I think you're on to something! What a great way to pass the summer! Get on it. Please?

  On 6/7/2015 at 5:06 AM, rue721 said:

Hey, what do you guys think about doing a writing "challenge"?


Well, or about challenges in general? I've heard of them, but never participated.

Writing Challenges is how I got started.  Let me sleep on it and I have a few ideas, I'm just exhausted from the end of the year and a lot of pain.  So I guess the question is who is interested in playing.  Key word, playing and supporting each other. 

  On 6/7/2015 at 6:46 AM, 7kstar said:

So I guess the question is who is interested in playing.  Key word, playing and supporting each other. 


Count me in! I think it would be fun to see everyone's different takes on a prompt. IA that we've got talented/smart people around here, so I think the stories are likely to be really fun. Plus, if Mick Lady wants deadlines... :P

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fanfiction net is easy to use because if you write in word, you just upload the document and then publish.  Also if you don't have an account you just need an email and you could use your user name for this site. 


I have to finish my clearing out my classroom on Monday but I should be able to start it in a few.  I was dead yesterday but like Dean and Sam I seem to be coming back to life.  lol


Prompts are easy...putting an ending is the hard part...




Okay, I've got AO3, now how best to navigate? Say I want to find a specific poster's work, how do I find it?


Good Grief, there's a fic that starts out "Dean clenched his jaw for a second, steeling himself. “Sam, I think I’m gay,” he said loudly."


I will not accept that! Not Dean!


Not that there's anything wrong with that...except here.

Edited by Mick Lady
  On 6/8/2015 at 12:23 AM, Omegamom said:

::shuffles feet, bites lip, looks down nervously::

I have something I've been working on. Any interest? It's a work in progress...

I have those, hence the reason I plan on trying to wrap one up...I hope.  :)  So post a link and if I have time I'll look it over.  I don't think you'll have to worry about any of us flaming ya.  I might give suggestions...but I'll never be cruel.


Mick Lady - on Archive of their Own -- not one I use a lot, since I usually go to fanfiction net first.  (It's where I post my stuff.)


Looks like you can click on TV shows, then supernatural and if you know the author then search from there.  Maybe some others know the site better so they can help out more.


Sometimes I just google hurt Dean fanfiction and go from there, although I have a lot of different places I go to read fic and not just supernatural.  Usually it's summer when I get to do that.  But be warned, fanfiction will have some really weird stuff out there and if you don't like, just stop reading and move on.  When I first started reading fanfiction, I finished many bad fics but now if I just don't like it or it is too hard to read, I stop and move on. 


If the fic is slash - gay relationships - wincest - brothers together-- it is usually marked so you can avoid it.  I've even seen spanking fics - sheesh -- not my cup of tea.




Writing Prompts ---

First one because, well I want to know.  "Why did Dean's eyes bleed in Blood Mary?"


Too hard...fine


Pick a word that starts with the letter A.  Ex. Abandoned, Adolescent, Adorable, Amused

Don't want to hunt for a word, pick from one of the 4 above.


We could start it on Sunday and you have a week to get it done.  No more than 500 words. 

So since we aren't all aboard yet, let's give two weeks for this first one.  The next time we go to letter B and so on. 


Everyone understand the prompt????  We can make up rules if needed as issues pop up, but I think less is more.  This isn't suppose to be a masterpiece.  Write, edit but once the time is up, post.  Any questions?


ETA: Forgot ---  I did forget one rule, you have to use the word in your story.  OOPS!

Edited by 7kstar
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  On 6/8/2015 at 4:49 AM, Altered Reality said:

7kstar, you are a teacher, right? It might be showing, a bit :D


I don't generally read fanfic, but I'd be interested in reading the works that come out of these prompts.

Yes, I teach, middle school Drama & Debate.  I can't help it...I've been teaching too long!  Please forgive me.  Funny thing, middle school kids think I don't tell them enough...I can't please anyone can I!  :)


I did forget one rule, you have to use the word in your story.  OOPS!

Edited by 7kstar
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  On 6/8/2015 at 7:57 PM, Omegamom said:

Hah! I *can* write something short!

A is for anole (and B is for bees):


Poor Dean, I think I agree with him though.  Trying to keep it vague so I don't spoil it for others.  congrats, great job and you did two in one.  cheater!  :)  Are you trying to get an A?  lol  Nope I'm on summer break, no grading for me!  yeah.  :)

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  On 6/8/2015 at 7:57 PM, Omegamom said:

Hah! I *can* write something short!

A is for anole (and B is for bees):



I finally got to read your story - I had to get mine out of my head first. Stupid thing wouldn't go away until I wrote it down. Yours is much sunnier I must say. I loved your descriptions of the bees. And I love Anoles. They seem to like the sound of my voice. The Carolina ones I can coax to come out and get on my hand sometimes.


But I also agree with 7kstar. Poor Dean. He and bees do not mix.


I don't do tumbler or any of those things - I'm a fuddy-duddy - so I thought that I would comment here. I thoroughly enjoyed your interlude.

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We have some talented writers here! But by the quality of the commentary here, I shouldn't be surprised.

You got Sam's determination and steely will down pat. And it's a good explanation for his state of mind in the finale, too!

Tumblr. Eh. It's slow as molasses. I used to have my own domain and a wordpress blog, which I wrote at faithfully for about eight years, 2003-2011. Essays, pics of the kiddo and family, commentary on various subjects. I need to resurrect it; let the domain lapse and someone took it. Grrr. And then never did anything with it!

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AwesomO's story:


  On 6/9/2015 at 10:18 PM, Omegamom said:

You got Sam's determination and steely will down pat. And it's a good explanation for his state of mind in the finale, too!


Definitely agree! I really liked that second para. You could really feel Sam getting himself all worked up.


I wish that catrox's and AwesomO's stories could be mashed together somehow. Maybe in some kind of literary split-screen. They contrast really well.


Omegamom, I think that I liked Cas better in your story than I have since the days when he was imploding gas station Quick-e-Marts in S4.


Hey, if everyone wants to write from the POV of a different character...I wonder if there's some way to collaborate and put together a group story. Like, if catrox does Dean's POV, AwesomeO does Sam's, Omegamom does Cas's...?


OK wait, is this how RPG stuff gets started? LOL

Edited by rue721
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  On 6/11/2015 at 4:28 AM, Omegamom said:

For 7kstar (how do you tag someone??):

Secret - http://yetanothersupernaturalfan.tumblr.com/post/121245897049/secret


To do a simple tag type the user name and then put a @ before the name.  Or you can cheat, quote something you want from that person and only keep a bit of what they want by hitting the quote marks on the end of their posts.  Hope that makes sense.


I liked it, sneaky how you tied it to season 10.  :)  Very nice job of filling the void of why Dean's eyes bled red.  Loved it.


Well I broke the word count, so I figured what the heck I would write two words in one and then it wouldn't matter if it was longer.  So how about 500 to 750 words. 


Unless you really demand that we stick with 500.  But I warn ya, I'm a drama person and we love to bend or break rules.  :)  Also I don't teach writing...so no guarantee that my writing measures up. 


ETA:  I should have mine up tomorrow...to tired to finish it tonight.

Edited by 7kstar

Here's mine. So far, the story has "A is for Absorbent" and "B is for Bounty."


Please be gentle! :) I used to love writing, but haven't done any in years and years (because of nerves!), and have never tried fanfic before.


This was supposed to be(come) a crossover between My Name is Earl and SPN -- with Joy et al as the People in Peril. But this fanfiction stuff is really difficult! So Joy, Earl, Randy, Crabman -- none of them have even entered the story yet. Despite my best efforts. Oh well, maybe I can add them in next week with "C is for Crabman." :P


Also, I couldn't get Sam's voice right. It doesn't sound like Sam at ALL. So frustrating. How do you guys make the characters sound like themselves? Any tips for what Sam in particular sounds like? (Well, or any of the other characters, but Sam's the only SPN character I've tried writing so far).

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I don't know "My Name Is Earl", but I'm eager to find out what's in that laundry room! Good job!

As for how to get the voice down...I try to "hear" the character in my head. I use character catchphrases or characteristics--like you did with In-And-Out Burgers tempting Dean, a very "Dean" thing.

Dean's more rough around the edges with his dialog, and his catchphrases are things like "Awesome!" or "Son of a bitch!". Sam fidgets. He hits his thighs when frustrated (and sitting down). Sam speaks in longer sentences, Dean is more choppy. Sam says "Now, get this...!" when something catches his attention during research. When I think of Sam doing things, I think of Jared's acting in "I Know What You Did Last Summer", where Ruby is being "sympathetic"--he fidgets, he looks away, his crashes his feet on the floor, he turns his head away and bites his lip, and *then* he says the greeting card line.

Dunno. Mainly, like I said, I try to "hear" them. And "see" them.

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  On 6/12/2015 at 10:57 PM, rue721 said:

Here's mine. So far, the story has "A is for Absorbent" and "B is for Bounty."


Please be gentle! :) I used to love writing, but haven't done any in years and years (because of nerves!), and have never tried fanfic before.


Also, I couldn't get Sam's voice right. It doesn't sound like Sam at ALL. So frustrating. How do you guys make the characters sound like themselves? Any tips for what Sam in particular sounds like? (Well, or any of the other characters, but Sam's the only SPN character I've tried writing so far).

 You have some interesting moments to set up the story and I loved the insults the kids were throwing.


I might suck at the voices, but usually I find a voice in my head that feels like the characters.  I sometimes look at a picture or watch a clip to try to find that voice that fits the boys.  Sometimes I think I do and other times not so sure but this is where reviews come into play.   


My first fanfiction was crap...not gonna lie.  I'm rewriting a lot that I posted just because I didn't get it.  So you learn by trail and error.  You can't improve with taking risks and that's the point for us to have a group that will help us get better without damaging our egos.  :)


Here's mine http://www.fanfiction.net/s/11310065/1/A-Burden-on-his-Brother-s-Soul


I did do two words, so that fact it's over 500 won't count against me???  I hope I got the voices right.  I've posted several stories and I still get nervous.  I'm hoping one day I'll get good enough to publish some plays but you can't do anything without taking risks.  I hope you all enjoy it.

Edited by 7kstar
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  On 6/13/2015 at 7:23 PM, SueB said:

That was PERFECT!  Well done.  Working Cole in there -- stroke of brilliance.  


*slinks off bemoaning lack of writing skills*

I agree with Sue B review...


@Sue B everytime I write I think why did I post that...I'm not a writer...  But then I do it again.  So I guess I'm just glutton for punishment!  I still get excited if I get a review.  lol

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I'm lost in fanfic! I'll be back, but I can't stop reading everyone's great stuff!


I'm really impressed with how good you all are at dialog, it's so difficult to write, but when you nail it, you nail it! I wouldn't even attempt it myself. 7kstar, your killing me!

Great stuff! A Burden On His Brother's Soul has some truly wonderful insights!

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Well, I back! I've been too busy to get on line for the past couple days, (not that anyone noticed!), due to the fact our gardens decided they wanted to grow weeds rather than flowers and vegetables. Mick and I have been on our hands and knees for three days!.


I'm catching up this weekend on the wonderful fanfic you guys are turning out, so please continue and post links! I promise to comment, with my usual witty observations!


"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill

"Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in response.


And yeah, I'm a bit drunk!

  • Love 4

Welcome back, Mick Lady!


I can so sympathize with the garden situation. My hubby headed it off at the pass this year by blanketing the entire garden with a weedblock which we take out sections or holes to plant in. It has worked well.


To celebrate your return, here is a present for you: Your Chapter that I promised you. I hope you and Mick enjoy reading it together.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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