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Criminal Minds Fanfiction

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Yesterday, I started writing a rough draft (a very rough draft) of a Spencer-related fan fiction piece. I'm only a few paragraphs in and it might take me a while to write more of it. But may I share this rough first chapter here just to get your ideas before I go on? I haven't written fiction in ages (let alone fan fiction), and I'd like some feedback before I move on.

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23 minutes ago, JMO said:

Thanks, Senin!  I probably should have warned you that I use a lot of idiom, which might be annoying to the non-native English reader. But, maybe it's a good way to learn more, as you point out.  I've heard of people who learned the language through watching situation comedies, and thought it helped them learn both the text and the sub-text.  

Name two things which are hard for people learning English: prepositions and idioms!! If I have to name a third it would be phrasal verbs. So anything which helps in getting to know them better is welcome. (Even if you have to stop reading the story to find out the meaning) 

I might have mentioned it before somewhere in the forum, the binge-watching of CM I've made this summer has made wonders for my English. I understand more, I speak more fluently, with less hesitations, I've learnt new words, expressions and "cultural things"... Reading and writing here has also been a great help. 

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On 7/10/2016 at 2:12 AM, JMO said:

Because there wasn't enough Reid:


Spoilers for 12X02, 'Sick Day'.

I finally got to read this and , as usual, WOW!! I absolutely loved it!! 


On 7/10/2016 at 2:22 AM, ReidFan said:

nicely done JMO :) 

I think you know them better than the writers do 

I agree, I was reading and thinking: that's exactly what he/she would say, or feel, or how they would look. It was so good!!

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OK I just need to set this out somewhere. I read a lot of fanfiction - especially as the actual writing on the show has declined so much over recent years. I DO NOT LIKE OR WANT this rash of fiction appearing where "Reader" is the hero/heroine of the story. I want to read about my favourite characters, not think of myself in the story. Over the last 6 months or so it seems every other story is Spencer Reid/Reader or Aaron Hotchner/Reader. Is this a teen thing? I get irritated reading stories where Y/N appears all the time - I presume this stands for Your Name. Or is it just that I am an old fogey and it doesn't bother anyone else?

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2 hours ago, Old Dog said:

OK I just need to set this out somewhere. I read a lot of fanfiction - especially as the actual writing on the show has declined so much over recent years. I DO NOT LIKE OR WANT this rash of fiction appearing where "Reader" is the hero/heroine of the story. I want to read about my favourite characters, not think of myself in the story. Over the last 6 months or so it seems every other story is Spencer Reid/Reader or Aaron Hotchner/Reader. Is this a teen thing? I get irritated reading stories where Y/N appears all the time - I presume this stands for Your Name. Or is it just that I am an old fogey and it doesn't bother anyone else?

Preach on, sister!  I can't stand it either.  I haven't attempted to read one but I get irked just reading the descriptions.

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I personally agree, Old Dog, and to me it's laziness. It somewhat resembles the laziness of the writing on the show, which, rather than developing the characters of the profilers and/or delving into the real psychology behind real serial crimes, has devolved into the Salacious Unsub of the Week. 

I'm not a writer (at this point), but when I read, I like to have the engaging characters of the show front and center, and peripheral characters fleshed out to support a story. Just having Reid looking into Y/N's eyes with desire ain't gonna hack it. So, yeah, there's been an big increase on the skips I've given the FFs lately. 

Edited by normasm
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6 hours ago, Old Dog said:

OK I just need to set this out somewhere. I read a lot of fanfiction - especially as the actual writing on the show has declined so much over recent years. I DO NOT LIKE OR WANT this rash of fiction appearing where "Reader" is the hero/heroine of the story. I want to read about my favourite characters, not think of myself in the story. Over the last 6 months or so it seems every other story is Spencer Reid/Reader or Aaron Hotchner/Reader. Is this a teen thing? I get irritated reading stories where Y/N appears all the time - I presume this stands for Your Name. Or is it just that I am an old fogey and it doesn't bother anyone else?

I don't like it either.  I suspect it is a younger group, and that it serves as some kind of fantasy fulfillment for them.  Those kinds of stories are actually prohibited on FFN, but you'd never know it, because it seems like many people either don't read or adhere to the guidelines, and the site isn't moderated very well, if at all.  Haven't seen the same prohibition at AO3.  Just not interesting.

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yeah, I don't like it either. And I won't read them. I think you're right JMO, it's a teen/young people thing and it's fantasy fulfillment for them. The only thing worse than those is the Real Person/Reader ones. Like really? Fanfiction about Matthew. *eye roll*

these are just one step up from  Mary Sues. Which of course, every JJ episode of the show actually is :) for Erica Messer.

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ReidFan, I haven't read your series, it's in my to-read list. I hope I will get to it some day or another, (or some year,  I don't have a lot of time now) 

A couple of days ago I read one of JMO's stories and I loved it, It's called "Ease On Down the Road" , I won't comment anything because I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it. 

Editing to add a question: ReidFan, I seem to remember that you said you had written a longer piece with the name "Surprises". I don't know if I missed it, or the one you posted today is just the beginning of it ... can you explain, please?

Edited by senin
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the story "Surprises" is complete, senin, but I've only posted the first chapter so far. And I'm currently working on the first Roxy story :) giving Melissa and Spencer a rest, I actually have three story ideas going on in the old noggin right now, and I decided to write the Roxy story first, cause, well, I love dogs. 

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This is basically my idea for an episode, but since it's not like I'll get hired as a writer (*hope*), it could work as a fanfiction...



I apologize in advance, fans of "Supernatural" (and "Psych")...



Spencer is depressed, trying to get used to Hotch no longer being a part of the team (no character death!). He grows fixated on two seemingly unrelated murders, from two different states (easy, since he subscribes to bunch of local newspapers-remember "Alchemy"?). In Santa Barbara, a young woman was drowned in her home, in a bathtub. In West Virginia, a middle aged local man was found shot to death in a local forest.



The matching factor seems to be that some bizarre crime had happened in the area shortly prior to each murder. About a week before that a woman was murdered, a local college student was found in a field near her home, unconscious and naked but alive, inside of what appeared to be a "crop circle". He had little to no recollection of the previous night. In West Virginia, a few days before the murder of that local man, a young couple (tourists) was found dead in that forest, mutilated and their hearts missing. The deaths were classified as an animal attack.



Spencer convinces his team mates to investigate the murders. It turns out that they are dealing with a team of (two) delusional unsubs, who travel around the USA, investigate the occurrences that they deem as supernatural, and murder people they conclude to be supernatural creatures (aliens, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, demons etc.)

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I'm looking for a story and I can't find it. In the summary it said that it was about Reid's words in 7x01 , when he said it wasn't fair to punish the team for his decisions, and really getting "punished" . (I hope you understand this, I don't remember the exact words) 

I couldn't read it at that moment and now I can't find it. Does the description sound familiar to anyone?? 

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I'm adding my multi-chapters over to AO3 at a glacial pace, haven't gotten to The Clone yet.

Here is a link to my main page at FFN, followed by one specific to The Clone, and then to Consequences.  




These might not be the ones you were looking for, Senin.  As I see now, there is no mention of 'Proof' in the summaries.  But that's what they're about.

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 LOL *duh* well no wonder I couldn't find them. I looked under author JMO (and there's like a million with some variation of that name). I completely forgot you were amusement345 over there...the ONLY author I have favourited at the moment. *snorts of self-deprecating laughter*

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5 hours ago, JMO said:

Could be one of mine, 'Consequences'.  If so, best to read 'The Clone' (much shorter) first, for background.

Thanks, JMO. I think it was one of yours, not so sure it's one of these. I had a look at them and decided to postpone the reading, because I don't have time for long stories now, so I'm only reading one-shots. When I finally get to read them, I'll tell you if they were the one I was looking for. By then you will have forgotten about this, I'm sure!!

Editing to say that I found it!! The comment I had read is not in the summary of the stories themselves, but in the short summary of all your stories, where you explain which stories form each series. And yes, the stories I was looking for are The Clone and Consequences. Thank you again!!

Edited by senin
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6 hours ago, JMO said:

loved them. You have a better handle on the characters than the staff writers do :)  I like your JJ better than the one depicted on the show, especially in Clone, explaining her post-Emily-is-dead-but-not-really antagonism to Reid so well.

Still not buying into Reid/JJ as a couple, but I did enjoy the friendship angle. And especially, Reid not being depicted as a 12 year old :) 

amusement345 still my favourite writer on fanficnet <3

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19 minutes ago, normasm said:

I thoroughly enjoyed that Riff!

I enjoyed it, too. Seriously, CM needs to hire our beloved ReidFan to write scripts. I bet if she teamed up with Kirsten, and Matthew was pegged to direct that particular episode, it would be totally masterclass!

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::blushes:: it'd be doable too, since there's so little Reid in it. (WHAT?! says everyone who's ever read my CM fic. Little  Reid?!! wth!?)

I just love that dog so much :) 

thanks Booky & Normasm for the votes of confidence

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I started writing the first chapter of some Spencer-related fan fic. I don't know how long it will take me to write a first draft of the chapter. I blame it on having other writing-related duties. But I think that's just an excuse. I'm really just scared out of my wits to write fiction. After years of writing mostly non-fiction, writing fiction is a new territory for me, especially writing fan fic about a character so beloved in these parts.

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32 minutes ago, normasm said:

I'm probably too scared to write fiction for the same reasons you listed, Booky. I'm sure you'll be fine, but I think mine might suck

Oh, I'm sure your fiction would be fine. I think it just takes practice and if writing fan fiction, using craft and care with characters that are already established, you know, the exact opposite of what CM is doing today.

Still, my Spencer-related fan fic does have me worried because it has Spencer doing something quite out of the ordinary (not sleazy, don't worry) but kind of makes sense if you see Spencer as a lonely person in his more private moments. I know I see him as a lonely character, and it leaves me heartbroken.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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Norm and Booky----we already know, from your posts, that you can write.  So there's the basic requirement.  Now you just need to get busy!

Myself----I've always known I could write non-fiction, because a long academic career taught me that.  But I'm a fussy writer, and I thought I would drive myself crazy writing for 'fun', just because I would never be satisfied that I'd found the right word or phrase.  Well, I was right about that, but it turns out there's adequate reward in storytelling to make up for it.

It was a plot idea that got me going, just as it sounds like is happening to you, Booky.  My first ever effort at fiction, outside of the classroom, was a story where Reid has the chance to find out if he carries the gene for schizophrenia.  Once the idea of it popped into my head, I just had to know what he would do.  I kept hoping the show would portray it (I'd recently discovered CM, and had five seasons to catch up on), or that I would find it in someone else's fan fiction.  No such luck.  So I started writing, just to find out how he would react.  I still don't know what possessed me to put it out there for public consumption.  I'm a little surprised that it happened.  But I did it , and a few people enjoyed the story, and then another 'what-if' came to mind, and then......  you get it.

That's a long way to say that I have confidence that you can do it.  And, if you aren't convinced, you can always just write something and put it out there to see how it's received.  No one will know who wrote it but you, unless you decide to tell us.  Which I hope you will do.

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Okay, got my first draft of my first chapter of my fan fiction done. I'm just going to do some proofing and editing tonight and share it with some PTV-CMteers via PMs to get some feedback.

Needless to say, I am a nervous wreck.

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On 25/10/2016 at 5:16 AM, ReidFan said:

new story, somewhat shorter than the others...

This one is apart from the Spencer & Melissa series. Set in season 12, Emily is the unit chief Alvez is aboard, Walker not yet, Lewis is MIA; this story is a pat on the head, a nod to Roxy

at fanfic net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12204325/1/Part-of-the-Family

and at aooo:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/8374768

I loved it!! Different from other stories of yours I've read, but really nice. The team care about him, almost as much as we do!!

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1 hour ago, Franky said:

A tumblr friend turned me onto this story by someone called 'DeejayMil'. It's very well done, but darker than JJ/Spencer fics usually go. I can see the hope at the end though, and it's extremely sexy. Mind the ratings if you're not into lemons. 


I'm not a JJ/Spencer shipper, but this is amazing and very erotic. Thanks for sharing.

And I PMd my first chapter to a few of our posters earlier today and awaiting for some feedback. Not sure when I'll write the second chapter. For the most part, my fan fic is very much conversation heavy as Reid and this mystery lady peel back the layers of their lives, thoughts, experiences and psyches. 

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18 minutes ago, qwerty said:

I think it has to do with a blog on tumblr called 'Criminal Minds Imagines' where people would submit things like "Imagine the kind of shenanigans you’d get into on a “Girls’ Night Out” with the BAU ladies." (directly taken from blog) and the blog would add a gif and post it and it seems like people started using them as writing prompts and the readerxteam thing catched on. It makes it really hard to find decent fanfiction on tumblr to read now :( 

Cute idea. Of course, being the nerd I am, my idea of fun is staying in and watching old timey musicals while also holding a potluck and crafting session. I can see Garcia wanting to do something like this. Could she bring Spencer with her?

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On 23/10/2016 at 5:57 PM, JMO said:

I'm adding my multi-chapters over to AO3 at a glacial pace, haven't gotten to The Clone yet.

Here is a link to my main page at FFN, followed by one specific to The Clone, and then to Consequences.  




These might not be the ones you were looking for, Senin.  As I see now, there is no mention of 'Proof' in the summaries.  But that's what they're about.

I finally got to read these, and... they are sooooo good!! Only problem with the second, it's long, and as I wanted to know what happened next, and then next, and then next... I couldn't stop reading!! I guess I will have to read some parts of it again, I read them too quickly and I'm sure I missed some things. (Of course there is not any problem with the story, the problem is I was too impatient). Keep writing, please!!

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Most of my reading time these days is devoted to one of JMO's stories, which I am re-reading because I read it too fast. So yours will have to wait a little, ReidFan, but I will get to it, ASAP. 

6 minutes ago, JMO said:

Nicely done, ReidFan.  I haven't been able to settle down enough to write all week.  But this episode definitely called for a response, and I'm glad you made one.

The fact that Reidfan has written one, doesn't mean you can't write one of your own, if you feel like it!! I for sure, would be  reading both of them!!

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On 11/12/2016 at 6:54 PM, ReidFan said:

I wasn't entirely happy with a certain scene in this week's episode "The AntiTerrorism Squad"....... so I wrote an episode tag.

at aooo:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/8539207

and at fanfiction.net:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12230473/1/The-Elephant-in-the-Room

Perfection! I wish this episode would have ended up with a scene like this rather than Garcia sucking up to Alvez via his doggie.

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