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Criminal Minds Fanfiction

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There is also one very good David/Alex fic. It isn't very canon since (Alex's husband, background) since it was written during season eight, but it is an interesting AU story and a good follow up to "Zugzwang" http://archiveofourown.org/works/680956

Aaand this is my fanfic, kind of bizarre https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10944793/1/Magnificent-Light

Welcome, Mislav!

Thank you, this is a really great thread! Edited by Mislav
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I'm a Reidaholic. Also a readaholic.....  Can anyone recommend Reidfic to me. Preferably pretty canon. And not in a relationship with another member of the BAU (that would never wash with me) Thanks in advance!


I have written one of my own, but I have nowhere to post it. But I'm starved for more from others. Help?

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I'm a Reidaholic. Also a readaholic.....  Can anyone recommend Reidfic to me. Preferably pretty canon. And not in a relationship with another member of the BAU (that would never wash with me) Thanks in advance!


I have written one of my own, but I have nowhere to post it. But I'm starved for more from others. Help?


Firstly, welcome, ReidFan!


Secondly, peep this:




AOE is an awesome site, and they have lots of Reid fics there. If you're a non-shipper, you'll probably want to avoid everything else on my page, but you should read A Little Less Hollow and also post your work on the site.

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Oh, that was lovely CS....I loved the friendship and understanding there was between Alex and Spencer, and you captured it beautifully here. So well done :)




and LOL, it's not that I'm not a shipper, I *am* but I'm just extremely fussy about who Reid is shipped with. :) I wrote Reid/Loker myself... I'd buy Reid/original female character or Reid/female other than Elle/Emily/JJ/Blake/Kate etc. 

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Oh, that was lovely CS....I loved the friendship and understanding there was between Alex and Spencer, and you captured it beautifully here. So well done :)




and LOL, it's not that I'm not a shipper, I *am* but I'm just extremely fussy about who Reid is shipped with. :) I wrote Reid/Loker myself... I'd buy Reid/original female character or Reid/female other than Elle/Emily/JJ/Blake/Kate etc. 


Don't forget to drop me some kudos, as it feeds the muse. :-D


And I pretty much handed Reid over to Elle in June of last year and never looked back, lol. I came to shipping way late in the game as far as this show goes, but now I see the signs of it in the early episodes.

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On AO3 at the very bottom of the page after the end of the fanfic there's a set of buttons saying Top, Kudos, Bookmark and Comments. Kudos is basically like a Facebook 'like' button, Top brings you back to the top of the page, Bookmark saves it for you and Comments is where you can comment/review/see other comments. You can also subscribe and get an alert for new updates (I think) by clicking on the Subscribe button at the top of the page.


Also, hi Reidfan! I don't think I've said hello to you yet 8D


On a similar note, is there an ignore/block author feature on AO3? There's a few authors who write Reid in a certain way that creeps me out.

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So I guess this would be an S.O.S. of sorts.


I've been trying to write something new since I posted my last non-CM fanfic, and its just not happening. I've been pretty good at getting random ideas and turning them into stories, but lately I just stare at the blank screen. It's both worrisome and depressing, especially since I've gotten both Reid/Elle timelines to important points and would like to see them through.Those of you who have been reading, could you maybe give me a suggestion? I feel like if I can get some inspiration (and stop being ridiculously irritated because my other story immediately did so well, which is another issue) I could lever myself out of this creative drought.

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well one thing that has always really bugged me (probably why I'm not much of a Morgan fan) was in LDSK.... they all KNOW Reid is not good with the gun. Hotchner, bless his heart, tries tutoring him a bit. There's that scene near the beginning, where Elle comes in and tells the others that Reid failed his gun qualification. Again. And although I don't remember the exact quote, she says something about not hassling/riding him about it. (This is where I get into an argument with one of my best friends who's actually an Elle-hater..she says Elle brought it up on purpose to fuel Morgan's reaction. I'm thinking she's genuinely sympathetic and wants to forestall what's coming) Then when Reid shows up in the bullpen, of course Morgan, in the What effin' kind of friend are you anyway? moment of all time, hands him the whistle and pretty much bullies him over it. How long ago was that? ANd I'm still pissed off at Morgan. He *KNOWS* Reid is uber sensitive, he knows Reid feels inferior about that, and what does he do?He belittles him and makes him feel even worse. Just all kinds of a-hole in my book....


Anyway, the reason I bring that up, is, unless you've already done so.. how about a fic about Elle and Reid over this issue?  :)  While I'm not a Reid/Elle or Reid/Prentiss or Reid/JJ shipper per se, where it's romance, I would certainly adore a 'this is what friends really are' type story. (Attention anyone! I'm looking for Reid fic that falls into this sort of category, if you have any, please lemme know)

Edited by ReidFan
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Over on fanfiction.net, I've got a bunch of one shots that are largely Reid/JJ friendship stories.  Of the multi-chapter stories, you're safe with "Before I Sleep". The others all trend, eventually, toward romance.  On FFN, I'm 'amusement345'.

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I'm sure Elle was trying to protect Reid from humiliation that he would have felt had anybody asked about it, I don't think she thought Morgan would double down on his teasing as a result. I really think up until around Elephant's Memory time, Morgan saw it as his duty to tease Reid until he learned to fight back instead of crumpling into grief over being less-than. True, he went too far this time, and, yes, Reid shoved it back in his face at the end, giving him touche.


I really like CoStar's Reid/Elle fics, not all of them are romantic ships (the ones that are, oh, my...), but all explore that unique relationship between the two. 

Edited by normasm
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Anyway, the reason I bring that up, is, unless you've already done so.. how about a fic about Elle and Reid over this issue?  :)  While I'm not a Reid/Elle or Reid/Prentiss or Reid/JJ shipper per se, where it's romance, I would certainly adore a 'this is what friends really are' type story. (Attention anyone! I'm looking for Reid fic that falls into this sort of category, if you have any, please lemme know)


ReidFan, thank you for your helpful suggestion. I will think on ways to make that happen. :-)


Meantime, while this teeters on the brink of being romantic, it doesn't completely go over the line:



At the heart of my Reid/Elle pieces is that fact that they seemed so close in the brief time she was on the show, in a way that was almost sibling-like but with maybe the potential for something more. As you say, I doubt she really would have set him up for Morgan to embarrass him about his firearms qualification, and I like to think that a scenario where she took him aside later and said, "Don't mind Derek. He's mostly harmless, despite the occasional outbreak of douchiness." really did happen.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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wow. nice CobaltStargazer..... while I'm not a Speller  (LOL!!)  I actually liked this one a lot. Really :) Captured their characters nicely.


okay, I'm game...How does one navigate the archive to find stuff. ffnet is just as bad, trying to navigate parameters.... Can I do a search by author there? Edited to add: LOL, never mind! Apparently you can just click on the author's name and go from there.... :)

Edited by ReidFan
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In light of the spoilers about Garcia, I made you guys a present. I'll just leave it here for ya'll.

despite the fact that I'm not a Reid/Elle shipper, I really liked this one. Garcia gets to be the intuitive, smart and looking-out-for-her-colleagues sweetheart we all know her to be, without being the ridiculous buffoon they've been turning her into :) well done!

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despite the fact that I'm not a Reid/Elle shipper, I really liked this one. Garcia gets to be the intuitive, smart and looking-out-for-her-colleagues sweetheart we all know her to be, without being the ridiculous buffoon they've been turning her into :) well done!


As Droogie said in the post above yours, it really is a matter of being willing to put in the work. Character-wise, Reid has never been a complainer, but I think it was a severe mistake for the writers to not have some scenes between Spencer and Garcia about the shooting, and while she and Elle weren't overly friendly in canon, they have a common bond in caring about his well-being. Thanks for reading. :-)

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if we're talking Angels and Demons, they did have a couple deleted scenes.... one of which kinda sorta revolves around the Reid/Garcia/Blake friendship thing. I'm sure you've all seen it? He's in the wheelchair (hospital policy) when he's being discharged, and Blake takes charge of his 'patient's belongings' bag and Garcia is marshaling the wheelchair (I took it as a furthering of Garcia looking out for him and taking charge, so to speak, dovetailing on her taking charge of his gun and shooting whatsisname.) 


He did thank her for saving his life, she's still kinda breathless and deaf over the whole incident.


I'll bring up "Burn" here.... Derek *really* pissed me off in this episode. For ten seasons he's been Garcia's Baby Boy, champion, Chocolate Thunder etc. Her number one fan and confidante. Her best friend.  And he totally does *not* support her in this episode. As wrong as she may or may not be (cause that's NOT his call), as her alleged best friend, he should be supportive regardless of how he feels about the issue. And I don't just mean in the last scene at the end. To me, that was just flippin' unforgiveable. (Even worse than his damn throw the whistle at Reid and call if you need help bs in LDSK but I digress). Friends support friends. He should have been taking her calls. He shoulda flippin' gone to Texas with her. I'm a little disappointed twofold in Garcia too. She shoulda been more po'd with him than she was. And since the original incident involved Reid, I'm a little disappointed she didn't confide in him/get comfort from him, especially after Morgan dismissed her. And when Reid questioned Morgan about in on the jet, he got the brush off. Just unforgiveable.

And I'm wondering about archive of our own.... I have one completed story I'd like to share, and am currently working on another one. Several of you have mentioned this site, but apparently I need an invitation in order to proceed.


Is there some other place I can share it?

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okay, then further to my previous stupid question. How does one even upload a story to ffnet? I'm signed in via my Facebook ID, but I don't see how one uploads. And the story is 60+ pages long, do I have to break it up. Yikes..... (gone are the easy days of just sending a plain text version to a yahoo group I guess :-(  )

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okay, then further to my previous stupid question. How does one even upload a story to ffnet? I'm signed in via my Facebook ID, but I don't see how one uploads. And the story is 60+ pages long, do I have to break it up. Yikes..... (gone are the easy days of just sending a plain text version to a yahoo group I guess :-(  )


On FFN, if you click on your username, it will take you to a page with various buttons.  Click on 'publish' and read the 'about' info.  Upload via 'doc manager'.  Once you've uploaded your document, click on 'new story'.  It will make you accept the guidelines, and then click on 'new story' again, and it will be pretty obvious what you need to do, step by step.


People upload stories of various lengths as either single or multiple chapters.  The site shows the word count.  If your story is dense, with a very high word count, I would suggest breaking it up.  If it's mostly dialogue, it might be fine as it is.  


Good luck, and let us know when (and where) it's up!

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On FFN, if you click on your username, it will take you to a page with various buttons.  Click on 'publish' and read the 'about' info.  Upload via 'doc manager'.

*facepalm* LOL!!!  I thought of that to do a search for a particular author story but it never occurred to me that was how to navigate for myself. What a maroooooooon!!!!! 

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Wish I knew how to help you, ReidFan.  I have my stories/chapters in Word documents, and have never had a problem just uploading the whole document.  I think, if you're copying and pasting from another platform, it may be a little more complicated.  


There are forums on FFN---maybe one addresses your problem.

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That link brought me to my own page.  


Did you scroll down to the bottom of your page and look at the Notes/Compatible files section?  I don't understand it, but I think it's trying to help.

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yeah, I scrolled down and read through that. And I *did* do that.. made sure they had the right extensions... I even tried doing a cut and paste version but nope.


Gotta say, this is the most effin' frustrating thing ever in my years of writing. What is so bloody difficult about cut and paste plain text for heaven's sakes.



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thank you so much qwerty, but I guessed at what I was doing wrong and I think I guessed right. I was trying to upload the WHOLE story, all 17000+ words at once. I have broken it up into 21 parts, and managed the 'document manager' part. YAY! (I ain't nothin' if I ain't stubborn and persevering!)


I'm working on uploading it, but here's the link for part one, anyway:





and I'd like to thank everyone here for their kindness, patience, indulgence and help. :)

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I usually look up pretentious quotes or song lyrics and use them, giving credit to the original owner. Or if that's not available, I go for a one-word title that has a double meaning within the context of the fic. Sometimes I put the title in all lower cases too just to make it appeal to That Tumblr Crowd.

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Does anyone else have a multi-chapter fanfic where you've grown tired on it and no longer want to write it, but it's mildly popular and people won't stop talking abut the lack of updates in every review so you have to finish it or be labelled as 'The Writer Who Never Finished Hollow' or constantly get WHERE'S THE NEW CHAPTER OF HOLLOW?!?!? on every un-Hollow-related fic?


Because I have that.

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I actually think I know the fic you're talking about, because remember reading the author's note and reading it chapter-by-chapter on AO3 anyway and it got deleted right as I was in the middle of it! I liked it, just sayin'. 8D


It's just the fact that I wrote it specifically for one person who got sick, and when she got better my motivation to write it declined. And also because it's one of those angst fics that comes off as super teenagey, despite my efforts to stray from that depiction of Reid it's not really a topic that can be addressed without some kind of teenage feel to it because of the stigma surrounding it, and everyone in this fandom seems to view Reid as some sort of manchild anyway so why the heck am I just contributing to that mindset by writing it. If that made sense.


It's less like I don't want to continue it and more like 'I want to write this in a way that will alienate the older readers and not appeal to newer readers'. My take on what I want to write for it is probably too niche and won't fit in with the popular characterization of Reid as ~~delicate child who can do no harm and must be protected by the team at all costs~~ Which probably sounds too business-ey for a fanfiction of all things.

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It's less like I don't want to continue it and more like 'I want to write this in a way that will alienate the older readers and not appeal to newer readers'. My take on what I want to write for it is probably too niche and won't fit in with the popular characterization of Reid as ~~delicate child who can do no harm and must be protected by the team at all costs~~ Which probably sounds too business-ey for a fanfiction of all things.


Its probably just because its three thirty in the morning, but I read the bolded part four times and it still doesn't quite parse for me. I mostly stick to Reid-centric stories these days, and I haven't run across that characterization all that often. There are a couple of stories where he's very repressed and maybe even a little stunted, but I don't know who writes him as if he's delicate. I'm not even questioning your veracity, its just very late and I can't sleep.

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Its probably just because its three thirty in the morning, but I read the bolded part four times and it still doesn't quite parse for me. I mostly stick to Reid-centric stories these days, and I haven't run across that characterization all that often. There are a couple of stories where he's very repressed and maybe even a little stunted, but I don't know who writes him as if he's delicate. I'm not even questioning your veracity, its just very late and I can't sleep.


Nah, I'm just not good at articulating lol.


I use the term ~~delicate~~ loosely tbh. Like not delicate physically, but when it infantilizes him unrealistically (as in they characterize him as immature for seemingly no real reason, rather than suffering some kind of disorder like depression/anxiety/OCD because well-handled mental disorder fics are crack to me). Or if Reid is portrayed as never in the wrong/without flaws/the shining beacon of childlike innocence in the BAU, mostly because I like the duality in Reid's character that he can come across as very harmless but then does something slightly disturbing like the speech he rattles off to the unsub in Derailed - but there's debates about that anyway so that comes down to personal preference. Basically just portray him as competent and I'm fine lol.


Basically the niche statement comes down to "I want to write this, but you want to read this instead, and you'll be left disappointed when the fic ends and while I accept constructive criticism and in fact welcome it, I don't want to hear about how you think it should have ended" because I will undoubtedly get PMs from the two people who are always PMing me about it going PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN NEXT and I can't be bothered replying to them anymore.

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I read a lot of fanfiction and believe me there is nothing worse than getting invested in a really great story concept only to find it abandoned by the author! That said, I appreciate that writers are led by their muse and I really appreciate all the effort in writing and posting their work. But I still have a list of really amazing unfinished stories that I still check on after years in the vain hope that the author has gone back and updated!

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I never did it with fanfictions, but on a roleplaying forum I have since left, I had a bad habit of starting RPs and never finishing them. So I made a personal choice with the stories I write now to finish them before I post them.

Of course, right now I'm working on a serialized story and getting the motivation to finish that can be difficult.

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I need help with timelines. What amount of time passes between Mayhem and The angel maker? And if I wrote a story set one month after Mayhem, how pregnant would JJ be? 


I looked it up, and Mayhem first aired on September the twenty-fourth in 2008, so not much real life time passes between then and The Angel Maker, which aired on the first of October. I don't think they ever said how much time elapsed in canon, although Hotch was still having issues with his hearing, since when they exhumed one of the victims the whine of the machinery was paining him. We found out that JJ was pregnant in The Crossing, which aired on the seventh of May, so by Mayhem she'd have been about four and a half months pregnant.

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I looked it up, and Mayhem first aired on September the twenty-fourth in 2008, so not much real life time passes between then and The Angel Maker, which aired on the first of October. I don't think they ever said how much time elapsed in canon, although Hotch was still having issues with his hearing, since when they exhumed one of the victims the whine of the machinery was paining him. We found out that JJ was pregnant in The Crossing, which aired on the seventh of May, so by Mayhem she'd have been about four and a half months pregnant.

Well, actually, that's a bit off, since she found out about the pregnancy in Crossing, and told about it in Lo-Fi, which was also May IIRC, and she would have been 6 weeks - 2 months along, max. By Mayhem, which was the same day/next day, she still would have been that 2 months along. 


I agree that they usually try to have things seem contemporary to the time of year/amount of time passed as real life, but I think the timing of AJ's/JJ's pregnancy kinda screwed that up, because they split the Lo-Fi/Mayhem into different seasons. I think by Angel Maker, she would have been that 4.5 months pregnant in "magic TV time."

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