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2 hours ago, announcergirl said:

Right, didn't BM say 3 years?

YES!The chicken said 3 years and I believe her.  Not for nothing, Ashley believes her too.  She knows Dom is not claiming her in the streets. Ashley is gonna hang her relationship  on the one plate of tater salad that one aunt gave her the day after Thanksgiving as proof Dom wants a life with her.

Ashley is going to have this baby momma meeting many many times.  She's invested too many years and too many tears to admit defeat.

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If I recall correctly, Don said a few episodes back that they (he and BM) go back to his college days. Ashley just 1) happened to get pregnant first and 2) be the one to put up with his shit enough to put a roof over his head, and 3) be afraid to talk back/lose him (BM clearly doesnt put up with his foolishness...I think he knows he'd be in jail for breaking her window) therefore got the title of "girlfriend." 

It's really pathetic that she (and I'm sure many viewers/peers) buy into the BM is just trying to ruin my life foolishness. What life? You lost your college scholarship, you have no trade, you are an "assistant" to your brother, the PART TIME tattoo artist...what kind of ratchet come up are you supposed to be?

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Lawd this show, this show Lawd!!! while watching the sex scene with Don and Ashley first of all I was grossed out and then second I was astonished when he was telling her that they should move the wedding up at her giddiness and excitement.  And am I the only one that thinks Don is only marrying Ashley because he realizes that no one else is going to put up with his bullshit and that that he can still cheat on her cus he knows she isn't going anywhere.   I never understand women like that.  Your man just did some foul shit like have a baby on you and you cant even kick him out for a few days.  Like biiitttccchhhh we ALL know you gonna take him back but at least give the illusion that you have some self respect and make him beg and plead for a few days. I cant. 

And Charmaine, I LOL'd when Ryan invited everyone to DR and she was like im not going and thought they were going to beg her to come and when they didn't she looked stupid.  Cus when her friend was like please come I don't think she got the words out of her mouth before she was like ok i'll come.  *eyeroll*

10 hours ago, announcergirl said:

I may be earlier cause I'm going to bed but, I HAVE NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD AS WHEN VAN'S GF SAID BASIC PEOPLE, BUMS, HAVE THREESOMES! She is the bomb.com



That was hilarious.  But it made me question how long have they been together if you don't know your man wants a 3 some.   I've met dudes and the second date they are asking if I'm down for a 3some.  (no I'm not btw) but the look of joy on his face when she said she was down was so funny to me.  But it looks like Van aint bout that 3some life cus next week when the other dude was talking about how good his gf looked he lost it.  I guess he thought he would be the only one that would be getting a little some extra.  LOL

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I forgot this show was on last night, I'll have to watch tonight on demand or online. 

9 minutes ago, Zeebreezy said:

And am I the only one that thinks Don is only marrying Ashley because he realizes that no one else is going to put up with his bullshit and that that he can still cheat on her cus he knows she isn't going anywhere. 

You're not the only one.  I sense that as well.  Ashley wants a "husband" she wants to be married.  She doesn't care if Don will cheat on her or have children with other women because to her she's the WIFE and they're all the side chicks.  Ashley is a fool because the more kids Don makes, the less goes to her son.  The more "babymamas" you have, the poorer you are. 

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I cosign on all that has been said about Ashley's motivation to be married.  She just wants the hood bragging rights that someone "wifed me" never mind that he doesn't have a faithful bone in his body.  Now Don on the other hand, I feel, is rushing the nuptials because he wants to lock Ashley down while he is away so she doesn't start to date someone else.  You know what they say out of ratchet sight out of ratchet mind.  Which is ludicrous because she ain't going nowhere and dude you only going away for 30 days (at least I think that is what he said, correct me if I am wrong).  This ain't some long term bid where you need to get your affairs in order and hell, you might not even serve the entire time given overcrowding and the chance that they could have your sentence shortened as a non violent offense.  Over dramatic much?  On the good side you will have your hood badge of honor for doing a bid and serving time.  

OHHHHHHHHHHH and what is up with the non sanitary nature of these people, maybe Cobra had a point.  So far we have seen two BBQ scenes where people have been handling raw meet with no gloves, tongs or purell in sight.  Like anyone would want to eat anything your dirty hands have touched.  Who knows where your hands have been and knowing this group the germs they carry are probably potent. just nasty!

Edited by NYCNJbear06
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On 11/15/2016 at 9:30 AM, Zeebreezy said:

That was hilarious.  But it made me question how long have they been together if you don't know your man wants a 3 some.   I've met dudes and the second date they are asking if I'm down for a 3some.  (no I'm not btw) but the look of joy on his face when she said she was down was so funny to me.  But it looks like Van aint bout that 3some life cus next week when the other dude was talking about how good his gf looked he lost it.  I guess he thought he would be the only one that would be getting a little some extra.  LOL

I think his fantasy is multiple partners where the only penis is his. He is not going to be down for another man in the picture. Which I am kind of questioning...is it me or does Vahn give off some major effeminate vibes.

Kat annoys me this season...she's really smelling herself. I did take her side on the fight with Nicky..not sure why she got hit...but because I'm not liking Kat this season I did giggle when Nicky popped her a few times.

Ashley made her choice with Donn so I don't wanna hear her crying in any future episodes about Donn doing her wrong.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think his fantasy is multiple partners where the only penis is his. He is not going to be down for another man in the picture. Which I am kind of questioning...is it me or does Vahn give off some major effeminate vibes.

Kat annoys me this season...she's really smelling herself. I did take her side on the fight with Nicky..not sure why she got hit...but because I'm not liking Kat this season I did giggle when Nicky popped her a few times.

Ashley made her choice with Donn so I don't wanna hear her crying in any future episodes about Donn doing her wrong.

That fight was not Kat yet Phor brings his ratty ass and goes after her instead of that insecure chick he's dating. I don't care for Kat now either, but she did nothing wrong this time.

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I don't like Kat either but I did take notice that she didn't want to parts of Phor's girlfriend.  She kept saying I don't want to fight you.  But was quick to run up on Charmaines' ass.  Glad she caught them hands. 

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Please tell me someone else watched this monstrosity last night.  Where do we begin?

Charmaine -  throwing yourself at Don and damn near everyone else makes you look sad sweety.  I was soooo embarrassed for her.  I kept thinking about her parents watching this and being mortified.  I'm 37 and my daddy would have my ASS if I was on television naked, chasing men, bending over and twerking every two seconds.  I want someone to pull her to the side and tell her sit her desperate attention seeking ass down. 

Ashley - another desperate and delusional one.  Don is going away for 30 days not 30 months!! These people thrive on the dramatic because you can get married in a few short weeks hon relax.  But I think she figures hey let me marry his ass before he changes his mind.  I just don't understand how she isn't embarrassed at how he's treated her and still willing to marry to him.  Where is your dignity, your self respect (this applies to Charmaine as well) But damn are you not self aware at how crazy this man has you looking in these streets?!  Her friend is the only one telling her the truth but of course she just wants that ring just to be able to say im his wife.  When a man can't bother to not cheat on you on tv 2 days before your wedding with a Dominican stripper that doesn't speak English and in front of your brother I think its evident that this is a man that isn't ready for marriage nor does he have any respect for you at all. 

 Kat and Phor - I remember when they were dating and I thought she was pushing him away saying she wasn't ready.  correct me if im wrong.  So now she is mad because Phor chose to get serious with someone else and wants him to apologize for what?  I'm just confused as to what she is mad at.  It didn't work out boo, let that go. 

On another note Ryan and Ariel are sooo cute.

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Yeah Zeebreezy, you weren't alone it witnessing the extreme fuckery.  

I cosign completely on Ashley and Don.  Its 30 FREAKIN days WTF?!?!?!? This is not some long ass get your affairs in order bid please the most your simple ass would need to get in order is to make sure the DVR is set. 

The trip to DR? I smell the producers hands all in this.  I can see the convo going down like - Soooooo we got this mansion in DR and ya'll can turn up in it all expenses paid but we need a reason to send you down there. I mean, like if someone was to get married or something we can send the whole 9Mag crew down, hmmmm oh well its just a thought. Oh Don and Ashley you say you want to get married. OK cool book the tickets.  LOL They know good and Got Damn well Ryan aint flossing like that to be able to afford that place. 

Charmaine has crossed the line of no return.  There is no reason for you to be that disrespectful of your body.  It really is pathetic and disgusting.  To be that naked and to do that much twerking and exposing yourself in those graphic positions not only in front of your coworkers, unsuspecting people on the beach, the children on the beach and the production staff but on CAMERA. OH MY... yes it is "blurred" out but still.  You do know how television works right?  This footage of you is going to live forever.  

Now I am not an Ashley fan, but she has every right to beat your ass for the throwing of your naked body on Don.  Don to his limited credit did not want you naked in his presence and he asked you to not rub up on him or expose yourself to him but you wanted to ignore him (reason one for the Ashley beatdown). Your utter disrespect of a person who is getting married in a few days (regardless of the hott messerey  that it is) you need to respect that he is about to be married (reason two for the Ashley beatdown) Plus, given your history with Don and Ashley why would you do any of the things you doing to him. You doing all this to just fuck with Ashley (reason three for the Ashley beatdown) Charmaine, we have seen you can't fight.  Why you gonna do this to yourself.  

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There are times when Donn is standing still and staring off…and I think to myself is he Special Needs? Did Ashley actually call Donn her Prince Charming , she’s just outright retarded.  Zeebreezy is right, she wants that ring and marriage certificate before Donn changes his mind. Does anyone know exactly what Donn is going to jail for 30 days for?

Vahn’s insult about the dude Jennifer brought in is “he is hardly wearing clothe”. Don’t people get nekkid when they wanna get it on?

Kat really needs to change her hair color back to something dark…she looks horrible as a blond.  There is a part of me that understands that Kat is mad that Phor was sexually active with another girl while he was playing with Kat…but I don’t recall their hooking up being “exclusive” or it ever having moved over to boyfriend girlfriend status. Every time I see Phor’s hair – I want to snatch a bud off and take a toke in a bong.

Charmaine – no self respect…and no respect for her parents feelings either.

What the hell is wrong with Danielle’s hair? It looks so brittle and dry.

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On 11/22/2016 at 5:18 PM, NYCNJbear06 said:

Now I am not an Ashley fan, but she has every right to beat your ass for the throwing of your naked body on Don.  Don to his limited credit did not want you naked in his presence and he asked you to not rub up on him or expose yourself to him but you wanted to ignore him (reason one for the Ashley beatdown). Your utter disrespect of a person who is getting married in a few days (regardless of the hott messerey  that it is) you need to respect that he is about to be married (reason two for the Ashley beatdown) Plus, given your history with Don and Ashley why would you do any of the things you doing to him. You doing all this to just fuck with Ashley (reason three for the Ashley beatdown) Charmaine, we have seen you can't fight.  Why you gonna do this to yourself.  

There is no reason for anybody to get physical with anybody else, unless your life is threatened.  If that is not the case then Ashley was wrong and belongs in jail.  I am tired of people thinking it's okay to "beat someone down" just because they disrespect them.  Ashley disrespects herself by staying with Don.  She's an embarrassment.

Charmaine is gross but that's her.  Shit, at least Charmaine isn't a babymama.

When I was younger, "cheating" was only done if your SPOUSE slept with someone else, not if your boyfriend/girlfriend did.  However, I think that awareness of STD's has changed the conversation.  Whereas it was cool to "play the field," today it can be dangerous and I think that might have been why Kat was so upset. 

Edited by Neurochick
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I watched a vlogger recap. She said she saw an unaired scene of Phor and Nicki having a talk before the rooftop event. Nicki told Phor she had a problem with Kat and was going after her.

Weedhair Boy knew…what a creep. And he has the nerve to go up to Kat and accuse her of starting up trouble.

PS why was Kat’s foot rubbing Phor’s crotch in the pool? Gurl…you need to run he is not going to choose you other than as a hookup while Nicki is nowhere in sight

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i'm not finished watching yet but i just wanted to pause and say Danielle needs to get rid of Terrence with a quickness. He's the type of fool to tie you up and make you watch him kill himself.

and this whole quick wedding....bs. they had to get don sr and the baby passports and I really doubt they had the sense to expedite them.

ETA: Ashley is bout the dumbest ho in the world. 

Edited by sunsheyen
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I call producer intervention on the Danielle/Terrence storyline.  Not that Terrence isn't a nutcase, but how did Terrence get to the DR and how did he know where the house was?  Also it was obvious the producers probably got him drunk before he showed up.

For a show called "Black Ink Crew" there was very little "ink" this season.  If this show comes back I hope they focus more on tattooing, but I know they won't because ratchet behavior = ratings.

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Laawwwddddd!! Was anyone really holding their breath in suspense thinking Ashley WASNT going to marry Don?  (strong sideeye/eyeroll) But can we talk about that monstrosity she called a wedding dress?? I get it,  you don't want a traditional wedding dress because DR is hot but can we put aside our thot tendencies for one day and pretend we are classy. That dress was giving me "all white boat party teas".  I just cant. 

I was looking at their son and actually felt sorry him because of who his parents are.  When Don was holding him and he and Ashley were screaming at the top of their lungs and the poor baby wasn't even fazed by any of it was sad to me. 

Did anyone pay attention to Don's vows where he told Ashley to never leave him. THAT right there is what Ashley holds on to.  Don giving her just enough to let her believe he really loves her.  And to his credit, I do believe Don cares about Ashley, but not enough to stop being selfish and disrespecting her. 

I don't know how I feel about her brother, although I do think he was cute.  How is it possible that your sister's fiancé can openly cheat on her and you, her brother, not only witnesses it, but takes pics and tries to cover it up and make excuses for him.  That let me see that Ashley has no one in her corner and never had a man truly have her back.  Its so unfortunate that she chooses to stay with a man that continues to embarrasses her because she feels she doesn't deserve better.

Oh and Danielle and Terrence.  This isn't anything new.  He's been crazy.  And I agree with Neurochick, producers flew him down there to cause drama but that crazy was allllll him.  I was waiting on her to say ok bye.   Even though I understand why he would be jealous.  Most people wouldn't be comfortable with knowing that someone their bf or gf slept with is around them every day.  But I also think that if it wasn't the Ryan situation, it would be something else with those two. 

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So this was the finale?

Do we get a reunion episode?

I want to see what Ashley has to say when they show the footage of Donn going upstairs and being told Que Grande. I just want to see how she’ll twist it…like Donn was showing DR girl the wedding ring he bought Ashley…Bwahahaha

Did anyone see Kat’s face when Phor was groping stripper butt? She still has feelings for him but he is not going to choose you on camera while he is still with Nicky.

Terrence is super creepy looking when he is drunk. Danielle you better chase after him cause I don’t think you can do better. I wonder if she flies back to an emptied out Chicago apartment. Maybe she and Charmaine should become roomies.

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4 hours ago, Zeebreezy said:

I don't know how I feel about her brother, although I do think he was cute.  How is it possible that your sister's fiancé can openly cheat on her and you, her brother, not only witnesses it, but takes pics and tries to cover it up and make excuses for him.  That let me see that Ashley has no one in her corner and never had a man truly have her back.  Its so unfortunate that she chooses to stay with a man that continues to embarrasses her because she feels she doesn't deserve better.

I agree with this.  I would not be surprised if most of the folks on this show (except Charmaine) did not grow up in a two parent home, or even had friends or relatives who had a two parent home.  It's like no one knows how to act in a relationship.


45 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Terrence is super creepy looking when he is drunk. Danielle you better chase after him cause I don’t think you can do better. I wonder if she flies back to an emptied out Chicago apartment. Maybe she and Charmaine should become roomies.

And THAT is why so many women get abused and in fucked up relationships, people tell them, "you better stay with Pookie, cause girl, you can't do no better!"  Danielle can do better than to marry some wannabe caveman psychopath.  He told her to either quit her job or he'd leave.  So, does that mean he'd financially support her?  What did he do for a living anyway? 

If Danielle married Terrence, we'll probably see the story of her murder either on Forensic Files or Dateline.

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20 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I agree with this.  I would not be surprised if most of the folks on this show (except Charmaine) did not grow up in a two parent home, or even had friends or relatives who had a two parent home.  It's like no one knows how to act in a relationship.


And THAT is why so many women get abused and in fucked up relationships, people tell them, "you better stay with Pookie, cause girl, you can't do no better!"  Danielle can do better than to marry some wannabe caveman psychopath.  He told her to either quit her job or he'd leave.  So, does that mean he'd financially support her?  What did he do for a living anyway? 

If Danielle married Terrence, we'll probably see the story of her murder either on Forensic Files or Dateline.

All of this!! Terrence is crazy, possessive and a manipulator.  Danielle can certainly do way better than his scrawny lunatic ass.

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What was the most disturbing about the exchange with Ashley and her brother was the mental manipulation that he placed on her.  He flip flopped from “he is a good man, this was his last hurrah” to “this is your day, it’s all about you, we can leave if you want to”.  As her brother I don’t know how those two statements and coexist and come out of your mouth. THIS IS YOUR SISTER! You witness her fiancé get inappropriate with a stripper the night before the wedding and you are OK with it?  Instead of taking pics (for what purpose I have no clue) how about you tell Don to keep it in his pants. How given their recent problems (Charmaine and babymama) that sneaking off with the stripper isn’t the best idea. These people do know that the man with the black box on his shoulder is a camera man and everything they are doing is being filmed?   I can only imagine the home environment that Ashley and her brother grew up in and if their father was present how he treated women.   Because if this is the relationship/dynamic with her brother it’s no wonder that she has low self-esteem about her worth as a woman.

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I think the problem was that Ashley's brother was partying too which was why he didn't say anything to Don.  I think Danielle or Kat said something like, "If Ashley sent her brother to spy on Don, he's doing a bad job."

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What could VH1 have promised Ashley to have this man make her look like BooBoo the fool right up to the alter?  It's one thing to have your man play you in real life but it's a whole nother animal to have cameras showcase it for the world. Or the twelve of us that watch the show.  Sh seems prepared to have this same "how could you?" fight fo the rest of her days so Mazel Tov to the happy couple I guess.

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11 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

What could VH1 have promised Ashley to have this man make her look like BooBoo the fool right up to the alter?  It's one thing to have your man play you in real life but it's a whole nother animal to have cameras showcase it for the world. Or the twelve of us that watch the show.  Sh seems prepared to have this same "how could you?" fight fo the rest of her days so Mazel Tov to the happy couple I guess.

Amen my fellow Brooklyn girl.  I feel second hand embarrassment for Ashley every time I see her and Don argue.  But I realize that Ashley wants Don by any means necessary.  After witnessing her brothers behavior, she doesn't know a relationship to be any different so baby gurl don't know any better to want better.  Ashley is that woman that takes pride in being the chosen one. the one he comes back to despite having a baby on her, a relationship for 3 years with someone else, sex with a coworker, cheating days before their wedding and goodness knows what else.  She accepts that Don will be always be unfaithful, I just think she prefers that he be more discreet about it.  Ashley is the type of the girl that would get back at Don with and date another guy (briefly) and that guy could come home every night, call to check on her regularly, bring a steady paycheck, BE FAITHFUL and I can see Ashley thinking he's corny, boring and thirsty.  There are some women that don't know how to appreciate a good man because they have been dogged out so much.  It really is sad.

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You could very well be right Neurochick but I also think it had a lot to do with "Bro-Code" which makes it even worse because are you really gonna put that inane code before your sister? 

Brooklynista and Zeebreezy, VH1 gives them an easy check.  That's the only thing that I can think of that would explain why any of them would expose their families to the extreme fuckery that is their lives.  I would be so curious to know what Charmaine's dad thinks about her behavior.  

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22 hours ago, NYCNJbear06 said:

Brooklynista and Zeebreezy, VH1 gives them an easy check.  That's the only thing that I can think of that would explain why any of them would expose their families to the extreme fuckery that is their lives.  I would be so curious to know what Charmaine's dad thinks about her behavior.  

I think it's all about the check with them.  I don't know how much they get per episode but it's more than they had before the show. 

On 12/1/2016 at 9:32 AM, Zeebreezy said:

Ashley is the type of the girl that would get back at Don with and date another guy (briefly) and that guy could come home every night, call to check on her regularly, bring a steady paycheck, BE FAITHFUL and I can see Ashley thinking he's corny, boring and thirsty.  There are some women that don't know how to appreciate a good man because they have been dogged out so much.  It really is sad.

It's also because some people love drama, they thrive on it.  They confuse serenity with boredom; dysfunction and excitement are what they live for.

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Watching the new season premieres...just pausing a moment to share that I laughed out when Ceaser talked about how hard he would be in his critiques of Young Bae's work right after seeing his raggedy work on DMX (in addition to all the sorry shit he's done) AND after she talked about having to cover up their sorry ink on other clients. That said, she still aint all that great when you compare her art to things that come out of 9Mag.

Sorry to hear Donna was being beaten by Maxwell. No idea why she married a jailbird anyway and hopefully she can get her divorce processed and be done with his foolishness.

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25 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

Watching the new season premieres...just pausing a moment to share that I laughed out when Ceaser talked about how hard he would be in his critiques of Young Bae's work right after seeing his raggedy work on DMX (in addition to all the sorry shit he's done) AND after she talked about having to cover up their sorry ink on other clients. That said, she still aint all that great when you compare her art to things that come out of 9Mag.

Sorry to hear Donna was being beaten by Maxwell. No idea why she married a jailbird anyway and hopefully she can get her divorce processed and be done with his foolishness.

And wasn't he the ugliest looking thing?

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Yea!  So glad others are in here commenting on the new season! 

First off, no more Puma & Sassy?  I really liked those two and hoped for a spin off of his shop.

Second, I still can't stand Dutchess' depressed voice and honestly could care less if she's on the show. 

Third, I looove that Melody and Lalo (from Ink Master!!) are a couple and made a baby together.  (It looks like they tattoo at the same shop along with Picasso Dular from Ink Master http://www.houseofmonkeytattoo.com

Fourth, why was Ceasar acting like DMX was a big deal?  Sure like in 1998, but now he's just a sad human being who can't stop having babies. Plus that tattoo he did on him was nothing special. 

Fifth, I am so glad O Sh** is still on the show and like that he's trying to clean his act up, but there is no way he's gonna stay clean working at the old shop.

Also it has always bothered me that after they do a tattoo, it's not showcased up close at the end kinda like how Miami Ink did.  Maybe it's cuz the pieces are really not that great and up close you would be able to tell.

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I am also glad there others watching the show. 

Oh' Shit aka Richard,  I'm all for him getting his ish together but it is usually a not a sign when you feel like you can beat addiction on your own without the help of rehab.  I worked as a case manager after graduating from college for people living with HIV/AIDS and addiction.  And statistics show an addict attempts to get clean almost 30 times in their lifetime before it actually staying clean.  So Richard saying that he's been to rehab before and it didn't work makes sense.   Its also messed up that Ceaser would test this mans sobriety by putting him in the very environment that he should avoid.  The level that these people would sink to for this VH1 check is unbelievable.  If Oh'Shit really wanted to stay sober, he would've asked Cease for the job at 125th and when he turned him down but offered 113th he should've said I'm not willing to test my sobriety and get a job somewhere else. 

I do wish him the best in his sobriety.  He looks a lot better and not like he needs a bath like before.  And he is in love...... Again.  (eyeroll)

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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Richard proposes a lot.  He damn near belongs on Teen Mom.  Does he really think he should marry every chick he bangs?  And as unattractive as I find him, he seems to bang a lot of chicks.

Oh Shit proposed a lot. Could it be this is the first time he proposed as Richard? There was an Instagram short video of him and this new chick posted from about 3 months ago. Now are they really legally married or is this another Steebie/Joseline Yandy/Mandeeces situation?

I love Skye. She cracked me up when Yung Bae popped out of that cake and Skye rushed over to her and said you a stripper why don't you take off your clothes? She also made me LOL with her description of her privates - honest, kind of gross but hilarious.

This Kitty chick is delusional. A socialite comes from money. How she gonna become a socialite working as a receptionist? WTF is a brand ambassador of Black Ink? Is she booking photo shoots, commercials, selling licensing agreements, selling franchises? Is this a fancy title to slobbing a knob?

DMX - glad to see he is alive. But I felt sad - like this was National Geographic and I was watching a day in the life of a Crack head.

Duchess can just get off my screen. There is always a whiny note to her even when she is speaking normally. Her posture is always that of a woman with severe period cramps.

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I don't know how any of them hold their heads up and call themselves tattoo artists. I have not seen anyone from the OG Black Ink crew give a tat I would be proud to show off. I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear what Ryan and Kat from 9Mag have to say about their work. 

Remember that raggedy "twin towers" on DMX by Ceaser the other week? oh jesus. Notice he hired all new artists for 125 but didn't say anything about himself tattooing there regularly. Only client he's got is a crackhead.


The only way I am tolerating Dutchess this season is because I know they broke up and her lil smug smirk will be wiped off those chapped lips soon.

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While I am glad Yung Bae apologized to Tiffany, I still don’t think she was justified in going after Tiffany physically. This I was abused and I blacked out was a poor excuse. I would have rather she had said, I apologize for attacking you yesterday. I attacked you because I totally believed my friend who told me you were talking about me behind my back. Then when she was busting up the tattoo room and the outside patio – that felt like an act – she was smirking and trying not to giggle thru her alleged tirade.

I still love Skye. When Ceasar said he was putting Duchess in charge, she said first order of business…Tiffany you fired. I howled.

Donna looks good in that short wig in her talking head shot. She broke a bunch of stuff in Skye’s apartment. Is wandering around stoned? Or is she suffering from separation anxiety and acts out when her owner is gone?

I NEVER want to see Richard or Oh Shits bare feet ever again. These were worse than Shiddy Soles.

The scene between Ted and Ceasar. Ted was HIGH as fuck. There were parts he was sweating like a pig, then they must have said cut, dry him up. Most of the time, it was like Ted lost the ability to speak and he kept rubbing the same spot on his face and did not make direct eye contact. He was twitching/tweeking.

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tonight's episode.....  Skye has turned into a loud mouth bully, imo.  Playing to the cameras has totally ruined her.  That place is a nightmare.  The office help trying to run out the talent which are the ones bringing in the money.  What artist would put up with shit like that?  Skye, Dutchess, Caesar, Ted....do any of them know the meaning of professionalism?  it appears that Dutchess does not want any part of Skye because if Donna was there carrying on like Skye was during this episode, there would be hell to pay.  

I wouldn't go in that place to ask for directions!

Edited by lasandi
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If I was Tiffany I would've let her know she ain't beating shit up. She sure never beat Donna's ass in a fight, seems like she was always the one who ended up in a headlock. "Go on bitch, hit me. I'll be happy to see your ass back in jail after violating your probation!" I'd have easily let her swing on me just to shut her entire dumb shit down. All she has is this tv gig and she wasn't even good enough for Ceaser to take to 125. 

If you feeling froggy, jump!

What kind of dirt does Sky have on Ceaser/Dutchess for them to let her run roughshod, get drunk, not do her job, and pick fights with people on their dime? 

O'Shit...this is the exact reason sobriety counselors tell you to avoid being in relationships when you're trying to get clean. He never mentions anything about his sobriety being for himself or his kids, only this new chick. Suppose she leaves you, suppose she dies suddenly...now his whole reason for being sober is gone. While she may make him want to be better, this whole relationship is doomed because he is basing his whole existence on her. 

Ceaser is still stupid, Ted is still stupid, Walt is still worthless, Sky is trash. 

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12 hours ago, lasandi said:

tonight's episode.....  Skye has turned into a loud mouth bully, imo.  Playing to the cameras has totally ruined her.  That place is a nightmare.  The office help trying to run out the talent which are the ones bringing in the money.  What artist would put up with shit like that?  Skye, Dutchess, Caesar, Ted....do any of them no the meaning of professionalism?  it appears that Dutchess don't want no part of Skye because if Donna was there carrying on like Skye was during this episode, there would be hell to pay.  

I wouldn't go in that place to ask for directions!

Sky immediately apologized to Tiffany on IG after the episode and im glad she did because I was looking at her like she was a jealous, crazy, bully.

This whole place is completely disorganized and unprofessional.  Dutchess can't manage the shop because she is afraid to catch Sky's hands. As the receptionist, your job is to check people in and let staff know that their guest/customer has arrived.  Unless that girl just stood around and didn't check in, that situation is completely Sky's fault and as a manager Dutchess should've gotten in Sky's ass for that but instead Dutch complained to Cease that it was out of control.  Yes, the atmosphere was hectic but I feel that a proper manager could've gotten it under control very easily. 

I think 125th is Cease' s opportunity to have a real professional shop and he should cut his losses and close 113th.  And can someone tell me what does Walt do? 

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I am truly Sorry Sky's mother is missing and suffering with mental illness and that Sky has gone through so much. However, she's a grown woman now. That weak ass search was just a scene opportunity to ride around and floss. Still doesn't give her a reason to go in on Tiffany constantly. Once again, she instigated a fight and ended up on the losing end. Headlocks, stitches, jail...You would think at some point she'd learn to stop. 

While I know Kathy is mad and messy, Nakaya...bitch, you married a dude you'd known not even long enough to have met your child (who you obviously haven't had custody of for a while). Don't get pissed about questions or process servers. All you had to do was watch ONE season and you would've known the mess that comes with Richard. Keep all your Savior bullshit and raise your kid, then come and try to make sure this Negro's life is in order. You a dumb bird who don't raise her own kid and is footing all the bills for a junkie you married after 2 months of knowing him. Shut all the way up. Whatever baby mama let unfortunate LuLu come up for the wedding is stupid too. Maybe she got a lil piece of check for letting her baby be involved in this mess and meeting her new "brother" all while Daddy ain't taking care of the brothers she's got.

I don't need to see Ted anymore, ever. Melody is too good for 113 and should've had a talk with that man of hers about life before they shat out a kid.

Edited by sunsheyen
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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 1:18 AM, sunsheyen said:

I am truly Sorry Sky's mother is missing and suffering with mental illness and that Sky has gone through so much. However, she's a grown woman now. That weak ass search was just a scene opportunity to ride around and floss. Still doesn't give her a reason to go in on Tiffany constantly. Once again, she instigated a fight and ended up on the losing end. Headlocks, stitches, jail...You would think at some point she'd learn to stop. 

While I know Kathy is mad and messy, Nakaya...bitch, you married a dude you'd known not even long enough to have met your child (who you obviously haven't had custody of for a while). Don't get pissed about questions or process servers. All you had to do was watch ONE season and you would've known the mess that comes with Richard. Keep all your Savior bullshit and raise your kid, then come and try to make sure this Negro's life is in order. You a dumb bird who don't raise her own kid and is footing all the bills for a junkie you married after 2 months of knowing him. Shut all the way up. Whatever baby mama let unfortunate LuLu come up for the wedding is stupid too. Maybe she got a lil piece of check for letting her baby be involved in this mess and meeting her new "brother" all while Daddy ain't taking care of the brothers she's got.

I don't need to see Ted anymore, ever. Melody is too good for 113 and should've had a talk with that man of hers about life before they shat out a kid.

Yes to everything you said.  I watched this episode in disbelief after learning Nikki had a child that she abandoned **wide eyes, head tilt and blank stare** I couldn't believe it.  She is trying to spit all this "I didn't want to uproot him from his family friends etc" as if she left to pursue a job out of state as opposed to leaving your child for a man.  in what universe is it ever ok to leave your child to move across country for a man that you've known for approximately 8 weeks!!! girl bye.  That argument she had with Oh Shit at the venue was a small glimpse into her future.  This man wants to have a reception and spend all this money when he don't have any.  I became enraged when she said do you even have a bank account and this negroid (yes I spelled it that way on purpose) had the aufuckindacity to say YES YOURS!!!! and he meant that shit too!!! That one statement alone told me everything that I already knew about Oh shit.  He does the same thing with all his baby mamas, never takes responsibility for his actions, always making excuses and wanting the easy way out of everything (rehab and work)

 As a man, how are you ok with spending this womans money.   As a man, how could you be ok with letting this woman leave her job, family and SON to move to NY with you when you didn't even have a place to live?  But I suppose the even bigger question is,  How is she ok with it

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8 hours ago, Zeebreezy said:

Yes to everything you said.  I watched this episode in disbelief after learning Nikki had a child that she abandoned **wide eyes, head tilt and blank stare** I couldn't believe it.  She is trying to spit all this "I didn't want to uproot him from his family friends etc" as if she left to pursue a job out of state as opposed to leaving your child for a man.  in what universe is it ever ok to leave your child to move across country for a man that you've known for approximately 8 weeks!!! girl bye.  That argument she had with Oh Shit at the venue was a small glimpse into her future.  This man wants to have a reception and spend all this money when he don't have any.  I became enraged when she said do you even have a bank account and this negroid (yes I spelled it that way on purpose) had the aufuckindacity to say YES YOURS!!!! and he meant that shit too!!! That one statement alone told me everything that I already knew about Oh shit.  He does the same thing with all his baby mamas, never takes responsibility for his actions, always making excuses and wanting the easy way out of everything (rehab and work)

 As a man, how are you ok with spending this womans money.   As a man, how could you be ok with letting this woman leave her job, family and SON to move to NY with you when you didn't even have a place to live?  But I suppose the even bigger question is,  How is she ok with it

He is not a man. He's never taken care of his responsibilities. His entire "sobriety" is dependent on having her in his life, as he's stated many times, which anyone familiar with addiction can tell you is an immediate recipe for failure. I know it's partially misogynistic, but what's wrong with her, a good looking, fit, supposedly had a growing career, relatively well spoken woman that she has hitched her wagon to and left her child for this raggedy bastard? Just another famewhore trying to shine and faking like she's something she's not. I hope the little boy's daddy is stable and doesn't let him get too involved in this foolishness.

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Why am I not surprised that none of the "men" of the Black Ink Crew went out to protect Skye when Crazy Eyezz Killa came marching in the shop.  The man is clearly unhinged and following the girl up the street and who comes out to see that she's ok? Walter.  The smallest one of the crew.  Did they even come out to make sure he was good? Nope.  They never fail to disappoint me.

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The scene at Skye’s apt with her girlfriend and Donna. They sit down and she’s telling them about this baby daddy that she is afraid of. At one point, she says he….(and it got bleeped out)

What do ya’ll think she said…He pimped her out, he shot her up with heroine? I’m not getting why it would have been bleeped out…for legal reasons?

Yung Bae on her Tinder date cracked me up. She sure had a lot of patience. Dunno why but her date reminded me of Forrest Whittaker

Kitty using the clone a pussy - I guess she shaves COMPLETELY - I really did not need to know that

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Whoa.  I've lost some respect for Tatu Baby.  Yikes, no one needs publicity enough to play for the cameras with Cesar! So gross! Worse than Skye's vagina consultation.  Shudder. 

But whoever called dutchess about the accident was low.  I hope it wasn't production. That was cruel.   

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Exactly what did O'Shits new bride thing she was getting marrying an unemployed semi-ex coke head? With several baby mommas?  

And why is she paying his child support anyway? That's his bill. He needs to get several more jobs if he can't swing it. Collect cans as Judge Judy would suggest.

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