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Paranormal Witness - General Discussion

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I'd think a fireplace would be a selling point bc many people like them so it being boarded up - my first question, as mentioned,  would be WHY? to the rental agent/realtor but maybe there wouldn't be a true answer. IDK.  


I wondered why the mom put a witch lamp for the kid's bedroom light/lampshade or whatever that was.


Also, I'd be curious what that symbol was on the necklace. But if it was ;84, (was it?) the average joe didn't have a computer.

Shallow but it was making me cray how she kept calling Mandy, "Mee-ANN-dee"

Edited by ari333

I'm willing to bet the lampshade was the production team's taking liberty with non-essential elements of the story. The woman, her sister, cousin and friend or whoever else also never said the "round symbol" was a necklace. That kind of stuff makes me tired. It sensationalizes and cheapens what could be a very personal and real story.

If the fireplace was 'closed', there should be some nice covering for it. The realtor or apartment manager can say that there were structural issues with it. Or just simply left it open and told the tenants to not use it as it wasn't safe. Being given some shady answer or no answer would be a bit of a red flag.


I think the necklace had a pentagram on it. I wondered why they didn't return it to the landlord and ask him/her to contact the previous tenant about the object left behind and if the previous tenant wanted it returned to him/her. Again, it was the usual story of investing *everything* in to the property. The boyfriend being away on a long job.


I suppose I could be a 'witch' at certain times of the year (i.e. not Halloween and me giving out nice candy).  I don't appreciate kids I don't know playing in my yard without my knowledge or permission. No meeting the parents, no nothing. You get tired of stuff being broken or damaged.  You get tired of being mouthed off at or getting the middle finger from the neighbourhood five year old. The days of the kindly lady or neighbour are long-gone in a lawsuit-happy world. I did find it odd that the the woman moved in to the 'witch's' home. Maybe she and her friends made fun of the older lady living in the apartment when they were younger. Older, not a grandma type. Why move back there.

I'm willing to bet the lampshade was the production team's taking liberty with non-essential elements of the story. The woman, her sister, cousin and friend or whoever else also never said the "round symbol" was a necklace. That kind of stuff makes me tired. It sensationalizes and cheapens what could be a very personal and real story.


I thought it was a necklace bc it was a dangling thing on a chain. Did they say what it was? I missed it.

And I agree about the lampshade. Additionally, IIRC there was also a witch-like drawing on the frig.

Why was the kid sleeping with that creepy dirty fireplace doll? ewwwww. It's not like she didn't have other great toys and stuffed animals and other dolls. ewww.

I also agree with Frozen. There are plenty of ornate or nice looking fireplace covers or whatever the word is. Leaving it looking boarded up just screamed questions to me. That jewelry looking thing hanging in the closet creeped me out too. I'd try to get it back to the owner; and in lieu of that , if unsuccessful, I would NOT put it back in my closet YIKES.

Word. The producers take great liberties with this show's creative details. Watching an invisible someone take the teacup from MeeAnndee's hand at tea time got a grumpy deep sigh from me. Luckily My Haunted House is keeping me in the paranormal game (oh and Alaska Haunting; which btw, has the same narrator as A Haunting!!). PW with its heavily religious leanings just makes me grouchy.


O/T Oh before i forget... Demon Files (yep with Ralph Sarchie of the catholic demon-busting, NY cop fame) is getting his own show starting Nov 1st. Should we start a thread for it? Something tells me its going to be terribly fun to comment on. Who's in?

Edited by msbeesknees
  • Love 2

Word. The producers take great liberties with this show's creative details. Watching an invisible someone take the teacup from MeeAnndee's hand at tea time got a grumpy deep sigh from me. Luckily My Haunted House is keeping me in the paranormal game (oh and Alaska Haunting; which btw, has the same narrator as A Haunting!!). PW with its heavily religious leanings just makes me grouchy.


O/T Oh before i forget... Demon Files (yep with Ralph Sarchie of the catholic demon-busting, NY cop fame) is getting his own show starting Nov 1st. Should we start a thread for it? Something tells me its going to be terribly fun to comment on. Who's in?

Im totally in.... but you knew that, :)

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the woman never said the pentagram was a necklace. I think she just said it was a [round] object with decorative elements because I remember being irritated at the show for automatically making it a necklace. Then I was irritated at the woman for putting it back in the closet. If a previous tenant left something in a place I moved into, I would tell the landlord. I don't get these people.

This show takes so many liberties with the stories people tell that it makes me so skeptical, and I'm not naturally that way about these things. I mean, my takeaway from last night's show is that there was a squirrel in the chimney and her kid had an imaginary friend. During the winters in my last place, I had a couple of critters of some sort in two different walls, and there's one that gets in the wall/ceiling at my place now. You don't see me calling up Syfy. I do call maintenance, but they never find it. Demon squirrels are sneaky that way.

  • Love 1

This was an interesting episode.


Too bad the events happened almost 40 years ago.


The little girl could have easily locked herself in the box. Heavy, old hinges and latch.  I got locked in an outhouse when I was young. Wind, door slammed shut, and it got stuck. I was rescued within 10-15 minutes.


Almost all the family being affected in some way lent the story credibility.


My phone rang on cue just after the bedroom conjuring (and possession?) scene. That was creepy and well-done.


The mother aging and declining was interesting.


I wonder if the Warrens are still alive and could speak about this case, or have some written records of their investigation. I do wonder why they seemingly showed up out of the blue.


Unfortunate that the séance recording mysteriously erased.


I was surprised that historical records were readily available and accessible. Maybe the town's tax roll, where records are public?


Do wonder why 'Bathsheba' chose the mother and not one of the daughters. Was there really some sort of sacrifice going on or was she just a thoroughly modern 19th century woman? Superstition and folklore can be powerful influences.


It was a bit disturbing to see the mother change features during the séance. Why no back-up regular film camera? Don't know why there was a need for a séance, unless that was what was done back in the 1970s.


Wonder what happened, if anything, to the next owners. It's been since 1980 and I would think the house is still around.

  • Love 1

This was an interesting episode.


Too bad the events happened almost 40 years ago.


The little girl could have easily locked herself in the box. Heavy, old hinges and latch.  I got locked in an outhouse when I was young. Wind, door slammed shut, and it got stuck. I was rescued within 10-15 minutes.


Almost all the family being affected in some way lent the story credibility.


My phone rang on cue just after the bedroom conjuring (and possession?) scene. That was creepy and well-done.


The mother aging and declining was interesting.


I wonder if the Warrens are still alive and could speak about this case, or have some written records of their investigation. I do wonder why they seemingly showed up out of the blue.


Unfortunate that the séance recording mysteriously erased.


I was surprised that historical records were readily available and accessible. Maybe the town's tax roll, where records are public?


Do wonder why 'Bathsheba' chose the mother and not one of the daughters. Was there really some sort of sacrifice going on or was she just a thoroughly modern 19th century woman? Superstition and folklore can be powerful influences.


It was a bit disturbing to see the mother change features during the séance. Why no back-up regular film camera? Don't know why there was a need for a séance, unless that was what was done back in the 1970s.


Wonder what happened, if anything, to the next owners. It's been since 1980 and I would think the house is still around.

Lorraine Warren is still around, Ed has passed. They made a movie about this story a year or so ago called The Conjuring. The owners of this house have just reported that after the movie came out they're having problems with fans coming to the house. They had to put up fences and get security cameras installed. They did not say anything about having problems with spirits in their home. There is also at least one book about this haunting.

  • Love 2

Lorraine Warren is still around, Ed has passed. They made a movie about this story a year or so ago called The Conjuring. The owners of this house have just reported that after the movie came out they're having problems with fans coming to the house. They had to put up fences and get security cameras installed. They did not say anything about having problems with spirits in their home. There is also at least one book about this haunting.

I didn't see the movie. Maybe it is still around on our movie channel.

1.  The furnace/propane. The propane guy should have checked out how $350 or more of propane was used up in a day or so. Check to see if the tank was filled properly. Propane also is not odourless. In 1997, the house should have had a CO monitor. Crappy of him to charge for another fill.


2. Old furnaces do have issues. Maybe not anything paranormal.


3. House is old, and since it was fall, maybe the bees found a hole in the roof. Or had their hive in a wall of the house.


4. I did like the chat with the neighbour. I did think it was him knocking at the door during the ice storm.


5. The little girl's house drawing rightfully drew the attention of the teacher. I'm surprised that she didn't also talk to the school counsellor about the 'dark' house.


6. The creepy monster with the eyes may have been real or just a nightmare, eyes playing tricks.


7. The furniture moving was interesting and was witnessed by more than one person.


8. The church spirits seemed to be an odd reason for the 'haunting' and not liking the 'family' due to it being a single parent household. The Internet was alive and well in 1997 and surely there was someone within a 100 mile or so radius (psychic or medium) who could have come out to check the house out.


9. The show's ending seemed weird with the credits and then the door closing on the mom - to keep her in the house?

  • Love 2

Do you guys wander around the house in the middle of the night with the lights off?


Did they say that the rent was super great and cheap? That seems like a red flag to creepy. :)

I knew that sewing machine was going to do something weird.    

I knew that sewing machine was going to do something weird.    


It's not a regular hobby. Only if I want to injure myself. Or if the power goes off and that's mainly going around with a flashlight (if the batteries work) or the light of my iPad and the flashlight app.


If something seems too good to be true (like cheap rent), it probably is. It would normally be a red flag of lousy neighbours or that the house may need some, um, repair.

  • Love 1

ok hi y'all... just finished the episode. right away i recognized the story from reading Kristel's book about 2 years ago called In Stone. the book was waaaay better than the PW episode and they didn't touch on many other weird things that happened. i highly recommend it and its kindle edition is cheap.

i recall the third woman who moved in with them was a recovering alcoholic and once she moved to the new house she was hammered all the time.  they also did have a psychic come in who said all the evil emanated from the stone wall.


oh and Kristel runs a greyhound sanctuary now, how rad is that?

  • Love 2

One of the more interesting episodes this season.


Many unanswered questions.


Afghanistan, which made for interesting viewing and an interesting story. Also involving the military.  And Russia, and the Taliban. Most likely X amount of time has passed since the events, and the events could be brought up publicly.


Except for the firefight, nothing seemed to really happen. Just a mention of ghosts, radio issues, feeling something around them, and finding some bones that had been buried in a war zone. I felt some was the soldiers' picking up of the area's residual energies. Isolated area, quiet, dark - all things that made it a bit spooky. The mind can play tricks very easily.


I did like the use of the heat and motion sensors.


Poor dog with the name of Ugly Betty.


The bit at the end gave the tale a new spin. Curses aren't normally real and it's just suggestion and self-fulfilling prophecy. But add in other cultures and other beliefs and an ancient piece of the planet, and the soldiers may have been affected by its energies. Some of my relatives do believe in 'curses'. The type of 'curse' that sells these days are the ones mentioned by fortunetellers, which of course can be removed at great cost to you. Just malarkey. I didn't quite buy the Final Destination part. Yes, the others died tragically in some weird, one of a kind accidents, but there has to be more than it being the Rock that contributed to their deaths.

  • Love 1

i love how they all came around to seeing that LC Zolik wasn't crazy. that fine MFer was like, "see you a-holes later i'm not getting cursed. peace out dbags."


also, how much energy does it take to create an actual supernatural fire fight? i mean they heard MACHINE GUNS up close and shit. that's just uncanny. for something to have so much energy pulled from an environment that it can actually replicate the sounds of warfare. i just can't believe it.

  • Love 3

I'm surprised there aren't more people who have experienced something paranormal or at least unusual enough to make one wonder if they aren't dealing with the supernatural.


I grew up in a house where a lot of weird experiences were felt by not only my whole family but also friends who would come over to visit and sleep over. It was always unnerving and seemed to be something that followed by mother around from house to house.


As an adult, I pretty much keep myself closed off and try to ignore any weird activity or behavior and try to find reasonable or scientific solutions for strange things I may be experiencing. That being said, the last couple of weeks I've been a little unnerved.


I've been smelling weird smells, always in the basement right by my head as I'm lying on the couch and always in one concentrated spot. First, it was the smell of some sort of shampoo or soap. It was really strong and only in one localized spot. I thought I was going nuts because it seemed to be getting stronger and stronger before finally disappearing altogether. Luckily, my brother was with me at the time and also smelled it. I went upstairs and there was no smell and walked around the basement and into the garage area and again nothing. The smell was only by the couch.


The second time I smelled gasoline and so did my brother. I thought perhaps it was coming from upstairs but nada, and I also checked out the garage and nope. After awhile, the smell just dissipated.


The third time I was alone but smelled broccoli. I thought perhaps my grandfather was cooking. I went upstairs and there was no smell. I went into the kitchen and there was nothing on the stove. I went back downstairs and again smelled broccoli. It lasted about ten minutes and then went away.


Later that day, I smelled apples or possibly apple sauce. It was rather pleasant and grew stronger and stronger. I put my arms up behind my head as I was lying on the couch and I felt a cold draft around my hands and couldn't make sense of it. The draft seemed to travel past my hands and over my face and even my nose got cold. It was really unnerving and I started to shake because it felt like something or someone was standing directly over me. After a minute or two it, along with the smell of apples, went away.  That was about a week ago and luckily I have not smelled anything or had that cold sensation happen again.

  • Love 2

A bit underwhelming for a season finale.


Grandma's long-forgotten twin sister?


I felt that the door rattling meant that the husband had come home. Not some spooky event.


At least the psychic had some idea of what was going on and how to correct the situation. The bit at the end seemed tacked on to show that the great-aunt wasn't completely gone.

That doll was the creepiest thing I have seen on this show.

When I read the episode description I was thinking it was going to be one of those life size Barbie dolls that I had as a kid. Not something that looked like it was forged by Satan himself. What the hell was that mother thinking? I thought for sure that thing was going to be standing in the doorway behind someone at some point.

I would've chucked that thing out when I saw it sitting on the toilet. WTF was that?

Pictures would have been so cool(and I'm sure they were taken at some point. The mom made the doll, the girl loved the doll, she got it for her birthday and they said birthdays were a big deal to them so I'm sure someone snapped a few pics) but I would understand if the family burned every photo of the thing. I would like to see if it was as terrifying as they made it on the show.

I'd like to know where Suzy is today as well. If that bitch is wandering around Connecticut somewhere then I'm in danger. She would have to cross the river to get to me and I find that generally, people don't like to cross the river so maybe I'm safe.

I have some doubts about the dark cloud rolling down the street but overall I think this was the best episode of the season.

Oh gosh, that doll sitting on the toilet with its underwear down, I don't know, toileting itself? Was my favorite moment. It looked so insouciant and pleased with itself. Hygiene is important.

Just caught the fireplace one as well. Sometimes a demon or some such can be kept in a fireplace, and other times it just turns to mist and gets out? And yeah Linda, you need to warsh your winders.

DJ Deb certainly was full of herself. If I were Poppy, I would revenge haunt her too. I'm thinking she was feeling guilty because she just wanted to get Poppys stuff. Well, the good news is that she kept up with her public speaking and the trailer isn't haunted no more. Also, did she say her porn stashe boyfriend was a bad boy because he dressed in drag? And what decade was this? What decade is the sister in?

  • Love 1

Guys, I totally understand the rationalization bc we rationalized everything too. But the bottom line... we heard NO FOOTSTEPS... if a person were there, we'd hear it. Unless there were carpet and as I mentioned we already asked and no carpet. The realtor was so proud of the floors. And we heard the previous neighbor every day coming and going on the hardwood floors. Then she moved and it was empty. If a person were there... even "borrowing" the unit, we'd have heard footsteps. all we heard were weird noises ... from the post above. I even went up there one time thinking we had new neighbors (we heard footsteps) and wanted to say hi. I knocked on the door and it was just some dudes working on the paint. ANd I did see hardwood floors and I did hear those guys walking.

  • Love 1

Weird smells freak me out, but only if they are familiar smells. But those can be strangely comforting. Odd smells I attribute to a neighbor doing something or cooking.... or .... whatever.

In a nutshell, the scariest part of that condo was hearing things , noises, coming from upstairs  yet not hearing footsteps

and the rest of the building was empty at the time

We were only four units in the building so it wasn't hard to know which ones were vacant and  if the one neighbor dude was home.

  • Love 2

Here's one unless I already told this one. I have told it somewhere. Anyway, my significant other  (SO)  and I were a little freaked out and thought we'll do a smudge thing with the sage and prayers where you leave the front door open (for "it" to leave) supposedly. Anyway, we went thru the whole home and were in the last room with the front door open. I had the sage and SO was reciting prayers.  Suddenly we heard clonking foot steps outside like clogs walking. We rushed to the door and still heard the steps, but saw no person. It was freaky  . There was no one there but we heard something leaving. If I had been alone I'd have thought I was nuts, but SO heard it too. So there's that.  Oh, and "it" came back later apparently, so so much for that remedy.:-).

  • Love 2

About 20 years ago, I lived in a house that had some really bad vibes to it. I had a small upstairs "suite", and my best friend, the homeowner, lived downstairs.  Several other friends and I had helped my bf renovate and clean the place out after he bought it, and I moved in a couple months later.  It only lasted for 4 months.

Thank God I worked nights, because I HATED nights there.  It started gradually, feeling like I was being watched, and like someone was standing just out of sight.  It was like there was pressure building in the air. The kitchen and laundry rooms were downstairs, and if I was alone and at night, fuck it. I'd rather sit in dirty clothes eating an air sandwich upstairs. Sometimes, I'd wake up during the day, sure someone was standing there, poking me or saying something. A few times, I woke up because the cat was hissing and growling.  I knew no one had come upstairs, because there was a keyed lock on the door to the stairwell. For some reason, I never got around to giving my friend a key, and he never asked.

My bf's personality started changing-mean, jealous, and angry. He had also purchased 5 or 6 of these huge (5 feet by about 6 feet) paintings that depicted some sort of voodoo-ish ritual by a fire. He put them in tiny room downstairs, so it felt like you were actually in the scene. Strangely enough, I didn't feel like the paintings started anything, though.

One night, I was home alone and off work. I was curled up in bed reading, with all the lights on upstairs. Something caught my attention at the foot of the bed. My cat was creeping backwards toward me. As I was sitting up, thinking, "What the....?" I was overtaken by the most intense feelings of dread and fear I have ever experienced. I was so frightened I literally couldn't move.  The phone was two feet away, but I couldn't move. The cat had finished scooching up next to me, and she kind of glanced at me, like, "Ok, we are screwed".  Her fur all along her back was standing on end, and the back of my neck and head were prickling like my hair was on end, too. I sat like that for over an hour, with tears running down my face.  I couldn't see anything, but holy shit, I could feel it. Finally, it was like the whatever it was was just gone.  

I moved out very soon after, my friendship over.  He said there was nothing wrong with the house, and that I was an unsupportive bitch.  He only lasted another year, tops, before basically abandoning the house, unable to sell it for another 10 years.

i found out later that my friend had seen "something", but didn't want me to know, because he knew I would probably freak out.  He told another friend that before I moved in, he had seen an elderly woman, in 40's clothes, bathed in gold light, smiling at him, in his bedroom doorway. Yet another friend later confessed he'd felt something wasn't right with the house, but had seen an elderly woman LOOKING OUT MY BEDROOM WINDOW, SMILING AT HIM. He felt like she was protecting me, but wasn't strong enough for whatever was taking over downstairs. 

Now, every once in a while, I'll look down at the foot of my bed, and my two "new" cats look up and out at the dark hallway at the same time.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ari333 said:

Here's one unless I already told this one. I have told it somewhere. Anyway, my significant other  (SO)  and I were a little freaked out and thought we'll do a smudge thing with the sage and prayers where you leave the front door open (for "it" to leave) supposedly. Anyway, we went thru the whole home and were in the last room with the front door open. I had the sage and SO was reciting prayers.  Suddenly we heard clonking foot steps outside like clogs walking. We rushed to the door and still heard the steps, but saw no person. It was freaky  . There was no one there but we heard something leaving. If I had been alone I'd have thought I was nuts, but SO heard it too. So there's that.  Oh, and "it" came back later apparently, so so much for that remedy.:-).

So the sage got rid of it for a while?

Wow. I totally believe you, if that means something.  I have some more creepy things to say, but I don't want people to think im cray.  I kind of thought I was nuts until someone else saw and heard the same things. Then I felt.... not alone.

I understand bad vibes. Sometimes I walk into a home or business and something just feels..... OFF....Cant put my finger on it, but definitely OFF creepy

  • Love 3
Just now, ari333 said:

Wow. I totally believe you, if that means something.  I have some more creepy things to say, but I don't want people to think im cray.  I kind of thought I was nuts until someone else saw and heard the same things. Then I felt.... not alone.

I appreciate it. I'm not sure I would have believe it if I hadn't lived through it.  As awful as it was, it has opened my mind up to the experiences other people have had, and made sense of some other things that have happened to me. Sometimes, shit just cannot be explained.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, EverybodyIsACritic said:

I appreciate it. I'm not sure I would have believe it if I hadn't lived through it.  As awful as it was, it has opened my mind up to the experiences other people have had, and made sense of some other things that have happened to me. Sometimes, shit just cannot be explained.

Yes. I hear you.


Also, as many weird creepy things that happened, there were some good things too... still weird but the experience felt different.  - loving.. comforting. One time I saw a purple-ish white orb (I hate that word) over my bf's head while he was sleeping. I didnt' feel fear though. It was oddly calming.

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