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BoJack Horseman - General Discussion

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I ended up really, really liking this series - which surprised me a lot.


If you'd asked me what I thought after three or four episodes, I would have said, "Eh, it's just another Hollywood satire without anything new to say."


But once I got to episode 7 or so, I was stunned by the level of character depth. And it just got funnier and funnier.

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I agree Blakeston! First off, they got Naomi Watts and Stanley Tucci to do the show which is quite impressive. I really like the animation style and the subtle animal quirks they worked into each character - Princess Carolyn's scratch post on her desk and Bojack making a smoothie with carrots. I would say that the tone is like an R-rated Bob's Burgers. The damn end credits song is an earworm for me. Also, do you think David Boreanaz got paid every time they used his name? I'm psyched for season 2. Since we already saw one of his TV kids, I'd like to see the other two grown up (have one super religious and the other gay).

Edited by Grammaeryn

Yeah, those last few episodes surprised me, too. I had to take a breather from marathoning it because things got kinda heavy. Towards the end there, I genuinely feared that the season might play out with BoJack committing suicide. A major departure from the standard infinitely excusable cartoon sitcom lead that I expected. And Mr. Peanut Butter, Margo Martindale and Princess Carolyn were probably the most likeable characters for me. What an insane show.


I don't think I've ever tried to stop myself from laughing in quite the same way as I did when they started pulling guns on each other during the drug sequence. So tense - so hilarious.

My jaw dropped at the end of episode 11. For all the absurdity and hilarity of previous episodes, there was always an undercurrent of darkness and foreboding but even though I could sense it I just did NOT see that ending coming. It was like a sucker punch to the gut. I'm so glad it's coming back for another season.

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I'm not sure which thread this goes in, sorry. But is anybody else seeing a category called "Watched by Bojack Horseman" on Netflix and the first show is "Horsin' Around," the show Bojack was on in 1987?

It's actually just the opening for the (fake) show but its very clever. It even has a fake summary and includes the characters' names under "starring."

Bojack's been watching a bunch of sleazy movies, cheesy sitcoms, animal shows and Californication. It's perfect.

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Had this show on my list forever, and finally got around to watching it. At first, I was lukewarm, but by episode 3, when Sara Lynn is telling BoJack that literally every single day, someone tells her that she was the first woman they masturbated to, and we can see how messed up that is and how it has damaged her ability to find meaning in her life... That was when I could tell the show had something to say beyond "fame is a black hole, actors are pathetic." By the end of the season, I was thoroughly impressed. I love how all the characters are really given their due, so that while they play like typical goofy cartoon archetypes, there's something real and personal underneath it. The inclusion of blink-and-you'll-miss-it animal character traits never fails to crack me up (like Mr. Peanutbutter's trunk full of tennis balls). I really appreciated the way the emotional arc between Diane and BoJack played out. It would have been easy to set that up like a typical love story, where he realizes he loves her, bares his soul, and then she either reciprocates or doesn't. The way the complexities of their relationship unravelled was much more realistic. His feelings were partly genuine, and partly a result of the writing process, and partly desperation to be loved by someone who understands him. HER feelings are partly romantic, and partly practical. She could probably be very happy with BoJack, but she chose Mr. Peanutbutter. Diane and Peanutbutter truly love each other and make each other happy, but are they "perfect" for each other? What does that even mean? I really respect the show for not filling in those interpersonal grey areas with trite oversimplifications.


Besides that, the opening credits sequence alone is a work of art. Can't wait for season 2!

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So many good ones. I don't think I could keep myself from laughing at practically anything "Vincent Adultman" said! But the sight gags are what really got me. My favourite, the banner at Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's engagement party, which read:


Congrats Diane and Mr Peanut Butter

     Peanut Butter is one word


But Todd's scrambled eggs song was pretty rockin' too!


This is so much why I love Mr. Peanutbutter. Other shows would be tempted to make their gloomy, asshole protagonist the "secretly has a heart of gold" type and balance him out with a sunny, good-natured rival who is secretly a real jerk. You know, "prove" that their protagonist is a real anti-hero by setting him up against someone even worse, so that the audience is forced onto his side? But Mr. Peanutbutter is a bit dopey and self-involved, but a genuinely nice guy, and the triangle between him, BoJack and Diane is very human and nuanced - more so than most non-animated love triangles turn out! Mr. Peanutbutter is not only a source of joy in the show, he's actually why I respect the show so much. Well, that, and Vincent Adultman, who has so much to teach us about what it truly means to be a grown-up who is definitely one single adult. Rock on, show.

Edited by Slovenly Muse
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I love all the unexpected things that happened on this show, like Mr. Peanutbutter calling Diane and asking her to come home.  That was a lovely scene.  I love that Princess Caroline didn't give in to the rabbit - instead, she realized that she's not afraid to be alone.  I loved those floating glow sticks but at the same time I thought to myself man, that would be hell on the environment, so I'm glad they mentioned that.  And the improve people with their fake guns - ahahaha.  Improv people! They really are worse than Scientologists!  (But not as bad as mimes.) 


So what do you think his deer friend was going back to his cabin for? To tell him about the glow stick balloons, or to kiss him?

I think she was interested in him but knew she shouldn't/couldn't be - all her actions were conflicted, to me.  Not mentioning she was married at the funeral, snuggling up against him, waiting a fraction of a second too long to be offended by the kiss, saying things like "everyone loves you."  Even her speech about why she wouldn't run away with him wasn't just, "I'm happily married, and even if I weren't I'm not interested in you."  It was more like, "I have a family and I've built a life here [that I don't want to screw up for you because you'll make me regret it]."  I don't think she was going to run off with him, but I think she was tempted.

I still don't understand why I like this show, but I do. 


I understood why he didn't bother to try to explain to Charlotte what was going on in the boat room, but I thought we'd see a flashback that led up to it that was them having a conversation, him shutting her down, her asking for just his bowtie as a memento of the prom, him saying ok, and her starting to take it off (which was right when Charlotte walked in). But... we didn't. So was he really that low, that they were really going to and he was going to go through with it? That's dark, man. Darker than I thought this show would go.


However, I loved Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane's talk on the phone at the end. I loved Mr. Peanutbutter this entire season, which was a surprise because he got on my nerves something fierce last season.  I even liked Caroline at the end, when she shut Jean-RalphioBunny down. 

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Until the show says otherwise I'm just going to believe that the daughter was still trying to talk him into it to no avail.  I want him to be better than that.  He's not better than much (and that's fine) but he has got to be better than that. (Please!  Please, show!)  When they were on the water tower I had to put the show on pause and take a long break because I was so terrified (and sure) he was going to kiss her.  Or jump off the water tower, one or the other.  It's just that kind of a show.


Mr. Peanutbutter won me over this season too.  Also, I love how she always calls him Mr. Peanutbutter.  Does he even have a first name?

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I did not think anything happened on the boat, it seemed to me not enough time had passed from when he left and was caught with her for anything to actually happen.  I just thought they were about to.


I was actually more worried about the drunk girl and if she lived.  I thought that was worse than him and the teenage daughter, in a way.  Its gross with the daughter, but she was willing and he was resisting repeatedly.  Almost killing somone via alcohol poisoning is something else altogether. 


Oh I know!  I was trying to figure out who the real life "Uncle Hanky" was (like, did they finish this before the Cosby business?) and then I realized that Hollywoo is probably filled with Uncle Hankys - Cosby is just the U.H. of the moment. 

Sadly this is probably true


It was good to see more depth with Mr Peanutbutter and to know he was not as clueless as he seems at times. 

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It dawned on me this season there is a reason why Mr Peanutbutter is a dog and Bojack is a horse.  They aren't just random choices.  Mr Peanutbutter's personality is just like a dog.  he is upbeat, loves unconditionally, always seems happy, wants to be helpful, always wants to do things. 


Bojack if you fall back on the "why the long face " joke for horses, Bojack is constantly sad and morose. 

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Ah good point.  Horses are also pretty neurotic, at least in my experience.  How about Princess Caroline - independent? Ruthless when she's pursuing something for her client?  (Will not let go of her prey?)  Hmmm that's as far as I can go with that one. 

  Yeah I was trying to extend it to the other characters and not sure how well it works. 


Cats tend to be a bit prissy, clean, yes independent.  Not as sure about the reason for her being a cat


And then the question is why the humans interacting in this animal "Hollywoo" as well, is there some symbolism there? 


Also I love MrPeanutbutter's license plate :  GOODBOY

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I love that license plate too!  I wonder why animals at all?  If there's a good reason it has sailed right over my head.  I wouldn't change it now, but originally it was so weird that I didn't even give the show a chance until some TV critic talked about it in my Twitter feed.  (Something like, "I know this looks godawful but I swear it's worth your time.")

There's an interview on Vulture with the creator of the show - apparently yes, their intent was that Bojack really was going to go all the way with Penny: http://www.vulture.com/2015/07/bojack-horseman-season-two-raphael-bob-waksberg.html



Well sure I thought he was going to, I thought the question was did he before her mom walked in on them.  I don't think anything happened before they were caught. 

I think Charlotte walked in before they actually slept together.

I never questioned that Bojack intended to sleep with the daughter. His reaction to getting caught was not the reaction of someone who was the victim of a misunderstanding.

I think it was perfectly in character for him to do it, too. His dreams had just been shattered - he thought he'd put together a happy life with the woman of his dreams. And then she rejects him, telling him that he makes her too sad.

For someone like Bojack, that's about as miserable as it gets. And so he took a pitiful grasp at whatever pleasure he could feel at that moment, with someone who reminded him of her.

Plus, the last time we saw Bojack try to take a fatherly role with a younger woman, it was Sarah Lynn, and he ended up sleeping with her.

It was painful to see Bojack sink so low with a 17-year-old, but it was very much in character for him. I would have been disappointed in the show's creator if he'd claimed that Charlotte just walked in at the wrong time, and drew the wrong conclusion.

So what do you think his deer friend was going back to his cabin for? To tell him about the glow stick balloons, or to kiss him?

I think she saw the balloons, and realized that Bojack had attempted to relive one of his fondest memories of her with her lookalike daughter. That instantly made her suspicious. Edited by Blakeston
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