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S01.E03: Earth Kill


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In a desperate attempt to treat Jasper’s festering wounds, Clarke, Finn and Wells set out in search of a seaweed antibiotic. Bellamy and his crew go hunting for food, and are joined by Charlotte, a lovable 13-year-old, who feels safe under Bellamy’s protection. A thick, acidic fog appears, forcing Clarke, Finn and Wells to seek shelter inside an ancient van. While they are trapped, Clarke confronts Wells on his betrayal that resulted in her father’s death.

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I got it off thetvdb.com, so I guess someone could have just made it up? TV Guide says

An antibiotic is sought to treat Jasper's wounds. Meanwhile, Bellamy and his crew hunt for food.
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An antibiotic isn't going to suture up the gaping wound in Jasper's chest.  Plus, how are they going to find seaweed ? They are pretty far from the ocean, for starters.

Where has the lovable 13-year old Charlotte been hiding all this time on the ground ?  And Bellamy is just going to take her under his wing like the good guy that he is.  Sure he is.

This case where previously unseen people just popup out of nowhere is starting to sound more and more like 'Under the Dome' -- and that's not a good thing.

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Or Lost. I guess all survivor type shows reserve the right to have guest stars pop out of the ether for a brief time and then disappear back into the crowd or die. I've no doubt that description is actually less insane than what actually happens on the show. 

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There's enough people and it's early enough that I can buy that there was a 13 year old among them that hasn't gotten any screen time, though I imagine it's pretty obligatory on these types of shows that at some point, someone will pretend to be from the group that isn't.

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So they have a previously on 'The 100', followed by another previously -- followed by a coming up on the next episode at the end.  Could this show possibly have more filler ?

Nice to see that ESPN Classic survives on the Ark -- I wonder if they have ESPN 8, the Ocho ?

Trina and Pascal get up close and personal with the acid fog -- who would have thought that there was an acid fog whistle stop on the train to Poundtown.  I guess that makes the show title 'The 95'.  Interesting how all the vegetation has adapted to be immune to the acid fog, a little convenient.

Adam wasn't strung up for very long (a day or two max), since he is already back doing ground searches for missing people for Bellamy. How come he has no rope marks on his wrists from being strung up ?

Octavia is a House-class diagnostician -- she hears Jasper screaming and instantly concludes that Clarke is killing him.  Wow, that's really incredible.  That must have been a hell of a medical school she attended online while living under the floorboards -- I didn't know University of Phoenix did medical degrees.

Clarke to Octavia -- "I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people, if I say there's hope there's hope".  Really ?
Did Clarke at any time see her mother use alcohol as an antiseptic ? Because if she did, they wouldn't have been drinking it at all in the van down by the river. Clarke really can't handle her liquor.

If 3 days have gone by since last episode, shouldn't everyone be grimier ? Because they all look exactly the same as last episode, if not a little cleaner.

What happened to the threat from the grounders ? Did they decide to just leave them kids alone ?

Clarke could try out for the grounder version of the Man Show as one of the members of the Juggy Dance Squad, because she was bouncing all over the place.  I guess they haven't found the remains of a mall yet.

How convenient that they found a mini-van that should have pretty much dissolved by rust in the intervening 97 years due to the fact it is located in a rainforest, but apparently the immutable laws of physics don't apply.  Hiding in a cave would not keep the acid fog out -- unless the cave had a hermetically sealed door.  Where was the light in the cave coming from -- the skylight ?

Could the producers please piss off with the lens flares in the flashbacks or anything that happens on the Ark ?  Do they not know that people hated this over-used effect in both of the new Star Trek movies and it is annoying as f*ck ?

No wonder they are running out of oxygen on the Ark -- with all the people they have spaced, they keep wasting good air when they blow open the airlock.  You do that a couple of thousand times over 97 years, that's a lot of air.  Idiots.

Clarke is now the merciful singing grim reaper, and is such a great role model to look up to that innocent little Clara with the night terrors takes it upon herself to kill Wells because her nightmares are about Wells' father spacing her parents.  Since the preview at the episode confirms that Wells is dead, and including Adam, the show is now the 'The 93'.

Despite the fact 3 days have gone by, there's no sign of Clarke's rat-fink of a mom (she needs to watch out because snitches get stitches) or technohottie Raven in the drop pod.  I guess Raven isn't the Ark version of Scotty that she thinks she is.

Earth: 2
Clarke: 1
Charlotte: 1

Place your bets in the death pool (which will of course be filled with mutant eels).

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An antibiotic isn't going to suture up the gaping wound in Jasper's chest.  Plus, how are they going to find seaweed ? They are pretty far from the ocean, for starters.

Both of these. *eye roll* Plus, the spear had to have either gone through his esophagus, stomach, lung, spinal cord, or heart.

My tweet on the episode with a link to a frozen (hopefully) TWoP forum page: http://twitter.com/scifi_reviews/status/452156389738037248

Basically, lot of discussion about the horror movie trope in which the black kid dies--again.

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Not only is the vegetation immune to the fart cloud, but apparently, so is Adam's clothing. As soon as Clara appeared behind Wells I was like, uh oh, she's about to go all Lizzie on yer ass Wells.

This show is definitely going to require a lot of suspension of disbelief.

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I must be completely daft, because I actually gasped when Charlotte stuck Wells with the knife. In my defense, it was late at night and I wasn't super invested in that little brat anyway. I do, however, hope that the group figures out that she's the murderer and strings her up by her braids.

Edited by Stinger97
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I must be completely daft, because I actually gasped when Clara stuck Wells with the knife. In my defense, it was late at night and I wasn't super invested in that little brat anyway. I do, however, hope that the group figures out that she's the murderer and strings her up by her braids.

I had the same reaction, but without the stringing up part. LOL. Your cute icon belies your dark side, stinger97, as much as the show's sweet little girl. In hind sight, the actor who gave her the knife seemed to really hate where the story was going and his role in it. Kind of like Big Bang Theory's Penny this week donning the gorilla suit.
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I hated Charlotte from the moment the TIVO episode summary told me she was "lovable". I'll decide that for myself, thanks. Apparently the demon-slaying lesson didn't extend to owning up to your crimes afterwards.

I noticed Clarke's father  told only his daughter he loved her before he was "let go," even though his wife was standing right there. That should have been a clue for Clarke right there.

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I did wonder where the kid came from - I guess she was in a cupboard somewhere until now.


Though actually the thing that got me was the fact that the adults were taking bets on the outcome of a football game. Didn't this game happen a century ago? I would have expected it to be like watching Star Wars for the 100th time* - you don't exactly go "Will Luke hit the exhaust port before Vader shoots him?" when you've seen it before (unless you have retrograde amnesia, I suppose). Or did they only recover this video recently, in which case, way to get your priorities straight - "We may be about to fall out of the sky in a blazing fireball, but at least we've got some new videos to watch!"


Actually, I only saw the first few minutes until there was disagreement as to what to watch. I gave in gracefully rather than watch more of the idiocy.


* I haven't seen it that many times, but I'm comfortably into double figures by now, I expect

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