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S17.E12: Episode 12

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I think she's a "dancer" dancer. Steve said something a week or so ago about her not being the typical stripper.

No, she was truly a cheerleader (except they don't call them that with basketball, I think).   Or rather I think she WAS for years, with the Miami Heat and one other team. I seem to recall googling her during Amazing Race and found her Facebook, which basically said she moved to Vegas and dances there now.  Again that sounds like stripping, except the pictures were (are: I found one of them again) of her in showgirl outfits.


Cheerleader/Dancer for Miami Heat (formerly):





Vegas Showgirl: (put together with some random photo of Jeff from his TAR casting photos)



Wait. Here's a promo poster showing her as a featured dancer with Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias at the Latin Grammys.



Edited by Kromm

No, she was truly a cheerleader (except they don't call them that with basketball, I think). Or rather I think she WAS for years, with the Miami Heat and one other team. I seem to recall googling her during Amazing Race and found her Facebook, which basically said she moved to Vegas and dances there now. Again that sounds like stripping, except the pictures were (are: I found one of them again) of her in showgirl outfits.

Cheerleader/Dancer for Miami Heat (formerly):


Vegas Showgirl: (put together with some random photo of Jeff from his TAR casting photos)


Wait. Here's a promo poster showing her as a featured dancer with Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias at the Latin Grammys.


I figured she was a dancer. I don't know why Steve said that.

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Am I the only one who gets insanely annoyed listening to Liz and Julia talk to each other?  They speak in whine.  "omggggggg, I can't believe you did thaaaaaaat..."  "I knooooooooooowwwwww...."  UGH.  Speak normally!  My toddler whines less than those two.


Yep, right there with you. And I wonder if they have their own "language" the way the Season 5 twins did - sort of babbling at each other in a way nobody else could understand. 

I think she's a "dancer" dancer. Steve said something a week or so ago about her not being the typical stripper.

I'm extremely confused on this. I read on Jokers that one of the guys (James?), told Jackie she's too pretty to be a stripper. They didn't post that she responded by clarifying she's not a stripper.

One cannot make a living as a professional cheerleader. The Miami Heat pays their dancers $55 per game and minimum wage for rehearsal. It's a prestige job in that world, but it doesn't pay the bills. It is strange that TAR identified her as Vegas showgirl, but BB has generically labelled her as dancer.

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Still a few hours until the new episode, so I may as well give some thoughts on this one.


• I liked the BotB comp, even if it was just a four-stage variant of clown-shoe (with the crawl-through-the-muck element of the spelling comp [and sometimes OTEV]).  I thought it was clever how they used the band names without having to actually pay the bands; hey, Eddie Vedder, those are pearls in jam, so good luck trying to collect royalties on our using your name!  Let's face it, BB is pretty much on the cheap a lot of the time ("Stop singing!"), so at least this time they were creative in their penny-pinching.  They worked seven bands into the comp (the four areas, plus Alice in Chains/Mudhoney/"Narvana"), so that was value for [little] money.  I just wish they'd included Stone Temple Pilots, somehow


• I also liked how Clay's scripted speech to the losers began "All apologies", which is a Nirvana song, if you don't know. If I had written those cue cards, I probably would have abused the hell out of that conceit (" 'All Apologies' losing team and dethroned HoH, I know you feel like crawling into a 'Heart-Shaped Box', but at least your new career as a boy band is 'In Bloom'.  For the rest of the week, any time you hear the music start, 'Come As You Are' to the living room and…"), until the HGs were reaching for Lithium.


• I continue to love Liz/Julia interactions, with Liz bragging about how she won HoH (in a questions comp, no less!) to Julia's apparent surprise.  It's clear that Liz adores Julia (micro-spoiler: on BBAD the night after she had "come out" as twins to Austin/Vanessa, she practically recited an Ode about how she would take a bullet for her twin, etc.) and I'm sure that Julia is equally (if not quite as vocally) devoted, but I can't help but feel that Julia does give Liz the occasional side-eye.  (The "I'm not going to play the dumb blonde" speech from last week, for example.)  So Liz's smirking "I'm smart!" had me nearly laughing; I kept expecting her to follow with an "S-M-R-T, smart!" as in The Simpsons.


• In contrast, we had the sequence of Steve confessing his failure to the bedroom cameras;  I guess between his not getting nominated last week and not being terribly in danger this week, he was afraid he wouldn't get any DR time to explain himself, so he went straight to "America", instead.


• And in further contrast, while Liz is bragging about her brains and Steve's wondering what happened to his, we have "Poop Head" Clay being reassured by Shelli that it's okay he blew the comp because it was "an attention to detail comp", and who could expect him to win that?  Just sit there and look pretty, Thunderbuns…if Shelli needs brainpower, she'll give Rango a call, I guess.


• I will say that Clay continues to do a good job of keeping his previous alliances (the 8-person group from week one; the final five he and Shelli had with Jeff/Jackie/John in Week 2) unaware of how deeply he and Shelli are in with the Sixth Sense.  Almost all of the James/Meg/Jason/Jeff [pre-eviction]/Jackie/John group think that Week 2 was just a personal issue between Shelli and Da'Vonne, that Vanessa going after Jeff last week and Shelli's targeting of Jason was all due to Audrey being this satanic puppet master and nothing to do with Clay/Shelli having joined a new alliance that is steamrolling the house (won all fou

r HoH slots since forming; Clay is the only one of the group who hasn't won one).  It's an amazing collective blind spot and I have to give Clay, much though I dislike him, props for keeping it going.


Although I also feel that some of reason the non-Sixth Sense group can't "rally" is that they were simply too big; they ended up pretty much getting everyone who wasn't Jace/Austin/Lizia/Vanessa on board with the "plan" to go after the other three "outsiders" (who were Week 1 have-nots, remember, and apparently took the opportunity to bond) after Jace was gone.  They didn't think they needed to have the solid smaller alliance that A/L/V have formed with Clay/Shell's switch, and so they don't do strategy; they sit and mope and wonder how Audrey keeps "snowing" the HoH.  Even though she's actually pretty much frozen out of that.  (Look at her hamfisted attempts to make Jason a bigger target this episode.) It's really some great misdirection the Sixth Sense has going on…I'm impressed.


But forget all that, let's deal with the vital question…where's Becky?  Actually, though, even with it being another silent Sunday in the Burgess house, where they could have gone all show waiting for Becky to be heard, unlike last week where she was invisible as well as silent, Becky was all over this Sunday's episode.  She's standing by the breakfast bar, in her black leather jacket, when the HoHs come out and invite the group upstairs, and she gets several reaction shots during the reading of the HoH letters.  She got an insert shot whenever someone wondered if Becky was one of the four who voted against James, and she was in the montage of "will she be nominated?" shots before the ceremony, where she was seen again.  And she was even seen during the BotB, sitting with Meg and possibly even making noise, going "woooo!".  But not that we could tell;  Becky might be able to survive a collision with a tram, but being able to out-"woooo!" Meg?  Let's not ask her to do the impossible, folks!

Edited by DAngelus
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It is strange that TAR identified her as Vegas showgirl, but BB has generically labelled her as dancer.

I assume TAR preferred 'Vegas showgirl' as a label but Jackie preferred 'professional dancer', and had more clout with BB than TAR, given her main tag here is "former TAR player' anyway. 


• I also liked how Clay's scripted speech to the losers began "All apologies", which is a Nirvana song, if you don't know. If I had written those cue cards, I probably would have abused the hell out of that conceit (" 'All Apologies' losing team and dethroned HoH, I know you feel like crawling into a 'Heart-Shaped Box', but at least your new career as a boy band is 'In Bloom'.  For the rest of the week, any time you hear the music start, 'Come As You Are' to the living room and…"), until the HGs were reaching for Lithium.



His second sentence after the 'All Apologies' one was that she 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', then they doused her.  

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