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The more Steve warns/apologizes to O/F fans, the more I'm even surer the break up is extremely temporary.

Are you thinking that this is his way of selling the breakup drama the way he tried to sell "Oliver is totally totally dead" last winter hiatus? 

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Are you thinking that this is his way of selling the breakup drama the way he tried to sell "Oliver is totally totally dead" last winter hiatus?

I wasn't thinking that, but you're probably right.

I was thinking more in terms of how he's perfectly aware that a whole lot of people he meets in cons [meaning they spent money to meet him] are dedicated O/F fans, and he's doing his best to reassure them.

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Are you thinking that this is his way of selling the breakup drama the way he tried to sell "Oliver is totally totally dead" last winter hiatus? 

It seems more like his attitude after the Ray hook-up, where he kept saying "it's always darkest before the dawn". We'll see, if he starts saying Olicity is dead forever and ever.. :D

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Stephen could be worried that people will switch off from the show and never return because there is only so much that you can expect an audience to put up with. Fans slogged it out through the stupidity that was S3 and finally get a happy and "organic" O/F relationship that works well and doesn't overshadow the show and it's destroyed in 14 episodes for no real reason.

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Yo, Steve, here's a brilliant idea for you free of charge: post the SOTY video right after whatever episode it is that Felicity dumps Oliver's ass. Fandom is gonna need the distraction.

I want to think he already thought of that, and that's why they haven't done it yet, haha.

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Ship of the Year. I think he (they?) promised to do one after Olicity won.

Thanks! Would be perfect timing to release it after

the break-up

. He released the video of EBR creating a word after the R/F hook-up, so makes sense he would capitalize on Olicity heartbreak to give the fans something to fixate on instead of brooding over the bad storytelling on the show.


Edited - for potential spoiler

Edited by kismet
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From yesterday's SA panel at Dallas ComicCon (I don't think his response is that spoilery, but I've used spoiler tags anyway for my transcription,,,


-- SA:

"You were fishing for spoilers earlier... talking about things like they had happened, trying to get me to slip up. You won't catch me, Sabrina. (Audience laughs) ... [Fan asks if there is anything he can say to give them hope] ... I will give you some hope, okay? Obviously, at some point this year, the chickens are going to come home to roost for Oliver, and Felicity will likely find out I have, like, a 10-year-old kid.  (sighs) Oliver... (shakes head in exasperation) ... and I'm sure - but I will tell you, if that happens, I promise, they will handle it like adults."


Stephen Amell on Olicity breakup DCC2016 | ARROW
Published on Feb 14, 2016, by Arrow TV12 

Edited by tv echo
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Watch the ENTIRE Stardust/Stephen Amell confrontation at Dallas Comic Con 2016!
Published on Feb 13, 2016, by WWE

During Stephen Amell’s Q&A panel at Dallas Comic Con, Stardust – accompanied by Eden – made a surprise appearance to present his nemesis with the Slammy Award for 2015 Celebrity Moment of the Year and remind the “Arrow” star of his true feelings towards him with a glass of water to the face.


Dallas Comic Con 2016: Robbie Amell pouring water on Stephen Amell | ARROW
Published on Feb 14, 2016, by Arrow TV12 


Stephen Amell Zoey meeting Arrow at DCC 2016
Published on Feb 14, 2016, by Arrow TV12 

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Recap od SA's DCC panel


Non-spoilery bits:


Stephen says that Arrow is going to last well past Season 5.


Stephen loved the moment with Oliver, Felicity and Goth Felicity when Felicity said, “ Shut up.”


Stephen says that it is impossible for him to choose between Felicity and Thea. He’d cut off Malcolm’s other hand before having to choose.


Stephen’s favourite fight sequence is on top of the mountain with Ra’s. Tidbit - They brought in snow for the scene but miracle it actually snowed in Vancouver that week. Stephen would play a villain if given the chance. Stephen’s favourite colour is blue.


Stephen said that Robbie was a d*ck when he said that Batman could beat the Green Arrow. Stephen had no clue what Oracle meant when Oliver gave Felicity her code name.


“ All Barry’s gotta do is pick up the phone.” If he wants Green Arrow’s help with Zoom.


To end the panel, Stephen remarked that having abs must be a requirement to be hired by the CW.




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They both seem to be beating pretty hard on that drum.

Word on the twitter feed is that @ lovelikeolicity was not at the Dallas Con and was trolling :(


But who knows what the truth is these days?


edited - to remove pics of false tweets

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Word on the twitter feed is that @ lovelikeolicity was not at the Dallas Con and was trolling :(


But who knows what the truth is these days?

That person was trolling... They deactivated their twitter once word got around

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Well hell I just give up, why would someone pretend to be at the Con and post commentary. That is just BEYOND SAD!! Just curious though how is this being debunked, I mean how do you verify this from their Twitter (I mean did she leave her locator on) I am truly asking how? I'm not to knowledgeable about all the workings of Twitter.

Edited by Ann Mack
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The internet is filled with trolls. I just hope people are asking David about Diggle. He's the character I want to know about :p I mean I like Olicity but there is a character in the gave who isn't Oliver or Felicity. 

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Well hell I just give up, why would someone pretend to be at the Con and post commentary. That is just BEYOND SAD!! Just curious though how is this being debunked, I mean how do you verify this from their Twitter (I mean did she leave her locator on) I am truly asking how? I'm not to knowledgeable about all the workings of Twitter.

Pretty sure that person could easily be debunked just by the content of her tweets. I saw a screencap of all her posts and in one of them she copied word-for-word the post of someone else that was there. The other person actually had pics of herself at the event and stuff she got autographed by SA.

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Pretty sure that person could easily be debunked just by the content of her tweets. I saw a screencap of all her posts and in one of them she copied word-for-word the post of someone else that was there. The other person actually had pics of herself at the event and stuff she got autographed by SA.

Okay thanks, it just seems like too much work for attention. Oh well I guess she had nothing better to do with her time yesterday. 



Video of Stephen talking about the kid. Not spoilery we know he exists and there will be fallout.

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Which ones were false about Katie? Because the ones I heard actually happened from various people who always go to these things.

There were plenty of things they embellished. One that comes to mind is saying that she said Laurel was her favorite character or something which was OMG so vain blah blah blah even though she never said it on the video.

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OMG @ Caity Lotz



But did anybody pretend to be there when they werent?

Well if her posts aren't legit and she copied someone else's Tweets almost verbatim (from what I was told via a screencap that was used for comparison) and if the account was fake (read it was deactivated) then I'm thinking yeah she pretended to be there. Either way its not important to me any more if none of what she Tweeted was actually what she herself encountered. So pretend not pretend is just wording, still IF she was not there means it wasn't valid commentary on what she heard, saw or was privy to on her own at the Dallas Comic Con. 


This is written with "If" being a big part of the whole situation. If she was there then yes maybe everything she posted happened just as she said.

If she wasn't and she was exposed to be fake as well as her account then she pretended IMO.

Edited by Ann Mack
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Ouch. How does one even learn to be a bgirl/bboy? And to randomly go back to it when it's not part of your training anymore seems uber dangerous to me >.< Guess that's why I'm not a dancer or a stunt worker.

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This is written with "If" being a big part of the whole situation. If she was there then yes maybe everything she posted happened just as she said.

If she wasn't and she was exposed to be fake as well as her account then she pretended IMO.


The account was deleted. There would be no reason to do it if the accounts were real.



Is there a panel again today? Or was that only yesterday?

I think DR has a panel today. I'm not sure where JB falls in the scheduling.

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The account was deleted. There would be no reason to do it if the accounts were real.



This is in context to someone who inquired/asked/made a comment about "pretend" either way the account is gone, there is a legit person/fan posting information today, and the other person account from yesterday is gone. So that's it nothing more nothing less.  I'm not trying to keep talking about an account of someone posting on Twitter about the Dallas Comic Con that no longer exist.

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Well if her posts aren't legit and she copied someone else's Tweets almost verbatim (from what I was told via a screencap that was used for comparison) and if the account was fake (read it was deactivated) then I'm thinking yeah she pretended to be there. Either way its not important to me any more if none of what she Tweeted was actually what she herself encountered. So pretend not pretend is just wording, still IF she was not there means it wasn't valid commentary on what she heard, saw or was privy to on her own at the Dallas Comic Con. 

Lol, pretty sure Velocity was asking the other posters whether people who talked shit about KC in other cons were pretending to be there.

This might be out of turn, but what the hey -- fandom is tricky, and you seem to be somewhat new at it? People will lie for no reason. Spoilers can be faked super easily. This happens, and it gets debunked, and we go back to the solid info. Maybe try not to get so up in arms about each and every single thing that happens? It can't be good for your blood pressure.

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Lol, pretty sure Velocity was asking the other posters whether people who talked shit about KC in other cons were pretending to be there.

This might be out of turn, but what the hey -- fandom is tricky, and you seem to be somewhat new at it? People will lie for no reason. Spoilers can be faked super easily. This happens, and it gets debunked, and we go back to the solid info. Maybe try not to get so up in arms about each and every single thing that happens? It can't be good for your blood pressure. 

I wasn't up in arms I  was explaining my response to someone who made a statement, if it sounded as though I was upset or something I wasn't. I generally try to be clear in comments to avoid altercations. If its important enough for someone to post (especially if I think its addressed to me) its important enough for me to thoroughly answer to explain my POV. What you said isn't out of turn and new or not to a fandom the manner in which you worded it is a little off-putting especially the blood pressure portion. Again not up in arms just expressing my opinion. But hey I'm moving on.

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