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More from Friday's Arrow panel at Dragon Con...

Josh Segarra and his obsession with felicity. /Dragon Con 2017 / ARROW
Published on Sep 2, 2017, by Prince MojoTM

Josh Segarra on the casting process for him for Arrow / Dragon Con 2017
Published on Sep 2, 2017, by Prince MojoTM


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If the writers can listen to Katie's stupid head canons and put in a line about Oliver being the love of her life I sure as hell hope they can listen to Willa and Emily and let Thea and Felicity have a deeper friendship. Especially since Felicity is not far off being Theas sister.

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Warning: video includes that clip of SA giving a spoilerish hint to two fans yesterday...

Published on Sep 3, 2017, by Prince MojoTM


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I have to admit that I once or twice had to leave work because I had a super bad headache. It can happen suddenly that you feel unwell and a few hours later you feel better but I don't know why KC's management/handler can't let the con management know right away. Isn't that kind of their job.

Also how cute is Josh geeking out because of meeting Stan Lee. So so great. He seems like an awesome guy.

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Seems like there is no love lost. I still find it weird that it is not actually acknowledged as a divorce if that is what it was but maybe that goes back to his preferred  image we talked about. 

Can I just say that I really like DR. He seems like such a great guy. 

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13 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

So did he break up with her or was it the other way round?

I'm not sure - he only ever refers to his ex-wife as an ex-girlfriend, and that marriage as a "long-term relationship" (not sure why, someone suggested a while ago maybe it was part of his divorce settlement, but it could be an image thing since it's almost never mentioned). The most he ever talked about it was as a long-term relationship on Aisha Tyler's podcast, and it seemed really messy on his end, so I got the sense she's the one who wanted out but I don't really know.

Eons ago he had a blog and he posted about his wife all the time, then went through a period of time where he didn't, then he moved to LA - back then even when he was being super candid I don't recall him talking about the divorce at all. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Just now, Midnight Lullaby said:

I think he said on that podcast with Aisha Tayler that she cheated on him or he thought she did..

Yeah, that's right. I think he said that he thought she did - he definitely accused her of it, which is when he mentioned it getting messy.

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I looked her up. She's pretty and seems a little more sophisticated then Stephen's grown frat boy lifestyle so they were probably just ill suited. But yeah if she cheated on Stephen that's terrible for him. 

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Cheating is never cool. Regardless of whether or not it happened, that relationship must have really hurt him if he still has not been able to let some things go. He is now married to someone else who presumably is not like the ex-wife. She seems to enjoy living with what he provides. On top he has a cute daughter. If you still need to 'win' years later than that relationship  must have really done something with you. 

(Also I think he tends to have a bit of an ego and preferably likes to be to one top of it all. Which shouldn't diminish his pain. Just an observation.) 

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I think Stephen reinvented himself after he got divorced. He deleted his blog, had a gf not a wife. He distanced himself.

Not unusual. But a little weird if you're in the public eye and there are public records.

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I'm sad he deleted his blog - there was some pretty great stuff in there about him and the auditioning process, etc that would be super valuable to people trying to get into the industry. 

On the other hand that blogger guy seems to be a completely different guy than he is now (based on his writing), and I guess it's probably good that he doesn't have another outlet when he gets in his feels after he posts something people don't agree with, haha. 

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She also already was a successful business woman (I think she is older than him?) while he was struggling to find work so I think whatever happened it probably wasn't one thing but things weren't working..it's rarely only one person's fault..

But it's been so many years that if he still feels so strongly about it maybe he should talk to someone. He seems the type of guy to obsess over things to me but it feels good to just let it go sometimes..

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Whatever happened, it was not what he expecting.  He talked about analyzing his whole life and you don't do that unless you've had a bomb dropped on you.

Calling your partner a "starving artist" can either be gently teasing or carrying a lot of resentment.  Sounds like the latter in this case.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Calling your partner a "starving artist" can either be gently teasing or carrying a lot of resentment.  Sounds like the latter in this case.

I've read the article he's referring to, and it wasn't gently teasing, haha. But she said that after their divorce, so he must've been checking up on her - because she never mentioned him by name.

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

On the other hand that blogger guy seems to be a completely different guy than he is now (based on his writing), and I guess it's probably good that he doesn't have another outlet when he gets in his feels after he posts something people don't agree with, haha. 

I swear SA now seems like a different guy than he was only 2-3 years ago. IDK. Just IMO.

I get so much secondhand embarrassment about that "well fed artist" stuff though. Yikes. Does he have to be so public about it? 

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3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I swear SA now seems like a different guy than he was only 2-3 years ago. IDK. Just IMO.

I didn't even mean for it to be a knock on him - his life situation has changed a lot, and he used to be super candid in a way that probably isn't all that smart now that he has a wider audience/appeal. Maybe that's part of evolving as you get more famous, IDK. I don't ever want to be famous, haha.

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I didn't even mean for it to be a knock on him - his life situation has changed a lot, and he used to be super candid in a way that probably isn't all that smart now that he has a wider audience/appeal. Maybe that's part of evolving as you get more famous, IDK. I don't ever want to be famous, haha.

Oh, I know! I get it. He'd definitely be different anyway, not even in a bad way, but just because people change over the years. I was just saying how I feel like he's changed even in recent years.

Edited by Guest
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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I swear SA now seems like a different guy than he was only 2-3 years ago. IDK. Just IMO.

As far as his public persona goes, I feel he has become more business and less personal. Does that make sense? Also he has a bigger following probably but sometimes he can't stop himself from feeding trolls or reacting to criticism. Because once he starts he becomes personal. My personal two favorites of his are still #notalltexans and the thing about Coachella and his wife. That was hilarious to me. 

Also I think he anticipated the TMNT movie to do way better. That must have not been a happy thing for him. 

Edited by Belinea
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I think this is her if I googled correctly haha 




She owns or is involved in a company that's about advancing women's professional careers. So I could get how if you were a career minded business woman who was married to someone who didn't at the time have steady employment that would create conflict. That doesn't excuse cheating if that in fact is what happened but as others said there's rarely one reason for marriages ending.

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2 minutes ago, Belinea said:

As far as his public persona goes, I feel he has become more business and less personal. Does that make sense? Also he has a bigger following probably but sometimes he can't stop himself from feeding trolls or reacting to criticism. Because once he starts he becomes personal. My personal two favorites of his are still #poortexas and the thing about Coachella and his wife. That was hilarious to me. 

Definitely he's more business now, IMO, which I find pretty off-putting. It's starting to feel less like he wants/enjoys interacting with fans and more like he wants to boost his business/image and is just going through the motions? IDK, I just feel like his ego has taken over a little bit.

I could be doing him a complete disservice but that's just how I've been feeling lately. Again, just IMO. 

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Absolutely. And that's fair enough. But I feel like there's a slightly more likeable way to do that? Haha. Like, you go on his FB and it might as well be his wine company website with just a few fanart/meme things thrown in. 

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This might be presumptuous because I don't know any of these people.  I sometimes get the feeling that if people constantly tell you how great you are, you will drink your own kool-aid at some point. 

And I mean, why shouldn't he buy into it. He probably makes tons of money of his fans and he doesn't even have to use Arrow as much for his self promotion.

He can buy a Hollywood hills home and some others, he can travel all the time, he makes sure everyone can see his wife is a model because he hung her picture right behind him. At this point in time he seems to check off all the boxes of being a celebrity. 

So, maybe at the beginning it was fun and a way to get people interested in him. Now it is more about keeping them interested in you as your own brand. 

Edited by Belinea
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It depends what his career is like after Arrow. Look at Tom Welling, he didn't manage to capult playing Clark Kent into another big role. There's no garuntee Stephen Grant or any of the Flarrowverse actors/actresses will be able to either. Especially if you play one of the masked/costumed characters and find your self too identified with that one role that you don't come off as versatile enough to be cast in other productions. 


In that event drinking the Kool-aid that you're a big star probably isn't a great thing *shrug* 

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6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Didn't Tom Welling voluntarily step back from acting after Smallville? He was trying to go behind the scenes with development deals.

If I remember correctly, he was initially trying to get into movies, but only managed to score a few supporting roles. Last year, he signed up as the lead on a CBS (?) drama pilot, but it didn't get picked up. Now he's back on television in a guest actor capacity. 

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8 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Didn't Tom Welling voluntarily step back from acting after Smallville? He was trying to go behind the scenes with development deals.

Considering he continued to take on bit parts and forgettable roles after Smallville I doubt that.

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11 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Didn't Tom Welling voluntarily step back from acting after Smallville? He was trying to go behind the scenes with development deals.

Yup. He produced Hellcats. He also went through a divorce a couple of years ago so IMO  so I think he chose to step back from acting for a bit. He's got a role on Lucifer.

Edited by catrox14
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5 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Considering he continued to take on bit parts and forgettable roles after Smallville I doubt that.

He took on roles that he was interested in. 

"I needed a break,” he said. “I needed to figure out what was going on in my head a little bit. There was some adjusting that I needed to get back into real life and to make up for lost time as well. I was like, 'Guys, I'm out of here.'”

Yeah Hellcats failed and his pilot at CBS failed but apart from that he seems to be going with the flow.

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19 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

He took on roles that he was interested in. 

"I needed a break,” he said. “I needed to figure out what was going on in my head a little bit. There was some adjusting that I needed to get back into real life and to make up for lost time as well. I was like, 'Guys, I'm out of here.'”

Yeah Hellcats failed and his pilot at CBS failed but apart from that he seems to be going with the flow.

Right because actors are always 100 % brutally honest and would never engage in spin. 


Anyway my point was that I get Stephen diversifying and starting a brand but buying to the Koop aid that he's a big star and buying into his own brand and I guess having a celebrity ego  is probably not wise because there is no garuntee all of that will still be there when the shows over. Hopefully Stephens more realistic and my impression is that he is.


And my further point was that a lot of the Flarrow  cast particularly the masks/superheroes are potentially at risk of being pigeon holed into that one role that it will be hard for them to diversify into other roles that are equally sucessful. Like for instance Tom Welling hasn't been able, Sarah Michelle Gellar hasn't really been able to, even Brandon Routh went from playing Superman on the big screen to playing guest roles and superhero roles as supporting characters on tv on small networks, Katie Cassidy made direct to DVD movies only to come back to the show she got written out of as a guest star/bit player. Not to mention CW stars rarely make it big in general post shows. 


Maybe theyll prove me wrong and go and win Emmys or Oscars after this but I personally don't see that as a garuntee.

Edited by LeighAn
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39 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

He took on roles that he was interested in. 

"I needed a break,” he said. “I needed to figure out what was going on in my head a little bit. There was some adjusting that I needed to get back into real life and to make up for lost time as well. I was like, 'Guys, I'm out of here.'

Yeah Hellcats failed and his pilot at CBS failed but apart from that he seems to be going with the flow.

Yeah,  he did party quite a bit, which might have impacted his ability to get roles. From what I've heard, he was one of Zac Efron's coke buddies around the time he (Zac) went to rehab. Hopefully, both of them have taken the neccessary steps to kick that nasty habit for good. 

Edited by strikera0
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7 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

eah,  he did party quite a bit, which might have impacted his ability to get roles. From what I've heard, he was one of Zac Efron's coke buddies around the time he went to rehab. Hopefully, both of them have taken the neccessary steps to kick that nasty habit for good. 

Wait, he went into rehab? Do you have links to that?

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5 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I think this is her if I googled correctly haha 




She owns or is involved in a company that's about advancing women's professional careers. So I could get how if you were a career minded business woman who was married to someone who didn't at the time have steady employment that would create conflict. That doesn't excuse cheating if that in fact is what happened but as others said there's rarely one reason for marriages ending.

First thought - very Felicity Smoak IRL. Also really pretty.

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