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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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Stardust wrote a touching piece on his wife's blog when his dad died recently (SA favorited it on Twitter last month):


So…when I dreamed up a potential match, a crossover affair if you will; it was my intention to sit you and Mommy in the front row surrounded by hopefully 19,000 strong…and you could see. You could see that I was special. That I could stand in your company, and stand outside of your giant shadow and not feel ashamed.

But that vision, it can’t happen exactly like that anymore. You had to go.

I am deeply influenced by comic books. I genuinely consider them my education since I forwent that whole wrestling-scholarship thing. I told the very talented current writer of DC Comics’ Batman, Scott Snyder, that to our family…you were Batman. Damn that sounds silly. Its true though…with all our extended mess(Godfathers, uncles, a cousin timekeeper, a gorgeous host/wife, two sons, several proteges, etc. all in the same business) we are the Batman family.

And you let me be your Robin.

So what do you want me to do now?? The head of the table is empty. I am not ready to let the sun go down on you. My compass just spinning madly.

A few days after we lost you, I was tasked with the unfortunate duty of going through your cellphone to find various numbers, so that we could invite them to the service. And there it was…

Your lock-screen.

It was a picture.

It was Stardust in a heated stare-down with The CW’S most valuable player Stephen “The Green Arrow” Amell.

“…finish what you start Kid…”

And thats why I sent you know who Monday. And I’m sure when he drew that first line of paint down his face, his throat rised and his eyes might of watered a bit. Leave it all out in the ring, my gift to you. And I know the man who secretly wanted to pit himself against Joe Frazier after Starrcade 84’ would get a real kick out of this.

So Dad, I hope you like what happens next, and…I hope the fans do too. Like Paul told you, they’re not marks…they’re customers. You said about them in 1978(after you took those rose-tinted shades off to let them know you were serious…I know you) “making you happy, makes my dreams fulfilled”

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ETA: I found an Arrow Facebook post with a video of deleted S3 stunts, but I can't get it to post here as other than a massively long URL.  Maybe someone else can grab it?

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Those glorious arms. And shoulders. Sigh


I agree with Emily. I want to see Felicity train in self-dense. It would be smart.  I also kind of want her to be really bad at it, like she can do the basic stuff but whenever she gets fancy Oliver and Diggle have to hold in the laughter. 

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I think that move she used on Cooper to disarm him was proof enough that someone was teaching her self-defense.


They really need to go back to having people training + exposition dialog in the same scene, like they did in S1 and S2. S3 had so very little of that, it's sad.

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I think that move she used on Cooper to disarm him was proof enough that someone was teaching her self-defense.


They really need to go back to having people training + exposition dialog in the same scene, like they did in S1 and S2. S3 had so very little of that, it's sad.

Agreed. One of my favorite Team Arrow shots was when Oliver and Diggle where sparring, Oliver got him in a headlock and then the shot panned to Felicity on her computer (in her workout gear). 

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I remember that scene a bit differently. Oliver and Diggle were on the mats, Diggle in a headlock, and Felicity is working and then turns around to tell them about ... Sara? This was early S2, I think. She was wearing a pretty pink dress. (I think this is the scene in the bloopers where Emily picks up the phone and forgets her lines)

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I love that one that Oliver is hanging from the ceiling, and Felicity is just watching him because DUH, hot dude hanging from the ceiling. And they're still talking plotty plot plot anyway. Go back to that, show, and just put Felicity in workout clothes as well as the dudes.

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I remember that scene a bit differently. Oliver and Diggle were on the mats, Diggle in a headlock, and Felicity is working and then turns around to tell them about ... Sara? This was early S2, I think. She was wearing a pretty pink dress. (I think this is the scene in the bloopers where Emily picks up the phone and forgets her lines)


Yeah, if it's that scene (in Broken Dolls), she is wearing a dress. 

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The scene in season two when she is working out her feelings of inadequacy and Sara gives her pointers has Oliver do a double take and start to question Felicity wearing work-out gear in the lair.  That would indicate that Oliver at least is very NOT involved in her training.  It's a shame, really, because sexual tension building combat training is a beautiful trope for a reason.  On the other hand, I love that Felicity is nowhere near a combat expert, and I'm totally fine with Oliver and Felicity's relationship not hitting all the tropey branches on the way down off the UST tree.


But I agree that Diggle still gives her pointers with Oliver is not around.

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2 completely different responses -


1. So the Stardust blog post about his Dad brought a little tear to my eye. Frankly, I could care less about professional wrestling. But I'm glad that he can find meaning in it and maybe it can help him find some closure or peace with his father's death. It was such a sad & sweet post.


2. Felicity most definitely should be shown getting some basic self-defense or at least reference it via script text or work-out gear. Just like Diggle needs identity concealment. Felicity needs to know how to protect herself especially since she goes off on missions, gets kidnapped in the comics and sits in a foundry that has the worst security system, I'm not even sure they even lock the door anymore. She doesn't have to be a martial arts expert. But some basic defensive & offensive moves are mandatory. Her superpower is still her brain. And her computer is still her weapon of choice. But that may not always be enough to save her for a physical attack.

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Seeing Felicity get more self-defense training is something fans have been asking for since S1. My head canon is that Diggle has been training her a little, hence the move she pulled on Cooper (which was actually pretty slick). Like a lot of the folks here, I do not need her to be a super fighter. That's not her main skill. I have no problems with the fighters defending/protecting her during missions. But I do want to see the training on screen, so those who apparently can't connect the dots/make the jump would shut up about how unbelievable it was that Felicity could bring Cooper down because she's not trained. I want to see the training because Felicity in workout gear is a cutie. And I want part of the training to come from Oliver. Because, as TrueMyth mentioned, ST during combat training is a trope for a reason ;) It could even just be a scene with Oliver and Felicity horsing around and she pulls a move on him and they mention it's something he'd taught her during their 5-month honeymoon.

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Watching that somewhat awkward JR Bourne periscoping made me think of that interview in which one of the EPs (AK?) said that when Arrow started, all of the cast and producers were required to have twitter accounts and engage in social media.

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I thought it was a little awkward too. I couldn't figure out if everyone was just tried or because JR wasn't that comfortable with it. 


I rolled my eyes when SA asked JR how many twitter followers he had. What was SA going to do? Wipe out his number?

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I find this tweet amusing for some reason...

Stephen Amell ‏@amellywood  15h15 hours ago
As an aside: Producers are officially taunting me by hiring actors taller than me. I'm 6'2 dammit!! Makes me 6'6 in Hollywood. Cmon guys!!!



So EBR met EK first (given those previously posted b-t-s pics)?...

Stephen Amell ‏@amellywood  15h15 hours ago
Met @EchoK today. Great guy!!


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EK is so engaged with the fans it's not hard to get a general idea of his movement.


He has worked with Emily at least a few times. There was the first day periscope & various tweets, the coffee pic and tweets implying he worked with the Original Team on yesterday.


It also looks like he is involved in some types of stunts. Possibly with Emily and Stephen. 

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Funny how they call Laurel "Canary" in this too... -_- Is it so hard to make the distinction? Or do they just not care? 


Also @foreverevolving, it's because they don't care and her scenes are expendable apparently. 

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Also considering that the pit is supposed to make you insane and violent. I think it would have made sense to keep the Thea attack in the fallen in. Have her collapse right after she kicks ass or something.

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I think I see some marketing potential there... Maybe his next venture will be caramell candies for charity?? The picture is awful though ...

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Portion of JB's panel at Shore Leave 37 in Hunt Valley, MD, this weekend (he does talk a little about some b-t-s stuff when filming the Arrow episode when they take the dying Thea to Nanda Parbat)...


John Barrowman Panel Shore Leave 37
Published on Aug 8, 2015, by Kevin Argente

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New SA facebook video, with James Bamford, from Victoria, BC (also posted on youtube in two parts, they do talk a little about S4)...


Stephen Amell Meeting people... 1


Stephen Amell Meeting people... 2

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The asshole hit his first ever Grand Slam on Saturday. Against the Yankees! At Yankee Stadium! Fucker!

Pretty sure he was trending because Yankee fans were cussing him out on twitter while Blue Jay fans were celebrating.

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AN's tweets on his GATV wins for Favorite Director and Best Episode ("The Fallen")...

Antonio Negret ‏@antonionegret  Aug 8
WHAT?!!!  This is crazy.  SO honored and grateful.  Love all you #Arrow and #Olicity fans!  You guys are amazing!
Oliver & Felicity ‏@olicitysiteCL1y8SxWcAAQcGu.png
Congrats @antonionegret on your Directional win. #Remember3x20
2:04 AM - 8 Aug 2015


Antonio Negret ‏@antonionegret  Aug 8
INCREDIBLE!  Love you guys!  #Remember320 #Arrow 
Smoak & Arrow @SmoaknArrow
Congrats @ArrowWriters @MericlesHappen @AntonioNegret for winning Best Episode: The Fallen in Green Arrow TV Awards (44%)
2:05 AM - 8 Aug 2015


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It sounds like Jocelyn Ott will be working with JR Bourne a lot - and also Giles Panton...

Jocelyn Ott retweeted

JR Bourne ‏@iamjrbourne  9h 9 hours ago Vancouver, British Columbia
Great seeing you too!! And now we are dining on great food w @JocelynOtt who I got to hang out w all wk on set!! 

Giles Panton ‏@G_Panton  19h 19 hours ago
Good seeing you the other day @iamjrbourne and @EmilyBett! What a blast from the past. Have a great time on @CW_Arrow this week. #oldschool
Jocelyn Ott ‏@JocelynOtt  9h 9 hours ago

@iamjrbourne @G_Panton @EmilyBett @CW_Arrow so great seeing you too! You rock. Xoxoxo




Trivia Fact:  Giles Panton starred in Soldiers Of The Apocalypse along with EBR.

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