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S07.E06: Secret Asian Man

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Keller asks Hank for help with an embarrassing medical problem; Divya treats a group of Civil War reenactors who are suffering from an age-old disease; and Evan fears he may be in over his head when he's roped into a secret project with Boris.
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"Oh I can't imagine what this ailment might be. Hmm. A fever. As long as no one has any other symptoms - oh - itching? That's ok, as long as no one has a rash. OH - you *do have a rash? Well smallpox has been 'contained' so it couldn't be that. Hmmmm. Oh - there are woolen blankets that have been in the basement? Hmmmm. I'll come back tomorrow with no idea what's causing this.


"I'm back! Let me see your rash, daughter of eminent HITG! Michael Gaston. LET ME EXAMINE THIS RASH OF AN UNDETERMINED NATURE WITHOUT ANY GLOVES ON."



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If Divya suspected smallpox, why the hell weren't all those people quarantined and samples sent to the CDC asap?! And no gloves?! Harrumph indeed.

Keller isn't my favorite, but he always brings some hilarity.

Gah, I felt so so so bad for Jeremiah. It was pretty clear he was experiencing a regression before he said it, but it was so hard to watch. I want to punch Jimbo in the face!! I'm glad he's ok. Minor complaint: of course he had to perform mouth-to-mouth on Divya and she is almost instantly revived. Right.

The Boris/Evan plot is ridiculous and what movie plot did they just steal? But I did like Evan being competant and Boris acknowledging that.

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The rash didn't bother me as much. What did bother me was 8 minutes of chest compressions, then defibrillator twice and he's ok? No sign of anoxia to the brain? She couldn't run to get the machine from the car so she doesn't have to do CPR? Oh, show.

I did like that Divya was there for Jeremiah, and its always nice to see Hank's friend.

Edited by twoods
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I have whiplash from shaking my head tonight!  I just about lost it watching Divya treat the soldiers without gloves. And with suspected small pox no less! 


I did like seeing Divya comfort Jeremiah. I felt bad for him and I'm glad she didn't give up and was there for him. He really needed a friend and a hug. And Hank's friend was fun. Mistaking a marijuana high for love? Funny.


And last but not least, Boris. Gotta love the guy. He's truly an international man of mystery. But tonight's hijinks were over the top. Hank giving away the secret to the random asian guy was like a Shaggy & Scooby Doo episode. I think I actually said "Ruh Roh". It was all too rushed. And was that boy a mini Dalai Lama?


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If Divya suspected smallpox, why the hell weren't all those people quarantined and samples sent to the CDC asap?! And no gloves?! Harrumph indeed.


YES! as each person showed a rash, I kept expecting her to back up and tell them all they couldn't leave. I thought that was going to be the s/l - the brothers were already fighting and now the fisherman brought smallpox to HITG's backyard. 


I mean - I can handwave with the best of them -like all of the insane - but real - diseases/conditions they come up with and act like Hank just has all that arcane knowledge on the tip of his tongue (not to say he's incompetent - he *is* a doctor - but what doctor knows the marijuana high-like allergy without doing at least a little research??). Anyhoodle, I digress. I can handwave Boris and Evan. But doing an exam or drawing blood without gloves (which Hank does), is just poor execution.

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And, since that rash is contagious, wouldn't Divya be apt to catch it as well?  No gloves!!!!! (shakes head)


Poor Jeremiah...I wish there was someone besides Divya to comfort him.   And, I hope he finds Jimbo someday and slaps him around.  A lot. 


I still like Boris and Evan being acknowledged by Boris was great.  

Edited by gryphon
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But I did like Evan being competant and Boris acknowledging that.



So next week it will be buffoon Evan again.


I hope Jeremiah's therapist tells him that this wasn't his fault. He got conned because of his good nature. I do hope he gets come closure. 


I was glad Boris wasn't in on something really illegal too. I mean, it's illegal, but he's genuine about getting the asian boy a good doctor.

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I'm a sucker for Jeremiah and was touched by his emotional vulnerability. He's such a sweetheart and it was good to see express Divya express caring for him. I think Jeremiah's regression is temporary and hope he makes another leap forward.


Hank's statement about love seemed like a foreshadowing for future events, rather than just talking to his friend.


I hope the Boris plot is more than just Hank and Evan. I'd like to see Jeremiah and Divya get involved as well. It would be nice to have an arc that pulled in all of Hank Med.





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I thought TPTBs missed a good opportunity for Hank to just say, "I like to work. If something happens it happens. I don't need to date or feel like I have to be in a relationship to have a fulfilling life." 

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I thought TPTBs missed a good opportunity for Hank to just say, "I like to work. If something happens it happens. I don't need to date or feel like I have to be in a relationship to have a fulfilling life." 

I'm with you but I fear this is like : "I'm a woman, 35 years old, good career, good life. No clock's ticking here, I don't want children and I'll stick with it even if I meet the man of my life next year". It will never happen on tv. *sigh*

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They should have made Hank and Divya just about the work. In the first season, they both were like that.


Actually, I think MF is playing Hank like that. The problem is, like with Evan, it seems that different people are writing for these characters every other week. I think the show should just roll with it. 

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I keep getting distracted by Divya's flowy garments and ginormous purses. I've just recently caught on that Reshma Shetty is pregnant IRL, and now I just can't stop critiquing the various ways the costuming and direction are trying to camouflage her growing belly--they put an actualfact CAPELET on her this week, y'all!! For a brief second my brain screamed, "Get the pregnant lady away from the smallpox people!!" then reality kicked in--actual pregnancy, fake smallpox, chill out.

Edited by Lovecat
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And, since that rash is contagious, wouldn't Divya be apt to catch it as well?  No gloves!!!!! (shakes head)



 For a brief second my brain screamed, "Get the pregnant lady away from the smallpox people!!" then reality kicked in--actual pregnancy, fake smallpox, chill out.

All I could think of was "Divya, you have a kid. Call someone to pick up Sashi and don't come near her until you've 100% identified what you've just been exposed to.

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I keep getting distracted by Divya's flowy garments and ginormous purses. I've just recently caught on that Reshma Shetty is pregnant IRL, and now I just can't stop critiquing the various ways the costuming and direction are trying to camouflage her growing belly--they put an actualfact CAPELET on her this week, y'all!!


I saw a few minutes last night after reading this and kept laughing at how they were hiding it. The cape was good, but even better was Jeremiah's laptop blocking her while in the lab until they could pull in for a close-up. Watching them work around this may be the best thing about the show, other than how many ultra tight outfits they can spray-paint Paige into!

By the way, Reshma Shetty is 37-she looks much younger.

The rest of the episode was dumber than usual and anything that focuses on Evan is a bad idea....altho Paulo  Costanzo does a good job being a bumbling fool.

I do like the continuity of bringing back old patients, but why was Divya touching anyone's rahes without gloves-just dumb.

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I saw a few minutes last night after reading this and kept laughing at how they were hiding it. The cape was good, but even better was Jeremiah's laptop blocking her while in the lab until they could pull in for a close-up. Watching them work around this may be the best thing about the show, other than how many ultra tight outfits they can spray-paint Paige into!

Definitely a lot of Austin Powers-type shot setups!

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I think Jeremiah flipped out when he was conned out of the money and just didn't want to deal with people for a while. That's what he meant. 

So last year Jeremiah was conned out of all his money?  Terrible.  I'll have to look up a summary of how this happened. 

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I saw a few minutes last night after reading this and kept laughing at how they were hiding it. The cape was good, but even better was Jeremiah's laptop blocking her while in the lab until they could pull in for a close-up.



I would much rather that the showrunners play BlockThatFetus! (™ the good folks back at Televisionwithoutpity) than trying to shoehorn a pregnancy storyline where it has nothing to contribute to the show.

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