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Press release and promo pics for the winter finale here


“Wish You Were Here” — When she learns that our heroes possess a weapon capable of defeating her, the Evil Queen steals Aladdin’s magic lamp from Jasmine and makes a wish that could sideline the Savior forever. Unwilling to wake Snow while Emma is missing, David works with Hook and Henry to hold the Evil Queen at bay in Storybrooke, as Regina goes on a rogue rescue mission. Meanwhile, Gold and Belle face a surprising danger to their newborn son, on the winter finale of “Once Upon a Time,” SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 (8:00–9:00 p.m. EST), on the ABC Television Network.

“Once Upon a Time” stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Colin O’Donoghue as Hook, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry Mills, Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch/Zelena and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.

Guest starring are Lee Arenberg as Leroy/Grumpy, Keegan Connor Tracy as Mother Superior/Blue Fairy, Beverley Elliott as Granny, Karen David as Princess Jasmine, Deniz Akdeniz as Aladdin, Gabe Khouth as Mr. Clark/Sneezy, David Avalon as Doc, Faustino Di Bauda as Sleepy, Mig Macario as Bashful, Geoff Gustafson as Stealthy and Giles Matthey as Gideon.

“Wish You Were Here” was written by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz and directed by Ron Underwood.

Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on The Flash, Once, Supernatural, Five-0, Lucifer, S.H.I.E.L.D., Chicago Fire and More!


NEW: I’m bummed about the Once Upon a Time winter finale (airing this Sunday), because it looks like Emma and Hook won’t be together in the fairytale world. Got any good CaptainSwan scoop? —Alison

“Whether Emma and Hook are together in the winter finale isn’t the question to be asking,” responds co-creator Adam Horowitz. “The real question to ask is: Will the two of them be embarking on an epic adventure filled with romance, danger and passion in the second half of the season? And the answer is… yes.”

Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Gilmore Girls, HTGAWM, Veep, Vampire Diaries, Once, Suits, Gotham, Arrow and More


Question: Will we see Once Upon a Time‘s Black Fairy again? Will we also get an explanation as to why she steals babies and what happens to them afterwards? —Rebecca
Ausiello: Coming out of that fall finale, this comes as little surprise: “We are going to see a lot more of the Black Fairy (played by Jaime Murray),” series cocreator Adam Horowitz assures, “exploring her both in the past and present and learning more about Rumple’s relationship to his mother and the strange land from which she hails.”

Question: I know I’m not the only one who caught The Dragon mentioning a daughter in Once Upon a Time Episode 8. Have the showrunners said anything lately about when Lily and Maleficent will be back? Or whether Emma will keep her promise to help Lily find her father? —Sabrina
Ausiello: In a word, “No,” that Dragon (played by Tzi Ma) has nothing to do with the mystery of Lily’s father, the series cocreators confirmed for Matt Mitovich. “We had high hopes” to revisit that story in Season 6, Eddy Kitsis shared, “but we just won’t get to it.”

EW spoiler room:


Will Regina consider bringing Robin Hood back to Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time? — Stefani
That’s assuming they’ll all make it out of the wish realm alive. Let’s not forget, Regina is a wanted woman after killing Queen Snow and King David. “If I were her, I would absolutely be thinking [about bringing him to Storybrooke],” executive producer Edward Kitsis says. But it won’t be without hiccups. “It wouldn’t be a fun show if there weren’t consequences.”

Matt's Inside Line: Vampire Diaries Scoop, Plus Scorpion, Once, Homeland, Arrow, Lucifer, Bones, Zoo and More


Why does Once Upon a Time‘s Gideon wants to kill Emma? Is it because she’s the Savior, or does he have his own reasons? —Rebecca
“‘Why does he need to kill her?’ is the real question,” says co-creator Eddy Kitsis — but we will have to wait (many weeks) for the answer. Until then, Adam Horowitz previews, “We pick up with that [pawn shop] scene, and Gold and Belle will articulate some of the questions that our viewers have” — including: “What happened to Gideon? Why is he seemingly after Emma? And in her vision, what is motivating him?” — “and most of that stuff gets answered pretty quickly.” (For more on Once, I teased Episode 12 in this week’s Ask Ausiello Live.)

From Entertainment Weekly:

On Once Upon a Time, how many episodes will the Snowing curse last? — SnowingFan
Unfortunately, it’s going to be a while. The pressure of the curse paired with Charming being ready to kill the Evil Queen and the lingering question of what really happened to his father means David is not doing OK. “What we’re seeing through David is somebody who is at his wits end,” EP Edward Kitsis says. “This curse with his wife, I think that what we’re seeing is that he’s staying up too late. Without Snow, you’re seeing him starting to give into darker impulses. We’re going to see him have to confront his own demons.”

TV Line:


Question: How long will the Snow and Charming curse last on Once Upon a Time? —Shelly
Ausiello: The sleeping curse that afflicts the marrieds one at a time “is not something that stretches out for the rest of the season,” says co-creator Eddy Kitsis. But until it is lifted, “We’re going to see that toll that it takes on Charming, who toward the end of the [fall] run looked sleep-deprived, going dark and off the rails. Without his ‘calming center’ around, and without much sleep, he can get into some real trouble!”

Spoiler Room: Scoop on S.H.I.E.L.D., 12 Monkeys, Supergirl and more


Is it me or is Once Upon a Time visiting far too many realms this year? — Sarah
Yes, the show will be jumping around between the wish realm, Storybrooke, Agrabah, and the dark realm in the back half of the season, but the frequent flyer miles that OUAT is going to rack up aren’t what you’re expecting. “The second half of the season isn’t like ‘We’re all in the wish realm, we’re all in Agrabah, we’re all in this dark realm,'” EP  Adam Horowitz says. “It’s a bunch of different things as the story crescendos. We’re trying to change things up a little bit where it’s not just ‘We’re going to be in one place for half a season and just explore that.’ There’s a unifying theme at play in the second half, but it’s not about location, it’s about this story and the conflict between characters.”

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