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Press Release 5x20



“Firebird” — Hades turns to the heroes to ask for help with getting Zelena back from Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan. In return, he offers to take all their names off their tombstones. However, when Hook is still unable to leave, he and Emma must journey into the depths of the Underworld. Meanwhile, Cruella De Vil is determined to keep the heroes trapped in the Underworld. In flashbacks, Emma searches for answers about her family and makes an unexpected friendship on “Once Upon a Time,” SUNDAY, MAY 1 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network.


TVLine spoiler: Not super spoilery, but since it is tagged as such at TVLine


Once Upon a Time’s Belle said she tainted her soul because she saved Rumple. Does she regret it? Does protecting oneself or family really taint their souls? 
Eddy Kitsis answered, “Belle is very distraught because she did something that she never ever really wanted to do,” accidentally damning ex-fiance Gaston to the River of Lost Souls. “In that moment, when it was life or death, she chose Rumple, which obviously says something — but whether she wants to admit it or not is another situation. She doesn’t like being put in that situation and she’s upset that she couldn’t figure a way out, because she reacted in a moment and now has to deal with that for the rest of her life.” As for whether having “tainted” her own soul a smidgen might help foster an eventual reconciliation with her Dark One husband, since Belle now stands on less-high ground, Kitsis says, “We are going to have to wait and see what happens to her.”

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Sunday’s episode will provide a sense of the closure, with the two-hour finale kicking off a new story for season 6. “Like every year, the two-hour finale is kind of a different piece than the rest of the season, so in a lot of ways, this weekend is the finale for the Hades arc,” executive producer Edward Kitsis says. “I can say that it will break a few hearts.” As for the actual finale, part of it will take place outside Storybrooke. “As much as they’d like peace and quiet in Storybrooke, fallout from this weekend’s episode causes a character to go rogue in New York City,” Kitsis says. “Once again, the heroes are called upon to save the day.”

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