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S01.E02: Raise Up

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A cash-strapped Spencer struggles to close a deal when Vernon’s best friend, Reggie, refuses to step aside, while Jason works hard to renegotiate for his client. On his first day of workouts, Ricky finds that not all his new teammates are friendly. At his new job, Charles finds it hard to keep his mind off the game. At a brunch to talk business, Spencer counsels Vernon to learn from his mistakes.


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Still watching for Dwayne Johnson, but I was kind of bored for a lot of this episode.  None of the stories are grabbing me at the moment.  You've got the retired player who is now considering getting back into the game thanks to Dule Hill's meddling, Ricky is having problems adjusting to being on a new team (an apparently has a special relationship for the number 18), and then there is Spencer trying to stop Reggie for screwing up his deals with Vernon.  Meh.


Hope this picks up soon.  Dwayne is still charismatic as hell, but that can really only do so much.

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Still watching for Dwayne Johnson, but I was kind of bored for a lot of this episode.  None of the stories are grabbing me at the moment.  You've got the retired player who is now considering getting back into the game thanks to Dule Hill's meddling, Ricky is having problems adjusting to being on a new team (an apparently has a special relationship for the number 18), and then there is Spencer trying to stop Reggie for screwing up his deals with Vernon.  Meh.


Hope this picks up soon.  Dwayne is still charismatic as hell, but that can really only do so much.



I had the exact same reaction


There is nothing really bad about the show, but I just don't find any of these storylines right now all that enthralling or interesting.  I was also bored. 


They need something more to keep my interest.  The characters are kind of blah, there is nothing too original or interesting about the storylines.  It just seems kind of all generic

Edited by DrSpaceman
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I actually saw way more potential in this episode than I did in the pilot. I loved the exchange between Strasmore and his 'boss'; paraphrasing here:

"Would it be okay if I take you into my mouth?"

"The whole thing?"
"The whole thing."


I want more of that. I also think Dule Hill is great. He makes the whole scene perk up when he arrives. More of that, too, please.


I'm hoping they're realizing what works best and what doesn't and will continue adjusting until it works. Hopefully it won't be too late.

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I've been enjoying this, but to some degree it's because of the football background. Overall though, like Johnson and Cordrey.  Just kind of wish they made it clearer what the relationship is between Johnson's character and the agent and if this is behind his company's back or just more networking.  

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I take it back this isn't Entourage.


They're setting up a lot of conflicts, like Spencer with Reggie and Rickie with that other WR.


Entourage crew never had adversity.

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an apparently has a special relationship for the number 18

The old photograph of a Chicago Bear and a little kid I am presuming is the player and his dad.  Dad was wearing 81.  I assume that 18 is his tribute to his dad.

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The old photograph of a Chicago Bear and a little kid I am presuming is the player and his dad.  Dad was wearing 81.  I assume that 18 is his tribute to his dad.


I thought the same thing.  So now I am interested to find out Ricky's back story with his father and his girlfriend.  She seemed totally OK with him screwing some random chick in a club restroom. Her problem was the affect that the fight had on his career.   Or did I read that situation from the first episode completely wrong?


A  real twist in this show would be Vernon being able to get a new contract and actually keeping the money and investing wisely.  Somehow I don't see that happening.  


I am also interested in seeing if Charles will last in his after football career.  He's a pretty good salesman.


This show clearly isn't a masterpiece, but it's good enough light summer fare.

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I wonder how the NFL feels about the show being so dull so far.

They are probably happy it's not full of the traditional (real life) Footballer bad boy antics so far. :)

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Bad show. A lot of black men and non black women. Time to get rid of HBO.

Meaning not enough black women in this show.

I don't know if they call themselves keeping it real but some stereotypes do not have to be approached in order to show realism. But then, America has a couple of problems when it come to Black women in real life let alone the cinema. First, we are pretty much invisible. Second, if we happen to be seen we have to pass the paperbag skin color test. Tasha on Power is one of very few darker skinned Black women to carry a lead role.


Other than that, I binge watched all of the current episodes today. I like it and find it entertaining. The actors are good and there is far less eye-rolling than in other shows. I'm in.

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