fastiller June 11, 2015 Share June 11, 2015 Has a second season been announced? 'Cause if it happens, I'm speculating that Roy will turn out to be some deep cover Fed. (I hope I'm using the right name: I mean the biker guy that everyone has to 'go through' to get to Charlie.) Either he's FBI, or he's an FBI snitch. Link to comment
shapeshifter June 13, 2015 Share June 13, 2015 fastiller, since this season is still airing for those who are not watching online, do you want to change the title to include "Season 2"? Otherwise, this thread will have spoilers as defined by the pinned Aquarius Spoiler Policy thread. For example, if there's a season 2, I'm guessing Emma will either want to do something to dethrone Sadie as Manson's new favorite, or else she will leave the Family. Since getting pregnant would likely make her number 1 again, whether or not she gets pregnant will perhaps determine whether she stays or goes. I would also like to see her teaming up with Charmain to get the baby back to the hospital to its real mother, but that seems like another show. Or am I really wrong and you just wanted a thread to speculate without spoilers on episodes that haven't yet aired on TV? If so, maybe make posts reminding folks of which episode is the most recent. Link to comment
fastiller June 18, 2015 Author Share June 18, 2015 shapeshifter, to be honest I hadn't thought of whether this should be for Air-Date-Speed watchers or Binge-On-Demand/Online-Speed watchers. I suppose either would work. I've watched the entire S1 On Demand; my speculation above doesn't spoil that for those watching as it airs. Perhaps to be safe, we could go with S2 - if it happens. I've never changed a thread title; can a mere mortal user do this, or do I need to request the Mods do so? 1 Link to comment
Guest June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 Perhaps to be safe, we could go with S2 - if it happens. I've never changed a thread title; can a mere mortal user do this, or do I need to request the Mods do so? Mods have to do that and so I did. Link to comment
shapeshifter June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 My main speculation is that Emma will try to get pregant by Charlie in order to once again be the fairest of them all. Has a second season been announced? 'Cause if it happens, I'm speculating that Roy will turn out to be some deep cover Fed. (I hope I'm using the right name: I mean the biker guy that everyone has to 'go through' to get to Charlie.) Either he's FBI, or he's an FBI snitch.Thank you for reminding me/us of which one Roy is! IRL, I would doubt anyone that sleazy, creepy, dirty looking, etc. could be an actual agent--but maybe an snitch. Since this is fictional life, it could be an interesting twist to have him be an agent. It could even turn out that he revealed it to Charmaine, and she didn't have to do any hanky panky with him after all, but that maybe he does not know that she's a cop. Maybe he can rescue her. 1 Link to comment
ShadowHunter June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 NBC has renewed it for a second season. 2 Link to comment
Desperately Random June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 Yes! So glad to hear it. I liked this show a lot better than I expected I would and want to see more of what happens with these characters. I also hope they release all the episodes on the same day again next season. 1 Link to comment
Tabasco Cat June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 Color me surprised. Glad to hear it, though. Link to comment
shapeshifter June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 (edited) Yes! So glad to hear it. I liked this show a lot better than I expected I would and want to see more of what happens with these characters. I also hope they release all the episodes on the same day again next season.I might like it better if they didn't release all at one--for discussion purposes, and also so I won't feel like I have to binge in order to avoid spoilers all over the place (not here).ETA: I watched episode 6, "Whiter Shade of Pale," live tonight and was actually glad I had already seen the whole season because I saw foreshadowing I had missed the first time, and just interesting beats that I also missed. Edited June 26, 2015 by shapeshifter Link to comment
reggiejax June 25, 2015 Share June 25, 2015 (edited) I am both happy and very surprised that a 2nd season is in the works. I was not too confident that it would happen. But now I have something to look forward to in the summer of 2016. As for speculation, I think two words sum up what will likely be a huge storyline in the second season: Dennis Wilson. *For a lot of reasons, I am not too sure if what I wrote constitutes a spoiler in this thread, so I will err on the side of caution. Edited June 25, 2015 by reggiejax Link to comment
helenamonster June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) I think the general rule is that if it already happened in real life, it's not a spoiler. I skimmed through Mary Brunner's Wikipedia page after the last episode to see if her baby had really died and been replaced (he hadn't, ugh) but I saw that only a few days after she had given birth to Valentine, she and a bunch of other Family members, including Manson and Atkins, were arrested after being found lying nude in a ditch. I'm guessing this whole event will take place in the first episode of next season. It pretty much has to pick up right where it stopped, since most of the cliffhangers are dependent on immediate chronological follow-up. I really, really hope they don't kill of Charmain. Or rape her, ugh. Let her use the pluckiness and resourcefulness we've seen all season to get herself out of whatever situation she's in. Edited June 26, 2015 by helenamonster Link to comment
reggiejax July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 I think the general rule is that if it already happened in real life, it's not a spoiler. That was my line of thinking as well, but as has been pointed out, both on the Aquarius forum and especially the Astronaut Wives Club forum, just because it happened in real life many years ago, doesn't mean people necessarily know about it. Even if it is information that seems like it should be general knowledge, we can't assume that everyone knows it. And that is a valid point, if a bit disheartening at times. Link to comment
helenamonster July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 That was my line of thinking as well, but as has been pointed out, both on the Aquarius forum and especially the Astronaut Wives Club forum, just because it happened in real life many years ago, doesn't mean people necessarily know about it. Even if it is information that seems like it should be general knowledge, we can't assume that everyone knows it. And that is a valid point, if a bit disheartening at times. It is a valid point and I don't begrudge anyone who feels that way, but I don't for three reasons. 1. I think period dramas in general tend to rely on the fact that their viewers know about certain events and use that previous knowledge to help craft the story. I'll use a Mad Men example. The episode with Roger's daughter's wedding is the same episode where JFK is shot. Early on in the episode, the date of the wedding (November 23, 1963) is either mentioned or shown on an invitation, I can't remember. It is widely known that JFK was killed on November 22, 1963. So viewers will start the episode in anticipation of the assassination and how it will affect the wedding, how the characters will react, etc. Dollars to donuts, the writers counted on viewers knowing this fact and used that as a way to build tension. With this show, we all know Sharon Tate and a bunch of others are eventually to end up brutally murdered. If we didn't, the show wouldn't really make much sense. Dennis Wilson's connection is crucial to the domino effect of events that lead to the murders. I think there's more tension in knowing that and waiting for it to happen then being blindsided with it. Jmo, of course. 2. Where do we draw the line on what real-life events do and do not count as spoilers? I think we should all be allowed to talk about the pending murders without the spoiler tags because we all know they're going to happen and the show has already started to pepper in some foreshadowing/hints (Katie reading Rosemary's Baby was a really nice touch). And, like I said, Dennis Wilson's involvement with Manson directly leads to the murders. There's no way of knowing how many people know certain factoids, and no ideal way to delineate a cut-off point. 3. At the end of the day, it happened. Whether you happened to stumble across that fact before seeing this show or not is just how it is. And I think it jives nicely with PTV's "after it airs" rule. Technically, it did already "air" in real life. To use a Mad Men example again, let's pretend that someone started watching Mad Men in Season 5. For whatever reason, they just decided to start tuning in without watching the first four seasons. Maybe they'll get to them eventually. Anyway, they see Joan break up with Greg. They then go onto PTV to talk about the episode and maybe someone says something like, "I'm so glad Joan kicked Greg to the curb. I've hated him since he raped her on the floor of Don's office." The person who just jumped into Mad Men really has no room to get upset about someone talking about something that happened several seasons earlier that they haven't seen yet because they didn't bother to watch from the beginning. Real life events should, imo, work the same way. So you didn't know this historical event happened...well, it did, and it wouldn't be a spoiler if you'd happened to come across it from some other source. I did not mean for this post to get so long but spoiler tagging real-life events that happened literally over 45 years ago to arbitrarily protect people from getting butthurt when they could have potentially already known about it goes against everything I believe in. 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 ...I did not mean for this post to get so long but spoiler tagging real-life events that happened literally over 45 years ago to arbitrarily protect people from getting butthurt when they could have potentially already known about it goes against everything I believe in.While I agree it shouldn't be necessary to spoiler tag historical events, and I find the tags annoying when used that way, I'm fine with someone using them if that poster feels better about it--so long as the post has "socially redeeming value" --heh.Anyway, I love the thread title. I see this was posted "6 hours" ago: Aquarius' Season 2 Spoilers From Chance Kelly Tease Even More Real Life Drama Ahead, but la-la-la-la-la I Can't Hear You (or read you), I'm not peeking at real fictional spoilers just yet. LOL Gotta save something for later. Link to comment
Emily Thrace July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 I'm wondering if for season two we won't move away from Manson a bit and move on to the Black Panthers and the riots as the main plots. Have the show be structered something like True Detectives but with Hodiak and the police remaining as the central characters. Have the show revolving around a different event each season until we get to the Tate murders and Helter Skelter. Link to comment
shapeshifter July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 I expect Charmain to become tough--at least on the outside. Link to comment
shapeshifter February 20, 2016 Share February 20, 2016 (edited) From regarding season 2: AX: Can you tease anything about Season 2 of AQUARIUS? [Executive Producer] MCNAMARA: Same time period, picks up about thirty seconds after the end of the season finale, and takes us all the way to the Tate murders. Edited February 20, 2016 by shapeshifter Link to comment
ShadowHunter May 11, 2016 Share May 11, 2016 (edited) NBC said that the Thursday, June 16 premiere of “Aquarius” will air from 9 to 11 p.m. with no breaks for commercials or network promos. The only stoppage will be a one-minute local news break during the show’s second hour.. Edited May 11, 2016 by ShadowHunter 3 Link to comment
helenamonster May 11, 2016 Share May 11, 2016 I mean, that's essentially a movie. Damn, they're really putting a lot into this show. I guess they're anticipating more hype as we get closer to the murders. I've finally started reading Helter Skelter, and I'm about a little over halfway through. Damn, I thought I knew the whole story but I really did not. It's also a good book to have on hand as it mentions a lot of what the Family was doing in the years leading up the murders. It'll be interesting to compare what actually happened with how the show portrays things. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray October 1, 2016 Share October 1, 2016 Aquarius has now been cancelled. Source: Link to comment
TattleTeeny October 2, 2016 Share October 2, 2016 I am so maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! 2 Link to comment
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