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Strike Back - General Discussion

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Oh, thank goodness!  Because I've been bursting to come here after each episode so far, and say...

How awful this season is, compared to previous seasons!  OMG!  Plot, dialogue, acting... it's all terrible.

Last season they had the Inevitable American on what is supposed to be a British special ops team, played by Sullivan Stapleton (an Australian) who wasn't too bad, considering. (Certainly nowhere near as horrible as his performance in Blindspot.  Just saying.)  He had good chemistry with Philip Winchester, and the show was a great watch.  This season, the Inevitable American is played by Daniel MacPherson (another Australian) who couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag!  Jeepers, he is pants!  Every episode that he doesn't take two in the face is a disappointment.

I'm watching to completion, but as someone who really hoped for another season after S5, I can truly say that if this is the best they can do, then I hope and pray that there is no S7 to come!

My advice to Strike Back lovers who have not yet started this season:  Don't watch this tripe.  It is horrid!  It is an ignominious end (I hope) to a great show.

  • LOL 1

I have to disagree im loving the new strike back! Its the same show as seasons 2 to 5! The banter between the two main guys is just as funny, the action is just as good (novin's fight scene in the last episode was awesome!), and the same amount of politics, just so far a little less nudity.

To me its the exact same show with the wyatt and mac doing scott and stonebridge impressions well and the addition of novin and reynolds as main characters is the thing that makes the show better in my opinion. I like them more than i did richmond and martinez (who were also awesome!) maybe just because they are given more to do and more jokes to say but either way they definitely add to the show so that it is not just a well done knockoff scott and stonebridge.

The "computer guy" is also a nice addition especially when he was in the field and when he told the guys to "shut the fuck up" in his own polite way ha! I just dont like their boss but its strike back so i dont see her making it.

If it continues they way it is going i hope there is many more seasons to come because i could watch this all day!

  • Love 1
On 31/01/2018 at 6:22 PM, Netfoot said:

After the interregnum...  Still sucks.

Again i have to disagree i felt the 6th episode was the best episode of the season! Lots of action, comedy, nudity! I laughed really hard at them saying will is too smiley (not that he has anything agaist happyness) and teasing her about it subtly, and also the ending novin pretending to let wyatt blow up the building but she did it! His face was priceless soo disappointed lol!!! Also mac gently sugessing.. u know ive been told im sort of attractive! Lol

I felt realy bad for Reynolds though she really sold her pain about promising that girls sister but having to shoot her. The sex scene was nice (great body) but it was about more than that which i always like so that if u pay attention to what they are doing it adds meaning so that its not just porn. Then she got beat up by the guy but again with purpose so that he would throw her beside the gun. And i got so sad when she got exposed because i thought for a second they might actually kill her. Im glad that wasnt the case and they magically didnt have to purify the antidote lol

Also twist the bad guys alive! Jane lowery still made it! (I like her great bad guy) They plot continues! Cant wait for next week!

Well, I know you won't agree, but I found the script unoriginal and predictable.  Example: The moment the antidote was found to be missing, it was obvious who had it, and how it would be used. The acting was poor and the dialogue delivered with wooden lack of talent.  Strike Back has never been afraid to display nudity, but while I am no prude, that has never been a principle point of the show to me.  In any case, I did not find the sex scene particularly good, and I would not describe the woman's body as great.  (But of course, we all have our own preferences.)

I think I should make clear that I am disappointed in this season (#6) in comparison to earlier seasons.  I think #1-#5 were very good to excellent, but this latest season is comparatively very poor. Were it a stand-alone show, I might not condemn it so much (except for Daniel MacPherson, who is truly abysmal as an actor, and should take up the alternate profession of Dog Catcher instead).  I would simply think of it as a not-very-good, but at-a-pinch-watchable show.  But I truly do think that given what we have enjoyed in the past, from as early on as John Porter a.k.a. Richard Armitage, this last season is a travesty.  I watch for series completion sake, but I hope that there is no #7.  If there is, I will find it very hard to persuade myself to sit through it.

I agree it is predictable of course jane had the vial and of course the unpurified one worked etc. But i like that about strike back from season 2-5 it has been like that alot not always but alot just shut your brain off and enjoy fun. There are still twists and surprises like character deaths to keep you on your toes though making it more fun (like me thinking maybe they do kill reynolds and loving it when it saved her)

Fair enough to me every season after season 1 (john porter and rick grimes) has just been following the formula season 1 set up but it doesnt matter to me this is not a "deep" show for the most part. I know im in the minority but i didnt enjoy season 1 very much.. too boring (good, deep etc but not fun) but i sat through because i knew how season 2-5 were gonna be.. that cinemax made them change it. That said i can recognize how season one was a "good" show. Just not entertaining enough in my opinion.

Then there are shows like westworld, american gods, the deuce, the expanse, fargo, banshee, black sails.. and many more that mastered being both "good" and entertaining. For me entertaining is first then if it is deep, original etc great even better.

To each his own though i used to watch alot of cop shows and thought they were good but now i have seen so much i fucking hate them sooo boring and cliche and almost all are garbage.. rewaching some stuff i used to watch i cant believe i liked it. Same with military dramas after watching seasons 2-5 of this most of them bore me compared to this. That is why i guess im biased when it comes to this i wanna love it so i do lol

I’m still trying to get everyone’s name straight. There’s guy 1 and 2. There’s girl 1 and 2. Then there’s the lady in charge and the computer guy. 

I found hacking thru that guys chest to be the highest level of gratuitous violence in a show historically full of it. I’ve never found it gruesome until that scene tho. 

On 03/02/2018 at 1:52 PM, Doyounot said:

I agree it is predictable of course jane had the vial and of course the unpurified one worked etc. But i like that about strike back from season 2-5 it has been like that alot not always but alot just shut your brain off and enjoy fun.

yeah you don't go to Strike Back for stellar writing and  acting. When I got my brother into it I told him "it's an 80s action movie in TV form". it's great fun and i don't really see this season as that big of a step down from the previous ones. The team still needs to gell a bit but Sott and Stonebridge needed some time too.

  • Love 1

Just finished episode one so who knows how the rest will go, but it feels like it's a remake with different actors.  Instead of waiting 20 years to reboot, it's only been a few years.  The Australian playing an American - check.  The dialogue would have fit right in with the original.  The guy picking up a random woman and having sex with her - check.  No condom used - check.  The boss who is a woman - check.  So much identical but with different actors.  I kept waiting for the two guys to morph into Sully and Philip.

The action scenes reminded me of the original as well.  They are well done, I will give them props for that.

I'll likely stick with it if only to see if the real life husband and wife on the show ever interact or what happens to them.  It must be a little weird being in the same show as your spouse but being on opposite sides of good/evil.

Finished and it was okay.  Not nearly as good as seasons 2-5, and bringing back the boys was useless.  I was really looking forward to seeing them in action again and listening to their banter.  Very disappointed in the little amount of time they had on screen.  

I will admit I like that the women aren't delicate shrinking violets.  With the odd exception, the ones that Damien liked to pick up randomly, the women on here have kicked ass or at the very least held their own.  I'd be willing to bet it's as much fun, if not more, for the women to have these roles as it is for all the guys.

Just finished the whole season on DVD.  I liked it every bit as much as the Scott/Stonebridge years.  I liked both of the guys here, whereas I always never cared for Stonebridge, too stiff.  The addition of the two women as full fledged contributors to the team, as opposed to side support like previously, was great.

Question... at the GRU site, was Scott and Stonebridge's only role to disable the power?  Why wouldn't they have wanted to help get the server?  They disable the lights, Michael told Damien that they should go to Sao Paolo, he threw away the phone to cut off Reynolds' ability to call him, and then they just bugged out.  Really?

Looking forward to the next season.

On 12/15/2018 at 2:09 PM, Doyounot1 said:

No mention of the smoking Roxanne McKee, who played Captain Natalie Reynolds.  I've searched the web and don't see her listed as part of the cast anywhere, but I also didn't see any news of her being fired.  Wondering what happened to her.  Hope they don't do a John Porter and kill her off in the first episode?

2 hours ago, blackwing said:

No mention of the smoking Roxanne McKee, who played Captain Natalie Reynolds.  I've searched the web and don't see her listed as part of the cast anywhere, but I also didn't see any news of her being fired.  Wondering what happened to her.  Hope they don't do a John Porter and kill her off in the first episode?


She will not be returning unfortunately!

Anyone watching the new season?  Just watched the first episode.  Apparently Natalie Reynolds took the fall for the events of the previous season and is assigned to some NGO in Nairobi, or something like that, to explain why she is no longer on the show.  I miss her.  I loved her quiet competence and calm demeanor.

New people include the aforementioned Jamie Bamber as the Head of Section 20.  There is a female Russian FSB agent who seems like she will work with the team.  I bet she ends up hooking up with Wyatt (shades of Damien Scott and the Russian FSB agent from one of the earlier seasons).

It seems like the Chinese are the big bads this time around.  Novin's attempt to speak Cantonese was atrocious.  I think it was supposed to be, but they made it like she had some working knowledge and it just sounded so bad, I'm surprised the guy could even understand her.

On 12/4/2017 at 2:18 AM, Netfoot said:

Oh, thank goodness!  Because I've been bursting to come here after each episode so far, and say...

How awful this season is, compared to previous seasons!  OMG!  Plot, dialogue, acting... it's all terrible.

Last season they had the Inevitable American on what is supposed to be a British special ops team, played by Sullivan Stapleton (an Australian) who wasn't too bad, considering. (Certainly nowhere near as horrible as his performance in Blindspot.  Just saying.)  He had good chemistry with Philip Winchester, and the show was a great watch.  This season, the Inevitable American is played by Daniel MacPherson (another Australian) who couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag!  Jeepers, he is pants!  Every episode that he doesn't take two in the face is a disappointment.

I'm watching to completion, but as someone who really hoped for another season after S5, I can truly say that if this is the best they can do, then I hope and pray that there is no S7 to come!

My advice to Strike Back lovers who have not yet started this season:  Don't watch this tripe.  It is horrid!  It is an ignominious end (I hope) to a great show.

I loved this show and watched from the beginning. The second season threw me a little at first as straight away you could tell they changed the tone but it was still fun. 

I can't handle this new team though. I don't buy the women as warriors and the female with the semi shaved head is that an Aussie accent she is attempting? Sounds weird. The team can't act and the action is no longer entertaining either. I just don't care about them. 

10 hours ago, Morlock said:

I can't handle this new team though. I don't buy the women as warriors and the female with the semi shaved head is that an Aussie accent she is attempting? Sounds weird. The team can't act and the action is no longer entertaining either. I just don't care about them. 

I have no issues with the women taking active combat roles... this is a TV show and I think it's great to see.  During the Scott and Stonebridge days the women were mostly window dressing or victims or love interests.  This is a special operations team and I totally buy that there are some women who are just as capable of being a great agent.

The woman you are talking about is supposed to indeed be seconded by some Australian special ops division to Section 20, much in the same way Scott and Wyatt were from the Americans.  But the actress is in fact Australian.

Regarding her character, I guess she is supposed to be bisexual?  She mentioned having a fling with that woman that was killed in the first episode.  But the previous season there were no hints at all about this.  Wasn't she the one that slept with the tech guy that Colonel Donovan killed?  I'm wondering when she and Wyatt are going to have a fling.

6 hours ago, blackwing said:

I have no issues with the women taking active combat roles... this is a TV show and I think it's great to see.  During the Scott and Stonebridge days the women were mostly window dressing or victims or love interests.  This is a special operations team and I totally buy that there are some women who are just as capable of being a great agent.

The woman you are talking about is supposed to indeed be seconded by some Australian special ops division to Section 20, much in the same way Scott and Wyatt were from the Americans.  But the actress is in fact Australian.

Regarding her character, I guess she is supposed to be bisexual?  She mentioned having a fling with that woman that was killed in the first episode.  But the previous season there were no hints at all about this.  Wasn't she the one that slept with the tech guy that Colonel Donovan killed?  I'm wondering when she and Wyatt are going to have a fling.

I think I would be more ok with females in combat roles if the females they chose seemed more like soldiers. I just don't "buy" this team in general. I think their lack of acting chops has a lot to do with it. 

Ahhh yes the good old days when the show was almost like the old James Bond films, Scott banging his way through life lol. It was a fun show back then. The last season with those two was a bit ordinary as well though. 

She is Australian then, I am Aussie and hate that really harsh Aussie accent. I was wondering if it was so extreme because she was trying to fake it. 

Yeah well that is the other thing, the obligatory bisexual character. I think just on her appearance alone there was always subtle hints she was bi but yeah I do recall she slept with the tech guy. I have stopped watching though as the quality of the show just dropped too much. 

8 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Yep, still as horrible as last season.

And why FFS, are a bunch of supposedly highly trained Special Ops people all suddenly holding their pistols sideways?  Like clueless gangbangers?

And when would soldiers, supposed Elite ones at that be allowed to have the extreme hairstyle that bisexual female one has?

Happy to see it was renewed but why the announcement that it is the final season already?  I know the show is not perfect but I still find it way more entertaining than most of what is currently on TV.

I just finished episode 3.  I think this show has a great blend of action with some comedic elements thrown in.  I cracked up over Warren Brown's character being told he was going to pose as an American, and then he put on a horrible Southern accent and Jamie Bamber said he would be the "strong silent type".  Later we do hear his character do a pretty good American accent so it's clear he was just joking.  Daniel MacPherson isn't the best actor but he does a pretty good American accent, I would have never guessed he was Australian.

So funny that the team was debriefing about the failed scientist extraction and trying to figure out options.  Meanwhile, Wyatt is sleeping with the scientist's daughter.  Nobody asks where he is and then he slinks in mid-meeting.  Then it turns out that Mac and Novin knew what he was doing all along haha.

I'm unclear on why they decided that Wyatt has an estranged wife.  I don't believe she was ever mentioned before and Mac seemed surprised to learn this information.

  • Love 1

I don’t know why but I freakin’ love this show. It still kinda boggles as I abhor on-screen violence and avoid it like the plague because I know it’s not my thing, yet I’ve been hooked since about 20 mins in to the first episode I saw in the middle of S6; not just mildly-interested hooked, but binge prior eps of S6 to get caught up hooked and then binged all of the prior seasons in a matter of days hooked. So, yeah, for whatever reason, the love is real. 

I like that the humour’s been dialed up a bit between Mac, Wyatt, and Novin as it’s indicative of the camaraderie that was created during their prior time with 20. I’m also grateful they changed things up a bit so Wyatt’s not shown banging some chick in the first 5-10 mins of every episode, 

How they present themselves regarding their appearance doesn’t bother at all. Once someone’s at that level of Special Ops, it can be detrimental to appear as standard military adhering to protocol; both Wyatt’s beard and Novin’s hair have them looking kinda touristy rather than military. 

Otherwise, Im curious as to how not-Pavel is going to spin the absence of their superior to Zarkova and how long she’ll go along with his spin and when/if they directly oppose each other or if they team up. 

I’m not really sold on the new and wildly inexperienced computer person (that might be lingering bitterness from her predecessor being killed off last season). Time will tell. 

All in all, this show continues to entertain and, more importantly, it holds my attention each week (I might even look forward to it) which is all I want from what’s essentially mindless TV. I’ll keep watching for however long they keep cranking out new seasons.

  • Love 1

Good episode but once again they lose the suitcase nuke.  I knew that Pavel would end up as the baddie.  I'm confused, they kept saying that "Pavel has the nukes".  Shouldn't he only have the one that Zaza took?  I thought the Rich Indian Lady took the other one.  She was going to detonate it but Wyatt and her fell three stories out of a building.  She died and he recovered that particular nuke.  I would have thought that 20 had control of that one.  It was the other one that was still missing.  But they acted like Pavel had both nukes at the end.

I didn't understand why Mac didn't try to save the irritating American DEA agent.  He tried but then gave up.  I'm sure he could have carried her but they both seemed resigned to the fact that she was immobilized and wrote her off.

I am shocked that we are done with 6 episodes and not one of the leads has gotten naked this season.  I feel like Sullivan Stapleton's butt was featured in every other episode when he was on.

  • Love 1

Tonight’s episode (S7 Ep9) has me wondering wtf is going on.

Last week ended with Coltrane being welcomed to Russia and Katrina telling him Russia wants to work with 20 to stop Pavel. FF to tonight and he’s telling the team they have one chance left to get Pavel as both sides have lost confidence because they keep missing him. 

Making things weirder, it comes out that Wyatt left 20 (because Pavel shot him) and he’s back with his wife, working for shady American businessman who’s 20’s first target, when he and Mac run into each other on-site.

I can’t begin to imagine what the writers were thinking when they fast-forwarded the storylines, giving throwaway explanations in passing. And the finale is next week? 

This ep was so disjointed; it seems like there’s an episode that tied these two together and it was removed from the roster for some reason.

Ugh. My love for the show is being tested. If they can’t be bothered to tell a story in its entirety, I’m not sure it’s worth the time to watch. 

On 3/22/2019 at 11:28 PM, cork dork said:

Tonight’s episode (S7 Ep9) has me wondering wtf is going on.

Last week ended with Coltrane being welcomed to Russia and Katrina telling him Russia wants to work with 20 to stop Pavel. FF to tonight and he’s telling the team they have one chance left to get Pavel as both sides have lost confidence because they keep missing him. 

Making things weirder, it comes out that Wyatt left 20 (because Pavel shot him) and he’s back with his wife, working for shady American businessman who’s 20’s first target, when he and Mac run into each other on-site.

I can’t begin to imagine what the writers were thinking when they fast-forwarded the storylines, giving throwaway explanations in passing. And the finale is next week? 

This ep was so disjointed; it seems like there’s an episode that tied these two together and it was removed from the roster for some reason.

Ugh. My love for the show is being tested. If they can’t be bothered to tell a story in its entirety, I’m not sure it’s worth the time to watch. 

I don't fully understand the purpose of the four month time jump.  The only things that seemed to happen within that span were that Wyatt left 20 and got a job as a civilian and that Pavel got a haircut.  I can't stand Wyatt's wife, she is so irritating and pointless.  He left her for like three years (I think) and then because he's approaching 40 he decided he wanted to settle down?  Meanwhile in the intervening three years he was sleeping around with everything that moved (more so in Season 1 although he never got to Damien Scott- levels) and never mentioned her at all.  The Madison character just doesn't work for me.

That notwithstanding, I did greatly enjoy this episode.  I don't understand why Mac, Wyatt and Novin would have gone into that ISIL stronghold with only pistols and no body armour.  Those scenes of them trying to frantically escape the maze of houses was really exciting.  I really hope nothing happens to Jamie Bamber.  Usually this show loses the Head of Section very frequently but I hope he survives.  If the team was in trouble, why wouldn't he have taken Zarkova with him as backup to rescue them?  She presumably sat in the van with Chetri the whole time.  Didn't even come out of the van to help with firepower as the team scrambled in.

I felt like the Season Finale was rushed.  So much buildup to taking Pavel done and it was over so quickly.  At one point I checked the time and there was like 15 minutes of show left and what I thought was too much to squeeze in.  But somehow they managed to disable to missiles and get out.

I'm happy that the whole team survived.  I was positive that Chetri was going to die.  Then I thought that Coltrane was going to make the noble sacrifice.

Still didn't care about Wyatt's wife.  Looks like he quit the team again to try and win her back.  Seems fairly certain that he will be back again next season and I'm not looking forward to all the man angst about her.  She probably will find some other guy, he'll be back with 20, whatever.  He never thought about her at all during the previous season so it was weird to me, why bother now?

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, FinnishViewer said:

The team seemed to gel better this season. Loved the 'short stuff' tease of Novi at the end.

I thought the three main leads (Mac, Wyatt and Novin) definitely gelled better.  But I never warmed up to Zarkova and I'm not sure if that's because she's supposed to be the frosty suspicious Russian who may or may not be double crossing them.  She and Novin had a rivalry and a love-hate relationship throughout the whole season, and it was only at the end when Zarkova thought she wasn't going to make it that they seemed to have reached a mutual understanding of respect. 

I still would like to know exactly how Zarkova escaped the explosions.  She was trapped in a tunnel that was similar to the one Coltrane and Novin were in.  Coltrane and Novin ran like hell and they barely escaped.  The explosions were close enough to them to launch them into the typical "flying leap caused by explosion".  Zarkova could barely walk.  So how did she make it out?  We see a scene of them calling her on the radio, and silence, and somberness.  Then the next scene they are packing her up into the car.  Huh?

I still miss Roxanne McKee as Natalie Reynolds and I wish there had been a better explanation of why either 1) the actress chose not to return or 2) the actress was fired.  I thought she had great chemistry with the team and she was a great team leader.  I would love to see her return for the "final" season.

As I mentioned previously, I am surprised that none of the main characters got naked.  Last season they all took their turns.  I wonder if they figured been there done that.  The characters would start in with someone and then the show would do what I call a "soap opera fade or cut" and then the next scene (if any) we just saw the aftermath.

On 4/1/2019 at 2:12 PM, blackwing said:

Still didn't care about Wyatt's wife.  Looks like he quit the team again to try and win her back.  Seems fairly certain that he will be back again next season and I'm not looking forward to all the man angst about her.  She probably will find some other guy, he'll be back with 20, whatever. 

It will end up like 24 - The team will arrive in America to recover missing bio / nuclear weapons and find the new boyfriend of "Mrs. Wyatt" is involved...Wyatt then tortures this unlucky dude - who is eventually proved innocent....

Edited by paigow

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