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Big Brother Canada Season 4

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Ugh! Gary! Who likes this dude? Why do they keep bringing him back?!

*pauses to cherish the memory of Topaz screwing up her vote*

I have no problem with Tim winning this season. The fact that he's not Canadian doesn't bother me at all. I'd much rather see him win it than Kelsey or the dumbass brothers.

Edited by Rachel RSL
I have to give a reason for editing? Ok, I have fat fingers and made a typo?
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Yes, I have to agree.  At the beginning of the season I would have said I didn't want an international to win, but I would rather see Tim win than Kelsey or the brothers.  However, I am still hoping for a Cassandra win.  Depending on how HOH and especially  POV shake out this week, I think she has a pretty good chance of making it to F2 at least.  The jury so far, even including Jared, seemed to have some admiration for her social game skills, Joel would vote for her, and Canada gets a jury vote (yay!), so I think she does have a shot at winning.   And I've probably jinxed her by saying so.  In any event, she will have a lot of fans when she gets out.

Edited by Newbietunes
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This must have been the biggest downfall of a player that fast in BB. Joel went from being in the middle and sitting there pretty to getting evicted just cause he couldn't handle his emotions. I heard he spent a lot of time talking to a therapist in the DR and he truly wanted to quit. I admire Tim and Cass's game, they pretended to be fighting so well with the result to keep Cass in the game. Tim and Cass made what seemed possible after their nominations become possible. They surely deserve to be in the final two and one of them win. The brothers are in for a huge surprise when they find out how they are perceived by the public.. surely not how they think they do...

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Gary's makeovers were underwhelming -- as usual.

The Brothers had on white suits -- which was pretty boring.
Cassandra seemed to enjoy her animal print dress -- and really took on the persona.
Kelsey looked pretty good, but I thought her blue and black outfit from last Thursday was much hotter (or that pink dress when Kelsey returned to the House).
Tim looked like Slash from G'n'R -- all he needed was a pair of sunglasses.

Watching the remaining houseguests over-react to the video clips was painful -- especially the ones from the eviction and nomination clips, since they were all right there when it happened.

The only interesting part was when they discovered something that was actually new to them -- like Dallas' tantrum during the comp.

The most noticeable things from the final video montage -- the Brothers with hair, and how much thinner Cassandra used to be.

Do the Brothers honestly expect anyone to believe that Kelsey was ever on the short list to be nominated ? Come on.


Kelsey, please!  That was a pathetic F2 justification.  "My best lie?  Was one that I got called out on, so then I decided it was better to play without lying."  The Paxbros weren't much better:  "We just didn't lie."  What?  They bragged in obnoxious Will/Boogie DR style just last episode about how they pretended to be disgusted that Cass wasn't throwing the HOH as promised but thought she was stupid for backing down.

I hope, hope, hope that Cassandra's scenario plays out:  Tim wins final HOH, votes out Kelsey, and wins over the smug brothers.  And I plan to take Tim up on his offer to stay at his place in Australia because I voted for him (kidding!).

Edited by Newbietunes
Trying to write about TV while watching TV.
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The only redeeming element to this episode was watching Kelsey in those tight pants in the PoV comp and her outfit during the Q&A.  Other than that she can leave ASAP.  

Also, I wanted to see all of the times for the PoV -- why did they only announce the time for the Brothers ?   Any other comp they always show the times of each contestant -- or were the other times just embarrassingly long compared to the just under 15 minutes by Nick ?

And did Arisa say that the 2 hour finale is going to chock full of clips -- FFS, they just had a clip show on Sunday for the BBCAN awards.  More filler to justify a 2 hour finale runtime.  I wish they would cut out the filler, announce the winner half way through and have some post-victory discussion.  But i expect they will leave it until the very last minute, bungle it somehow and it will be very chaotic at the end.

Worst part of the show -- Arisa pretending that during her post-eviction conversation with Cassandra that the finale was "tomorrow", except for the whole fact that it was filmed on Saturday right after the live feeds went down.


Tim for the win !!

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I'm assuming the other Veto times were really bad because when he announced the winning time, the other 3 practically fell over.

I wish they would have a live audience for all the evictions. It's so awkward when it's just silence, especially when you know Cass probably would have received a ton of applause.

I voted for Tim to win. God, PLEASE let him make final 2. I can't stomach the thought of Kelsey & the brothers in the finals. Kelsey had that ridiculously unfair advantage and the brothers had an inherent advantage with there being 2 of them. Not that the brothers actually used their advantage since they're both kind of idiots and sort of bumbled their way to this point in the game. The more I think about when they tried to nominate themselves, the more it irritates me. When, in the history of nominations, has Arisa ever heard the nominees and said "Are you sure?".  She should have just said ok and stuck their asses up on the block.

Man, I'm more bitter about this than I really should be.

Edited by Rachel RSL
My dislike of anybody named Paquette.
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  On 5/12/2016 at 2:03 PM, Zeditious said:

It's telling, isn't it?, that the bumbling, stupid, idiot, dingus, dumbass brothers.... and yes they are; that's what's so telling... absolutely kicked Transparent Timmy and the rest of the BB fame-whore morons asses in the challenges lately. Oh, Timmy! Oh, Cass! Oh, you masterminds, you!


What, exactly, is it telling?

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  On 5/12/2016 at 2:43 PM, dolphincorn said:

I feel bad for Nick because he will have to split the money he won with his useless brother whom he carried along all season. Phil was nothing more than a handicap.

I really can't see the scenario playing out any other way.


Which one is Phil?  Cass is gone?

I didn't watch the show when Gary came on, he has hideous fashion sense, and so watching him preen and primp would have been difficult.


Man,I just got home late so missed the first 90 minutes -- and saw Tim on the jury. FFS !!!

The final two is a choice between worse and worser.

What's wrong with Kelsey -- she does not look that great.  Where's that pink dress from when she re-entered the house ?

Maddie looks hot.


ETA: Ramsey is on the jury -- I guess he will cast Canada's vote, and then go hookup with Maddie after the show.


ETA2:  Ugh.  The Brothers won.  Why oh why do they not cut out 30 minutes of the fucking clips and have some post-show discussion ?  You could barely hear anything after the announcement was made.

Paige looked really hot.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Well, there was no way in which that didn't suck.

So glad I spent half an hour voting for Tim last night only to learn that he was already out of the running because he forfeited the effing HOH comp.  Presumably he knew the order in which HGs were eliminated and that they were eliminated 7 days apart -- he could have figured it out even if he didn't have it memorized.  I hope Cass kicks his ass when she finds out about that.

Anyway, much as I can't stand the brothers, they did win a lot of comps, so I guess I'm marginally pleased that they won over Kelsey (who I also can't stand).  OMG, every single thing that came out of the mouths of those three tonight had me rolling my eyes and yelling shut up at the TV.  I would have preferred to watch even more filler clips than listen to their "integrous" BS.

BUT I was satisfied with the winners of the first 3 seasons, so overall this version of BB is still much more enjoyable for me than the US version, where I have hated almost all the winners.

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Being in America I have not had a chance to watch this since Kelsey was eliminated the first time (Damn YouTube worrying about copyrights and such.  Taking down the episodes before I get a chance to watch them).  Anyway for what I have read on here it seems like the season really went downhill.  I didn't really hate the brothers when I watched it but they were not really in the forefront at that time but I guess they turned out to dicks in the end.

I am seemingly always underwhelmed by the winner of the American version as they tend to not be anyone I like (Derek and Steve I am looking at the two of you) so I never really get annoyed with who wins.    

I'm not annoyed that Nick is going to get the money. He was a competition beast. I am annoyed that Phil is splitting the money because he sucked incredibly. But as I mentioned weeks ago, I wouldn't have been upset with a Kelsey win because I believe that each season gets the winner it deserves. The cast deserved that final two when they allowed Kelsey to come back into the house UNCONTESTED. What a bunch of idiots!

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Ugh! I hate when an entire season of any show is ruined by unpleasant/undeserving winners. I didn't even watch anything after Tim got evicted, I just fast forwarded right to the reading of the votes.  I just couldn't stand the thought of listening to Kelsey argue that she deserved it when she was handed a massive advantage by Big Brother or the brothers argue that they deserved it when the only reason they're still there is because they were saved by Arisa.  I mean, in the grand scheme of reality show villains, these guys aren't even on the radar, not like when it was a Maggie/Ivette final 2 on BBUS, but it still left us with an extremely unlikeable final 2. 

The brothers probably think Canada loves them since they got the vote. If only Arisa had told them that Tim actually got like 90% of the votes, which I have no doubt he did.  I wish we had a fan fave vote so someone I like could actually win something.  And just one last nitpick since I'm being petty, it's been driving me crazy all season that the brothers keep referring to themselves as "the Paqs brothers". No. You're either "the Paqs" or "the Paq brothers". Paqs brothers makes no sense. Idiots. Rich idiots now, but still!

Edited by Rachel RSL
Stupid Paqs
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Did not like the winners, but then again I didn't like Kelsey either. I felt bad for Cass when Tim said (and I don't remember if it was last night or when they were all on the Morning Show) that he gave up because he wanted a Canadian to win. And wasn't that handy how the brothers just happened to have a flag handy to wave at Jury when Nikki was asking them her jury question??

Edited by Evenshorter
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I think Canada's vote would have been for whoever won. Unless it was a tie, and then the producers would pick their favourite.

Just once, I don't want to have to take their word on anything, be it a timed comp, where they don't show the clock, to a numbers comp, where they don't show proof of how many items were being guessed on, or this, a Canada vote.

  On 5/14/2016 at 2:17 AM, Artsda said:

I believe Canada's vote went to the brothers. First place was Tim, then them, then Kelsey. Brother had 2 of them to pool votes and they're cute guys. Voters like that.


I agree. The people I know in real life who watch the show do NOT like Kelsey, and they like Nick. But I bet the numbers are like 75% Tim, 15% brothers, 10% Kelsey...

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