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Saddest Moments in the Show

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Everything that's going on with Sansa is a painful reminder of just how depressing this show can be. So I'd thought I start a thread for the saddest moments on this show.

Ned's death and The Red Wedding are obvious choices. But another really sad moment was when Dany had that vision of Khal Drogo and their would-have-been child. The longing on Dany's face was hard to watch.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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I was shocked by Ned's death, but not sad.  He was an idiot.


I think the saddest moment was Grey Wind's murder.  Robb had turned into an idiot (by the show, not really the book) so I didn't care that he died, but watching Arya almost reach her brother was very sad, and that tied together with Grey Wind, trapped and helpless, and murdered.

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Saddest moments:


Lady's death.

Arya driving away Nymeria.

Sansa's reaction to Ned's doll.

Arya knowing Ned is being killed.

Greywind's death.

Danaerys smothering Khal Drogo.

Danaerys chaining up Viserion and Rheagal.

Ygritte's death.

Arya abandoning the Hound.

Tyrion killing Shae.


The worst I think actually is a tossup between Danaerys chaining her dragons and Arya driving away her direwolf, because the animals cannot understand what is happening, and are so betrayed.

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I think the saddest moment was Grey Wind's murder.  Robb had turned into an idiot (by the show, not really the book) so I didn't care that he died, but watching Arya almost reach her brother was very sad, and that tied together with Grey Wind, trapped and helpless, and murdered.

Oh God that was awful. I'm one of those weird people that think innocent animals being killed in shows/movies are ten times worse than people being killed in show/movies.

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Jaime telling Brienne about Aerys.


Dany telling Jorah that she won't leave Drogo during Drogo's death scene. I didn't even like Drogo but I felt sorry for her when she said she wouldn't let him die and that no one realizes how strong he is. 

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For me, the saddest moments in both the books and the show are when people are close to their loved ones or people who can help them but they just miss each other. Like when Jon and Bran just missed meeting when Bran was on his way to the Wall. Or when Arya arrived minutes too late to the Red Wedding. Even though I am so glad she wasn't there for that particular celebration, I was sad for her that she was so close to finally seeing her mother and brother again, and then the worst possible thing happened. Even Arya and the Hound arriving at the Bloody Gate to find it closed was sad for me, though having read the books, I was not expecting Arya to find Sansa in the Vale. 

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I guess for me the stuff that gets me is show original stuff that I don't expect. Or something that is more about performance than words.


Example of the former is Thoros describing bringing back Beric.


Thoros of Myr:  It's a terrible thing to say, but... by the time I came to Westeros, I didn't believe in our Lord. I decided that He, that all the gods, were stories we told the children to make them behave. So I wore the robes, and every now and then, I'd recite the prayers. It was just for show. A spectacle for the locals. Until the Mountain drove a lance through this one's heart.
[Thoros points at Beric]
Thoros of Myr: I knelt beside his cold body, and said the old words. Not because I believed in them, but... he was my friend. And he was dead. And they were the only words I knew. And for the first time in my life, the Lord replied. 


I never really cared for the Brotherhood without Banners in the books but this scene was really touching to me.


Example of the latter is Arya about to throw away Needle.



I knew she wouldn't do it but my god seeing her face wrecked me inside.

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Catelyn's face, twice -- once quiet, once vocal:


- when she's looking down at the box of Ned's bones

- just as Robb dies, that cry of anguish

I thought the book version of Catelyn's final moments was way more powerful than the show. I knew it was going to happen, but reading those last few lines really hit me, especially the "a hand grabbed her scalp just as she'd done with Jinglebell, and she thought, No, don't, don't cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold."

Edited by Attaboy000
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In the show, when the red headed prostitute was shown transfixed, punshed for having found herself between the intrigues of two powerful players.


When the dragons cried.


When boy-who-thought-chivalry-was-a-real-thing tried to appeal to the bandits.

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Oh God that was awful. I'm one of those weird people that think innocent animals being killed in shows/movies are ten times worse than people being killed in show/movies.

Me too. I think Shireen's death was the first one to really hit me more than the murders of Lady and Grey Wind. I think Arya having to send away Nymeria with rocks hurt me more than watching Robb/Cat's last moments before Roose stuck his knife in. Viserion and Rhaegal's cries of distress when Dany chained them up were similarly awful, but as a dog person, the direwolves really get to me even more.


As for s4, Pyp's sudden death in the battle saddened me more than anything else. 


Things that left me feeling dead inside after first watch/read:

the Red Wedding

Ros's sudden murder 

Ramsay's wedding

Shireen's burning

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I thought the book version of Catelyn's final moments was way more powerful than the show. I knew it was going to happen, but reading those last few lines really hit me, especially the "a hand grabbed her scalp just as she'd done with Jinglebell, and she thought, No, don't, don't cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold."

Agree. So very soul wrenching, despairing, and powerful.

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Amazing how this show manages to top the most horrible scenes we think we've seen.  We were all upset over Sansa getting raped, and now poor Shireen gets burned at the stake.

And then they give us the finale. The only storyliness that didn't have a death were Tyrion and his new posse, Dany being surrounded by Dothraki, and Cersei's walk, which was horrifying enough even without the Frankenmonster at the end. Only one of those scenes even resembled something lighthearted. 

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