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S06.E02: Perfect Family

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Andy contemplates her future with Sam after learning heartbreaking news. Andy meets a teen in need of protection.



This whole episode felt like a huge anvil for Andy. I know I recognized the abusive father, but can't remember what I know him from.

Edited by Artsda
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*sighs* So, it took two of her friends AND a whole case to make Andy realize that she still wants to be with Sam? Really? It's just not surprising anymore how self centered Andy is. It's just ridiculous that we had to have Sam being so good to Andy, despite the fact that it's him who is going through the crisis, not Andy. I wish I could say that I sympathize with her, but my Andy hate just makes me want to punch her in the face, shake her and say 'wake up, this is all about Sam and Marlo, not about you!'. Thank goodness Traci thought she was being an absolute moron. I can't with her. I've tried, but they should just rename the show The McNally Show. 


Marlo/Dov's friendship is the best thing that's happened since Nick/Chloe's friendship. I could root for these two to get together, but I'm also entirely comfortable with them staying friends. And yay for Dov for perhaps finding a niche in Intelligence. Maybe he's going to transfer into Intelligence by the end of the season. But...damn, the bombings are related to the division. I kind of figured as much. BE CAREFUL MARLO/DOV. One of them's getting attacked/kidnapped/blown up at the end of this, I just know it.


Juliette/Nick is still cool. Duncan*/Chloe is not. Duncan* is still infuritating and did someone sign a petition to keep the actor on the show, because his character has no business being a cop. 


Chris Diaz...I'm so sorry you're getting so many shitty storylines. Obviously the 15% budget cuts will happen at the end of the season and who's willing to bet Andy and Chris/Dov will be fired? Or attempted to be fired? Well, maybe it's time for Chris to actually go at the end of the season because if this is the best they can come up with for Travis Milne to do, then maybe it's better that he leaves.


Please, oh god please, let this stupid Andy thing go. Let her be supportive of her boyfriend. He's the one going through the major change and the only thing Andy should be saying is 'how can I help?'. My god, the drama between these two is the worst part of the show. They're much more tolerable when they're happy. 


EDITED because Deacon is not Duncan and I didn't care enough to look up the character's real name.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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BE CAREFUL MARLO/DOV. One of them's getting attacked/kidnapped/blown up at the end of this, I just know it.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had Marlo kidnapped and somehow lose the baby, just to make things all right in Andy's world. 


I realized that I completely zoned out of the last scene between Andy and Sam because how many conversations can they have about how they aren't right for each other, things are shitty, but they love each other, so let's force it. One of my biggest issues too is how Ben Bass is just not that good of an actor. He looks so slack jawed all the time that I have no idea if he's bored, tired, surprised, or confused. 


I can't believe I"m saying this, but I would take more Duncan if that meant the Andy/Sam drama would just disappear. I'm tired of every single preview for the next episode so far has been about them. I'm grateful for this board because it seems like people here agree. I suppose TPTB are more submitting to the tumblr crowd then us with their Sam/Andy focus.



I know I recognized the abusive father, but can't remember what I know him from.


David Sutcliffe - I know him from Private Practice (the cop that Addison was dating) but he was also on Gilmore Girls. 

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Dear Show - for all that is holy and good in tv land stop making Marlow's pregnancy all about Andy. Your leading woman's characterization is really suffering. Not talking to Sam at the beginning of the episode was beyond childish. Having problems with the situation? Sure - everybody would struggle. But a halfway sensible person would not need to have half a dozen anvils dropped on her head to realize that talking to her partner who's going through just as much if not more of a crisis is the way to go.

This could be a solid police procedural (with the occasional romantic plot): the COW was actually quite compelling as it showed the struggle law enforcement has to face when dealing with more subtle forms of abuse and the conclusion was chilling. The B-plot about Marlo and Dov's investigation was also great. Nick and Ward's banter was amusing and there's the suspense about her undercover (IA?) work hanging over these two and their relationship and the whole division. But the soap opera elements (and I'm going to include Diaz's ridiculous plot) are really dragging this show down.

As usual Oliver was gold.

Edited by MissLucas
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I have loathed Andy since the first season.  Sometimes I don't even know why I continue to watch, since she is so infuriating (and the actress that plays her has rubbed me the wrong way a bunch of times too).  Than I realize that I love the other cast members enough to stick with it.


I love Dov/Marlo's friendship too.  I think the actress playing Marlo is absolutely stunning.  I don't see them getting romantic though.  Or at least I hope it doesn't go there.


But....I wouldn't hate it if Nick and Chloe hooked up.  I do like Juliette, but I love Chloe, and Nick is a decent, caring, great guy.  

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David Sutcliffe - I know him from Private Practice (the cop that Addison was dating) but he was also on Gilmore Girls.

OMG yes, thank you! Rory's dad Christopher!  That's where I knew him from. 



It's just not surprising anymore how self centered Andy is. It's just ridiculous that we had to have Sam being so good to Andy, despite the fact that it's him who is going through the crisis, not Andy.


Not sure if I blame all this one on Andy, Sam was the ass all last season and the one before it. This is a crisis of his own making and Andy had to take the chance to be with him again, after he dumped her, declared he loved her then couldn't wait and hooked up with Marlo within weeks and then only wanted her back when she got with Nick.  This is a crisis of Sam's own doing.  


So I get Andy needing some time to deal with this news and I think Sam was being good because he already messed up so much and for so long to begin with. He's the one that needs to prove he'll stick it out and wants this since he made promises before and then dumped her, refusing to speak to her for 6 weeks even.

Edited by Artsda
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I think Andy and Sam deserve each other. Unfortunately, I don't deserve having to have them take up so much of the show.


I'm more interested in Traci, Gail and Dov. Even Travis and Oliver.

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This episode needed more Gail and Oliver. (I would happily watch an entire episode of Gail and Oliver hanging out, doing police work, snacking and snarking about the rest of 15.)

I like Marlo, and I hope she gets a happy ending.

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David Sutcliffe - I know him from Private Practice (the cop that Addison was dating) but he was also on Gilmore Girls


I'm always glad to see the Sutcliffe back on my tv -- was I the only one who watched Cracked? -- and I had hopes that he might have landed a recurring role, but, no! He had to be the dickbowl whackknob father! For Sam to lecture

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I only dropped in on this during commercials of Hannibal, but was there a reason they didn't call Children's Protective Services earlier, or was it just a typical Rookie Blue our-world-makes-no-sense-and-we-are-horrible-police plotline? I watched them trying to talk the drippy mom out of returning to her husband and was like, "Just let her go! But take the kids away!" The girl outright said her dad was abusive, right?

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Dear Show - for all that is holy and good in tv land stop making Marlow's pregnancy all about Andy. Your leading woman's characterization is really suffering. Not talking to Sam at the beginning of the episode was beyond childish. Having problems with the situation? Sure - everybody would struggle. But a halfway sensible person would not need to have half a dozen anvils dropped on her head to realize that talking to her partner who's going through just as much if not more of a crisis is the way to go.

This could be a solid police procedural (with the occasional romantic plot): the COW was actually quite compelling as it showed the struggle law enforcement has to face when dealing with more subtle forms of abuse and the conclusion was chilling. The B-plot about Marlo and Dov's investigation was also great. Nick and Ward's banter was amusing and there's the suspense about her undercover (IA?) work hanging over these two and their relationship and the whole division. But the soap opera elements (and I'm going to include Diaz's ridiculous plot) are really dragging this show down.

As usual Oliver was gold.


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