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Behind The Scenes OLTL

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Josh Kelly is a cutie. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Cutter/Natalie on PP and I was deeply annoyed by how backburnered they were - a consequence, I believe, of whatever backstage stuff was going on with Michael Easton.


I caught a re-run of Rizzoli & Isles not too long ago with Josh in it. He was the murder victim of the week, dead in the teaser, so not a lot of him, but he did a good job. I've seen a lot of soap folks pop up in that show, Christopher Cousins was in the same episode, playing one of the bad guys. Chris McKenna and Heather Tom were in another, amusingly enough, playing a married couple. And then there's Colin Egglesfield, who plays a recurring character, and who AMC viewers will know as Aborted Fetus.

This is probably the best place for this:


I really wish that the Jeff Giles book had covered a bit more about the JFP era, if only for two reasons:


1. How they got away with the scene where Todd punched Tea in the face in 1998. That seems like something the network would have balked at to me, at least a little bit, given they still wound up married.


2. The period between Pam Long's firing and Megan McTavish's hiring where JFP essentially wrote the show herself FOR ALMOST AN ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR (specifically, 1999). I mean, I know OLTL was the Red Headed Stepchild of ABC Daytime, but was NO ONE paying attention there? For a few weeks to a month, maybe I'd understand there being a brief interim period, but that's pretty fucking egregious, not to mention incompetent (and the latter is NOT a word I would usually associate with JFP, for all her many faults as a producer).

Edited by UYI
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The network believed wholeheartedly in JFP's vision at that time. She got away with it for too long, and she and Megan were thick as thieves.


My understanding is Giles' focus was not in going over too much of the latter eras, which is a shame but a lot of the dreck did run together over the years. The book is fantastic. And IIRC, he couldn't get either Howarth or Florencia Lozano to talk (or Trevor St. John).

Edited by jsbt
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The period between Pam Long's firing and Megan McTavish's hiring where JFP essentially wrote the show herself FOR ALMOST AN ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR (specifically, 1999)

This explains so much :-(


Some kind Youtuber uploaded lots of 1999 OLTL and I jumped in. During that era I was working two jobs and pretty much stopped recording soaps, so I missed almost that entire period. I was so excited to begin watching. Well, I think I may have completed seven episodes before finally giving up on that year. The whole show seemed to revolve around Rae, John Sykes, and the Rappaports with just enough Tea to annoy me (even though she looked gorgeous with that haircut).

John Sykes was an asshole. He started off corrupt - wasn't he on Barbara Graham's powerful father's payroll? - and then overnight he was an extremely smug, self-righteous do-gooder and all buddy-buddy with Bo and Sam (ick) and the whole Law & Order side of the show. And before they put him with Rae (which, ugh, Rae) they had Tea pining for his dull ass. When she had RJ. Please.

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Sykes was originally a short-termer for the storyline with Barbara Graham; he was definitely this smarmy corrupt cop for much of that first year. But John Bolger was a FOJ, so overnight Sykes became a great guy and a pillar of the community. All of a sudden Sykes, Linda Dano (Rae) and Robin Christopher (fuckin' Skye) were anchoring half the show. Dano and Bolger had chemistry and neither were bad actors, but I saw zero reason to care about either of them on OLTL. Had Sykes stayed the smarmy cop, the sort of thorn in the LPD's side scheming in different stories with different people, that might have been a nice role for him. (JFP forced him onto GH to do the same sort of role years later, as Port Charles Mayor Floyd, who RC and FV immediately dismissed.)


It incensed me when, several years later, Michael Malone ended the Music Box Killer story by touting that a "beloved favorite" who'd been killed off by the MBK was going to be resurrected... and instead of poor Gabrielle it was Rae - who the audience hated - complete with a romantic reunion with Sykes, swanning in from out of town to take her away for a happy ending while Nora cooed over them.


There were stories that Florencia Lozano got sent to backburner hell and then quietly pushed out the door in 2000 because JFP blamed her for the failure of the epic Sykes/Téa romance. I believe it. JFP's done it a lot.

Edited by jsbt
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Malone and I have different definitions of "beloved favorite", apparently.


I give Malone credit for this--he knew how to kill characters off permanently. He brought back Cord after killing him off, and gave Todd an out for coming back later on, but for the most part, he knew some deaths were going to have to be permanent in order for them to actually matter. The problem came when he killed off characters like Al and Gabrielle, neither of whom were given an out and which MASSIVELY pissed off the audience (I don't count Megan and Luna's deaths here, because both Jessica Tuck and Susan Batten chose to leave voluntarily, with no intention of a permanent return*--Nate and Fiona were fired against the wishes of the fans--even if breaking up Al and Marcie would have seemed out of place, there HAD to be a way for Al, and then Gabby, to just leave town).


Of course, none of this explains (or excuses) why he chose to revive Victor Lord Sr. I legit wonder what the fuck he was thinking (or smoking) when he came up with that. 


*The fact that they each got, you know, tasteful and respectful death scenes was a bonus, too. 

Edited by UYI
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Of course, none of this explains (or excuses) why he chose to revive Victor Lord Sr. I legit wonder what the fuck he was thinking (or smoking) when he came up with that. 


Right? It is especially puzzling because it was Malone who wrote the reveal that Viki killed Victor. That 90's story was brilliant and, really, the last time DID really worked on this show. It was a huge story for him, possibly only second to the Spring Fling. Why would he undo it?


In my headcanon, that story still stands and the 2003 "Heart of a Lord" guy wasn't Victor at all, but yet another crazy Lord cousin that Mitch found somewhere.

Edited by Melgaypet
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I don't think it was ever Malone's decision to write Max and Gabrielle out - I know he wanted them around, but Brian Frons did not. The mistake was in killing Gabby off. I don't think he particularly cared about Rae, but I assume they all felt it was easier to resurrect her with no strings whereas Gabrielle was engaged to Bo and had definitely been seen dead.


Ron Carlivati basically suggested that the Victor in the Heart of a Lord story was an imposter in 2007, with a few lines from Dorian. They even changed his death date in the Lord mausoleum back to the '70s, so it's basically canon IMO. Later in his career he would go much further with retcons, which he should've done there. The only thing that ever gave whatever the hell Malone had originally planned there any weight was what RC did years and years later, in 2011, when he tied to the Two Todds resolution into that story. Victor's ring (which Todd had obsessed over in 2003 before disappearing), his fortune and his empire were all directly tied to what became of Todd and Victor Jr. Despite that face-saving, they should never have brought the old man back. It was the beginning of Malone destroying his own legacy.

Edited by jsbt
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I'll agree Sykes would have been better had he been a thorn in Bo's side while on the police force. The only reason he and Rae worked for me was due to charm of the actors playing the roles. And even then, just barely. 


Yeah, I don't get the whole referring to Rae as a "beloved character" either. I think Rae would have worked better on All My Children than on her, the same way Skye worked better on General Hospital. Then again, that whole "Rae Cummings visits all the ABC soaps" story was very misguided to begin with.


What was dumb about killing off Gabriel was, they got rid of Max at roughly the same time as they did Gabrielle (wasn't it within less than a year?). Couldn't they have just reunited them and had them ride off into the sunset together or something? Poor Fiona, she really got dicked over whoever fired her.


I'm glad I wasn't watching the show at time of Victor's resurrection. With the retcons they gave him in the 80s and the 90s, first being a pervert with a sex basement, then him molesting Viki, at least we got some great stories out of them with Viki and her alters. It seems like all the show got out of his resurrection was a whole lot of suck.


Speaking of Viki's DID story...it seems like past the 90s, the law of diminishing returns really started to kick in.

I don't think anyone not directly involved knows for sure. I recall rumors flying around that RSW and HBS had an affair/hated each other/had an affair that ended with them hating each other/Mrs. Woods pulled a Scott Reeves and insisted they never be paired again in response to an affair that may or may not have happened/RSW hated Bo&Nora and wanted only to be paired with hot young things and so on.


I don't have the foggiest, myself. I do remember how jsbt used to refer to a reunion as The Forbidden Zone and that always cracked me up.

Edited by Melgaypet
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All I know is FV and RC refused to take the blame when asked about it in public at a Paley Center(?) event for the anniversary in '08 and basically indirectly threw it to the actors. Less than a year later the reunion story was onscreen and it was great.


For their part, they both seemed ecstatically happy from then on, with each other at least, and RSW has almost seemed to take the blame a number of times in several interviews. In Jeff Giles' book he says he had been wrong in not wanting to go back to the couple and that when the show put them back together he realized 'we could have been printing money all these years.' I know someone out there recently claimed that FV went to the pair in '08 or '09 and told them it was do or die time for the show and they were going back to Bo and Nora, period. It's what he should've done at GH with Luke and Laura (and RC very much wanted to) but FV was cowed by Tony Geary. In any event, for OLTL it was a happy end!

Edited by jsbt
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TG probably would have tanked it anyway. He certainly wasn't above acting out his BTS distaste onscreen. RSW and HBS seemed much more professional as far as that goes. HBS had to sell the line "I have a hole in my heart as big as the moon." She almost did, but not even Meryl Streep could have made it work.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Bo and Nora not reuniting way sooner was just... ugh. All the weight of any story was between them. When Crazy!Colin kidnapped Nora and tried to rape her, we saw a time jump to the aftermath so it shows Bo and the cops busting into Colin's house and finding the rose petals on the bed and it was all empty and weird (well, except for the dead body at the bottom of the stairs) and Bo was just looking around with this mixture of shock and horror and rage... 'What did he do to her?!'


Was anyone else's reaction going to be remotely meaningful? Was I supposed to give two shits about how Sam would react to all of that mess? Or Lindsay? Or anyone?! All that mattered was Bo and they weren't even remotely together at that point!


RSW did realize his mistake at least.


I will say that I would have been happy if they had tried out a Max/Nora thing at one point. There was plenty of history between the characters and during the whole bit where Starr had stolen Max' credit card and was using it to play pranks on him while Todd and Blair were on the angry outs after the 'Hell No' wedding there was just a really nice vibe between Max and Nora. I recall HBS saying it would never work because JDP made her laugh so hard on the set that it would take forever to get any scenes done but still...


I would have been up for it, at least. Especially since Bo, at that time, was involved with the boringest bore that ever bored Lainey McIver. 

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I agree. They'd had so much drama and heartache at that point, especially in mostly very good or at least solid story from their reunion in '09 to the end of the show in 2012, with Clint and Matthew and all sorts of craziness, that I thought it was good to just keep them happy as the tentpoles for a good long while. They had plenty to do in other stories on PP, I didn't need them in a big one right away. They couldn't feature every vet all the time but FV and RC knew to keep Bo and Nora regularly busy for their entire run, which is not something they managed with 99% of vets at GH - often because they were featuring OLTL stars or people from other shows.

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Especially since Bo, at that time, was involved with the boringest bore that ever bored Lainey McIver. 


SO boring.


They'd had so much drama and heartache at that point, especially in mostly very good or at least solid story from their reunion in '09 to the end of the show in 2012, with Clint and Matthew and all sorts of craziness, that I thought it was good to just keep them happy as the tentpoles for a good long while.


There was a bunch of garbage in there too (which HBS and RSW always elevated), with Inez, with Nora way overstepping during Destiny's pregnancy, with the show never really acknowledging the hypocrisy re: them keeping Matthew murdering Eddie Ford a secret.  And that's why I was happy their initial story on PP was mostly light and breezy and reminded me of what was so loveable about them.  They could have ratcheted up the drama eventually (wasn't there a rumor about a prostate cancer storyline or something?), but I liked what we got from them.

Edited by TeeVee329

I mean, was the Inez plot lame? Oh yes, everything about the Fords was. But the sheer drama of it with the veterans - Clint scheming against Bo and Nora and trying to use the Ford parents to wreck them - was very, very intense and well-played and often scripted. They had a Friday cliffhanger right near February sweeps where Bo and Clint finally confronted each other about Clint's game at the Buchanan stables and I remember thinking 'no other soap on the air right now would dare do this with people of this age.' There was so much history with everyone involved. While the particulars of some of the plot were stupid prior to that, the drama, the performers were fantastic. Jerry verDorn was right when he said that for some of his storylines all the show needed was actors and black drapes.


You can't say that any other soap on ABC, certainly not now, was pushing huge cliffhangers with their longtime supercouple and another senior lead confronting each other going into sweeps. They got a lot wrong in those last two years (just to name two, that is) but the stuff they got right they got very right. FV and RC lost sight of so much of that in the last couple years of GH - imagine if they'd had some sort of similar story with Lucy, Scott/Kevin and Tracy.

Edited by jsbt
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Inezzzz was terrible (I confess I enjoyed Evil Papa Ford, mostly for the way he tormented the whole misbegotten clan) and it infuriated me that she was allowed to skate on drugging the police commissioner, because Clint Was Mean and She Didn't Have A Choice and Her Boyzzzzz, but other than that, I was ALL OVER that story. Showdown in the Stables! It was great and I ate it up with a spoon. I agree, no other show would do that with their over-50 set. It was awesome.

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Inezzzz was awful but she was predated by the exceptionally boring Lamie. I mean... when I was first watching OLTL, Bo was about to leave on his year long honeymoon with Didi O'Neil. I remember liking them but I couldn't tell you why. I was probably influenced by my mother who just loved Bo Buchanan. Well, to be fair, she loved Bo, Asa and Clint. My mother has a thing for cowboys. It dates back to Roy Rogers. But I remember liking all of Bo's various paramours despite the fact that they usually ended up dead. Didi died by electric fence (taking out... Patrick London? Is that who she offed via electric fence?) and then there was Bo and Sarah Gordon who were very sweet and romantic. She was just the goodest of good girls... Megan's sister and their stories involved things like the horrible Austin Buchanan who Asa buried alive (to be fair, Asa thought he was dead) after Sarah killed him after he raped her. You know... typical stuff there... and of course the crazy Mendorra storylines where Bo masqueraded as the evil Prince (Rupert?) and they all escaped by skiing down the Alps.


Sarah died too and I was terrified when Nora started hanging out with Bo because I loved her and I didn't want her to die.


Anyway... Bo went through this period where he was just paired off with the most anemic women. I suppose it's hard to follow HBS' Nora who brought the quirk in a big way but not in a way that was too cloying or anything like that. They were fun. They made sense. He was a cop! She was a defense attorney! Drama! She had a history with Hank and RJ! I mean... come on! Her name was Nora Hanen Gannon Buchanan! (RSW's face when he realized that was magnificent.)


Lindsay at least had personality. I mean, it was pretty much 95% awful but it existed. Lanie had nothing. Paige, all three versions of her, were excessively boring. Am I forgetting some boring person in the midst of all that?


Now Bo and Gabrielle? That worked for me. Again, Gabrielle had personality. RSW has always been gifted at reacting to other people and if there's nothing there in the first place... well... that spells trouble. I didn't consider Bo and Gabrielle the loves of each others lives or anything like that but they actually did work.

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Lindsay at least had personality. I mean, it was pretty much 95% awful but it existed. Lanie had nothing. Paige, all three versions of her, were excessively boring. Am I forgetting some boring person in the midst of all that?


Now Bo and Gabrielle? That worked for me. Again, Gabrielle had personality. RSW has always been gifted at reacting to other people and if there's nothing there in the first place... well... that spells trouble. I didn't consider Bo and Gabrielle the loves of each others lives or anything like that but they actually did work.


I think he dated John's mama, Eve, for about five minutes.


Bo and Gabby were fun.

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I mean, was the Inez plot lame? Oh yes, everything about the Fords was. But the sheer drama of it with the veterans - Clint scheming against Bo and Nora and trying to use the Ford parents to wreck them - was very, very intense and well-played and often scripted. They had a Friday cliffhanger right near February sweeps where Bo and Clint finally confronted each other about Clint's game at the Buchanan stables and I remember thinking 'no other soap on the air right now would dare do this with people of this age.' There was so much history with everyone involved. While the particulars of some of the plot were stupid prior to that, the drama, the performers were fantastic. Jerry verDorn was right when he said that for some of his storylines all the show needed was actors and black drapes.


Oh, absolutely, I wasn't trying to ding the performances at all.  I do remember Jerry ver Dorn making that black drapes comment, I think about the confrontations between the three after Clint found out about Bo and Nora falling back in love (with a side of Kimmie!), and he was spot-on.  And the scene you were talking about in the stable definitely qualifies too.


But maybe my memory is colored by hate, but I feel like so much it was annoyingly about the Fords and other pets like Rex - poor wittle Inez suffers no consequences for DRUGGING THE POLICE COMMISSIONER because Clint's a big meanie, Bo almost immediately forgives Rex for keeping David's imprisonment in Morocco a secret, Matthew being shoved to the side until it was time for the twist re: Eddie's murder, etc., etc.


Also, Clint was my favorite of the three and I felt he got some very one-note writing then because he was the Big Bad roughing up Fords and being mean to Rex.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Yeah, it wasn't any real thing, that's what I meant by "five minutes." I remember the two of them at dinner, talking about John and his dead dad and his broody manpain, back before that theme had gotten SUPER old.


On another topic, does anyone know who had it out for Dan Gauthier? I want to say Frons, but then I always want to blame Frons. That confuses me to this day. They finally get a good Kevin, he's handsome, he can act, he has chemistry with pretty much everyone, especially his leading lady despite deeply batshit writing and they get rid of him. I always got the impression that Carlivati wanted him back on a permanent basis but was being blocked by someone.

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I was a little unfair when I said they "finally" got a good Kevin in Gauthier. Kevin Stapleton was a good Kevin, I liked him a lot. He was the first to really make me care about Kevin. I know I saw some of the earlier Kevins - I was definitely watching during the Spring Fling and the rape trial - but my memory of them is fuzzy. Stapleton worked in the role - he was so charming that I totally bought Cassie cheating on poor Andrew with him. But Dan was better, IMO. When I think "Kevin Buchanan" it's Dan Gauthier's face I picture in my mind.


It's kind of insane that the show ran through so many Kevins and Joeys and so few made an impression. Why is that? I don't think the show valued those roles as they should have - Joey, especially.


And now I've typed "Kevin" so many times that it looks totally weird to me.

Edited by Melgaypet

Now Bo and Gabrielle? That worked for me. Again, Gabrielle had personality. RSW has always been gifted at reacting to other people and if there's nothing there in the first place... well... that spells trouble. I didn't consider Bo and Gabrielle the loves of each others lives or anything like that but they actually did work.


Bo and Gabrielle worked because RSW and FH just had lots of great chemistry together, even if the writing didn't always live up to the potential the couple had. They weren't soulmates or one-true-loves, but the actors sold the two of them as a couple and made it work. They were definitely cute together.


On another topic, does anyone know who had it out for Dan Gauthier?


Forget that...who did Fiona Hutchison piss off to get written out the way she did the second time?


Nathan Fillion worked out as one of the best Joeys. It helped that a big storyline of his was his affair with Dorian. They had great chemistry together.

Fiona pissed off:


1. Brian Frons (for not being a younger woman--despite being only one year older than Kassie, but whatever).


2. Michael Malone (for not being Luna, because Luna was supposed to be the only wife of Max worth anything, doncha know? Why SHOULDN'T we give her an undignified, unclassy death instead of a week long dirge--I mean, a week long beautiful entry into Heaven like Luna? Or, you know, a HAPPY ending where she just LEAVES TOWN? Who needs that? Yeah, fuck that noise.)


Basically the same thing happened when Paul Rauch--the man who discovered her to begin with for OLTL--when he let her go from her second stint at GL in 1998 and killed off Jenna in a car accident. I truly don't think it was anything she did, though--I've heard nothing but wonderful things about her. 

Edited by UYI
(When did you start watching, DZ? Where you a more recent OLTL fan, but long time GH fan?)


OLTL was my first soap, which I started watching back in the 1970s, but I dropped out for a long time because of school, lack of time to watch two soaps, etc. I can't remember when I started watching it again regularly, but I was there at least for the final five years or so.


Inezzzzz herself was terrible, but I don't deny that she was an excellent catalyst for other stuff. It's just that watching her with anyone was so painfully boring.


Also, Clint was my favorite of the three and I felt he got some very one-note writing then because he was the Big Bad roughing up Fords and being mean to Rex.

Ugh, they treated him like Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin combined. At that point he was a bigger OMG TEH EVUL!!1! than Eli had ever been.

Ugh, they treated him [Clint] like Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin combined. At that point he was a bigger OMG TEH EVUL!!1! than Eli had ever been.


Gawd, and then we had to listen to Rex whining about what a mean, awful daddy Clint was.  Never mind that his father before that was Mitch Laurence, cult leader, rapist, and serial murderer.

Edited by TeeVee329
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