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Time Keeps On Slipping (Slipping, Slipping) Into The Future: S8 and Beyond Wish List And Spec Thread!

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Castle and Beckett to go on their real honeymoon.  This must of course involve solving a murder, since they are the couple version of Jessica Fletcher.


Everybody gets dressed up more often.  It feels like Castle and Beckett got dressed up for special occasions far more often when they weren't a couple than they have after becoming a couple.


And my number one wish: Castle finally gets his revenge that he vowed in The Lives of Others.

Edited by Starscream
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With the new show runners and no real big cliffhanger, they can basically go in any direction they want in the fall. I'm excited. I like the time jump idea too. Though I'd hope they would sprinkle in glimpses of the years passing so we get to see Kate pregnant and the whole thing without dwelling on it.

Edited by FlickerToAFlame
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And my number one wish: Castle finally gets his revenge that he vowed in The Lives of Others.


This. Even though I would rather there not be a lot of themed episodes in Season 8. I definitely want them to have this one in the damn season.


A time jump. I think it could give the show somewhat of a reboot. Also a Castle kid. With a time jump it can be a toddler. Then we don't have to waste time on a pregnancy story that is silly because pregnancy is not a story.




Plus if they did that they could immediately go into Captain Beckett if need be.


As much as I like Gates, I kind of do hope they go the Raging Heat book way in terms of the precinct position that opens is at the 12th and not at another precinct. If they did that they could do a time jump with that or save it towards the end.

Edited by Nadine

Better lighting. This has been an annoyance on more than one show and I think it is basically a fashionable thing to do on many shows.

The trouble is not just the shadowy Caskett moments. Actual storytelling can be hurt by the viewer not being able to see what is actually happening. I keep imagining that hardworking Described Video speaker "The villain reaches out ... nope I can't see what's happening... and now the villain is hanging by one foot from a tree.... gosh, I guess they were in a forest and not in a barn after all. Sorry!"

This is especially annoying when the scene is set in a place that should be brightly lit, like any office, including the squad room, or the living area of Castle's loft.


I can't help thinking of an old movie Barry Lyndon, with Ryan O'Neil, way back in the 70s. There was one scene that caused a sensation because the director chose to light rooms as they would have been in the 18th century-- entirely with candles.

And THAT was brighter than most of the Castle scenes in the last few seasons.

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Yes that was my vision too. You can put in great flashbacks so the audience gets to see the good parts without wasting a whole season and having to explain her not working or whatever.

Yep - just do something like in Driven with the time jump in that regard or even After the Storm or Resurrection (to incorporate flashbacks into a current situation). AtS for me was a great one in terms of how to incorporate flashbacks into something effectively.

Plus flashbacks is always a good way to cover if actors don't want to appear in all the episodes, etc.

Edited by Nadine

This is especially annoying when the scene is set in a place that should be brightly lit, like any office, including the squad room, or the living area of Castle's loft.



Better lighting absolutely, it's a constant problem. I'm fed up with it especially in the romantic moments when every time they kiss there's a big black blob where their heads are or they're completely in silhouette. It's not a lighting problem really but seemingly a production decision, it's not as if the camera guys are incompetent of they can't afford the light bulbs as some joke. Funny you should mention Barry Lyndon femmefan because I was reading a fascinating book on Kubrick and they mentioned it and if he could do that with candles there is no fucking excuse for struggling to light the sets properly so people's faces can be seen which is kind of important when watching actors. 

Edited by verdana

Then we don't have to waste time on a pregnancy story that is silly because pregnancy is not a story.



Try telling that to some fans. I would be happy with a time jump and incorporate some flashbacks, I want them to have a child because that's how the story should end but can we please skip the boring pregnancy stage and Beckett having to suffer waddling around frustrated on desk duty or getting kidnapped whilst with child and the associated melodrama that could bring. 

Edited by verdana

Other things I'd like to see (or not as the case may be) in S8 (I'm presuming it's the last).


No Political!Beckett and keep Castle and Beckett together

Please writers drop this like a stone. She is not cut out to be a politician, it goes against her character and everything she's said. The writers have done nothing to lay decent groundwork for this story other than shoehorn in a time traveller prediction. Unless they want to change the show out of all recognition they can't go there and retain their audience. I want to see Castle and Beckett together on screen that's why I watch the show. 


No more Mythology or another "season of Castle" 

I don't want to hear about Castle's vanishing ever, ever again and I don't want the writers pompously calling every storyline a mythology in every interview as if it makes the story sound important.  I would love to know more about Castle but not if they're going to serve me up more crap like Sleeper. 


Give Susan Sullivan something to do

Let Martha have a little story arc or two that plays out over the course of a season, she's been so underused and deserves better. I'm getting bored with the one hour Ryan and Espo specials, if they can't tell me anything new about them with an hour to kill then don't bother give me more Castle and Beckett. 


Cut back on the gimmicky cases and trips into sci-fi territory

I find they've dipped their toe with more frequency into the sci-fi fantasy genre and don't even bother to explain things properly any more, Castle is not the X files so they need to stop this, as for the gimmicky cases it shows a lack of creativity that they're doing more of them with every passing season. What's wrong with a good old fashioned murder case these days? 


Dial up on the romance and stop the interrupted kisses bullshit.

If the showrunners want to prove to me they've genuinely broken away from MilMar's influence they can start by never showing me another interrupted kiss. I could almost hear Marlowe giggling from behind his hand in the corner whenever they pulled this cheap stunt. It's pathetic, tiresome and immature and it gets to the stage where I'm waiting for it and I'd rather they didn't even bother trying to kiss any more to avoid the irritation.


As for the rest of it, can Nathan stop with the hover thumb/hand routine which is another thing that drives me nuts. Touch her for Christ's sake she's not going to shatter. Really it's not that difficult, fans aren't asking for much they would be pathetically grateful just for a well lit long sweet kiss! Please lets see more of them outside the precinct too and acting like just any normal, loving couple where I don't keep thinking WTF was that? Their scenes together should never look awkward or take me out of the moment wondering why their hands or bodies are positioned that way. They have great chemistry together use it! I'm tired of them holding back all the time on their physical and emotional interactions since they got together, what are they saving it up for exactly? 

Edited by verdana

Stupid question: is it a thread only speculation, without spoilers? I try to stay away from the latter. I like to be surprised as much as possible.


Give Susan Sullivan something to do

Let Martha have a little story arc or two that plays out over the course of a season, she's been so underused and deserves better. I'm getting bored with the one hour Ryan and Espo specials, if they can't tell me anything new about them with an hour to kill then don't bother give me more Castle and Beckett. 


I would love to see more Martha in a B stroyline, like in Dead from New York. They could do the same kind of B storylines with Ryan and Espositio instead of 1 episode heavily featuring them by season. I would also love to see more of Gates and Jim Beckett.


I want more balance. I still want a lot of Caskett but maybe include more of the cast in each episode. And please, less exposition. I get tired of 5 suspects in the box every episodes and would prefer more theory-building. They could also focus more on relationships.


ETA: Thanks Verdana!

Edited by zen415

Fix Esposito's attitude problem 

Stop Espo acting like a dick please, especially towards Castle. Marlowe has said that it's all down to a protective brother vibe he has towards Beckett nothing more. I might understand his unpleasant behaviour if I thought Castle was acting like a douche to Beckett but he isn't and she's strong enough to stick up for herself in any case, If I was her I'd be annoyed at his attitude. I want the old Espo back who was funny, observant, sarcastic at times but at least he seemed to like and respect Castle and came over as being genuinely protective of Kate but now she's married Castle that attitude is not so warm and welcoming. 

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They could do the same kind of B storylines with Ryan and Espositio instead of 1 episode heavily featuring them by season. I would also love to see more of Gates and Jim Beckett.


I want more balance. I still want a lot of Caskett but maybe include more of the cast in each episode. And please, less exposition. I get tired of 5 suspects in the box every episodes and would prefer more theory-building. They could also focus more on relationships.

Yeah they should to the same thing for all the secondary cast but that requires a big change in how they go about writing the show and up until now they've been unwilling (or unable) to have multiple storylines going at the same time. However, surely they could manage one or two they're professional writers they should be able to achieve this. That's been the problem with Castle and Beckett too, whilst Beckett was having her story arc with her mother's murder Castle had very little going on. 


They definitely need to focus on the relationships between the characters more, that's what fans tune in to see not endless case exposition and a succession of dull, formulaic interviews. I want to see more of Alexis with Beckett together without Castle around, I want to see Jim too as he might as well be dead for all the influence he has within the family, he never attends anything is rarely spoken of and when he does turn up the poor guy doesn't even get to say anything!  How is Jenny coping with the baby we had a Ryan episode which barely mentioned her. What about Gates? Penny is another one that could be used much more and they should be developing substantial scenes between her and Beckett. 

Wish List of What I want to see before Castle ends....


1.  Rick getting Kate back for her TLOO murder prank.    He's vowed to "get her back".  Kate doesn't think he could top what she did.  I'd like to see him try. Terri said she was going to write it, but it never came to be.    


2.  Martha's ex husband:   Now that Martha is a hit on Broadway,  I'd like to see the ex who cleaned her out  and forced her to move in with Rick come back... Who was this guy?   I'd like William Shatner to play him.


3.  Little Castle babies:  I'd like the series to end with Kate telling Castle she's pregnant because I want to see Rick's reaction.   I don't necessarily need to see Stana waddling around with a big belly. and definitely do not want to see Kate giving birth in the field, or in a stable like on Bones.  


4.  Espo:   I want to see a story where the father who abandoned him and his mother comes back.  I wan Espo to ask Marissa the Cop out and becoming a father figure to Marissa's son.   I ship Espo and Marissa....aka Espossa.   


5.  Ryan:  I want to see Ryan hit the lottery or get an inheritance so he can ditch the second job.     Heck, a scene with little Sarah Grace visiting her daddy at the precinct would be the cherry on top.


6.  Lanie:   Any story where Lanie does more than talk about lividity.    How about an B story where Kate, Lanie, Jenny, and Alexis are on a Girls Night out?


7.  I'd like Alexis to meet sexy smart ass who drives her crazy...pretty much S1 Rick.    Cue Rick going nuts, and Kate trying to keep a straight face while dishing out advice.


8.  Kate does NOT become a captain or a senator.   Kate realizes that she needs Rick at her side,  so anything that shuts him out is a non-starter.    Kate becomes head of her own task force...and chooses Espo, Ryan, Tori, to be on her team.


9.  Rick and Kate are involved with a case and encounter Dt. Martinez and Dr. Henry Morgan.    I miss those two.





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6.  Lanie:   Any story where Lanie does more than talk about lividity.    How about an B story where Kate, Lanie, Jenny, and Alexis are on a Girls Night out?


I've been wanting to see them on a girls night out for ages, doing normal things supposed best friends/family would do or even show them having dinner together.


I also wish they'd stop having Castle act like a clumsy doofus all the time who shows more interest in strippers and other random women than his own wife sometimes and it would be nice if they could decide if the guy can shoot a gun properly. Stop having the character be used for cheap laughs depending on the plot that week.  

Edited by verdana

7. I'd like Alexis to meet sexy smart ass who drives her crazy...pretty much S1 Rick. Cue Rick going nuts, and Kate trying to keep a straight face while dishing out advice.

This could make for one of the most amusing Castles ever!!

Didn't they try to present Pi as a "young Castle 2.0" model? I seem to remember Marlowe talking about a similar scenario, as if they're so alike that Castle goes nuts without realizing the resemblance. Of course this scenario existed only in Marlowe's head, I don't think I ever heard even one opinion from a viewer who recognized Castle in Pi. Maybe if they planned something more for the character, it would have come through, who knows. Maybe it's just that the actor wasn't hitting the right notes. But as it was presented, I saw no resemblance and was a bit irked with these comparisons.


Lanie:   Any story where Lanie does more than talk about lividity.    How about an B story where Kate, Lanie, Jenny, and Alexis are on a Girls Night out?


Only if they can pass the Bechdel test. Because something tells me they would start with eyerolling about clueless Castle and adorably doting Ryan, go into Lanie's man troubles, particularly with Esposito, move into giving a valuable boyfriend advice to Alexis and then someone in the bar gets killed.

Edited by Gant
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Didn't they try to present Pi as a "young Castle 2.0" model? I seem to remember Marlowe talking about a similar scenario, as if they're so alike that Castle goes nuts without realizing the resemblance. Of course this scenario existed only in Marlowe's head, I don't think I ever heard even one opinion from a viewer who recognized Castle in Pi. Maybe if they planned something more for the character, it would have come through, who knows. Maybe it's just that the actor wasn't hitting the right notes. But as it was presented, I saw no resemblance and was a bit irked with these comparisons.


Yes, I remember that.  In no way, shape, or form was Pi anything like Castle.    I think the actor who played Pi was fine.   I think it was the direction he was given.    Pi seemed more like Martha than Richard.  

Now looking at pics of young 20 something's who could play Alexis' future boyfriend...Richard 2.0. 

I generally have very low expectations in hopes of a pleasant surprise as well. I think some of the recent change ups have me thinking about the what ifs that would bring the show back up a notch. I watch, and I enjoy, but I miss it being clever and sharp. In addition to that, I agree that weaving other character stories in would be great and I would love to see more continuity in story and character traits within their seeming requirement of having stand alone episodes.

Since most of the screen time is taken up by the cases I would like to see the COTW get smaller & more personal. Remember when we used to feel sorry for the victim or sometimes even for the murderer. Most of the time nowadays I couldn't care less about either one them. I'd like to see more heart & fewer twists for twists sake.


Only if they can pass the Bechdel test. Because something tells me they would start with eyerolling about clueless Castle and adorably doting Ryan, go into Lanie's man troubles, particularly with Esposito, move into giving a valuable boyfriend advice to Alexis and then someone in the bar gets killed.


Hell I'd be happy to see a half-ass real conversation about anything between anybody period.

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Thanks for the thread, Wendy!  So many good ideas.  Why can't we all be joint showrunners? :P  Let's hope someone's reading...


Hell I'd be happy to see a half-ass real conversation about anything between anybody period.


That lasts for more than 30 seconds before they are interrupted by the case!


I'd settle for the girls or the guys talking about their professional or personal lives at this point, or just random stuff that they do when they hang out.  Into the 8th season and we don't really have any idea what these people like to do in their time off!  It's those little character moments, be they lighthearted or serious, that inject life into the show and realness into the relationships.


Castle and Beckett to go on their real honeymoon.  This must of course involve solving a murder, since they are the couple version of Jessica Fletcher.



I haven't watched Murder, She Wrote in years but surely there are some good mystery ideas they can ape off that show and other shows.  Copy something other than Bones (so I read here)!  Homework for the writers this hiatus should be to bingewatch a bucketload of British, Scandinavian, Aussie, French, wherever good murder mystery shows are made nowadays.  COTWs on Castle is probably the element on Castle that needs the most work.  And bingewatch some Korean or Japanese romantic soap operas if they need inspiration in the romance department. ;)  Those can be sappy as hell but there's a reason why they're making a lot of their audiences swoon over.  If they find inspiration (*coughcopycough*) from the best bits of these other TV shows, put a Castlesque spin on it, they can have some winning material.


I would love to see a Caskett on a honeymoon/holiday/book tour episode and I think it would make a great S8 premiere premise to lure audiences in.  I don't mind if it's the Hamptons, San Francisco, some nameless resort where a murder happens, a beach, a national park etc.  Just somewhere that's not the precinct.  


A Caskett road trip episode would also be fun.  I've always loved their scenes.  Maybe they have to stop in some creepy small town.


High society murder episode with Caskett all dressed up.  With or without an undercover mission.  I would like to see another fun undercover episode, period. Russian Beckett was so much fun.  


Maybe they could also visit some interesting places where Castle has done 'research' in the past and 'knows a guy'.


Murder at a publishing house and they could touch on some aspects of Castle's writing life as well.  Rejections, edits, blank pages, commercial vs artistic.  Has he ever thought about writing something other than murder mysteries or publishing under another name?


Still would like to see some some scenes of Caskett at home with Castle writing and Caskett bantering about his work, his procrastination, being his muse, Heat & Rook etc.  And of course still waiting for Beckett to tell Castle she went to his book signing and the meaning of his books in this universe.  But that ship probably sailed with Milmar. ;)


Caskett at the firing range again.  Because hot. :P  Or at the police training academy together and a murder happens.


More romance, more passion, more heat.  Can never have enough imo.  


I would like to see more everyday romance as well as big, romantic gestures.  I thought Castle was supposed to be into those and I don't think Beckett would be opposed if they were intimate and 'them' at the same time.  Would also love to see Castle get back at Beckett for his birthday 'prank', be it another prank or any wonderfully romantic and meaningful gift.  The writers were so boring to have Castle gift Beckett with jewellery and lingerie!  A gift ninja can surely do better than that!  Maybe I've been spoiled by good fanfics. ;)


I do feel the Caskett chemistry even if all we get are solidly PG scenes has been consistently stronger this past season than in some time and that has accounted for my increased enjoyment of S7, but there's still room for improvement.  Still believe that if they write great romantic scenes, the actors are able to deliver and then some.

Edited by madmaverick

I know these folks are actors and should, for all they're paid, do what they get paid for and ACT...but I do wonder if Stana Katic's off screen marriage will affect onscreen with Nathan Fillion next season.


Because I have noticed on other shows sometimes - the perils of reading backstage stuff and knowing - how...muted scenes had become once an actor gets married or whatever and seems to become more conservative with their on-screen partner. This show is already tame, but a part of me does still wonder if this will cause even more "pulling back" or not.


Not saying it will be the case, but it's something to consider.


Wendy, it will be curious to see for sure.  I do think that the writing is the no. 1 factor that affects how the actors play it, but that aside, actors are human too and can allow offscreen stuff to affect their work onscreen even if they don't want it to.  Frankly, I think the "pulling back" already happened... from NF particularly in some parts of S5, I recall, where the body language seemed off in their intimate scenes and it looked like he was hesitant to touch her or trying to keep his distance.  That said, they still had really good chemistry together when the writing was good like in the episode 'Still' in S5 and I didn't see anything lacking there. Same thing for the all important 'Always' episode where I didn't feel either actor held back from the raw passion the characters meant to exhibit.


The chemistry seemed to be a bit hit and miss after Always (in conjunction with the hit and miss in the writing of Caskett as a couple), but personally, like I said, I've found the chemistry in S7 to have been the strongest and most consistent it's been in a while.   The body language in the intimate scenes has seemed more natural and less awkward, like in Clear & Present Danger and the PI episodes.  If SK's engagement has been known throughout S7, then hopefully there shouldn't be any negative impact on their chemistry going forward.  I just hope the writers remember to write some hot Caskett scenes!  

Edited by madmaverick

I still want to see more of Castle's "I know a guy" as an assist the the COTW, and I wouldn't mind getting back to an occasional poker game.


Definitely more for Martha - there's truly an unmined wealth of story possibilities from her life, and it would have emotional resonance for all the regulars at the 12th.


Wouldn't mind seeing more story around Gates, now that they've modulated the "Iron Gates" a bit.

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Something I think might be worth touching on near the end of the series (whenever that is) is the possibility of killing off Nikki Heat and how Beckett would react to that.  I feel like, as Beckett advances professionally, the Castle/Beckett working relationship changing will necessitate some sort of change for Nikki Heat.  Either Castle kills her off or he goes the political thriller route and turns her into the female Jack Ryan.


I guess I'd like to see Beckett act possessive about Nikki.

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I guess I'd like to see Beckett act possessive about Nikki.


I'd like to see this too, but more in a being teased kind of way, by Castle or other friends.  Not so much in the serious, defensive kind of way like in the finale before serious people. (That bit about Nikki being more on her back than out solving crimes was really a low blow, and unnecessary by the writer in my opinion. And Nikki/Rook are written more hotly than Caskett on the show so maybe the writers could take some pointers from the books. ;))   I'm sure Beckett's come a long way since hating Nikki Heat the name, NH being teased by Castle as 'a little slutty' heh (great S1 scene!) and wanting to break Castle's leg if he called her a muse, and I'd like to see that acknowledged between them as part of their banter on the show.  No to Nikki being killed off though!  I want Nikki & Rook to get their happy ending just as Caskett do because they are their alter egos.


Always wondered about Rook writing romance novels on the side and whether that's ever been something Castle considered or has done.  Definitely would be a source of teasing and fun and possible hotness if he did.


Yes, to the poker game as well.  Even if it's just with the cast regulars and not guest writers.  Maybe Caskett could go all dressed up to some charity poker and someone falls dead in the middle of it like in a Bond movie.  That could be fun.


Definitely more for Martha - there's truly an unmined wealth of story possibilities from her life, and it would have emotional resonance for all the regulars at the 12th.


Count me in as also interested in a Martha storyline about her bad ex husband who ran away with all her money.  Murder could factor into it, along with the personal emotional element.  It might also be interesting to see how Martha, um, chats up gentlemen of interest heh.  She's always been proud to go out there and I'd like to see her in action.  Caskett bump into Martha on a date at a restaurant or something.  Hopefully her date doesn't drop dead but there can be murder somewhere. Or a more serious storyline about ageing and its challenges.  That could have a lot of resonance and heart if done well.


Wouldn't mind seeing more story around Gates, now that they've modulated the "Iron Gates" a bit.



I've enjoyed the layers they've added to the Castle/Gates dynamic so wouldn't mind seeing more of that.  Also would like to see more Beckett/Gates bonding as two exceptional women in the NYPD.  Does Gates have children?  We don't even know that about her.  Maybe they can bring in the Internal Investigation (?) unit that she worked for into one of their cases as someone in the 12th falls under investigation.


And I wouldn't mind another AU episode where Caskett get to meet cute and fall in love all over again.  I miss the early attraction and UST from before they got together so an AU would be a way to give us a taste of that.

Edited by madmaverick

Regardless, if they did go down the political route or captain route, another thing I would like to see is the reemergence of Bracken alliance. Because that was one thing I actually agreed with AWM about. That there is no way just because he went down others wouldn't be there ready to pounce, etc.

Something I think might be worth touching on near the end of the series (whenever that is) is the possibility of killing off Nikki Heat and how Beckett would react to that.  I feel like, as Beckett advances professionally, the Castle/Beckett working relationship changing will necessitate some sort of change for Nikki Heat.  Either Castle kills her off or he goes the political thriller route and turns her into the female Jack Ryan.

I guess I'd like to see Beckett act possessive about Nikki.



Yeah I'd like to see this too.

Edited by Nadine

I wish the writers would read this thread, cause I agree with almost everyone's ideas.


I'd like to see this too, but more in a being teased kind of way, by Castle or other friends.  Not so much in the serious, defensive kind of way like in the finale before serious people. (That bit about Nikki being more on her back than out solving crimes was really a low blow, and unnecessary by the writer in my opinion.


That was a really low blow, but I guess if Beckett really was running for office someone would bring that up and say it suggested she had poor morals or something.  Some people suck like that.  So, it makes sense that they would want to "test" her about it.  But to her it was a performance review and totally inappropriate for anyone to reference her sex life. She could probably sue for sexual harassment about that.


I would like to see more Nikki Heat references though.  I have been wanting a scene where Castle is writing and Beckett is trying to get him to tell her what the scene is about.  Or where she has an idea for a plot point in his books that Castle thinks is really bad.  Really good would work too, but a bad idea could be more fun.  And does Castle share as he as writing or make Beckett wait? This is what I want to know.


Regarding a honeymoon, I would like to hear a reference that they did get to go on their island getaway and there was NO murder.  They just got to go away and have a good time.  I would also like to see them go out of town and have to solve a murder, I just think they deserve a real vacation too.

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 2
Something I think might be worth touching on near the end of the series (whenever that is) is the possibility of killing off Nikki Heat and how Beckett would react to that.



I would like to see more Nikki Heat references though.  I have been wanting a scene where Castle is writing and Beckett is trying to get him to tell her what the scene is about.  Or where she has an idea for a plot point in his books that Castle thinks is really bad.  Really good would work too, but a bad idea could be more fun.  And does Castle share as he as writing or make Beckett wait? This is what I want to know.


Marlowe was asked back in 2013 about Castle's "other" career and as he's spent so many years writing about Beckett would they show fans how the change in their relationship had impacted on his writing and the style?   He said they were "talking about it" but added "there’s nothing more boring than watching someone write" yeah okay I get that Andrew but come on you're a professional writer and showrunner! We've managed to come up with some ideas here already that are interesting to explore without disrupting the all important COTW format and have the capacity for character growth.


There seems to have been a creative vacuum in that writers room for a number of years now if a team of mostly experience professional writers have been incapable of managing to think of anything in over three years either that or Marlowe has shot any ideas down they do bring up. 

Edited by verdana

I brought this over from the renewal thread.


I hope they're keeping Susan Sullivan for at least the same number of eps next season.  And I wouldn't be opposed to a reduction of Tory episodes but more Perlmutter!


A big hell yes to seeing Susan back as for Tory I'd be happy if they reduced her screen time (and upped Martha's accordingly) as I find the actress wooden but if they don't intend to cut back then at least make her so something interesting. Why can't she have a hot fling with Esposito during the summer? Maya can practice doing her best simmering and sultry looks ready for September as they conduct a red hot office romance.  


And lets get a few more episodes with Perlmutter or even Lanie and Perlmutter together but not too many in one go. I found in the PI arc his dislike of Castle each week got a bit much after a while, it's best spread out over the course of a season. Might be amusing to have Perlmutter suddenly praising Castle for a change and they all start wondering if he's had a nervous breakdown.

Edited by verdana
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7. I'd like Alexis to meet sexy smart ass who drives her crazy...pretty much S1 Rick. Cue Rick going nuts, and Kate trying to keep a straight face while dishing out advice.

This could make for one of the most amusing Castles ever!!


They would have to be careful though, it could be good fun with the added bonus they can get Beckett involved too but the guy has to be genuinely charming and sexy, Pi was a total turn off in every conceivable way. I hated his guts. Alexis is already a rather divisive character amongst the online fandom and they need to get it right after the Pi saga. I feel sorry for Molly because it's not her fault but she's been very badly served by the writers over the last few seasons. 

Edited by verdana

I think the Pi storyline could have worked if done better. First, they gave him too much screen time while the audience was already shorted Caskett scenes due to the DC arc. And it was played as angry annoyance on Castle's part versus a more funny, lighthearted approach. Nobody wanted to see him and Alexis actually divided by such a serious fight. It could have been so much better if Pi was only in a couple scenes and was annoying in a comic relief kind of way, not a father/daughter aren't speaking kind of way.

I'd like Jordan Shaw to come back. I love Dana Delany, she's one of those guest stars that really made an impression and it would be cool for her to return after observing them back in the day. She's got great chemistry with Fillion and she brought the best out in Katic too plus there was she was a wife and mother doing a high pressure job and proving it could be done which would tie in nicely with the stage Beckett is presumably going to be at considering motherhood and the captaincy. 

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I think the Pi storyline could have worked if done better. First, they gave him too much screen time while the audience was already shorted Caskett scenes due to the DC arc. And it was played as angry annoyance on Castle's part versus a more funny, lighthearted approach. Nobody wanted to see him and Alexis actually divided by such a serious fight. It could have been so much better if Pi was only in a couple scenes and was annoying in a comic relief kind of way, not a father/daughter aren't speaking kind of way.

Yeah it was played all wrong. I hate seeing either Castle or Beckett distressed it's not entertaining (or enlightening) to me at least not the way Marlowe goes about it. Watching Castle pine for his daughter was awful, when he put an alert on his phone in desperation because that was the only way he could find out anything about her activities I thought it was so sad. I loathed seeing him look so lost and desperate even if some of it was brought on by his own inaction and weakness. 

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Yeah it was played all wrong. I hate seeing either Castle or Beckett distressed it's not entertaining (or enlightening) to me at least not the way Marlowe goes about it. Watching Castle pine for his daughter was awful, when he put an alert on his phone in desperation because that was the only way he could find out anything about her activities I thought it was so sad. I loathed seeing him look so lost and desperate even if some of it was brought on by his own inaction and weakness. 


Every parent can sympathize with him floundering around while watching his daughter make what he considers a huge mistake. In their usual superficial way they took what could have been an interesting story of Alexis trying to find her way & Castle coming to terms with the fact that he is no longer the most important man in her life and reduced it to a fruit eating bee counter and a couch that was possibly the wrong color. Good idea but absolutely horrible writing.

Edited by oberon55
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Better lighting. This has been an annoyance on more than one show and I think it is basically a fashionable thing to do on many shows.

The trouble is not just the shadowy Caskett moments. Actual storytelling can be hurt by the viewer not being able to see what is actually happening. I keep imagining that hardworking Described Video speaker "The villain reaches out ... nope I can't see what's happening... and now the villain is hanging by one foot from a tree.... gosh, I guess they were in a forest and not in a barn after all. Sorry!"

This is especially annoying when the scene is set in a place that should be brightly lit, like any office, including the squad room, or the living area of Castle's loft.


I can't help thinking of an old movie Barry Lyndon, with Ryan O'Neil, way back in the 70s. There was one scene that caused a sensation because the director chose to light rooms as they would have been in the 18th century-- entirely with candles.

And THAT was brighter than most of the Castle scenes in the last few seasons.


Agreed. The lighting is just poor as of late. Heck they make some of the scenes in the X Files seem bright by comparison and that show was known for poorly lit scenes XD.


But I swear too that a lot of shows have been doing that lately. It's annoying. Stop it, shows!

Cruising tumblr I note that quite a few are obsessing over the fact Kate didn't appear to drink her champagne in the finale which means she could be pregnant. I hope the new showrunners aren't tempted to start out the gate with a pregnancy surprise and this is just some fans fevered imaginations working overtime. I still prefer Hal's idea of a time jump taking care of that side of things. 

Cruising tumblr I note that quite a few are obsessing over the fact Kate didn't appear to drink her champagne in the finale which means she could be pregnant.


I'm pretty sure that's just Tumblr being Tumblr, because I'm also pretty sure that she drank champagne both when Martha brought it to the precinct and when they toasted at Castle's award ceremony.

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The writers aren't really that subtle.  If Kate was supposed to be pregnant we'd have seen a lot more anvils about it.  They'd show Castle bringing a full glass of wine to her, to have Kate do some kind of panic looking face and Castle wondering what the issue could possibly be. And that would just be before the opening theme.

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The writers aren't really that subtle.  If Kate was supposed to be pregnant we'd have seen a lot more anvils about it.  They'd show Castle bringing a full glass of wine to her, to have Kate do some kind of panic looking face and Castle wondering what the issue could possibly be. And that would just be before the opening theme.

True I keep forgetting that which is odd because I frequently complain how unsubtle they can be, Katic is great at those kind of looks, they'd probably do some dramatic music to go with it too. Hope they don't keep Clueless!Castle going on too long for fun. 

Edited by verdana
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