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Small Talk: Hanging Out In Hogan's Alley

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Happy trails beyond Small Talk!

I am a Federal Agent.  I went to the other academy everyone else trains at (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center).  I can tell you that-1. males and females don't share bathrooms, 2- there's no written rule about sexing your classmate (maybe an unspoken one), and 3- that everything about this show is BS.  I tend not to watch procedural shows because they drive me up the wall with their inaccuracies, but this one is entertaining, in a "I can't believe they think this is how the FBI operates" way.

I know so many people who can't watch fictional shows about their professions because the inaccuracies drive them nuts. But I'm like you, I find it super-entertaining. Granted, as a helicopter mechanic, shows or movies that get in depth with that are pretty much non-existant and ones that feature helicopters at all for more than a fly-by are still fairly rare. But when I do find them, I think they're hysterical. Like Broken Arrow. Terrible awful movie but there's lots of helicopter stuff and it's all wrong wrong WRONG. And hilarious. I'll watch it anytime I see it's on.

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I can't watch shows the CSI or NCIS because they take themselves so seriously.  Our evidence teams and analysts are great, but they aren't the investigators.  We're all a team and all of that, but jeeze.  I did like on Quantico that they show them with their red handled guns (something that we did/do at FLETC)) and I like that they introduced analysts.  But, for the most part, I can't take these shows seriously.  I was watching The Following the first season and in one scene, Kevin Bacon's character changed out his gun's magazine (an emergency reload) during a gun fight.  I was so impressed about that because it was the only realistic cop thing I saw on the show.  I stay convinced Kevin Bacon did that on his own!

The key to enjoyment is the ridiculousness of the inaccuracies. I saw Down With Love with a number of relatives who are also in the publishing business, and when Renee Zellweger revealed her plan to write, edit, print, publish, and market a bestselling self-help book in the space of a week to catch her boss' eye we all started laughing so hard we couldn't breathe.

I can't watch shows the CSI or NCIS because they take themselves so seriously.  Our evidence teams and analysts are great, but they aren't the investigators.  We're all a team and all of that, but jeeze.  I did like on Quantico that they show them with their red handled guns (something that we did/do at FLETC)) and I like that they introduced analysts.  But, for the most part, I can't take these shows seriously.  I was watching The Following the first season and in one scene, Kevin Bacon's character changed out his gun's magazine (an emergency reload) during a gun fight.  I was so impressed about that because it was the only realistic cop thing I saw on the show.  I stay convinced Kevin Bacon did that on his own!

After a couple of high profile accidental deaths on set from blanks and prop guns I doubt if an actor improvises anything with a weapon. It is written in the script and the armorer and stunt coordinator rehearses the move. Yet you still see the occasional mistake that makes it through the editting process where the script calls for firing two shots so that is all the blanks in the magazine when the scene is filmed and the actor continues to aim an empty weapon with the slide locked on target instead of performing immediate action

The other thing procedural shows miss, for obvious reasons, is the mound of paperwork that has to be completed for every single thing that happens in the course of a duty day, not to mention drawing or God forbid, discharging a weapon.  Several years, actually decades now, I remember seeing a news photo of an FBI agent in his shirtsleeves with a rifle at a hostage situation (I don't remember the details).  He shot the suspect and prevented a tragedy.  It then came out later that J Edgar gave him a letter of reprimand for taking off his suit jacket.  Very unprofessional.  Sheesh.

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I can't watch shows the CSI or NCIS because they take themselves so seriously.  Our evidence teams and analysts are great, but they aren't the investigators.  We're all a team and all of that, but jeeze.  I did like on Quantico that they show them with their red handled guns (something that we did/do at FLETC)) and I like that they introduced analysts.  But, for the most part, I can't take these shows seriously.  I was watching The Following the first season and in one scene, Kevin Bacon's character changed out his gun's magazine (an emergency reload) during a gun fight.  I was so impressed about that because it was the only realistic cop thing I saw on the show.  I stay convinced Kevin Bacon did that on his own!

This is why I gave up on How to Get Away With Murder.  I mean there is willing suspension of disbelief and then there is just.....that.


I can't imagine being any sort of law enforcement agent because I'm sure a lot of shows are just impossible.

Sorry, I looked for a FAQ but couldn't find one, when a thread is locked, which time zone is used for the time to unlock it?



If it's an episode thread, once the episode finishes on the East Coast.


Yeah, sorry about that, the timer didn't unlock it tonight. Thanks to fellow mod kariyaki for unlocking it. In the future, if there are any questions, please feel free to PM me directly - .

19 hours ago, sisterspoon said:

Didn't know where to ask this but I'm trying here.  Is it possible to watch (and appreciate)  season 2 of Quantico if you didn't watch season 1?

I think it's totally possible. Both seasons seem to be totally unconnected to reality, as well as being ridiculous. But the hair! It's so PRETTY!

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It's totally possible.  All you need is a grasp on a few fundamentals:

1.  The FBI is incompetent.  The CIA is also incompetent, but apparently pays better.

2.  Dress codes are optional, particularly with uniforms.

3.  There is always an overarching conspiracy, which will be solved at season's end to no one's content.

4.  What saoirse said.

5.  Characters will be having sex with superiors, subordinates, and possibly random walk-ons before, during, and after work hours.  They will also drink with impunity.

6.  Lots of people will die, except when they really don't.

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