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S08.E23: Live Top 6 Performances

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Don't know if this was mentioned on the show (I only watched the performances), but I thought this was interesting.  Based on this Rolling Stones article, the "Shine On" song that Sawyer performed was written by a good family friend of Joshua Davis.  

Sawyer Fredericks' earnest ode, "Shine On," had viewers Googling the unfamiliar tune, which was penned by Americana artist May Erlewine. She's part of a Michigan organization called the Earthwork Music Collective, which ironically lists Voice contestant Joshua Davis as a member. In fact, earthworksmusic.com includes a tutorial on how to vote for Davis, and reminds fans that "you can vote 41 times every week."

Erlewine tells Rolling Stone Country she received a call from The Voice to formally clear the track on Monday. Initially, she thought Davis would be the contestant performing one of her songs.

"Josh is a part of our collective, but he’s also a dear family friend," she explained. "His wife, Ann, is my best friend. Josh told us early on that he and Sawyer had been close on the show, and it was a wild coincidence that Sawyer and his family knew my music, and that it was meaningful for them."

"This song is from my childhood," says Fredericks, who hails from a farm in upstate New York. "I’ve always loved it.  I know it means a lot to my mother."

Mom Kirsten elaborates, "This song is about going through kind of a dark period where we weren’t sure what we wanted in our life…we ended up selling our home in Connecticut and moving upstate, with never even having so much as a chicken."

Erlewine says she was surprised The Voice producers allowed Fredericks to cover"“an unknown song.  It was kind of shocking and really exciting. It was a song that passed through me as a gift during a really challenging time in my life. It’s such an honor that it’s helped other people. It really does belong to the people. It belongs to Sawyer; it belongs to his family."

Then she added words of support for Davis. "This kind of national spotlight is a big deal that we’ve been trying to bring to the community. Music means a lot to Michigan, and it’s great to see Josh shining. I’m hoping people will go and find his music. Maybe they’ll let him do his own songs."

I then googled the artist May Erlewine and here is what she had to say about it on her website: http://mayerlewine.com/blog?page=ind&i=115

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I was listening to Koryn sing "Dream On" and was wondering if she would do the screaming at the end as well as Amanda did a few season ago.  She didn't even get into the same zip code (but then, again, Steven Tyler probably can't anymore either).  I can't abide her Vibrating Goat singing, although she seems to be a nice person.


Pharrell, leave Sawyer alone -- let him be himself.  Xtiina:  stop putting the runs into India (I'm glad Kimberly ain't drinkin' that Kool-Aid)


In my opinion, Sawyer has the best pure voice (like Danielle did) but just not old enough to do the emoting and the big production numbers. Kimberly is all about production and may not have the most perfect voice, but girl entertains!

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I think I've finally figured out my problem with this lot. While they technically have good voices, no one seems to know how to build momentum while singing. Maybe it's that all the women have these strong voices, but Amazing Grace is a perfect song to build on and it just sounded like Meghan went full tilt from beginning to end.

Koryn - The beauty of Dream on is how the song builds into that gorgeous bit at the end. Don't shout the whole song at me and then leave out the climax.

India - I get what you were going for with Glory, but again, don;t sing at the same force for all of it.


I'm not musically trained, but I can hear and appreciate a song that tells a story and I felt like there was none of that in last night. And don't get me started on the wunderkind manchild. Sawyer's hair is beautiful and his voice has an interesting tone, but I am convinced the kid can't actually sing. He doesn't sound on key, doesn't emote yet his glossy mane of hair will win the Voice. 


And thank you Xtina for looking beautiful and tasteful all season. I am impressed that she or her stylist have finally succumbed to realizing how much better she looks when my eyeballs are not dodging her excessive cleavage. 

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At noon, Eastern, the charts looked like this:


3. Sawyer: Shine On

5. Meghan; Amazing Grace

10. Sawyer: Take me to the River

14: Joshua: In My Life

24. Meghan: Steamroller Blues

32. Koryn: Everybody Hurts

45. India: Glory

46. Koryn: Dream On

53. Joshua: Desire

65. India: Lay Me Down

102. Kimberly: Free Fallin

108: Kimberly: Dirty Diana


Kimberly went first, right? And Sawyer, once again, did not. He went last in Round One and second to last in Round Two. Transparent much, Show? 


If there's a bottom two, I'm betting on Kimberly and Koryn/India. At first I thought Josh, but one of his songs did chart fairly high. 


Christina must be crapping her pants. I think she regarding Kimberly as her "sure thing."

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I think I've finally figured out my problem with this lot. While they technically have good voices, no one seems to know how to build momentum while singing. Maybe it's that all the women have these strong voices, but Amazing Grace is a perfect song to build on and it just sounded like Meghan went full tilt from beginning to end.

Koryn - The beauty of Dream on is how the song builds into that gorgeous bit at the end. Don't shout the whole song at me and then leave out the climax.

India - I get what you were going for with Glory, but again, don;t sing at the same force for all of it.


I'm not musically trained, but I can hear and appreciate a song that tells a story and I felt like there was none of that in last night. And don't get me started on the wunderkind manchild. Sawyer's hair is beautiful and his voice has an interesting tone, but I am convinced the kid can't actually sing. He doesn't sound on key, doesn't emote yet his glossy mane of hair will win the Voice. 


And thank you Xtina for looking beautiful and tasteful all season. I am impressed that she or her stylist have finally succumbed to realizing how much better she looks when my eyeballs are not dodging her excessive cleavage. 

Not sure about Sawyer, I've been tuning him out a bit of late, but agree completely about the rest. Christina has been looking so beautiful--and classy--all season--her best look of any season and showing that you don't have to flash cleavage and wear ill-fitting, too-tight clothing to look sexy.


And great point about the singing. I haven't been able to put my finger on what has been bugging me about all four women since they obviously have excellent voices, but what you wrote is a big part of it. None of them seem to know how to restrain the volume (and all those embellishments) in a way that builds a song.  I think someone--maybe Blake?--mentioned it to --Meghan, I think, or Hanna-- last week. I don't understand the choices they're making.  Sawyer is -so- restrained, and is always at the top. He may not have a choice vocally, given his range, but he's proof that the audience doesn't -need- overwrought emotion and loud singing throughout a performance.


Re: Noreaster:

Erlewine says she was surprised The Voice producers allowed Fredericks to cover"“an unknown song.  It was kind of shocking and really exciting. It was a song that passed through me as a gift during a really challenging time in my life. It’s such an honor that it’s helped other people. It really does belong to the people. It belongs to Sawyer; it belongs to his family."


That is really interesting. What a thrill for her and how funny that Joshua is the close family friend but the song was cleared because Sawyer loves it so much. I, too, am surprised they let him cover a song no one has heard of--maybe that's thanks to Pharrell approving it, and if so, kudos to him as a coach and to the show. Maybe Pharrell wanted to see if Sawyer's appeal to the Voice audience was so great that he could even dominate with an unknown song (good thing for a producer to know). I see this pairing as actually having a future, because I think Pharrell knows what he has there.


ETA: Sorry to see Kimberley still at the bottom, and for both songs. I think she's the strongest one on Christina's team so if she goes home it will be Pharrell's/Sawyer's to lose.

Edited by Padma
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Please, Blake, stop embarrassing yourself on national television. It's probably best to say you were "unfamiliar" with India's version instead of saying you were "unfamiliar" with the whole song. People are starting to doubt your competence.


I'm getting real tired of Blake's "alcoholic" schtick. It's not cute or funny. He barely made a lick of sense last night. And the fact that he didn't know what Glory was... He scoffs when the other coaches don't know a particular country song and then says shit like he's unfamiliar with the song that won the Oscar for Best Original Song this year. I mean, come on.

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To be fair, I wouldn't have known "Glory" either if I hadn't heard it performed on the Academy awards. I didn't see the movie, and I apparently don't listen to the radio/XM stations that had it on rotation.

I hadn't even heard of Common until that performance, btw.

What I thought was interesting was the fact that Xtina pointed out - that India reset that song for one singer to do both parts and have it work.

I like India, I really do, but to me she is like an opera singer who tries to do an album of pop tunes; it sounds okay, but there is just too much oomph and embellishment to each song.

I don't know her whole background story, but she reminds me of the girls who were always assured of getting the lead role in any high school musical. Kimberly and Meghan have more of a sense of having paid their dues, and Koryn, for all her youth, seems to have more of an emotional connection with her songs.

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Oh, and BIG THANK YOU to Blake and Adam for calling out the audience with NO rhythm! Clapping is annoying under the best of circumstances, but clapping off time during...wasn't it "In My Life"??? How weird is that?  Joshua should stay one more week just for his amazing powers of concentration to power through that.

Yes! Adam can be a big whiny baby at times, but I like that he was SO harshly critical of that.  I can't imagine what it's like to try to sing a song - one with EASY rhythm at that - and have to hear a huge group of people clapping off beat.  The Voice audience drives me bonkers with their rhythmless clapping and their stupid, corny, arm waving.  I've always assumed that's producer-driven behavior, instructed for them to do before the show starts, right?  Or like the "applause" signs they (used to?) have for live studio audiences.  I don't know if anyone has ever been in The Voice audience, but please let me know if that's the case.  And if it IS the case, then the producers need to tell the audience to STOP with the clapping. ASAP.


To be fair, I wouldn't have known "Glory" either if I hadn't heard it performed on the Academy awards. I didn't see the movie, and I apparently don't listen to the radio/XM stations that had it on rotation.

I hadn't even heard of Common until that performance, btw.

But you (I think?) are not a huge star in the music industry.  Nor are you a coach on the biggest vocal talent competition.  And actually, even you learned the song from the Academy Awards. Shouldn't we expect at least that from Blake? Although, to be honest, I think that was just his shtick. I am sure he knows the song, but it was his way of "Being Blake" and also complimenting India for how well she changed the song. It's just sometimes his shtick is a little tiresome. (Just a little. Otherwise, I'm a fan). 

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Well Kimberly has been my least fav this entire live season. She has mad skills with stage presence but she just busts my ear drums. Super unpleasant. This week didn't change that. I'd prefer to lose her or Joshua this week.

One thing about Koryn, I wonder if anyone has been counseling her about not blowing our her vocal chords. Sometimes it sounds like it would hurt her to sing some notes. (I say this as someone who has no idea what it takes to do that btw)

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I want to smack the person in charge of the Smoke Spouts on Dirty Diana. You couldn't see Kimberly half the time.


My thought too. It was totally overdone and unnecessary. As were the dancers surrounding Sawyer. I guess they thought it would add some pizzazz to his performance, but what it really did was highlight what a non-performer he is. It also made him appear even physically smaller and And I wonder if as a young man he was somewhat disconcerted and distracted by all the gyrating females.


Earlier in the show Christina said to Koryn that at this stage you need to get out of your comfort zone, and I'm thinking "everyone but Sawyer." Well, he did finally sing something up tempo in "Take Me to the River," but it just proved his limitations. That's a soul/blues/gospel tune that needs to be sung with some real grit and emotion. Sawyer fell a mile short.


Similarly, on Joshua's first tune, his rocker, he seemed completely overwhelmed by the band. As someone earlier said, it felt like adult rock band camp.


India has always seemed very pageanty to me. She's a beautiful woman and they are certainly playing on that with her wardrobe and make-up. She's technically capable, but nothing about her singing connects with me. Similarly, nothing Koryn sings moves me. She feels like one of those kids you see on American Idol, who are really too young to connect with the words and emotions in the songs. Megan feels more genuine to me, but I've been about half and half on her performances all season. I did not like "Steamroller Blues." Singing the blues is about using dynamics. When you full out scream the entire song it's just all on one level, not exciting and not sexy.


So that leaves Kimberly, who I think would be a very worthy winner. Since the show is called "The Voice" I think that the winner should have to show an ability to use their voice to sing in multiple musical styles, as Kimberly has all season, more than any other contestant. If Sawyer wins it would be like when Scotty McCreery won AI. A reward for being a One Trick Pony.


PS - I'm glad I finally got a DVR and could fast forward through all the Mother's Day fluff, as well as most of the judges comments, which are a complete waste of time since they're always some variation of "you're amazing, you're perfect." But I was amused by the fact that Pharrell had to tell America to vote for every single contestant. If you vote for everybody isn't that like voting for nobody?

Edited by bluepiano
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it just sounded like Meghan went full tilt from beginning to end.


I've had this problem with her all season.  She mostly appears to know nothing about dynamics, although I think she used some once a week or so ago, but that was on a classic song and I was too confused by her interpretation to notice.  Other than that, I thought she could have been great on her first song.  I despised her version of "Amazing Grace", though.  It was very unpleasant for me to hear her chop up every phrase into about two or three syllables.  Took all the beauty out of it.  I don't think Megan is going to put herself together enough to make it into my personal top 3, which is too bad, because she clearly is talented (and needs someone to do that!).


India has always seemed very pageanty to me. She's a beautiful woman and they are certainly playing on that with her wardrobe and make-up. She's technically capable, but nothing about her singing connects with me.


I'm glad someone finally said this.  I agree and I think it is a major reason I am repelled by her performances.  I don't mean to be.  But there's an element of self-satisfaction in the way she presents herself that comes off as slick and insincere.


Having said that, "Glory" was my favorite song from India by far.  I really liked it.  I've also never heard it before.


Kimberly should win this season, in my opinion.  I am afraid to look into the next thread to see the results.


Koryn would be my #2 (the place Hannah would have had if she had stayed).  Koryn is growing on me.  I don't know anything about vocal chords.  However, she is developing her style and I do like her voice.  So sick of Pharrell's wide-eyed awe and inspirational stuff.  Inspirational is in the eye of the beholder, Pharrell.  Stick to basics.  Yes, she seems to give her all to the performance.


Someone last page said Joshua has a lovely voice but is boring.  My thoughts exactly.  I like the quality of his voice a lot.  (Also see: Cody Wickline).  Joshua has the kind of voice I would be really happy to hear in a coffee shop: mellow, pleasing, low-key.  I don't understand whether or how he is trying to move beyond that.  To me, his place in this competition surpasses his talent.


Same with Sawyer.  Send him back to the kitchen to get more seasoned.  All he is doing right now is producing the same old song.


Personal Top 2: Kimberley and Koryn

Choosing a third to go on is tough.  I would probably give it to Megan over India.

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