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The Prancing Elites Project - General Discussion

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Well, hmm. I watched it and actually got a little misty at the appropriate moments. However and despite my being a former high school dance team member, I didn't love it. All the stuff with Suzanne seemed completely unnecessary. That parade business was clearly staged. They couldn't walk in the parade, but there was a lane in the road cleared for them (behind the parade watchers??)? Since when do people stand in the road to watch a parade? As with all "reality" shows, it was manufactured DRAHHH-MAHHH!! and I generally avoid that. It seriously exhausts me.

It's hard to watch the parts where they're treated like shit, and I wish they wouldn't manufacture any more of it than what would already happen to them without producer intervention. I work for an LGBT foundation that is funding heavily in the South to fight for equal treatment, so I know that there is some truth to the way they are treated (and that would absolutely happen in Midwestern small towns, where I grew up, too), but the producers are clearly manufacturing more situations in which people can treat them this way. I'm hoping we can get greater focus on getting to know they're personalities and seeing them dance in the next episode.


this is a show? I saw it in late night listings and I thought it was an infomercial. 


Edited to explain - several years ago, there was a viral video that was joked about all over the place, a woman was showing her method of exercise - prancing. So when I saw this show in the listings, I thought she had made an infomercial.

Edited by friendperidot

This show is ok but it seems a bit....dated.  I think it would have been a really good show 5 or 10 years ago but now IDK it just seems like we've been over this subject matter quite a few times and I've seen these personalities more than once.


Yeah the guys are entertaining and prejudice still exists in small, southern, rural towns but it just seems like the show is trying too hard to create a storyline.  *shrug*

I just got into the show and I love it. These guys and Tim make me laugh and cry. I was in here crying with Kareem when he discussed his diagnosis like he was my cousin or something. I really like Kentrell and Jerel. I actually like all of them but I would want to slap Tim and Adrian after about 20 minutes. Too much! But Adrian's makeup is on point.

I like them all. Jerel makes me laugh so much that I look forward to seeing him. Adrian makes me laugh bc he is so dumb but so kind. Kentrell is the adult and I feel his pain. Tim is so sweet. I am wondering about her voice though. Has she taken some kind of hormones to make her voice do that or is she putting on? It took me a minute to warm to Kareem bc he doesn't talk much but I wanted to go to Mobile to love on him when he found out about his HIV. Lord that almost took me out. I cried with them. I would love to spend the day with them as a group but only Kentrell and maybe Kareem alone for a long period of time

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