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Supernatural Survival Game

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-- Man's Best Friends With Benefits (I feel icky just acknowledging this episodes' existence)

-- Remember the Titans

-- Heartache (sorry Jensen)


17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - LARP and the Real Girl

17 - Citizen Fang

17 - As Time Goes By
17 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

15 - Blood Brother
15 - Southern Comfort
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice

13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Heartache
13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Taxi Driver

13 - Bitten

11 - Remember the Titans

11 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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-- The one that I cannot bring myself to name

++ Everybody Hates Hitler

-- Heartache

19 - Everybody Hates Hitler

17 - Hunteri Heroic

17 - LARP and the Real Girl

17 - Citizen Fang

17 - As Time Goes By

15 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

15 - Blood Brother

15 - Southern Comfort

15 - A Little Slice of Kevin

15 - Trial and Error

15 - Goodbye Stranger

15 - Pac-Man Fever

15 - The Great Escapist

15 - Clip Show

15 - Sacrifice

13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

13 - Torn and Frayed

13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Taxi Driver

13 - Bitten

11 - Remember the Titans

11 - Heartache

09 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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++ Hunteri Heroic
++ What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

-- Man's Best Friend with Benefits


19 - Everybody Hates Hitler
19 - Hunteri Heroic
17 - LARP and the Real Girl
17 - Citizen Fang
17 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
15 - Blood Brother
15 - Southern Comfort
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver
13 - Bitten
11 - Remember the Titans
11 - Heartache
07 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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Hunteri Heroici ++

Citizen Fang --

Southern Comfort --


21 - Hunteri Heroici

19 - Everybody Hates Hitler

17 - LARP and the Real Girl
17 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
15 - Blood Brother
15 - Citizen Fang

15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice

13 - Southern Comfort

13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver
13 - Bitten
11 - Remember the Titans
11 - Heartache
07 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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Honestly, I don't like or remember most of these to make an informed vote---but I'm jumping in now just to vote against the inexpressible horror that is...


Man's Best Friend --

Everybody Hates Hitler ++

Bitten --


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
17 - LARP and the Real Girl
17 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
15 - Blood Brother
15 - Citizen Fang
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice
13 - Southern Comfort
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver
11 - Bitten
11 - Remember the Titans
11 - Heartache
05 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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LARP and the Real Girl ++

Citizen Fang ++

Bitten --


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
19 - LARP and the Real Girl
17 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

17 - Citizen Fang
15 - Blood Brother
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice
13 - Southern Comfort
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver
11 - Remember the Titans
11 - Heartache

09 - Bitten
05 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits


I watched some clips last night and what I remember was each ep had something good but many had something awful.  Sam's storyline I hated first half but Dean's I liked.  So I may be voting on more what I liked than the whole ep.  I don't remember Heartache...why is it so bad?

Edited by 7kstar
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the episode which must not be named  --

Heartache --

Remember the Titans --


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
19 - LARP and the Real Girl
17 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

17 - Citizen Fang
15 - Blood Brother
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice
13 - Southern Comfort
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver
09 - Remember the Titans
09 - Heartache

09 - Bitten
03 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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the episode that shall not be named  --


Remember the Titans --


21 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - Everybody Hates Hitler

19 - LARP and the Real Girl

17 - As Time Goes By

17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

17 - Citizen Fang

15 - Blood Brother

15 - A Little Slice of Kevin

15 - Trial and Error

15 - Goodbye Stranger

15 - Pac-Man Fever

15 - The Great Escapist

15 - Clip Show

15 - Sacrifice

13 - Southern Comfort

13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

13 - Torn and Frayed

13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Taxi Driver

09 - Heartache

07 - Remember the Titans

07 - Bitten

01 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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++ Pac Man Fever

++ As Time Goes By

-- Blood Brother


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
19 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Citizen Fang

15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice

13 - Blood Brother
13 - Southern Comfort
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver
09 - Heartache
07 - Remember the Titans
07 - Bitten
01 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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Yay! I get to be the one to kill "Man's Best Friend With Benefits" I consider it an honor. And here's my eulogy: Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. Loathe entirely!" * If anyone wants to say something else, that's all good, but I just can't with that episode.


-- Man's Best Friend...

-- Citizen Fang

-- Southern Comfort


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
19 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
15 - Citizen Fang

15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice

13 - Blood Brother
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver

11 - Southern Comfort
09 - Heartache
07 - Remember the Titans
07 - Bitten


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: **


Man's Best Friend with Benefits



* As per family tradition, we watched "The Grinch" (The Jim Carrey version - I know, I know, I just go with it) Christmas Eve, so this is stuck in my head now, so I might as well use it here.


** Please feel free to replace / revise / remove the parenthesis part, etc.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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I am just barely too late to kill Man's Best Friend With Benefits, but not too late to eulogize it. Here, then, are my final words on the dogfucker episode:

Do not mourn for this ill conceived misbegotten horror of a script. Do not regret the death of this steaming pile of regurgitated dog vomit attempting to pass itself off as a tv show. Rather, let it become a meaningless nothing, an empty space where once an episode of Supernatural stood. Let it be sent back to the fetid bowels of hell from whence it came. Let its name be struck from the minds and memories of all the people of the universe. Let every trace of its offensive existence be wiped from all recorded history and DVDs. Let the very idea of the cop witch and his carnal canine be banished from canon for all time, and never to be thought of again. So say we all.

  • Love 4
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-- Southern Comfort
-- Heartache
-- Remember the Titans


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
19 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
15 - Citizen Fang

15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice

13 - Blood Brother
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Taxi Driver

09 - Southern Comfort
07 - Heartache
07 - Bitten

05 - Remember the Titans


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: **

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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Well done Iguana.  A eulogy full of Shakespearean-class wit.  Most impressive. 


I was truly fist-pumping AwesomeO's eulogy, but yours is sublime. 

Edited by SueB
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Taxi Driver --

Southern Comfort --

Remember the Titans --


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
19 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
15 - Citizen Fang
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice
13 - Blood Brother
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
11 - Taxi Driver
07 - Southern Comfort
07 - Heartache
07 - Bitten
03 - Remember the Titans

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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Bitten --

Citizen Fang ++

LARP and the Real Girl ++


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Citizen Fang
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - The Great Escapist
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice
13 - Blood Brother
13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
11 - Taxi Driver
07 - Southern Comfort
07 - Heartache
05 - Bitten
03 - Remember the Titans


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits


Back to the old grindstone for me.  Awesome  don't hold back your excitement!  lol.

Edited by 7kstar
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Heartache --

Remember the Titans --

Blood Brother ++

21 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - Everybody Hates Hitler

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

19 - As Time Goes By

17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

17 - Citizen Fang

15 - Pac-Man Fever

15 - A Little Slice of Kevin

15 - Trial and Error

15 - Goodbye Stranger

15 - The Great Escapist

15 - Clip Show

15 - Sacrifice

15 - Blood Brother

13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

13 - Torn and Frayed

13 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - Taxi Driver

07 - Southern Comfort

05 - Heartache

05 - Bitten

01 - Remember the Titans

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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++ The Great Escapist

-- Heartache

-- We Need to Talk about Kevin


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Citizen Fang
17 - The Great Escapist

15 - A Little Slice of Kevin

15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Clip Show
15 - Sacrifice
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Torn and Frayed
13 - Freaks and Geeks
11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

11 - Taxi Driver
07 - Southern Comfort
05 - Bitten
03 - Heartache

01 - Remember the Titans


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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++ Southern Comfort( I love this for the fight between Dean and Sam)

-- Bitten

-- Sacrifice


21 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - Everybody Hates Hitler

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

19 - As Time Goes By

17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

17 - Citizen Fang

17 - The Great Escapist

15 - A Little Slice of Kevin

15 - Pac-Man Fever

15 - Trial and Error

15 - Goodbye Stranger

15 - Clip Show

15 - Blood Brother

13 - Sacrifice

13 - Torn and Frayed

13 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

11 - Taxi Driver

09 - Southern Comfort

03 - Bitten

03 - Heartache

01- Remember the Titans


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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I was gonna take out Remember the Titans, but I know there's a certain someone out there who loathed it and I thought they should get the honor.


-- Citizen Fang

-- Torn and Frayed

-- Southern Comfort


21 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - The Great Escapist

15 - Citizen Fang
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Clip Show
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Sacrifice
13 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - Torn and Frayed
11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
11 - Taxi Driver
08 - Southern Comfort
03 - Bitten
03 - Heartache
01- Remember the Titans

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits

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I come to kill Remember the Titans, not to eulogize it.  


Remember the Titans --

Citizen Fang --

Hunteri Heroici ++


23 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Clip Show
15 - Blood Brother

13 - Citizen Fang

13 - Sacrifice

13 - Freaks and Geeks
11 - Torn and Frayed
11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
11 - Taxi Driver
08 - Southern Comfort
03 - Bitten
03 - Heartache

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans

  • Love 1
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-- Torn and Frayed *

-- Citizen Fang

-- Southern Comfort **


23 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Clip Show
15 - Blood Brother

13 - Sacrifice

13 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - Citizen Fang
11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
11 - Taxi Driver

09 - Torn and Frayed
05 - Southern Comfort ***
03 - Bitten
03 - Heartache


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


* This episode isn't close to being gone yet? I agree with DittyDotDot (from the episode thread) that this episode is beyond awful and unlike "Man's best Friend...," it's myth-heavy and so therefore not easily disregarded. The gratuitous and unnecessary torture and the stupidity of the Amelia story and the futility of poor Samandriel being "saved" just to be killed in the end... just ugh. And bringing up the "Citizen Fang" thing again - which was so contrived in the first place - just ick. To summarize MST3K's Tom Servo when he got giant-sized :: cave man voice :: Episode bad. Episode go away.


** I apologize in advance, catrox14, as I do not share your love of this particular Sam and Dean fight.  I much prefer their fight in "The Mentalists" and the one from "Soul Survivor" or the one from "Scarecrow." So for me this is episode go away, part deux.


*** fixed a small clerical error from above.

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++ Hitler

-- Taxi Driver

-- Southern Comfort

I will briefly eulogize "Remember the Titans" with a shallow acknowledgement that Prometheus was a fine looking man.


23 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Clip Show
15 - Blood Brother

13 - Sacrifice

13 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - Citizen Fang
11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
09 - Taxi Driver

09 - Torn and Frayed
03 - Southern Comfort
03 - Bitten
03 - Heartache


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans

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Heh. No worries. I I'm one of the few that likes the scene. I can understand that it doesn't save the episode, but Dean reading Sam the riot act was a long time coming and the brawl was some epic screen fighting.

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++ Citizen Fang

++ As Time Goes By

-- Bitten


23 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Clip Show
15 - Blood Brother

13 - Sacrifice

13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Citizen Fang
11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
09 - Taxi Driver

09 - Torn and Frayed
03 - Southern Comfort

03 - Heartache
01 - Bitten


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans

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Heh. No worries. I I'm one of the few that likes the scene. I can understand that it doesn't save the episode, but Dean reading Sam the riot act was a long time coming and the brawl was some epic screen fighting.

Although I did like the fight between Sam and Dean and felt Sam had it coming, the end blows it away and I hate how Dean caves to Sam...just no.  Sam didn't look for him, he didn't look for Kevin and really he has no right to be mad that Dean found a new friend and there was truth in that statement, the only one who hasn't betrayed me is Benny.  So it has some funny moments with Garth, but it isn't on my radar to save.  Now Citizen Fang, sorry...still fighting for it even if it is a losing battle.  Not for the Sam part, but for the Dean and Benny story.  I could care less about any of Sam's stories this season.  It was the season that easy made me hate Sam.  Sorry @ Awesom0

Edited by 7kstar
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I'll send Bitten on it's way, backpack and all.  I actually liked the found footage approach in this episode.  I liked Kate, not so much the other two.  I particularly enjoyed their comments regarding the brothers and the way the Impala sort of glides into the shot.  It was an experimental kind of episode but I liked it.  I don't actually think it's the third worst episode but since it's destined to meet it's doom early, I'll send it off to be with it's other kind in Purgatory.  Wolves probably like it there anyway. 


-- Heartache

-- Southern Comfort

-- Bitten


23 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Clip Show
15 - Blood Brother

13 - Sacrifice

13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Citizen Fang
11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
09 - Taxi Driver

09 - Torn and Frayed
01 - Southern Comfort

01 - Heartache


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


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 I could care less about any of Sam's stories this season.  It was the season that easy made me hate Sam.  Sorry @ Awesom0


No need to apologize. I didn't like Sam in the first part of season 8 either. I also didn't recognize him, and thought he was out of character, especially based on season 7 (where I adored Sam's characterization). So I blamed it on Carver trying to make his story fit and sacrificing Sam to do it... Basically I pretend the first half of season 8 and certain parts of season 9 don't exist or are at the least aberrations. I'd rather that than have to hate a character that I loved for 7 years (again, thanks a lot, Carver /sarcasm/ you've turned me into a delusional person.)


... which is also why I'm gleefully trying to kill as many of the offending episodes I can here - it's kind of cathartic actually.

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-- Torn and Frayed

-- We Need to Talk About Kevin

-- Clip Show


23 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Goodbye Stranger
15 - Blood Brother

13 - Clip Show

13 - Sacrifice

13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Citizen Fang
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
09 - Taxi Driver

07 - Torn and Frayed
01 - Southern Comfort

01 - Heartache


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


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++ Goodbye Stranger

++ What's Up, Tiger Mommy

-- Sacrifice


23 - Hunteri Heroici

23 - Everybody Hates Hitler

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

21 - As Time Goes By

19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

17 - Goodbye Stranger

17 - The Great Escapist

15 - A Little Slice of Kevin

15 - Pac-Man Fever

15 - Trial and Error

15 - Blood Brother

13 - Clip Show

13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Citizen Fang

11 - Sacrifice

09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

09 - Taxi Driver

07 - Torn and Frayed

01 - Southern Comfort

01 - Heartache


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


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Killing two birds with one vote. I have nothing nice to say about them, so I'll leave them for others to eulogize.


-- Torn and Frayed
- - Southern Comfort
-- Heartache


23 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Goodbye Stranger
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Clip Show
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Citizen Fang
11 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
09 - Taxi Driver
05 - Torn and Frayed

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans

Southern Comfort

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I guess I find the good with Dean and Purgatory and Benny and the Trans and Crowley outweighs the bullshit with Sam hitting a dog for most of the first half of s8. I struggle far more with the back half and what seems to be a weird shift with no good explanation of why the trials went to Sam outside of Sam stabbing the hellhound. But I really love some of the Dean/Cas stuff in the back half which outweighs my annoyance with Sam and the trials and Dean becoming a babysitter.

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Hunteri Heroici ++

Bottom 2 --


25 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Goodbye Stranger
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Clip Show
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Citizen Fang
11 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
07 - Taxi Driver
03 - Torn and Frayed


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort

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++ Everybody Hates Hitler

-- bottom 2


You know, for Season 8, I just so generally dislike the season that with the exception of the one I liked and the one I consign to the depths of hell, it really doesn't matter to me what order the eps go out in.  I'm like, lets just kill them all and let Chuck sort it out.


25 - Hunteri Heroici
25 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Goodbye Stranger
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Clip Show
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Citizen Fang
11 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
05 - Taxi Driver
01 - Torn and Frayed


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort

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:: Rubs hands together gleefully :: Ooh, I get to kill the - in my opinion - boring, torture porn that was "Torn and Frayed." Yay! (again) Episode bad. Episode die. I have no eulogy to give, so if someone else would like to...


-- Torn and Frayed

-- Citizen Fang

++ Everybody Hates Hitler


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler

25 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Goodbye Stranger
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Clip Show
13 - Freaks and Geeks
11 - Citizen Fang
11 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
05 - Taxi Driver


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort

Torn and Frayed

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-- Sacrifice

++ Citizen Fang

++ LARP and the Real Girl


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler

25 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
17 - Goodbye Stranger
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Clip Show
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Citizen Fang
09 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
05 - Taxi Driver


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort

Torn and Frayed


There were some good moments in Torn and Frayed, such as Cas telling Dean and Sam to stow their crap.  I've seen a few other good moments in clips but I don't remember them right now. 

Edited by 7kstar
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-- Taxi Driver -- they completely ruined Hell

++ Goodbye Stranger

-- Hunter Heroici


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler

23 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
17 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Clip Show
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Citizen Fang
09 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
03 - Taxi Driver


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort

Torn and Frayed

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++ The Great Escapist

-- Clip Show

-- LARP and the Real Girl


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler

23 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - The Great Escapist
15 - A Little Slice of Kevin
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
15 - Blood Brother
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Citizen Fang
11 - Clip Show

09 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
03 - Taxi Driver


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort

Torn and Frayed

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Darn it, I was so hoping to continue my killing spree...guess I'll have to save my bloodlust for another day.


-- A Little Slice of Kevin
-- Citizen Fang
-- Taxi Driver


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler

23 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - The Great Escapist
15 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
13 - Freaks and Geeks
13 - Citizen Fang
11 - Clip Show

09 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
01 - Taxi Driver


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort

Torn and Frayed

  • Love 1
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++ Pac Man Fever

++ Hunter Heroici

-- The Great Escapist

27 - Everybody Hates Hitler

25 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

21 - As Time Goes By

19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

19 - Goodbye Stranger

17 - The Great Escapist

17 - Pac-Man Fever

15 - Trial and Error

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

13 - Blood Brother

13 - Freaks and Geeks

13 - Citizen Fang

11 - Clip Show

09 - Sacrifice

09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

01 - Taxi Driver

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


Southern Comfort


Torn and Frayed

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Ooh, my turn again!  As I said in the episode thread, way to screw canon, show.  Death allows rogue Reapers?  Never gonna believe that.  The only bright point in the episode was Naomi and Crowley at the end, IMO.  Anyone else have something to say?


Hunteri Heroici ++

Citizen Fang --

Taxi Driver --


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
17 - The Great Escapist
17 - Pac-Man Fever
15 - Trial and Error
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
13 - Freaks and Geeks
11 - Citizen Fang
11 - Clip Show
09 - Sacrifice
09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

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Ooh, my turn again!  As I said in the episode thread, way to screw canon, show.  Death allows rogue Reapers?  Never gonna believe that.  The only bright point in the episode was Naomi and Crowley at the end, IMO.  Anyone else have something to say?


Sam had been willing to take Benny back with him and admitted to Dean (in the Winchester way) that he was wrong? Otherwise I got nothing. Oh, wait... I guess I could include the Dean killing Benny scene, but by that time I was tired of the whole soap-opera thing they had turned Benny/Dean into for me - which it never should have been, in my opinion - so it ended up being too melodramatic for me despite Jensen's and Ty's best efforts. :: sigh ::


Though truthfully, I did prefer this episode to the drama-fest, "here's a cool character who due to our plot-manipulations you'll never get to see again. And another interesting character who you previously liked and now we'll totally destroy for teh drama... and then kill. Oh, and we'll have Sam be a semi-roid rage ass and delusional idiot for that purpose, also" soap-opera that was "Citizen Fang",* so there is that also.


* My opinion only here - and yup I'm telling it how I really feel there. No regrets... and if I'm lucky, I'll get to kill that episode, too... heh heh heh - though Ditty Dot Dot also deserves a good kill, too. (Sorry 7kstar and catrox14, my hatred for that episode is just irrationally strong.)

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A couple more to go for me, supposebly, including..


-- Citizen Fang

-- We Need to Talk About Kevin

++ Pac Man Fever


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger

19 - Pac Man Fever

17 - The Great Escapist
15 - Trial and Error
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
13 - Freaks and Geeks
11 - Clip Show

09 - Citizen Fang
09 - Sacrifice

07 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

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@Awesome0 I get why you hate it but I hate what they do to Dean in the second half and yes, I love good character development.  But by this season I'm sick to death of Dean only having I will bow to King Sam and be depressed.  The only good things he got, they just drop and by this season I had join I'm sick of King Sam.  I get we don't agree and I won't see it your way either, I can respect it but I can't agree. 


The best Part of Taxi Driver was having Sam having to eat his words about Benny and realize that he was wrong to do what he did to his brother.  And the heartbreak of Dean killing Benny but believing that Benny would come back.  Once again Dean is blinded by the thought that he can't save everyone and not seeing how tired Benny was of fighting his own instincts as a vampire.  The place he had longed for on earth wasn't the paradise he thought it was. 


So it's the only good part.  I did like seeing Bobby again, but I hated how they brought him back.  So I was willing to let it go, but Citizen Fang & Blood Brothers, nope not ready yet.


++ Citizen Fang

-- Clip Show

++ Blood Brother


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger

19 - Pac Man Fever

17 - The Great Escapist
15 - Trial and Error

15 - Blood Brother
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - Citizen Fang

09 - Clip Show
09 - Sacrifice

07 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

Edited by 7kstar
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I'll mourn Taxi Driver for Benny's sake and Torn and Frayed for Dean whispering that Kevin's Mom was hot to an oblivious Kevin (and I think Dean MEANT it).

-- We need to talk about Kevin -- Sam's character assassination

-- Freaks and Geeks -- creepy dude was meh

++ Blood Brother -- I LOVE the whistling flashback


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger

19 - Pac Man Fever

17 - The Great Escapist
15 - Trial and Error

15 - Blood Brother
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
11 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - Citizen Fang

09 - Clip Show
09 - Sacrifice

05 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

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++ The Great Escapist

-- Clip Show

-- Blood Brother


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger

19 - Pac Man Fever

19 - The Great Escapist
15 - Trial and Error

13 - Blood Brother
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
11 - Freaks and Geeks

11 - Citizen Fang

09 - Sacrifice

07 - Clip Show

05 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

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Hunteri Heroici ++

Citizen Fang --

Freaks and Geeks --


29 - Hunteri Heroici

27 - Everybody Hates Hitler

21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
15 - Trial and Error
13 - Blood Brother
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
09 - Freaks and Geeks
09 - Citizen Fang
09 - Sacrifice
07 - Clip Show
05 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

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I'll eulogize taxi driver for all the Benny and Dean stuff. Pissed me off to no end that Sam had to be in Purgatory too. And that Dean had to kill his own friend to do that. To me it would have been more satisfying for Dean to do the trials. Benny would have soul trained back to Purgatory with Dean and helped Dean find Bobby. Benny head wouldn't have needed to be lopped off. .

Everybody Hates Hitler ++

Citizen Fang ++

sacrifice - -

29 - Hunteri Heroici

29 - Everybody Hates Hitler

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

21 - As Time Goes By

19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

19 - Goodbye Stranger

19 - Pac Man Fever

19 - The Great Escapist

15 - Trial and Error

13 - Blood Brother

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

11 - Citizen Fang

09 - Freaks and geeks

07 - Sacrifice

07 - Clip Show

05 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


Southern Comfort


Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

Edited by catrox14
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