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Supernatural Survival Game

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SF ++

Time After Time ++



29 - Time After Time
27 - Slash Fiction
23 - Hello, Cruel World
23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
19 - Meet the New Boss
19 - Death's Door
17 - The Mentalists
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Adventures in Babysitting
15 - The Slice Girls
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - Reading Is Fundamental
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Survival of the Fittest
13 - The Girl Next Door
11 - Party On, Garth
05 - Defending Your Life
03 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

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Death's Door ++

The Mentalists++

Shut Up, Dr. Phil --


29 - Time After Time
27 - Slash Fiction
23 - Hello, Cruel World
23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

21 - Death's Door
19 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Adventures in Babysitting
15 - The Slice Girls
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - Reading Is Fundamental
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Survival of the Fittest
13 - The Girl Next Door
11 - Party On, Garth
05 - Defending Your Life
01 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

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I'll kill Shut Up, Dr. Phil, but I was never a Buffy/Angel watcher, so I can't give a proper eulogy.  Anyone?


Shut Up, Dr. Phil --

Defending Your Life --

The Girl Next Door -- 



29 - Time After Time
27 - Slash Fiction
23 - Hello, Cruel World
23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
19 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Adventures in Babysitting
15 - The Slice Girls
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - Reading Is Fundamental
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Survival of the Fittest
11 - The Girl Next Door
11 - Party On, Garth
03 - Defending Your Life

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

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No eulogy from me. I LOVED Angel, my second favorite show ever (although SPN is pushing it) and I loved spike. I was never the biggest Cordelia fan but I just didn't care about this episode.  I don't much like the witch episodes anyway so their War of the Roses thing just didn't land for me at all.  But I will say Dean was looking  HELLAHOT through most of the episode. 


++Defending Your Life

++Slash Fiction

-- Party On, Garth


29 - Time After Time
29- Slash Fiction
23 - Hello, Cruel World
23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
19 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Adventures in Babysitting
15 - The Slice Girls
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - Reading Is Fundamental
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Survival of the Fittest
11 - The Girl Next Door
09 - Party On, Garth
05 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Edited by catrox14
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I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that this one is totally going to in our entire tournament! ;) 


I'm loving the love for Time After Time and Slash Fiction :) 


Unpopular opinion about the wedding episode.  I kind of loved the demon and it did have some funny moments especially Dean's freaking out about Sam getting married. But aside from that? YIKES

I agree about the wedding and Dean freaking out about Sam getting married.  I even liked when she stuffed the sock in Sam's mouth but then I was like just spit it out, no way you can't do that which totally took me out of the ep.  After that I just thought it was too over the top.  If they had gone for less laughs it might have been a much better ep.  This is one that I wish they had had skilled writers and the break up scene, totally get why the J2's tried to rewrite it but unfortunately it still stunk.

No eulogy from me. I LOVED Angel, my second favorite show ever (although SPN is pushing it) and I loved spike. I was never the biggest Cordelia fan but I just didn't care about this episode.  I don't much like the witch episodes anyway so their War of the Roses thing just didn't land for me at all.  But I will say Dean was looking  HELLAHOT through most of the episode. 

I loved having both on the show, I did love Angel and part of Buffy but I didn't finish the series it got too weird for me.  I enjoyed War of the Roses but for some reason this show just doesn't work for me.  I guess I would have to rewatch to see if I could see a new way of doing it....but no time for that.  Maybe if they had gone for less laughs???   don't know....  so I guess if there is someone that loved it, they will have to give it the better send off.

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++ Hello, Cruel World

-- Party On, Garth

++ Defending Your Life


29 - Time After Time

29- Slash Fiction

25 - Hello, Cruel World

23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

21 - Death's Door

19 - Meet the New Boss

19 - The Mentalists

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

15 - Adventures in Babysitting

15 - The Slice Girls

15 - Repo Man

15 - Out with the Old

15 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - Of Grave Importance

15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

15 - Reading Is Fundamental

15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - Survival of the Fittest

11 - The Girl Next Door

07 - Party On, Garth

07 - Defending Your Life



Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

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You know I was a huge Buffy and Angel fan, and it was fun seeing James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter together, but man that episode bugged me after The Girl Next Door. One week Dean has this no grey area when it comes to killing people who kill people attitude and a few week's later it's all "fun" and games when a few witches go frickin nuts. Really inconsistent writing and it made me hate Dean's actions in The Girl Next Door even more.

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Now, AwesomO, does that mean I need to post a certain picture when Plucky Pennywhistle's is eliminated?  ;-)


It would be a toss-up as to if the killer Clown would be more horrifying than Mr. Fizzles - who is totally a clown. And somehow his / Garth's assertion that he wanted to listen and that he could sense when someone was lying was somehow even creepier than a killer clown. *shudders*


-- Adventures in Babysitting

++ Hello, Cruel World

++ Meet the New Boss - I loved Death here


29 - Time After Time

29- Slash Fiction

27 - Hello, Cruel World

23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

21 - Death's Door

21 - Meet the New Boss

19 - The Mentalists

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

15 - The Slice Girls

15 - Repo Man

15 - Out with the Old

15 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - Of Grave Importance

15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

15 - Reading Is Fundamental

15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - Adventures in Babysitting

13 - Survival of the Fittest

11 - The Girl Next Door

07 - Party On, Garth

07 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

  • Love 1
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You know it's bad when even I can't muster up a eulogy for Shut Up Dr Phil.

++ Defending Your Life

-- The Girl a Next a Door

++ Reading Is Fundamental

29 - Time After Time

29- Slash Fiction

27 - Hello, Cruel World

23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

21 - Death's Door

21 - Meet the New Boss

19 - The Mentalists

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

17 - Reading is Fundamental

15 - The Slice Girls

15 - Repo Man

15 - Out with the Old

15 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - Of Grave Importance

15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - Adventures in Babysitting

13 - Survival of the Fittest

09- The Girl Next Door

09 - Defending Your Life

07 - Party On, Garth


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Link to comment

Plucky ++

Time After Time ++

Slash Fiction ++


31 - Time After Time
31- Slash Fiction
27 - Hello, Cruel World
25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
17 - Reading is Fundamental
15 - The Slice Girls
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
13 - Survival of the Fittest
09- The Girl Next Door
09 - Defending Your Life
07 - Party On, Garth


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Edited by amensisterfriend
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--The Slice Girls

--Survival of the Fittest

++Reading is Fundamental


31 - Time After Time
31- Slash Fiction
27 - Hello, Cruel World
25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - The Slice Girls
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
11 - Survival of the Fittest
09- The Girl Next Door
09 - Defending Your Life
07 - Party On, Garth


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Link to comment

-- Survival of the Fittest
-- Defending Your Life
-- Party On, Garth


31 - Time After Time
31 - Slash Fiction
27 - Hello, Cruel World
25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - The Slice Girls
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
09 - Survival of the Fittest
09- The Girl Next Door
07 - Defending Your Life
05 - Party On, Garth


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Link to comment

Survival of the Fittest --
The Girl Next Door --
Defending Your Life --


31 - Time After Time
31 - Slash Fiction
27 - Hello, Cruel World
25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Slice Girls
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
07 - Survival of the Fittest
07 - The Girl Next Door
05 - Defending Your Life
05 - Party On, Garth

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Link to comment

If I may take a moment to briefly eulogize "Shut Up, Dr. Phil":  Fan service done wrong. 


++ Slash Fiction

-- bottom two


33 - Slash Fiction

31 - Time After Time
27 - Hello, Cruel World
25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Repo Man
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Slice Girls
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
07 - Survival of the Fittest
07 - The Girl Next Door
03 - Defending Your Life
03 - Party On, Garth


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil

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++Slash Ficfion

++ Slash Fiction

--Party On Garth

--Repo Man

35- Slash Fiction

31 - Time After Time

27 - Hello, Cruel World

25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

21 - Death's Door

21 - Meet the New Boss

19 - The Mentalists

19 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

15 - Out with the Old

15 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - Of Grave Importance

15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - The Slice Girls

13 - Repo Man

13 - Adventures in Babysitting

07 - Survival of the Fittest

07 - The Girl Next Door

03- Defending Your Life

01- Party On, Garth


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Edited by catrox14
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Sorry Garth, you've been Garthed.  It was nice to see a different kind of spirit and the Japanese alcohol spirit was a good cursed object tale. I also thought Sam commandeering a cab, Dean actually getting drunk on some really really expensive shit, and Bobby showing up was nicely done.  I liked Garth better in other episodes but I thought he was generally okay except for one thing: Mr Fizzles needs to die. Like NOW.


++ Defending Your Life - I'm fighting for Jo until you pry this episode out of her cold dead hands.
-- Party On Garth
-- The Girl Next Door


35- Slash Fiction
31 - Time After Time
27 - Hello, Cruel World
25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Slice Girls
13 - Repo Man
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
07 - Survival of the Fittest
05 - The Girl Next Door
05- Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Party On, Garth

Edited by SueB
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Defending Your Life - I'm fighting for Jo until you pry this episode out of her cold dead hands.

Oh good, i'm not the only one.

++ Defending Your Life

-- The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

++ Hello, Cruel World


35- Slash Fiction

31 - Time After Time

29 - Hello, Cruel World

25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

21 - Death's Door

21 - Meet the New Boss

19 - The Mentalists

19 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

15 - Out with the Old

15 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - Of Grave Importance

15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

13 - The Slice Girls

13 - Repo Man

13 - Adventures in Babysitting

07 - Survival of the Fittest

07 - Defending Your Life

05 - The Girl Next Door




Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Party On, Garth

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I'm so glad to see the love for "Hello Cruel World." I adore that episode.


-- Defending Your Life

-- The Slice Girls

++ Survival of the Fittest - I didn't think this episode was that bad, and it left a great set up for season 8 (it's not season 7's fault what happened with it)


35- Slash Fiction
31 - Time After Time
29 - Hello, Cruel World
25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
13 - Adventures in Babysitting

11 - The Slice Girls
09 - Survival of the Fittest
05 - Defending Your Life
05 - The Girl Next Door

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

  • Love 1
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Plucky ++

Slash Fiction ++

Time After Time +++


37- Slash Fiction
33 - Time After Time
29 - Hello, Cruel World
27 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
11 - The Slice Girls
09 - Survival of the Fittest
05 - Defending Your Life
05 - The Girl Next Door


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

Link to comment

++ Time After Time
++ Hello, Cruel World
++ Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie


37- Slash Fiction
35 - Time After Time
31 - Hello, Cruel World
29 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
13 - Adventures in Babysitting
11 - The Slice Girls
09 - Survival of the Fittest
05 - Defending Your Life
05 - The Girl Next Door


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

Link to comment

Adventures in Babysitting --

The Slice Girls --

The Girl Next Door --


37- Slash Fiction
35 - Time After Time
31 - Hello, Cruel World
29 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
09 - The Slice Girls
09 - Survival of the Fittest
05 - Defending Your Life
03 - The Girl Next Door

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

Link to comment

I liked the idea of Splice Girls far more than the execution of it.  So much of Season 7 had potential, so much of it was wasted.


++ Slash Fiction

-- bottom two


37- Slash Fiction
35 - Time After Time
31 - Hello, Cruel World
29 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
21 - Death's Door
21 - Meet the New Boss
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
09 - The Slice Girls
09 - Survival of the Fittest
03 - Defending Your Life
01 - The Girl Next Door


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

Edited by Iguana
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The Slice Girls was just way too misogynistic for me.  One of my least favorite episodes across the whole series, actually.  The Girl Next Door bothers me a lot, too (I just don't think Dean would kill Amy--and if the show wanted him to, there should've been more understandable writing to support his decision).  But I do like the flashbacks a lot in that episode.  The younger actors were very good (and Jensen Ackles did a good job directing their performances).  I also LOVE that Dean and Bobby watch telenovelas.


--The Slice Girls

++Defending Your Life

++Meet the New Boss



37- Slash Fiction
35 - Time After Time
31 - Hello, Cruel World
29 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

23 - Meet the New Boss
21 - Death's Door
19 - The Mentalists
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
09 - Survival of the Fittest

07 - The Slice Girls
05 - Defending Your Life
01 - The Girl Next Door


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

Link to comment

++ Hello, Cruel World

-- The Slice Girls

++ Defending Your Life

37- Slash Fiction

35 - Time After Time

33 - Hello, Cruel World

29 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

23 - Meet the New Boss

19 - Death's Door

19 - The Mentalists

19 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

15 - Out with the Old

15 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - Of Grave Importance

15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

13 - Repo Man

11 - Adventures in Babysitting

09 - Survival of the Fittest

07 - Defending Your Life

05 - The Slice Girls

01 - The Girl Next Door


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Party On, Garth

Edited by RandomMe
Link to comment

++ The Mentalists
++ Time After Time

-- The Girl Next Door


37- Slash Fiction
37 - Time After Time
33 - Hello, Cruel World
29 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
21 - The Mentalists

19 - Death's Door
19 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Out with the Old
15 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
09 - Survival of the Fittest
07 - Defending Your Life
05 - The Slice Girls

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

The Girl Next Door

Link to comment

Mini Eulogy for The Girl Next Door: The first 10 mins were great. "A monster broke my leg". Dean on morphine is hella funny.  And Bobby just pats him on the face. The bonding over the telenova!  And then bad things happened. the end.


++ Reading is Fundamental
++ The Born Again Identity

--  Out With The Old


37- Slash Fiction
37 - Time After Time
33 - Hello, Cruel World
29 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
21 - The Mentalists

19 - Death's Door
21 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
17 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - Out with the Old

13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
09 - Survival of the Fittest
07 - Defending Your Life
05 - The Slice Girls


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth

The Girl Next Door

Link to comment

Slash Fiction ++

Time After Time ++

Plucky ++


39- Slash Fiction
39 - Time After Time
33 - Hello, Cruel World
31 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
21 - The Mentalists
19 - Death's Door
21 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
17 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Out with the Old
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
09 - Survival of the Fittest
07 - Defending Your Life
05 - The Slice Girls

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door

Link to comment

-- Survival of the Fittest
-- Defending Your Life
-- The Slice Girls


39 - Slash Fiction
39 - Time After Time
33 - Hello, Cruel World
31 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
21 - The Mentalists
19 - Death's Door
21 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
17 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Out with the Old
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
07 - Survival of the Fittest
05 - Defending Your Life
03 - The Slice Girls


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door

Link to comment

Bottom 3 --


39 - Slash Fiction
39 - Time After Time
33 - Hello, Cruel World
31 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
21 - The Mentalists
19 - Death's Door
21 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
17 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Out with the Old
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
03 - Defending Your Life
01 - The Slice Girls

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door

Link to comment

++ Slash Fiction

-- Time After Time

-- Slice Girls


A brief eulogy for Slice Girls:  always use a condom.  It helps prevent STD's, unwanted pregnancies, and oh, yeah, Amazon monsters from using your sperm to create a baby monster that tries to kill you.


41 - Slash Fiction
37 - Time After Time
33 - Hello, Cruel World
31 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
21 - The Mentalists
19 - Death's Door
21 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
17 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Out with the Old
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
03 - Defending Your Life

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door

The Slice Girls

Link to comment

Mini Eulogy for The Girl Next Door: The first 10 mins were great. "A monster broke my leg". Dean on morphine is hella funny.  And Bobby just pats him on the face. The bonding over the telenova!  And then bad things happened. the end.

I'd like to add on to your eulogy for my impression. In addition to enjoying the great first 10 minutes, I also actually enjoyed many of the flashbacks. Not only did I enjoy Colin Ford here, but I enjoyed learning that Sam did help out with the hunting when he was a teen - rather than just shirking that hunting responsibility  and being more of a regular kid as sometimes is suggested - so his decision to leave and go to college wasn't coming from just rebellion against John, but from actual experience and deciding that at that time in his life, hunting wasn't for him and he wanted to try something else. And I think being involved firsthand with the Amy incident went partway towards Sam deciding he didn't like the uncertainty and gray areas he saw in hunting then. So I enjoyed that insight into Sam... and then the bad happened, but I can't even be all that unhappy with the bad, because unlike in say season 4 where the bad only got worse, and worse, and then ridiculously worse, this bad actually came to something good and sparked actual communication between Sam and Dean... so I can't dislike the episode all that much even.


A brief eulogy for Slice Girls:  always use a condom.  It helps prevent STD's, unwanted pregnancies, and oh, yeah, Amazon monsters from using your sperm to create a baby monster that tries to kill you.


Heh. I'm not even sure how Dean's sperm was even involved myself, since the lab guy pointed out that the DNA they found wasn't human... which would tend to mean that the Amazons were not human, but a different species which theoretically would mean they shouldn't be able to mix DNA with a human, but whatever.


And on a third note - Yay! Mr Fizzles is dead. I agree with you SueB : that puppet is somehow both fascinating and horrifying * - mostly the second - and so needed to die so that I won't be tempted to gaze upon the horror due to morbid curiosity.


* I was going to put an example here, but decided it was too macabre. (It was buggy in nature).


-- Defending Your Life

-- Adventures in Babysitting

++ Hello Cruel World


41 - Slash Fiction

37 - Time After Time

35 - Hello, Cruel World

31 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

23 - Meet the New Boss

21 - The Mentalists

19 - Death's Door

21 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

17 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - Of Grave Importance

15 - There Will Be Blood

13 - Out with the Old

13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

13 - Repo Man

09 - Adventures in Babysitting

05 - Survival of the Fittest

01 - Defending Your Life

Link to comment

My Slice Girl theory is that she bit a hole into the condom while putting it on....hence Dean's "good times" face.


++ The Born Again Identity

-- Out With The Old
++ Reading Is Fundamental


41 - Slash Fiction
37 - Time After Time
35 - Hello, Cruel World
31 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss

23 - Reading is Fundamental

21 - The Mentalists
19 - Death's Door
19 - The Born-Again Identity
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man

11 - Out with the Old

09 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
01 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door

The Slice Girls

  • Love 1
Link to comment

++Defending Your Life (I know it's doomed, but I just really love the Jo scene at the end)

++Death's Door

--Adventures in Babysitting


41 - Slash Fiction
37 - Time After Time
35 - Hello, Cruel World
31 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss

23 - Reading is Fundamental

21 - The Mentalists
21 - Death's Door
19 - The Born-Again Identity
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man

11 - Out with the Old

07 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
03 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door

The Slice Girls

Link to comment

Top two ++

Plucky ++


43 - Slash Fiction
39 - Time After Time
35 - Hello, Cruel World
33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - The Mentalists
21 - Death's Door
19 - The Born-Again Identity
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Of Grave Importance
15 - There Will Be Blood
13 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
13 - Repo Man
11 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
03 - Defending Your Life

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Link to comment

Repo Man --

TGw/tDaDT --

There Will Be Blood --


43 - Slash Fiction
39 - Time After Time
35 - Hello, Cruel World
33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - The Mentalists
21 - Death's Door
19 - The Born-Again Identity
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
11 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
03 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Link to comment

++ Slash Fiction

-- bottom two


45 - Slash Fiction
39 - Time After Time
35 - Hello, Cruel World
33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - The Mentalists
21 - Death's Door
19 - The Born-Again Identity
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
11 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
03 - Survival of the Fittest
01 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Link to comment

-- Slash Fiction

++ Time After Time

++ Death's Door


43 - Slash Fiction
41 - Time After Time
35 - Hello, Cruel World
33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental

23 - Death's Door
21 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
11 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
03 - Survival of the Fittest
01 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Edited by 7kstar
Link to comment

++ Slash Fiction

++Hello Cruel World

--Death's Door

I won't kill Defending Your Life. 


45 - Slash Fiction
41- Time After Time
37 - Hello, Cruel World
33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental

21 - Death's Door
21 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
15 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
11 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
03 - Survival of the Fittest
01 - Defending Your Life

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Edited by catrox14
Link to comment

++ Hello Cruel World

-- Of Grave Imprtance (score 1 for unpopular opinions)

++ Defending Your Life (and 1 for lost causes)

45 - Slash Fiction

41- Time After Time

39 - Hello, Cruel World

33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

23 - Meet the New Boss

23 - Reading is Fundamental

21 - Death's Door

21 - The Mentalists

19 - The Born-Again Identity

17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

13 - Of Grave Importance

13 - There Will Be Blood

11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

11 - Repo Man

11 - Out with the Old

07 - Adventures in Babysitting

03 - Survival of the Fittest

03 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Party On, Garth

The Girl Next Door

The Slice Girls

Edited by RandomMe
Link to comment

-- The Mentalists
-- Out With The Old
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


45 - Slash Fiction
41- Time After Time
39 - Hello, Cruel World
33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - Death's Door
19 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
13 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
09 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
03 - Survival of the Fittest
03 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Link to comment

-- Defending Your Life

++ Survival of the Fittest

++ The Mentalists

45 - Slash Fiction
41- Time After Time
39 - Hello, Cruel World
33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - Death's Door
21 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
13 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
09 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
01 - Defending Your Life


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Link to comment

Slash ++

Plucky ++

Time After Time ++


47 - Slash Fiction
43- Time After Time
39 - Hello, Cruel World
35 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - Death's Door
21 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
13 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
09 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
05 - Survival of the Fittest
01 - Defending Your Life

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Link to comment

I'll make Defending Your Life eat itself. I don't mind the episode, I just wish it had a better through line with it, but it was really, really nice to see Jo again and it was even nicer how she didn't pile more guilt on Dean. And even though Dean will never believe her, it was nice she tried to get Dean to see he was more than his guilt.



-- Survival of the Fittest
-- Defending Your Life

++ Hello, Cruel World



47 - Slash Fiction
43- Time After Time
41 - Hello, Cruel World
35 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - Death's Door
21 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
13 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
11 - Repo Man
09 - Out with the Old
07 - Adventures in Babysitting
03 - Survival of the Fittest


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls

Defending Your Life

Link to comment

Repo Man --

Out with the Old --

Adventures in Babysitting --


47 - Slash Fiction
43- Time After Time
41 - Hello, Cruel World
35 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - Death's Door
21 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
13 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

09 - Repo Man
07 - Out with the Old
05 - Adventures in Babysitting
03 - Survival of the Fittest

Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls
Defending Your Life

Link to comment

With more than a few of the season 7 episodes, I'm having a hard time remembering what they were about, just based on the title.  This is not a problem for me for the earlier seasons, oddly enough.  So with that in mind, I'm now voting based on pretty shaky reasons, and can likely be convinced to go either way with my voting for at least some eps if presented with a persuasive enough case.  And, yes, this means my vote could be bought.


++ Slash Fiction

-- Time after Time

-- Hello Cruel World


49 - Slash Fiction
41- Time After Time
39 - Hello, Cruel World
35 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
23 - Meet the New Boss
23 - Reading is Fundamental
21 - Death's Door
21 - The Mentalists
19 - The Born-Again Identity
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
13 - Of Grave Importance
13 - There Will Be Blood
11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

09 - Repo Man
07 - Out with the Old
05 - Adventures in Babysitting
03 - Survival of the Fittest


Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Party On, Garth
The Girl Next Door
The Slice Girls
Defending Your Life

  • Love 1
Link to comment

++ Hello Cruel World

-- The Born-Again Identity

-- The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo


49 - Slash Fiction

41- Time After Time

41 - Hello, Cruel World

35 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

23 - Meet the New Boss

23 - Reading is Fundamental

21 - Death's Door

21 - The Mentalists

17 - The Born-Again Identity

15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

13 - Of Grave Importance

13 - There Will Be Blood

09 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

09 - Repo Man

07 - Out with the Old

05 - Adventures in Babysitting

03 - Survival of the Fittest



Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!

Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Party On, Garth

The Girl Next Door

The Slice Girls

Defending Your Life

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