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Supernatural Survival Game

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Ditty you got it back on track. 


+ Ellen
+ Jo
-- Ash

26 - Rufus
24 - Bobby
23 - Ellen
02 - Jo

Salted and Burned:
Christian Campbell
Gwen Campbell



I totally should have sung John and Mary...but then I didn't vote them off.  lol


Poor Ash, we enjoyed your smarts and the party in the back but sorry I love Jo more.

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+ Bobby

-- Rufus
-- Jo


Jo, I adored you and your little miss sassypants attitude.  I loved your relationship with Dean and how true you were to yourself.  I hope you found your way to Harvelle's and are kicking butt at poker and darts while listening to REO Speedwagon.  #ICan'tFightThisFeeling


25 - Bobby

24 - Rufus
23 - Ellen



Salted and Burned:
Christian Campbell
Gwen Campbell


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I love Rufus, but he didn't mean as much to Sam and Dean, so I think I'll set it up for a showdown between their surrogate father and surrogate mother.  *sob*


Bobby +

Ellen +

Rufus -- 


05 - Bobby
05 - Ellen
01 - Rufus

Salted and Burned:
Christian Campbell
Gwen Campbell

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... And they're coming around the turn neck and neck, it's Rufus by a nose, no it's Bobby, now Ellen is coming up from the outside...they're entering the homestretch and it's going to be a photo finish here today....

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Like Thelma and Louise, over the cliff they go in a blaze of glory!

-- Bobby

-- Ellen

Salted and Burned:


Christian Campbell


Gwen Campbell








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Well following Demented Daisy's original list:  Angels are up next!



15 - Castiel
15 - Metatron
15 - Hannah
15 - Zachariah
15 - Naomi
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Gadreel
15 - Balthazar
15 - Gabriel
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
15 - Michael

15 - Lucifer (added)


but since I just FINISHED the last game, can someone kick us off with voting first??  Note: I added Lucifer because that his SPECIES.  So... please weigh in if he should be on the list in your opinions.

Edited by SueB
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++ Lucifer

++ Gadreel

-- Castiel


17 - Lucifer

17 - Gadreel
15 - Metatron
15 - Hannah
15 - Zachariah
15 - Naomi
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Balthazar
15 - Gabriel
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
15 - Michael

13 - Castiel

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I left Lucifer off the angels list because 1: there are so few demons; and 2: his nature was much more demonic than angelic.  If we go by species, then all of the humans should have been in one group.  But if everyone prefers it this way, then so be it.


Lucifer --

Castiel ++

Gabriel ++


17 - Gabriel

17 - Gadreel

15 - Lucifer

15 - Metatron

15 - Hannah
15 - Zachariah
15 - Naomi
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Balthazar
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
15 - Michael
15 - Castiel

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I would actually prefer all the humans to be in one group, so I guess this is fine with me.

Metatron --

Lucifer --

Castiel ++

17 - Gabriel

17 - Gadreel

17 - Castiel

15 - Hannah

15 - Zachariah

15 - Naomi

15 - Anna Milton

15 - Balthazar

15 - Uriel

15 - Samandriel

15 - Raphael

15 - Michael

13 - Metateon

13 - Lucifer

Edited by RandomMe
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Sorry, guys. I totally forgot to vote. Life has been wack the past couple of days.



++Zachariah( yes I hate loved Zachariah)

17 - Zachariah

17 - Gadreel

17 - Castiel

15 - Hannah

15 - Gabriel

15 - Naomi

15 - Anna Milton

15 - Balthazar

15 - Uriel

15 - Samandriel

15 - Raphael

15 - Michael

13 - Lucifer

11 - Metatron

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++ Gabriel
++ Castiel


19 - Castiel

17 - Zachariah
17 - Gadreel
15 - Hannah

17 - Gabriel

15 - Naomi
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Balthazar
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
15 - Michael
13 - Lucifer
09 - Metatron

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Angels, eh? Well since most of the angels have been carbon copies of each other, IMO, this round should be much easier for me than the last one. There's only two on this list I considered up voting.


-- Michael
-- Lucifer
-- Metatron


19 - Castiel

17 - Zachariah
17 - Gadreel
17 - Gabriel

15 - Hannah

15 - Naomi
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Balthazar
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
13 - Michael
11 - Lucifer
07 - Metatron

Edited by DittyDotDot
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++ Gabriel
++ Balthazar
-- Metatron


19 - Castiel

19 - Gabriel

17 - Zachariah
17 - Gadreel

17 - Balthazar

15 - Hannah

15 - Naomi
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
13 - Michael
11 - Lucifer
05 - Metatron


This list is much easier for me.  I liked Anna at first but then they created a stupid mess so now I will let you decide.  I have a smaller group to try to save but this next week may not have time to vote.

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I'll vote for a couple of minor faves this round.  And the sooner a certain angel is gone, the better.  ;-)


Balthazar ++

Naomi ++

Metatron --


19 - Castiel
19 - Gabriel

19 - Balthazar

17 - Zachariah

17 - Gadreel
17 - Naomi

15 - Hannah
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
13 - Michael
11 - Lucifer
03 - Metatron

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-- Castiel

++ Lucifer

++ Gadreel


19 - Gabriel

19 - Balthazar

19 - Gadreel

17 - Zachariah

17 - Castiel

17 - Naomi

15 - Hannah
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Uriel
15 - Samandriel
15 - Raphael
13 - Michael
13 - Lucifer
03 - Metatron

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19 - Gabriel

19 - Balthazar

19 - Gadreel

19 - Castiel

19 - Naomi

17 - Zachariah

15 - Hannah

15 - Anna Milton

15 - Uriel

15 - Samandriel

15 - Raphael

13 - Michael

13 - Lucifer

01 - Metatron

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I kind of love to hate Metatron so I'm not going to kill him off


-- Uriel

-- Raphael

++ Lucifer


19 - Gabriel
19 - Balthazar
19 - Gadreel
19 - Castiel
19 - Naomi
17 - Zachariah
15 - Hannah
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Samandriel

15 - Lucifer
13 - Raphael

13 - Uriel
13 - Michael
01 - Metatron

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As angels go, Metatron is EPIC!Fail.  First he hides out reading every story ever written but fails to fall in love with humanity.  Now personally, I find Curtis Armstrong does a fantastic job of playing a truly detestable baddie.  He's not my favorite villain but he's gotten some good zingers and I loved Gadreel catching him trying on the trenchcoat ala Castiel.  So kudos to Curtis, but he stole Cas' grace, ordered Kevin's death, KILLED DEAN....yep..Metatron is getting voted off of the Angel island first.


-- Uriel

++ Samandriel (I LOVED Alfie)

-- Metatron

19 - Gabriel
19 - Balthazar
19 - Gadreel
19 - Castiel
19 - Naomi
17 - Zachariah

17 - Samandriel

15 - Hannah
15 - Anna Milton
15 - Lucifer

13 - Michael
13- Raphael
11- Uriel


Smited Into Oblivion


Edited by SueB
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I think the concept of Marvatron was far more interesting than what he turned out to be. However, I did find him interesting in his introduction and humorous towards the end of S9 when he was trying to be like Cass to get in with the cool crowd. But, I think he's served his purpose and then some, so good time to take his bow. Here's to hoping Gadreel finds and torments him in whatever angel-afterlife might be.


Tiny suggestion--not that it really matters--should we not save the smiting for the demons and maybe change that to "Dispatched to the Outfield" or some thing like that?


++ Castiel
++ Naomi

-- Hannah


21 - Castiel
21 - Naomi

19 - Gabriel
19 - Balthazar
19 - Gadreel
17 - Zachariah

17 - Samandriel

15 - Anna Milton
15 - Lucifer

13 - Michael
13- Raphael

13 - Hannah
11- Uriel


Smited Into Oblivion


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++ Gadreel

++ Lucifer

-- Castiel


21 - Naomi
21 - Gabriel

19 - Castiel
19 - Balthazar
19 - Gadreel
17 - Zachariah
17 - Samandriel

17 - Lucifer
15 - Anna Milton
13 - Michael
13- Raphael
13 - Hannah
09- Uriel


Smited Into Oblivion (Dispatched to the Outfield?)


Edited by rue721
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++ Castiel

-- Anna



What about "Only their wings left behind" or something like that for the dead and gone title, since the outline of the wings was left when the angels were killed off.


21 - Naomi
21 - Gabriel

21 - Castiel
19 - Balthazar
19 - Gadreel
17 - Zachariah
17 - Samandriel

17 - Lucifer
13 - Anna Milton
13 - Michael
13- Raphael
11 - Hannah
09- Uriel


Smited Into Oblivion (Dispatched to the Outfield?)


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How about the title below? (Feel free to change/reset)

++ Castiel

-- Hanna

-- Lucifer


23 - Castiel

21 - Naomi

21 - Gabriel

19 - Balthazar

19 - Gadreel

17 - Zachariah

17 - Samandriel

15 - Lucifer

13 - Anna Milton

13 - Michael

13- Raphael

09 - Hannah

09- Uriel


Exploded into Feathery Ash


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++ Castiel

-- Naomi

++ Balthazar (I maybe blinded by my crush on Sebastian Roche)

25 - Castiel

21 - Gabriel

21 - Balthazar

19 - Naomi

19 - Gadreel

17 - Zachariah

17 - Samandriel

15 - Lucifer

13 - Anna Milton

13 - Michael

13- Raphael

09 - Hannah

09- Uriel

Exploded into Feathery Ash -- How about "Torched While Falling to Earth"?


Edited by SueB
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Oh man, I'm sorry I started the title debate, now there's so many good options...what should we do?


++ Naomi

-- Raphael
-- Hannah


25 - Castiel
21 - Gabriel
21 - Balthazar
21 - Naomi
19 - Gadreel
17 - Zachariah
17 - Samandriel
15 - Lucifer
13 - Anna Milton
13 - Michael
11 - Raphael

09 - Uriel
07 - Hannah

Exploded into Feathery Ash -- How about "Torched While Falling to Earth"?

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Or "Molotov'd with Holy Oil"?  ;-)


Gabriel ++

Raphael --

Uriel --


25 - Castiel
23 - Gabriel
21 - Balthazar
21 - Naomi
19 - Gadreel
17 - Zachariah
17 - Samandriel
15 - Lucifer
13 - Anna Milton
13 - Michael
09 - Raphael
07 - Uriel
07 - Hannah

Exploded into Feathery Ash -- How about "Torched While Falling to Earth"?

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Okay, since I started this, here's all the options...damn it, I like them all! Anyway, How's this, put a + next to your choice and the winner by this time tomorrow will be the victor.


So what say you all?


Smited Into Oblivion

Dispatched to the Outfield

Only their wings left behind

Exploded into Feathery Ash

Torched While Falling to Earth

+ Molotov'd with Holy Oil

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-- Castiel

++ Gadreel

++ Lucifer


23 - Castiel
23 - Gabriel
21 - Balthazar
21 - Naomi
21 - Gadreel
17 - Zachariah
17 - Samandriel
17 - Lucifer
13 - Anna Milton
13 - Michael
09 - Raphael
07 - Uriel
07 - Hannah


Smited Into Oblivion

Dispatched to the Outfield

Only their wings left behind

Exploded into Feathery Ash

Torched While Falling to Earth

+ + Molotov'd with Holy Oil



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++ Castiel

-- Hannah



25 - Castiel
23 - Gabriel
21 - Balthazar
21 - Naomi
21 - Gadreel
17 - Zachariah
17 - Samandriel
17 - Lucifer
13 - Anna Milton
13 - Michael
09 - Raphael
05 - Uriel
05 - Hannah


Smited Into Oblivion

Dispatched to the Outfield

+Only their wings left behind

Exploded into Feathery Ash

Torched While Falling to Earth

+ + Molotov'd with Holy Oil


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