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Supernatural Survival Game

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I won't eulogize All Dogs go to Heaven but I did like the actor that played Lucky.


Frontierland ++

The Man Who Would Be King ++

Unforgiven --


29 - Frontierland
23 - Weekend at Bobby's
23 - French Mistake
21 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
17 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Two and a Half Men
15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - The Third Man
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
15 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Family Matters
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
11 - ...And Then There Were None
11 - Exile on Main St.

11 - Like a Virgin

09 - Unforgiven
05 - Let It Bleed


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

Edited by catrox14
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Frontierland ++

The Third Man ++

My Heart Will Go On --

31 - Frontierland

23 - Weekend at Bobby's

23 - French Mistake

21 - Appointment in Samarra

21 - Live Free or Twihard

21 - The Man Who Would Be King

17 - Mommy Dearest

17 - Two and a Half Men

17 - The Third Man

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Family Matters

13 - Caged Heat

11 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

11 - ...And Then There Were None

11 - Exile on Main St.

11 - Like a Virgin

09 - Unforgiven

05 - Let It Bleed

In flagrante with the King of Hell:

All Dogs Go to Heaven

Edited by RandomMe
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Almost forgot to vote today... darn work getting in the way (Thursday's are long and busy).


And okay, I'll stop picking on "Live Free.." for a while, although I really do have several bones to pick with that episode which for me somehow managed to make Dean look like both a badass and an idiot at the same time.


-- Exile On Main Street

++ Mommy Dearest

-- Family Matters


31 - Frontierland
23 - Weekend at Bobby's
23 - French Mistake
21 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
19 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Two and a Half Men
17 - The Third Man
15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat

11 - Family Matters
11 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
11 - ...And Then There Were None
11 - Like a Virgin

09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Unforgiven
05 - Let It Bleed


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

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The good thing about All Dogs was the way the walked BadAss away from the car, and that it was easy to vote off. Sorry Lucky.

++ Let It Bleed I guess I'm the only one that liked this?

-- Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

-- Like A Virgin

31 - Frontierland

23 - Weekend at Bobby's

23 - French Mistake

21 - Appointment in Samarra

21 - Live Free or Twihard

21 - The Man Who Would Be King

19 - Mommy Dearest

17 - Two and a Half Men

17 - The Third Man

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Caged Heat

11 - Family Matters

11 - ...And Then There Were None

09 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

09 - Like a Virgin

09 - Exile on Main St.

09 - Unforgiven

07 - Let It Bleed

In flagrante with the King of Hell:

All Dogs Go to Heaven

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-- Frontierland
++ Weekend at Bobby's

++ French Mistake


29 - Frontierland
25 - Weekend at Bobby's
25 - French Mistake
21 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
19 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Two and a Half Men
17 - The Third Man
15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
09 - Like a Virgin
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Unforgiven
07 - Let It Bleed


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

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++ Frontierland
++ Let It Bleed

-- Unforgiven


31 - Frontierland
25 - Weekend at Bobby's
25 - French Mistake
21 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
19 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Two and a Half Men
17 - The Third Man
15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
09 - Like a Virgin
09 - Exile on Main St.

09 - Let It Bleed
07 - Unforgiven


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven


There are parts of Let it Bleed I really like, but my problem is I haven't rewatched 6 and I didn't watched it live.  Some eps I missed and others I don't remember at all.  So I only will be saving those that stuck out. 


I think the problem with season 6 is they tried to do too much, and they couldn't pull off the ideas.  If it had had a bit more focus, I think it could have been really outstanding.  I don't think Gamble was bad, just really inexperienced and stuck in group think.  I think the Campbell family addition could have been awesome but it fell short and I loved Lisa and Ben.


Plus she had the hard time overcoming the followers that thought Krikpe was the best.  I came in later and never saw him as the best and felt that really they had equal good and bad but that is a discussion better left for another thread.


And okay, I'll stop picking on "Live Free.." for a while, although I really do have several bones to pick with that episode which for me somehow managed to make Dean look like both a badass and an idiot at the same time.

the opening and the moment with Lisa & Ben get me.  I get how stupid it was for Dean to go to them, but for some reason I like it more than I hate it.  But I can see your point, I just found myself watching parts of it over and over again.

Edited by 7kstar
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Appointment in Samarra ++


Unforgiven --


31 - Frontierland
25 - Weekend at Bobby's
25 - French Mistake
23 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
19 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Two and a Half Men
17 - The Third Man
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
09 - Like a Virgin
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed
05 - Unforgiven

In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

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I haven't played this game in years, so I may be a bit rusty.  Hope I'm doing this right....


Weekend at Bobby's ++

Mannequin 3- -

Let it Bleed - -



31 - Frontierland
27 - Weekend at Bobby's
25 - French Mistake
23 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
19 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Two and a Half Men
17 - The Third Man
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Like a Virgin
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed

07 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
03 - Unforgiven

In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven


I find it difficult to give pluses to any Season 6 ep, given that it was my least favourite, but I went with Weekend at Bobby's because it was a decent ep that could have fit in on any other season.

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Mannequin 3- -

Unforgiven- -


33 - Frontierland
27 - Weekend at Bobby's
25 - French Mistake
23 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
19 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Two and a Half Men
17 - The Third Man
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Like a Virgin
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed

05 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
01- Unforgiven


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

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++ Mommy Dearest

++ The Man Who Knew Too Much

-- Two and a Half Men


33 - Frontierland
27 - Weekend at Bobby's
25 - French Mistake
23 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest
17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Like a Virgin
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed

05 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
01- Unforgiven


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

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So Unforgiven is quickly shuffled off the survival games' mortal coil. It had some necessary part; Sam realized that Death was right (ya think?) and to not scratch the wall. I supposed both Winchesters are pig headed enough that they occasionally need to burn their hand rather than not touch the hot stove simply because they were told not too. But the season needed to wrap up the Soulless Sam arc a bot and showing how awful Sam was (and his apparent John-like predilection for using people as bait) provided some grist for the angst mill. Sam being a hound dog with women seemed kinda judgey. I did like Dean stating the Hunter's rule of not going to the same place twice. But ... It needed to go IMO because it didn't develop the characters or move the plot FORWARD. So meh.

-- Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

-- Like a Virgin

-- Unforgiven

33 - Frontierland

27 - Weekend at Bobby's

25 - French Mistake

23 - Appointment in Samarra

21 - Live Free or Twihard

21 - The Man Who Would Be King

21 - Mommy Dearest

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - Two and a Half Men

15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Caged Heat

11 - Family Matters

11 - ...And Then There Were None

09 - Exile on Main St.

09 - Let It Bleed

07 -- Like a Virgin

03 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

In flagrante with the King of Hell:

All Dogs Go to Heaven


  • Love 1
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Frontierland ++

The Man Who Knew Too Much --

Clap Your Hands If You Believe ++

35 - Frontierland

27 - Weekend at Bobby's

25 - French Mistake

23 - Appointment in Samarra

21 - Live Free or Twihard

21 - The Man Who Would Be King

21 - Mommy Dearest

17 - The Third Man

15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - Two and a Half Men

15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On

13 - Caged Heat

11 - Family Matters

11 - ...And Then There Were None

09 - Exile on Main St.

09 - Let It Bleed

07 -- Like a Virgin

03 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

In flagrante with the King of Hell:

All Dogs Go to Heaven


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-- Frontierland
++ Appointment in Samarra

-- Mannequin 3: The Reckoning


33 - Frontierland
27 - Weekend at Bobby's
25 - French Mistake
25 - Appointment in Samarra
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest
17 - The Third Man
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed
07 -- Like a Virgin
01 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

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Appointment ++

Frontierland -- (I love the premise, but the actual execution kind of disappointed me!)

Clap Your Hands ++


31 - Frontierland
27 - Weekend at Bobby's

27 - Appointment in Samarra
25 - French Mistake
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest

17 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
17 - The Third Man
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed
07 -- Like a Virgin
01 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

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Weekend at Bobby's ++
Frontierland  ++
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning -

33 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
27 - Appointment in Samarra
25 - French Mistake
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest
17 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
17 - The Third Man
15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed
07 -- Like a Virgin

In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven

Mannequin 3: The Reckoning


Someone that loved “Mannequin 3: The Reckoning” eulogize it.  I don’t even remember it so it was a easy kill for me.

Edited by 7kstar
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No love for Mannequin 3: The Reckoning, here. But I will say that I did enjoy Dean and Lisa discussing what they wanted from each other and if this had been the end of Lisa and Ben, I would have been cool with it. I always felt like Dean liked the idea of Lisa and Ben more than the reality and this was a good way to wrap it up, IMO. But, they went and screwed it up later, so meh. Plus, the actual case of the week was not only boring, but poorly executed to boot. Sigh.



Frontierland -- (I love the premise, but the actual execution kind of disappointed me!)


So much this. I enjoy the episode enough, but best of the season...not for me. I really wish the episode was more than a bunch of jokey clichés. It was such a perfect opportunity for the show--since I think Supernatural is really just a western wearing horror/sci fi disguise--but, I feel like they blew it in the end.

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No love for Mannequin 3: The Reckoning, here. But I will say that I did enjoy Dean and Lisa discussing what they wanted from each other and if this had been the end of Lisa and Ben, I would have been cool with it. I always felt like Dean liked the idea of Lisa and Ben more than the reality and this was a good way to wrap it up, IMO. But, they went and screwed it up later, so meh. Plus, the actual case of the week was not only boring, but poorly executed to boot. Sigh.

I never saw the ep, that was the one I haven't seen and I liked Lisa and Ben.    My problem is I don't know how I would feel about it now.  I just don't have time to do a watch and I doubt I would buy the entire season, but some eps stick out. 



Frontierland -- (I love the premise, but the actual execution kind of disappointed me!)


So much this. I enjoy the episode enough, but best of the season...not for me. I really wish the episode was more than a bunch of jokey clichés. It was such a perfect opportunity for the show--since I think Supernatural is really just a western wearing horror/sci fi disguise--but, I feel like they blew it in the end.

That is the entire problem with the Gamble years, she had some really interesting and challenging ideas but the execution creates more problems than it solves.  But I have to vote on what I like the most from that season and Frontierland sticks out more than the others. 


Plus it is so funny that the guy that can ride a horse isn't allowed to do it.  I also think it is cool to hear how Jensen learned how to do a quick draw and the issues that actors had to deal with when they did so many westerns so long ago.    For me this is why Fanfiction was created to try to fix some of the weak spots of the show you love. 

Edited by 7kstar
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French Mistake ++


Like a Virgin --


33 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
27 - Appointment in Samarra
27 - French Mistake
21 - Live Free or Twihard
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest

17 - The Third Man

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Exile on Main St.
09 - Let It Bleed
05 - Like a Virgin

In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Well I'll just say now that I love every silly wonderful moment of Frontierland. IMO it moved the plot forward. It was damn funny and clever. But Dean letting his geek flag fly high and proud makes me happier than a pig in mud. It was so beautiful to see Dean be happy for 5 freaking minutes. And yes on the shallow end, Dean in the duster and stetson. Boy howdy mother may I!

Also, Posse Magnet will never not be funny to me.

Edited by catrox14
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What I remember most about "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning" is the beginning and the end. In the beginning conversation, Dean got to have his say about his concerns and be the one to be the voice of reason. (And I liked his little "well, lucky for you, I'm a doctor.") Then at the end, when Dean was unsure and shaken, Sam picked up the slack and became the voice of reason and hope. I loved Sam's heartfelt "thank you" to Dean and his sincere attempt to let Dean know that he would have his back too. These scenes showed how the brothers truly started complimenting each other (in the compensating for each other's weaknesses way) during this time of the show, each trying to be there for the other. And at the same time, they were also on the same page - unlike season 5 where despite some attempts at this, they were not communicating their true feelings and were talking past each other. With this episode, it was the start of their sincere attempts to communicate - not just assume the other would know how they felt: Dean with his insistence in the beginning that no, he wasn't going to let Sam hurt himself with his guilt, and he was owning that, and Sam at the end with making it a point to thank Dean, not just assume Dean would know, and to let Dean know that he believed in what they did, even with the occasional hunt that didn't work out, and that he had Dean's back. Scenes like those really remind me why I hated the first half of season 8 so very much.


It's just too bad that the rest of the episode didn't compliment these two bookend scenes...


In other news, okay.. reprieve over. To steal from Calliope - I can't even with this episode...


-- Live Free or Twihard

-- Exile on Main Street

++ The Man Who Knew Too Much  (I know I'm being stubborn on this, but I love this episode for so many reasons)




33 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
27 - Appointment in Samarra
27 - French Mistake
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest

19 - Live Free or Twihard

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
11 - Family Matters
11 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Let It Bleed

07 - Exile on Main St.
05 - Like a Virgin


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

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Excellent point, AwesomeO4000, about the bookend scenes in Mannequin 3.  I remember Dean describing the pills as "effective", and that was the first time i realized that he's taking in more than alcohol.

I'm having a surprisingly hard time with Season 6!  There's almost one good thing in just about every episode (like AwesomeO pointed out about Mannequin 3). I won't vote down Exile on Main Street because the Bob Seger montage was f*cking pefect. While I HATED the mindwipe, I really liked the 'Taken' scene from the start of Let It Bleed. And Jensen Ackles channels Liam Nelson BadAss pretty well. Arggggg.


-- Family Matters -- most Grandpa Campbell stuff was meh. I swear, was he wearing guyliner?

-- Like a Virgin

-- ....And Then There Were None


33 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
27 - Appointment in Samarra
27 - French Mistake
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest

19 - Live Free or Twihard

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
13 - Caged Heat
09 - Family Matters
09 - ...And Then There Were None
09 - Let It Bleed

07 - Exile on Main St.
03 - Like a Virgin


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

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I'm right there with you about the Grampy Campbell bits, SueB--although I didn't notice the guyliner. I'm starting S6 on the rewatch and I'll have to pay attention better.


-- Caged Heat

-- ...And Then There Were None
-- Let It Bleed


33 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
27 - Appointment in Samarra
27 - French Mistake
21 - The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest

19 - Live Free or Twihard

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
09 - Caged Heat
09 - Family Matters

07 - Exile on Main St.
07 - ...And Then There Were None
07 - Let It Bleed

03 - Like a Virgin


In flagrante with the King of Hell:
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

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++The Man Who Would Be King

-- Like a Virgin

35 - Frontierland

29 - Weekend at Bobby's

27 - Appointment in Samarra

27 - French Mistake

23- The Man Who Would Be King

21 - Mommy Dearest

19 - Live Free or Twihard

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

15 - Two and a Half Men

15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - My Heart Will Go On

09 - Caged Heat

09 - Family Matters

07 - Exile on Main St.

07 - ...And Then There Were None

07 - Let It Bleed

01 - Like a Virgin

In flagrante with the King of Hell

All Dogs Go to Heaven


Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Edited by catrox14
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++ Live Free or Twihard
++ Let It Bleed
-- Family Matters


35 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
27 - Appointment in Samarra
27 - French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest
21 - Live Free or Twihard
17 - The Third Man
17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
09 - Caged Heat
09 - Let It Bleed
07 - Family Matters
07 - Exile on Main St.
07 - ...And Then There Were None
01 - Like a Virgin


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning


Most likely enough time has gone by that if I rewatched this season some of my dislikes would change, but I have always found a gem in every ep even if it is just plain awful.  It's why I'm still here for the really good ones.  I don't have time for a re-watch nor do I own this season, so I'll just vote for the strong ones I remember.  I liked Dean trying to pull the sword out of the stone, so I'll let someone else kill Like a Virgin.

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I'll go ahead and take it out.  I don't hate it, but I remember when I heard about it, I thought I must have misunderstood.  Dragons on Supernatural?  Frankly, the idea seemed ludicrous.  Regardless, I give the episode a solid "meh". 


The French Mistake ++


Like a Virgin --


35 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake

27 - Appointment in Samarra

23- The Man Who Would Be King

21 - Mommy Dearest
21 - Live Free or Twihard
17 - The Third Man
17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - Two and a Half Men
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On
09 - Caged Heat
09 - Let It Bleed
07 - Family Matters
07 - Exile on Main St.
07 - ...And Then There Were None

In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Like a Virgin

Edited by Demented Daisy
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This is a more challenging round than I would have guessed because of several terrific stand alone episodes and even episodes that I loathe have some really great acting moments.


DementedDaisy, I legit Lol'd at your "solid meh".  That sort of sums up s6 for me right up until Let it Bleed which shoved it into active loathing for me because of the complete character assassination of Dean Winchester.

  • Love 1
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...and Then There Were None --

Family Matters --

Two and a Half Men --

35 - Frontierland

29 - Weekend at Bobby's

29 - French Mistake

27 - Appointment in Samarra

23- The Man Who Would Be King

21 - Mommy Dearest

21 - Live Free or Twihard

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - Two and a Half Men

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - My Heart Will Go On

09 - Caged Heat

09 - Let It Bleed

07 - Exile on Main St.

05 - ...And Then There Were None

05 - Family Matters

In flagrante with the King of Hell

All Dogs Go to Heaven


Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Like a Virgin

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-- Two and a Half Men

-- Caged Heat

-- Family Matters


35 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
27 - Appointment in Samarra
23- The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest
21 - Live Free or Twihard
17 - The Third Man
17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Caged Heat
09 - Let It Bleed
07 - Exile on Main St.
05 - ...And Then There Were None
03 - Family Matters


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin

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-- Let It Bleed
-- ...And Then There Were None
-- Family Matters


35 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
27 - Appointment in Samarra
23- The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest
21 - Live Free or Twihard
17 - The Third Man
17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Caged Heat
07 - Exile on Main St.

07 - Let It Bleed
03 - ...And Then There Were None
01 - Family Matters


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin

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Here I go again; bye Family Matters.  I'd say something about it, but the name means nothing to me.  *checking imdb*  Ah, that one.  I've always had questions, but I'll take them to the appropriate thread.  :-)


Family Matters --


Appointment in Samarra ++


35 - Frontierland
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
29 - Appointment in Samarra
23- The Man Who Would Be King
21 - Mommy Dearest
21 - Live Free or Twihard
17 - The Third Man
17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
11 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Caged Heat
07 - Exile on Main St.
07 - Let It Bleed
03 - ...And Then There Were None

In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin

Family Matters

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Family Matters. For me, the highlight of the episode was Alpha vamp Rick Worthy. He has the gravitas to play ancient. And to threaten with a smile. He did an excellent vampiric Hannible Lector.

... And Then There Were None --

Two and a Half Men --

You Can't Handle The Truth --

35 - Frontierland

29 - Weekend at Bobby's

29 - French Mistake

29 - Appointment in Samarra

23- The Man Who Would Be King

21 - Mommy Dearest

21 - Live Free or Twihard

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

13 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

09 - Two and a Half Men

07 - Caged Heat

07 - Exile on Main St.

07 - Let It Bleed

01 - ...And Then There Were None

In flagrante with the King of Hell

All Dogs Go to Heaven


Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Like a Virgin

Family Matters

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Rick Worthy is such a great actor. He was fantastic. I would love to see him back. I was really hoping Dean would have met him in purgatory.


++Appointment in Samarra

--Let it Bleed

37 - Frontierland

31 - Appointment in Samarra

29 - Weekend at Bobby's

29 - French Mistake

23- The Man Who Would Be King

21 - Mommy Dearest

21 - Live Free or Twihard

17 - The Third Man

17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

13 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

09 - Two and a Half Men

07 - Caged Heat

07 - Exile on Main St.

05 - Let It Bleed

01 - ...And Then There Were None

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Rick Worthy is such a great actor. He was fantastic. I would love to see him back. I was really hoping Dean would have met him in purgatory.


That would've been cool, but then again, I don't know if I like the idea of anyone else but Dean having killed him for him to end up in Purgatory, so there's that. Now Dean meeting up with that vampire that turned him - yes... or even better: Gordon! Oh, that would've been awesome.


++ Mommy Dearest

++ The Man Who Knew Too Much

-- Live Free or Twihard


37 - Frontierland

31 - Appointment in Samarra

29 - Weekend at Bobby's

29 - French Mistake

23- The Man Who Would Be King

23 - Mommy Dearest

19 - Live Free or Twihard

19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

17 - The Third Man

13 - You Can't Handle the Truth

13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

09 - Two and a Half Men

07 - Caged Heat

07 - Exile on Main St.

05 - Let It Bleed

01 - ...And Then There Were None


In flagrante with the King of Hell

All Dogs Go to Heaven


Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Like a Virgin

Family Matters

Link to comment


That would've been cool, but then again, I don't know if I like the idea of anyone else but Dean having killed him for him to end up in Purgatory, so there's that. Now Dean meeting up with that vampire that turned him - yes... or even better: Gordon! Oh, that would've been awesome.


Man so many missed opportunities with Dean in Purgatory. What a wasted storyline. He could have met Gordon, the vampire that turned him, Madison, Lenore, Amy, the list goes on and on.  How cool would it have been for Cas to have been hunted by Gordon to get to Dean??



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You know, if I were the paranoid type, I would think you all are doing this to me on purpose.  ;-)  I will, once again, swing the axe and kill And Then There Were None.  I would have preferred a better send off for Rufus myself.  Not much else to say about the episode.


Appointment in Samarra ++




37 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest
19 - Live Free or Twihard
19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
17 - The Third Man
13 - You Can't Handle the Truth
13 - My Heart Will Go On
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
09 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Caged Heat
07 - Exile on Main St.
05 - Let It Bleed

In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin
Family Matters

And Then There Were None

Link to comment

I'm sorry DD, I forgot to vote this morning...didn't mean to make you be the axe swinger again. Aww, Rufus, I lament your passing greatly.


-- You Can't Handle the Truth
-- Caged Heat
-- Let It Bleed


37 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
29 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest
19 - Live Free or Twihard
19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
17 - The Third Man
13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - You Can't Handle the Truth

09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
09 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Exile on Main St.

05 - Caged Heat

03 - Let It Bleed


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin
Family Matters

And Then There Were None

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Whoops, cross posting.  This is what I get for letting myself be interrupted in the middle of a post for an hour or so.  I will re-vote, but still feel like I should keep my eulogy for And Then There Were None:


I have not come here to praise "And Then There Were None", but to bury it.  As well as Rufus, Gwen and Grampa Samuel.  Damn, I think my main problem with this ep in hindsight is that if they were going to kill off so many re-occurring characters in one go, it should have been more meaningful and connected  to the season arc.  At the end of the day, their deaths didn't seem to matter.  I don't exactly remember my initial impressions when this ep aired, but I'm pretty sure I thought it was surprisingly boring.



Weekend at Bobby's ++

Caged Heat --

Let It Bleed --


37 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
31 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest
19 - Live Free or Twihard
19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
17 - The Third Man
13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - You Can't Handle the Truth

09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
09 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Exile on Main St.

03 - Caged Heat

01 - Let It Bleed


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin
Family Matters

And Then There Were None

Edited by Iguana
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I won't kill Let It Bleed. That'll be up to others as I liked it. as a huge Megstiel fan I'm going to give Caged Heat a little love

The Third Man -- I can't handle the locust in the custard.

Caged Heat ++

Two and a Half Men --

37 - Frontierland

33 - Appointment in Samarra

31 - Weekend at Bobby's

29 - French Mistake

23- The Man Who Would Be King

23 - Mommy Dearest

19 - Live Free or Twihard

19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

15 - The Third Man

13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - You Can't Handle the Truth

09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

07 - Two and a Half Men

07 - Exile on Main St.

05 - Caged Heat

01 - Let It Bleed

In flagrante with the King of Hell

All Dogs Go to Heaven


Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Like a Virgin

Family Matters

And Then There Were None

Link to comment

-- The Third Man : I sort of agree with SueB, except poor locusts

++ Clap Your Hands If You Believe - the "Then" flashbacks reminded me that  I needed to give this ep some attention

-- Two and Half Men


37 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
31 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest
19 - Live Free or Twihard
19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
13 - The Third Man
13 - My Heart Will Go On
11 - You Can't Handle the Truth
11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
05 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Exile on Main St.
05 - Caged Heat
01 - Let It Bleed


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin
Family Matters
And Then There Were None

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I will happily kill Let it Bleed. I loathe this episode. I loathe it for Dean doing something that I just don't believe he would do and they didn't sell me on why he did it and it made him into an asshole for no good reason.


-- Let it Bleed

++ Frontierland

++Two and Half Men 


39 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
31 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest
19 - Live Free or Twihard
19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
13 - The Third Man
13 - My Heart Will Go On
11 - You Can't Handle the Truth
11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
07 - Two and a Half Men
07 - Exile on Main St.
05 - Caged Heat


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin

Family Matters
And Then There Were None

Let it Bleed

Link to comment

(I hope it's okay to just jump in and play, and I hope I'm playing properly. I only watched season 6 for the first time about 2 weeks ago!)  This was a weird season. It had a lot of good ideas but almost none of them were fully executed (the Campbells!).  I disliked the first half of season 6, but I liked a lot of the "Castiel goes dark with the best of intentions" stuff and the "Sam dealing with his literal tortured soul" stuff in the second half.  I also really liked "Like a Virgin"--I'm bummed it's been voted out already because I think I was almost as happy as Dean was to finally have Sammy back (and I always enjoy happyDean as well as sillyDean, so I also loved the slapstick with sword in the stone).  Also, the Winchester hug in "Like a Virgin" made up for the crappy reunion we got in "Exile on Main Street."


++Weekend at Bobby's

++The Man Who Knew Too Much

--Exile on Main Street


39 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
33 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - The French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest

21 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
19 - Live Free or Twihard
13 - The Third Man
13 - My Heart Will Go On
11 - You Can't Handle the Truth
11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
07 - Two and a Half Men
05 - Exile on Main St.
05 - Caged Heat


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin

Family Matters
And Then There Were None

Let it Bleed

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(I hope it's okay to just jump in and play, and I hope I'm playing properly. I only watched season 6 for the first time about 2 weeks ago!)  This was a weird season. It had a lot of good ideas but almost none of them were fully executed (the Campbells!).  I disliked the first half of season 6, but I liked a lot of the "Castiel goes dark with the best of intentions" stuff and the "Sam dealing with his literal tortured soul" stuff in the second half.  I also really liked "Like a Virgin"--I'm bummed it's been voted out already because I think I was almost as happy as Dean was to finally have Sammy back (and I always enjoy happyDean as well as sillyDean, so I also loved the slapstick with sword in the stone).  Also, the Winchester hug in "Like a Virgin" made up for the crappy reunion we got in "Exile on Main Street."


All good points about "Like A Virgin." I even liked the introduction of Eleanor. I just wish the rest of the episode had been stronger. It's hard for me with season 6 though, because I actually liked quite a bit of the second half of the season. But I agree with you that "Like A Virgin" did have some great stuff in it.


And welcome to our little game.

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Welcome Blue Castle, as always, the more the merrier, IMO!


I won't get too choked up about Like A Virgin here since I'm not too far off from watching it on the rewatch and will likely have bunches to bore y'all with in the episode thread. Like so much of S6, it has it's good and bad. Best part to me was Jethro Tull's New Day Yesterday. Alright, yes, there's a hug that, occasionally, makes me grin so hard my face starts cramping. Oh bite me, I said occasionally. It's not like I'm gonna start feeling my feelings all the damn time now, sheesh! Hee!



-- The Third Man
-- You Can't Handle the Truth
-- Caged Heat


39 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
33 - Weekend at Bobby's
29 - The French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest

21 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
19 - Live Free or Twihard

13 - My Heart Will Go On
11 - The Third Man
09 - You Can't Handle the Truth
11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
07 - Two and a Half Men
05 - Exile on Main St.
03 - Caged Heat


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin

Family Matters
And Then There Were None

Let it Bleed


ETA: Just realized I'm a complete moron and should have been eulogizing Let It Bleed. Sorry, can't do that, not a fav of mine. I will say that Dean was all sorts of bad ass in this episode, that was at least fun to watch. Otherwise, meh. I'm gonna need to come up with another word for meh, S6 is killing me with my repetitiveness.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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The French Mistake ++


Caged Heat --


39 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
33 - Weekend at Bobby's
31 - The French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest
21 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
19 - Live Free or Twihard
13 - My Heart Will Go On
11 - The Third Man
09 - You Can't Handle the Truth
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
07 - Two and a Half Men
05 - Exile on Main St.
01 - Caged Heat

In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin
Family Matters
And Then There Were None
Let it Bleed

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So let me first empathize with catrox14 for her hatred of Let It Bleed. I totally hate the mindwipe.  OTOH, I kinda loved the episode while simultaneously bemoaning some of the choices. What Let It Bleed did was: 1) Cement forever (IMO) that Dean is the BadAss of BadAsses.  He's the Liam Neilson of Supernatural.  You don't f*ck with this guy. EVER.  If I have to pick one non-superpowered hero to take with me into a fight? It'd be Dean Freakin' Winchester. 2) Sam still had faith in Castiel. I LOVE THAT ABOUT SAM.  3) Sebastian is the most fabulous Benedict Arnold and should have stayed permanently on Team Free Will just for the sass, 4) Crowley is a master planner -- as Meg says, he's ALWAYS the problem, and 5) UNFORTUNATELY (as I don't like this but get it) -- sealed the door shut on Dean and an apple pie life.  This last one I kinda hate but also understand that both Sam and Dean had to comes to terms with this concept.  This is Dean's final nail in the coffin on "normal" IMO. And for that, Let It Bleed did it's job.  And yes... the mindwipe of HORRIBLE is never going to be okay in my book.


Onto voting.  I will not kill Caged Heat. I love Megstiel far too much.


Frontierland --  (I like it, just not so far above the rest)

Two and a Half Men --

You Can't Handle the Truth --


37 - Frontierland
33 - Appointment in Samarra
33 - Weekend at Bobby's
31 - The French Mistake
23- The Man Who Would Be King
23 - Mommy Dearest
21 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
19 - Live Free or Twihard
13 - My Heart Will Go On
11 - The Third Man
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

07 - You Can't Handle the Truth

05 - Two and a Half Men
05 - Exile on Main St.
01 - Caged Heat


In flagrante with the King of Hell
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Like a Virgin
Family Matters
And Then There Were None
Let it Bleed

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Thanks SueB. I totally agree with you about all the Badassery of Dean Winchester. I think that's probably why I'm so bitter about the mindwipe.  It just makes Dean look so utterly selfish and I don't think he is. And I don't think the show really though through that him doing the mindwipe would be so badly received. I mean I know it was shady and the show acknowledged that it was shady but it just hurts me so much.  :( to make that an answer to getting Lisa and Ben off the show. :( which I think needed to happen but not that way.

Edited by catrox14
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Clap Your Hands If You Believe ++ (For "Space Oddity," and microwaveable fairies)

Two and a Half Men ++ (for Dean soothing that baby)

Caged Heat -- (Because I honestly was not a fan of Crowley or Megstiel at this point)


37 - Frontierland

33 - Appointment in Samarra

33 - Weekend at Bobby's

31 - The French Mistake

23- The Man Who Would Be King

23 - Mommy Dearest

21 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

19 - Live Free or Twihard

13 - My Heart Will Go On

11 - The Third Man

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

07 - You Can't Handle the Truth

07 - Two and a Half Men

05 - Exile on Main St.


In flagrante with the King of Hell

All Dogs Go to Heaven


Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Like a Virgin

Family Matters

And Then There Were None

Let it Bleed

Caged Heat

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