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S05.E16: Conquer

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A small herd of big top performers and carnies needs to happen.....


If and when CDB(+ some ASZhats) need to go on the run again, I'd be all for them coming across a circus with the calliope music and everything, with walker clowns, barkers, and carnies stumbling about and never left cause the music (& lights and moving rides [horse merry-go-round thinger]) keeps them close.

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That's one of the things i always liked best about Romero's Dead movies, the 'funny' zombies; the nun zombie, the cheerleader zombie, the Hare Krishna zombie. TWD walkers are all so bland. Universally dirty brown/gray, all dressed in normal business or casual clothing. Have we ever seen a walker wearing shorts? Or a naked or almost naked walker? Or one wearing a uniform? TWS walkers lack character, they're all the same, and only different in gross ways; lips chewed/worn off, or entrails falling out. The whatshisname walker with the name tag that Lizzie loved back at the prison was really the only one I can remember that was really unique in that way.


I remember at the farm they did have a walker in scrubs.... Dr. Walker, I presume?

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I had that thought myself recently - that I find the walkers boring and so similar lately. Not their wounds, but who they were before (Deanna said IT MATTERS!). I get that clothing has shredded, but everything is awfully gray and dingy. Of course, shorts wearing zombies means more makeup.

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Seeing that mention of Lizzie reminds me... she would have made a great 'Unfair' Wolf.  I mean, who loved being around and 'taming' walkers more than her??


She missed her calling by about 2 seasons - (or a few months, their time).

I had that thought myself recently - that I find the walkers boring and so similar lately. Not their wounds, but who they were before (Deanna said IT MATTERS!). I get that clothing has shredded, but everything is awfully gray and dingy. Of course, shorts wearing zombies means more makeup.


It does seem weird to not see any walkers in just shorts or boxers/briefs/panties/g-strings.  Although, what about the walkers like Bicycle Girl/Lady?  She wasn't wearing pants (or shorts, or any kind of clothing that covered her bottom half).

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Sounds like I have something to do tonight.


Down, Carl.  ;>


That's one of the things i always liked best about Romero's Dead movies, the 'funny' zombies; the nun zombie, the cheerleader zombie, the Hare Krishna zombie. TWD walkers are all so bland. Universally dirty brown/gray, all dressed in normal business or casual clothing. Have we ever seen a walker wearing shorts? Or a naked or almost naked walker? Or one wearing a uniform? TWS walkers lack character, they're all the same, and only different in gross ways; lips chewed/worn off, or entrails falling out. The whatshisname walker with the name tag that Lizzie loved back at the prison was really the only one I can remember that was really unique in that way.


I dunno; I recall a military zombie with a hand grenade recently who caught EVERYONE's attention....  :)

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Of course, shorts wearing zombies means more makeup.


 That's probably the same reason so many female walkers seem to have favoured maxi-skirts in life. You'd think the hems would be shredded and they'd be tripping constantly as they shuffled around, but no.

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Am I going too far off topic if I ask if there's a version with a burly, hairy guy called The Bear Witch Project? Or maybe The Bearwich Project?

Yes. Most of these posts about this should really go into the Small Talk thread, actually.


Sounds like I have something to do tonight.


*deadonfloor*. LOL. Make sure you take pictures and post them here, JackONeill...


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Ooooooooh - clown walkers!  Now that would be scary.


 You just know some cheeky bastard got bit and decided to dress up as clown before dying just so he could wander the Earth as Zombie Bozo.

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The prequel could just be one episode.

The virus begins on October 31st, and all over America people hear noises on the front porch, grab a bowl of Goo Goo Clusters and Smarties and open their doors...

*screen fades to black".

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I wonder if people will start protesting "walker diversity" I rarely see

child walkers

disabled walkers

old people walkers

overweight walkers

little people walkers


They all seem to be young, healthy, white or black and male. Surely more than just that group of people have died during the ZA. Also, lots of people died wearing suits

Edited by Boofish
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I wonder if people will start protesting "walker diversity" I rarely see

child walkers

disabled walkers

old people walkers

overweight walkers

little people walkers


They all seem to be young, healthy, white or black and male. Surely more than just that group of people have died during the ZA. Also, lots of people died wearing suits


How about walkers in wheelchairs?  (huh.  would that make them 'rollers'?)  If they can't drag/push themselves along, they could get pushed along in a herd, or a few walkers willing to help out their own.

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Raven1707:  Although should you call those meat-hook-torsos "walkers," when all they can do ever-after is swing?


Still no name for them (yet), but some more small talk I imagine they get hung up on...


"I do so wonder if someone is going to open that door soon.  I'm all wrapped up eagerly in suspended anticipation!  Literally hanging by a thread (of skin) here!!"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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There were wheelchair zombies at the nursing home when the Governor went looking for an oxygen tank. 


True.  But I want to see some out in the wild, or just on the streets.  Maybe there's one out there somewhere that got strapped in, tipped over, and is verrrry slowly dragging it and its cargo around.


Would make for a great comedic scene.  "Kill it;.put it out of its misery!"  "I can't!  Its moving too fast!!"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I would think that being dead and..uhh..rotting would put them all in the "disabled" category.:p


Pssh.  Haven't you heard?  If you aren't dead (yet still motating); you're a minority now.


Flesh that's grey, missing and/or rotting is all the rage these days.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I wonder if people will start protesting "walker diversity" I rarely see

child walkers

disabled walkers

old people walkers

overweight walkers

little people walkers


They all seem to be young, healthy, white or black and male. Surely more than just that group of people have died during the ZA. Also, lots of people died wearing suits


Excuse me - that's differently-abled walkers, thank you very much. 

DAWs for short.

Of course.

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Excuse me - that's differently-abled walkers, thank you very much. 


Thank you Nashville. I'm sure that allowed the rabid PC faction to marginally unbunch their panties.


As for the differently-abled walkers, I think the lack could be likened to wild animals, both predator and prey. Obesity, missing limbs, blindness or anything else that puts them at a disadvantage would ensure they don't stay around very long. I guess "survival of the fittest" is a law that applies even to the undead.

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Excuse me - that's differently-abled walkers, thank you very much. 

DAWs for short.

Of course.

My apologies for the lack of sensitivity to the undead


Non-adult walkers

Differently-abled walkers

Aged walkers

High BMI walkers

Vertically-challenged walkers

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I wonder if people will start protesting "walker diversity" I rarely see

child walkers

disabled walkers

old people walkers

overweight walkers

little people walkers


They all seem to be young, healthy, white or black and male. Surely more than just that group of people have died during the ZA. Also, lots of people died wearing suits

You do realize that when the ZA started. The world went full blown Darwinistic. Those listed people would be the first eaten, being the low hanging fruit of the populace. .

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As for the differently-abled walkers, I think the lack could be likened to wild animals, both predator and prey. Obesity, missing limbs, blindness or anything else that puts them at a disadvantage would ensure they don't stay around very long. I guess "survival of the fittest" is a law that applies even to the undead.



I don't know about that? Aren't all of the Walkers technically disabled. They all have limbs missing or gaping chest wounds and are falling apart, but still are very dangerous. Even the ones who have only half of a body are dangerous. Even the chomping heads are dangerous. Michonne had it right - the only time a Walking is NOT dangerous is if it has no jaw, or gets a katana through the head. Otherwise, watchout.


Which then makes me wonder - can Walkers see? I mean, they eyes are rotting just like the rest of their bodies. Noise causes vibration, which maybe their brain stem picks up. But ear drums rot too. So do jaw muscles - there should be more Walkers with no lower jaws.

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Where are the walkers that had silicone implants?


Back in the early days of Survivor when they didn't lavish food on the contestants it was really tough on them and the people were actually starving. I think it reached its peak in Africa when a lot of the 'pretty girls' were reduced to nothing but big fake plastic tits on a stick. It was really quite revealing when everything on the women shrank away except the big fake boobs.

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Where are the walkers that had silicone implants?


 'pretty girls' were reduced to nothing but big fake plastic tits on a stick.


JFC, you guys - stahp it. The visuals are making me laugh so hard I'm going to hurt myself.


I would pay to see a walker bite into a big fake boob so we could watch the silicone explosion.

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I would pay to see a walker bite into a big fake boob so we could watch the silicone explosion.


Maybe that's what the red balloon was.  Maybe it was a warning that we were entering a big fake boob area.  I mean, if a passel of those things explode, it makes quite a mess.

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I don't know about that? Aren't all of the Walkers technically disabled.

Sure they are - now. :)

They all have limbs missing or gaping chest wounds and are falling apart, but still are very dangerous. Even the ones who have only half of a body are dangerous. Even the chomping heads are dangerous.

Zomblog made a very reasonable argument for the half-zombies ("creepers") being even more dangerous than the full-sized kind:

  • They're very low-profile, therefore much more unobtrusive/less detectable.
  • In a world which hasn't heard the sound of a lawnmower firing up in the last couple of years, they're an excellent ambush predator in high grass or snow; you won't know they're there until you step on them, or one starts noshing on your ankle.
  • Many types of fencing would be worthless against them; while their vertical cousins would be bunching up against a standard wooden cow fence, for example, the creepers would simply crawl under. Same with split-rail. Same with barbed wire. Any type of fencing, actually, which doesn't go down significantly below ground level. Chain link or wood planked fencing which skirts the ground would be effective at slowing their progress, but given time I expect their repeated attempts at forward progress would result in digging out a rut underneath the fence - and they got nothing BUT time.

Which then makes me wonder - can Walkers see? I mean, they eyes are rotting just like the rest of their bodies. Noise causes vibration, which maybe their brain stem picks up. But ear drums rot too. So do jaw muscles - there should be more Walkers with no lower jaws.

The walkers HAVE to both see and hear to some degree - we know they respond to light and sound, even from a distance. They may possibly even retain some sense of touch; although I expect most of their response to motion is also visually connected, we can't yet discount the possibility at least part of their response is tied to feeling vibrations from movement.

Which brings up another question: anyone ever see a walker shit? Their entire existence is centered around consumption, after all. Where does it go? And how does the walker's body process it/use it? We've seen way too many mobile disemboweled walkers to accept the notion energy is being extracted from -ah- consumables through a "normal" digestive process.

ETA: fixed messed-up quotes and other stuff

Edited by Nashville
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Which brings up another question: anyone ever see a walker shit? Their entire existence is centered around consumption, after all. Where does it go? And how does the walker's body process it/use it? We've seen way too many mobile disemboweled walkers to accept the notion energy is being extracted from -ah- consumables through a "normal" digestive process.

ETA: fixed messed-up quotes and other stuff


Season 3 Milton noted walkers do eventually starve (which slows them down) it just takes a lot longer than it would for a living being. Can't remember his exact words but it came up when they were examining the ones Michonne had been dragging around as pets. The Governor noted the jaw was missing so how could they "eat"


Walkers could see, run, climb fences, get up from naps, pick up teddy bears, remember where they lived, turn doorknobs etc back in Season 1. Guess they had to retool them over the seasons so it could make more sense. Well, as much sense a show about people coming back from the dead could make sense

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Season 3 Milton noted walkers do eventually starve (which slows them down) it just takes a lot longer than it would for a living being. Can't remember his exact words but it came up when they were examining the ones Michonne had been dragging around as pets. The Governor noted the jaw was missing so how could they "eat"


Walkers could see, run, climb fences, get up from naps, pick up teddy bears, remember where they lived, turn doorknobs etc back in Season 1. Guess they had to retool them over the seasons so it could make more sense. Well, as much sense a show about people coming back from the dead could make sense


I think it's only going to get tougher for TPTB to not explain things when the companion series starts. After all, it shows the start of it all. So, there will have to be theories considered, at the least.

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I wanna see undead couples in bondage gear.

Maybe handcuffed together.

I mean, cmon.

Old guy, younger girl.

Dom has a heart attack, Dom dies, Dom turns.

Sub finds out - abruptly, and not just a little horribly - that "glockenspiel" just ain't cutting it as a safety word any more.

You KNOW it happened. A LOT.

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I wanna see undead couples in bondage gear.


Wearing ball gags and nipple clamps, full-body latex or Furry suits. If only this show were on HBO, e.g.  Imagine the lulz to be had? I can picture members of our CDB: "Walker! Wait....what the fuck??? Hey, Daryl! Come take a look at this.  *snicker snort*"

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Wearing ball gags and nipple clamps, full-body latex or Furry suits. If only this show were on HBO, e.g.  Imagine the lulz to be had? I can picture members of our CDB: "Walker! Wait....what the fuck??? Hey, Daryl! Come take a look at this.  *snicker snort*"

The Skritching Dead

Coming soon to a cable channel near YOU!

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Sure they are - now. :)

Zomblog made a very reasonable argument for the half-zombies ("creepers") being even more dangerous than the full-sized kind:

  • They're very low-profile, therefore much more unobtrusive/less detectable.
  • In a world which hasn't heard the sound of a lawnmower firing up in the last couple of years, they're an excellent ambush predator in high grass or snow; you won't know they're there until you step on them, or one starts noshing on your ankle.
  • Many types of fencing would be worthless against them; while their vertical cousins would be bunching up against a standard wooden cow fence, for example, the creepers would simply crawl under. Same with split-rail. Same with barbed wire. Any type of fencing, actually, which doesn't go down significantly below ground level. Chain link or wood planked fencing which skirts the ground would be effective at slowing their progress, but given time I expect their repeated attempts at forward progress would result in digging out a rut underneath the fence - and they got nothing BUT time.

The walkers HAVE to both see and hear to some degree - we know they respond to light and sound, even from a distance. They may possibly even retain some sense of touch; although I expect most of their response to motion is also visually connected, we can't yet discount the possibility at least part of their response is tied to feeling vibrations from movement.

Which brings up another question: anyone ever see a walker shit? Their entire existence is centered around consumption, after all. Where does it go? And how does the walker's body process it/use it? We've seen way too many mobile disemboweled walkers to accept the notion energy is being extracted from -ah- consumables through a "normal" digestive process.

ETA: fixed messed-up quotes and other stuff

Carried over to Zombie Talk thread.

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Wearing ball gags and nipple clamps, full-body latex or Furry suits. If only this show were on HBO, e.g.  Imagine the lulz to be had? I can picture members of our CDB: "Walker! Wait....what the fuck??? Hey, Daryl! Come take a look at this.  *snicker snort*"


There was an episode on Z Nation (a good zombie show but not completely serious about it) where they wanted to break into a pharmaceutical warehouse, but when they got there some of the zombies had already gotten into the Viagara. No spoilers, you'll have to watch for yourself.

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There was an episode on Z Nation (a good zombie show but not completely serious about it) where they wanted to break into a pharmaceutical warehouse, but when they got there some of the zombies had already gotten into the Viagara. No spoilers, you'll have to watch for yourself.

Well, THEY sure as hell did.

With binoculars, even.

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Nashville, if those are links they're not clickable...? :(  I really need to see that.

I think you're talking about the new spoiler tags...?

Ugly as hell, aren't they?


ETA: Ah, that's better.

Edited by Nashville
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There was an episode on Z Nation (a good zombie show but not completely serious about it) where they wanted to break into a pharmaceutical warehouse, but when they got there some of the zombies had already gotten into the Viagara. No spoilers, you'll have to watch for yourself.


-  I bet those zombies stayed erect and mobile.

-  Something tells me these zombies stumbled around in an even more stiff-like fashion than usual.

-  .... and were quite hard, to put down.

-  Even dead, they should know its rude to point.

-  Hope no eyes were poked out in the melee.

-  The epic fight it must have been; was it called the 'Battle of the Bulge(s)'?

-  Those zombies made a point to let the living know that they would stand up to them.

-  When it was over, I'm betting it came to a messy & sticky conclusion.


I can keep coming and coming with the Viagra jokes.  Someone keep the doctor on speed dial if I'm still standing strong after 4 hours though, please.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Although AMC hasn't announced a return date for The Walking Dead, my best guess is that the Season 6 Premiere will air on Sunday, October 11, 2015.


Not that I'm counting or anything (I used a duration calendar), that works out to 183 days, or:


• 15,811,200 seconds
• 263,520 minutes
• 4392 hours
• 183 days
• 26 weeks and 1 day

• 6 months excluding the end date


So it only feels like forever.

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Although AMC hasn't announced a return date for The Walking Dead, my best guess is that the Season 6 Premiere will air on Sunday, October 11, 2015.


Not that I'm counting or anything (I used a duration calendar), that works out to 183 days, or:


• 15,811,200 seconds

• 263,520 minutes

• 4392 hours

• 183 days

• 26 weeks and 1 day

• 6 months excluding the end date


So it only feels like forever.



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The thing I'm gonna miss isn't the show itself. Hell, I can still watch the show, Preferably Season 2.

Rick, Shane, and Lori were more interesting than Rick, Pete, and whatsername.

Rick trying to find a way for th group to live with Herschel was infinitely more intelligently written than whatever the hell is going on with Deanna. "Oh, you're a crazy violent homeless man who says he used to be a cop? Well then you're our town constable. We don't actually have laws, though, and if you do anything I disagree with we'll pretend to exile the show's main character..."

So, yeah, I can not only still watch "Walking Dead," but I can watch better "Walking Dead."

But what I'm going to miss is the immediacy of sharing opinions about the show

Example: this was the season finale, so a lot of posts (including this one,) that would otherwise have landed elsewhere, ended up here. Yet for the main episode thread to get as long as the live posting thread... is apparently a two week process.

The live-posting thread for this episode has eighteen pages!

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CletusMusashi:  The live-posting thread for this episode has eighteen pages!


I might have to try live posting at least once next season... I can always re-watch whenever, to get the full 'undivided attention' viewing experience later.


Another reason to do so is I refuse to willingly watch anything with CC on, so I might do it just to find out what was mumbled from time to time......

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Although AMC hasn't announced a return date for The Walking Dead, my best guess is that the Season 6 Premiere will air on Sunday, October 11, 2015.

Not that I'm counting or anything (I used a duration calendar), that works out to 183 days, or:

• 15,811,200 seconds

• 263,520 minutes

• 4392 hours

• 183 days

• 26 weeks and 1 day

• 6 months excluding the end date

So it only feels like forever.

Or you could look at it this way: 26 weeks works out to a nice, slow, deeply analytical rewatch of 2-3 episodes per week. :) Edited by flutist4fun
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But what I'm going to miss is the immediacy of sharing opinions about the show

Example: this was the season finale, so a lot of posts (including this one,) that would otherwise have landed elsewhere, ended up here. Yet for the main episode thread to get as long as the live posting thread... is apparently a two week process.

The live-posting thread for this episode has eighteen pages!


Don't remind me....*lets our long suffering moderator sigh*


I still have no idea how you people manage that many posts in one hour, while paying attention to the actual show. That's why I can't live post. I have to actually pay attention to what's one screen. But I agree, I like the discussions afterward about the episode. Makes it all the better, tbh.


However, CletusMusashi, you totally forgot about the record you guys pulled off a few weeks ago. For the actual episode thread Forget (S05:E13:), you guys managed over 1000 posts in FOUR days. I believe that is the record here (in TWD board). So count me surprised that the season finale isn't as busy as I thought it would be (still is busy).


Maybe one of you should organize a little rewatch schedule/plan or something!

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