Meredith Quill March 26, 2015 Share March 26, 2015 A place to discuss particular episodes, arcs and moments from the show's run. Please remember this isn't a complete catch-all topic -- check out the forum for character topics and other places for show-related talk. Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 26, 2015 Author Share March 26, 2015 Your Tina Topic! Link to comment
Iguessnot March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Ooohhh thank you. One thing has stood out for me this season. Tina is more frightening than I ever imagined. 1 Link to comment
Brooklynista March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Tina is one who never should have agreed to a reality show. I was so surprised to see what a nasty vibe she gives off. Link to comment
Iguessnot March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Teddy looks like a scared man. Next week it seems she details some more terror she laid on him. Now I don't feel sorry for Teddy but it seems he messed with the wrong one. He's going to pay everyday for those indiscretions. 1 Link to comment
Iguessnot March 31, 2015 Share March 31, 2015 Of course Steve Harvey was crass when Erica showed up at the awards show with that painted on dress, but that Gospel singer (I think his name was Franklin) was really creepy. The way he pawed Erica was totally out of line. She really gave him the side eye while trying to keep her cool on stage. I know Warren wasn't happy to see that dude trying to cop a feel. 1 Link to comment
Brooklynista March 31, 2015 Share March 31, 2015 Well the dress certainly wasn't a Sunday go to Meeting dress. Miss Thang was getting the response she was looking for. Not for nothing but Erica really did slim down nicely. I don't want to fat shame but Tina has some seriously thick arms. They're like ham hocks. No wonder Teddy remarried her. It was probably that or suffer a headlock. 2 Link to comment
Iguessnot April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I don't know what kind of criteria they have for their dress. I nearly fell out a couple of episodes ago when Tina showed up at Warren's office wearing those horizontal stripped leggings. Warren was very good and keeping his eyes away from the show she was putting on. Link to comment
Brooklynista April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 (edited) Maybe I just don't belive in love like I should but all this lovey dovey remarry me thing between Teddy and Tina rubs me wrong. I love you more. No I love you more. You're so pretty, no you're so handsome. Let's put out a book of love cause we so in love. Get out of here with this mess. I'm just not buying it. Last week he was slanging his thang all over town and this week she's all about forgiveness and white wedding dresses? Nope not buying it. Edited April 3, 2015 by Brooklynista 5 Link to comment
Vixenstud April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Is Goo-Goo the one that does Tina's hair? If so, girl is on point! There. That's the only positive thing I have to say about Tina right now, 'cause chiiiiile! First of all, who in the bluedilly funk would err' want to screw Teddy but a chickenhead! The man is so not attractive. But screw him a chickenhead did, and we had to listen to it ad nauseum for two damn seasons....hell, Tina practically ended Mary Mary her damned self, pushing Erica to go solo. So Erica does just that and becomes successful in her own right and now? Tina decides that now is right for Mary Mary to reunite? And Erica's the selfish one because the spotlight is on her for once? I can't believe Goo was telling her to put her success in the background to accommodate Tina, that was some serious ish and I would have told her to eat another donut and STFU. 4 Link to comment
Iguessnot April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Yep, it's always what Tina wants. I'm getting tired of these overzealous strong family scenarios because it often comes down to pleasing the tyrant. Tina will tell everybody that nothing is stronger than family, but that sisterhood will be broken if a member doesn't follow her program. Note that Tina allows herself to ignore any other calls for help or participation if she's on date night/cheerleader practice/bad mood, etc.. 3 Link to comment
announcergirl April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 I know regular watchers are tired of Tina's testimony but she may have just saved me. I am sitting here literally crying about some stuff right now, not a man/ relationship, and she just took the stage at Erica's event when she had to leave during that song about a little more Jesus. And Tina started talking about how she is mad. How she talks about Him all the time. And how hurt she is by this trial. YES! This is how I feel. I have sang Your praises. Talked to people about You. My people are the most God-fearing people on the planet and in the worse position. I am hurt. Her story has made me want to not give up and to statt again to seek Him more. I can relate. Link to comment
announcergirl April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 Oh and I don't even listen to gospel for real. So don't knock her testimony. It is working. Link to comment
Vixenstud April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 I don't know about anyone else in here, but the problem isn't in her testimony but in her demeanor....damn, chile act like she's the only one that's been cheated on/bad things have happened to only her, etc. Plus, she is very self-centered and can be a bit of a bully. If I were Erica I'd ride out my current solo success and get back to Mary Mary sometime in the future. 5 Link to comment
Brooklynista April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 Yes! Tina is a bully and the universe must stop spinning for her problems and wants. You got a problem? Oh well. Sucks you be you, now back to me. You'll never convince me she ain't strong arming Teddy into his whole lovey dovey antics. That man is scared of those pythons wrapping around his neck. 4 Link to comment
MichelEliz April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Not to that Teddy is no longer in the Tonight Show Band (it being located to NYC)...they need the Mary Mary money. So of COURSE Tina is pushing for a reunion. Its convenient to HER. Gets on my damn nerves...and Erica annoys the hell outta me allowing Tina to push her around. And her Mom and Goo irritate me for enabling Tina's behavior. And last but not least...Warren is creepy as F. LOL! 3 Link to comment
Iguessnot April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (edited) I liked that Erica reminded her mom how Tina vetoed those well paid year end gigs because she had to vacation with that husband of hers. Tina was going to do what she wanted to do with no apologies. That cake destruction was just a setup. For one, I don't believe they would have a cake just sitting exposed outside while they are still setting up things. Secondly Goo put the cake on the table. Later she places her bag down by the table leg. However right before she picks up the bag and collapses the table, you can see that the table leg has been suspiciously placed in the loops of her bag. Production trickery. That reminds me, there was other trickery going on concerning Warren's mom telling Tina about Mitch's invitation. In episode 2, Tina is with Mama Campbell while they interview a florist. In episode 3, Erica, Warren and Mama Campbell are in their kitchen talking about the florist interview. Mama Campbell tells them that Mitch accepted the wedding invitation and her apprehension in explaining the mix up to Tina. Erica & Warren talk about their dislike for Mitch and wish Mama good luck on approaching Tina. Next we see the scene of Mama Campbell telling Tina, and Tina ultimately being okay with it. However, both Mama and Tina are wearing the clothes they had on for the florist interview, meaning those scenes happened the same day. Thus the kitchen scene was pure fabrication. Now I'll have to watch the Watch It episode to see if the Mary's just keep their mouths shut, or try to play up the lie. Edited April 30, 2015 by Iguessnot Link to comment
Spiderella2 March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 It's back. Starting a new thread for the new season? 1 Link to comment
Brooklynista March 4, 2016 Share March 4, 2016 I guess even these two undercover mean girls deserve a new thread for a new season? 1 Link to comment
Easyspreestep March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 So let me see if I understand Warren and Eric's problems. Last season when Erica's wanted to do only do solo stuff for the time being, both she and Warren convinced Tina to do a solo project. Tina agreed after much arm twisting and even stated if I do this I might be to busy to come back to Mary Mary. Fast forward some time and Warren took an advance from Sony (didn't tell Erica or Tina) and now they want Tina to stop what she is doing to bail them out? Really ?? sounds a bit selfish to me. 3 Link to comment
Rlb8031 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I think the ladies know about the advance, but the payback for non-performance has a significant penalty associated with it. So they took just as an example $750k and have to repay $1.2mm or something like that. Tina made some comment last week that "they're just going to have to wait" which made me think she knew they had gotten an advance. Also, I think the advance was for a multiple albums, hence the "we know we have to do another record" which means they could have taken it years ago and it was all spent a long time ago. Link to comment
Iguessnot March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 They were talking about their obligation to do another album even last season. Erica also pursued a solo career because Tina loudly let it be known that Mary Mary was expendable. They had to turn down a lucrative booking because Tina would not reschedule her Christmas vacation with Teddy (what a farce that was). There was another hollering match because Tina wouldn't tour that took her away from home for some particular number of days. Link to comment
Spiderella2 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 Tina seems to be the selfish, entitled one to me. Especially after this last epi with booking Goo knowing that Erica had pre-booked her for 3-4 dates. Because she louder, and more brash, she always gets what she wants and everyone else bends over to accommodate her. Erica is always doing the accommodating. For a partnership, that is not fair. I had to do some online research on the Sony deal thing. Based on an interview that Warryn did, it seems like they owe close to $1.2 mil if they don't do the last record. Why it's all on Warryn, I have no idea, maybe because he's the group's producer? Tina probably took her cut of the record payout, but now she doesn't want to do the work, even though she was the one that announced last year that a record would be done by 2016. She was the one that put out the expectation by fans and Sony by giving a hard date. When was the last time they did a record anyway? 2013? 1 Link to comment
Rlb8031 March 28, 2016 Share March 28, 2016 Will someone please tell Tina that this show is not a good look for her? Can one of you church ladies roll up on her after Sunday service and suggest that she looks *ahem* crazy as a damn loon all the time? That she comes across as selfish, self-centered, and narcissistic? That when she is shown with her children she never seems to have the slightest bit of interest in any of them, except to get them to shut up and leave her alone? That for all of her carping and whining about how hard she has it, she is seldom shown actually *DOING* anything except crying and calling on Jesus to fix it? And that he may have more important things to do than working it out for someone who is so un-Christ-like in her dealings with 99.9% of the population? That right about now she needs a redemption arc that shows her staying home, taking care of her kids, feeding the poor, ministering to the sick and recording a new Mary Mary album without nary a peep about how hard she has it and how everyone else is wrong. Being a reality show villain is NOT going to advance her career or her personal life. 6 Link to comment
Iguessnot April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 These folks are so bad trying to make the scripted look real. Warren doesn't want Erica to know his financial problems but it's repeatedly ad nauseum every episode in his talking heads. He's being shady while Erica's at the Apollo but he has a camera crew with him while he's being shady. Likewise his friend BJ wants to keep things quiet but he's all miked up telling all his business. Newbie Koryn is in the studio,kind of recording. The camera crew is there when Mitch shows up with flowers to give her the bad news. She seemingly fires Mitch. All her performances in every scene are exactly the same. Of course Honey does another bag representation of having swagger while the camera catches her making shark grins for no reason. If Warren was really crumpled in the kitchen, why didn't the camera crew already there help him? 2 Link to comment
Iguessnot May 7, 2016 Share May 7, 2016 What a fake season. Tina has been saying all along that Mary Mary was on the back burner for her but somehow in the finale she comes around for a reason I can't discern. The talking heads thing is surreal when you realize how many times they tell a bit of the story. Does anyone know the planning of them? There are many clothing and hair changes so there are several interviews per sister. However some of the same material is discussed in each interview. And given that the interviews are after the fact, the pretense of being in the moment of the show is really unsettling. The substitute Mary saga was also a farce. After pushing the story all season, we are to believe now the studio duet was just a misunderstanding on Goo's part. Anyway Goo shows up for a meeting with Mitch but is so upset by what she saw, she runs out immediately. Next we see her calling her Honey to runtelldat, but Goo is not wearing the outfit she had on at the studio, so this is a setup up. More importantly, Honey is mic'd up and has a camera crew so more evidence of a fake storyline. Next the cold hearted Goo who has never had a problem keeping things to herself, is strangely mopey in front of Tina, thus enabling her to spill the beans. Later Erica talks to Goo, first surprised that the substitute Mary info came from her, and saying she should have asked first. Well, they saw Goo there, so they obviously know where Tina got the info from. Funny how neither Mitch or Goo had anything to say about their cancelled meeting. Erica also had no reaction to Goo's quick appearance and departure. They are trying hard to prop her up, but I am not impressed with Koryn or whatever her name is. I haven't seen the show she was discovered on, but the best I can say is that she's a competent singer but something's unpleasant in her tone. Am I missing something? 3 Link to comment
Iguessnot October 1, 2017 Share October 1, 2017 The Marys are back for the 6th and final season. Link to comment
rmcrae October 2, 2017 Share October 2, 2017 Tina and Teddy need to divorce already. Constantly rehashing the cheating and his harem isn't doing anyone a bit of good. Neither is bringing another child into the mix. Lord, I hope she's not pregnant again. 3 Link to comment
sATL October 6, 2017 Share October 6, 2017 (edited) Tina was all for MaryMary when she was unknown, childless, single and broke. Now that she's a "star' (tour dates/Grammys), a mother, married and has a little coin, she doesn't want to be bothered. I think she sees that her taking MaryMary tours/concerts was a symptom (or reason) for Teddy's cheating. So she is trying to create a job where her and Teddy can be together. How she figures people want to pay good hard earned money to hear how & why she forgave a cheater beats me. People just don't care that much. Most in the audience are thinking - let me hear her story, while he sits there and plays the fool, and then we can get to the singing. And what exactly does Teddy do for a living now? I can't believe he's agreeable to doing this "ministry". I would never forget when that man said on national TV that he was with COUNTLESS women. Damn, you know that is a big nbr of side pieces when a man says that. Edited October 6, 2017 by sATL 4 Link to comment
sATL October 6, 2017 Share October 6, 2017 (edited) On 9/30/2017 at 8:06 PM, Iguessnot said: The Marys are back for the 6th and final season. I hate to see them go, but if all they (the entire family) can talk about the "when is the next MaryMary album" - then it is time. Even the momma was starting to annoy me with her requests. Groups are formed and groups do break-up - usually b/c someone wants to go solo. I do think it is wrong for Tina to leave Warren hanging for "7 figures" with Sony. I bet if she wasn't family, he would replace her, rename the group, and move on. Tina wants to have her way - doesn't want to sing group and doesn't anyone to replace her. No boo-boo, you can't have it both ways. I am surprised she's not in breach of contract with Sony. Warren is lucky that the Marys sings gospel. when he said the last album was in 2011 , I almost fainted. How many groups can go MIA for that long and comeback to make a platinum/ award winning album? If they do comeback, please work on developing a market on the west coast, where you live. seems like every time there is a concert, they are crisscrossing the country. I think Erica, warren and Goo can do the show (kinda like tamar & vince spinoff from the braxtons) - let tina be re-occurring/sitting in the background - like a couple of other sisters (ex. Alana). That conversation b/w Erica and warren when Erica finished by " sometimes I don't want to be your artist, sometimes I don't want to be your church member....sometimes I just want a hug and let me know it is going to be ok..." - that can make a show. A couple who is trying to make it work - in the middle of other drama. Why doesn't tina have any furniture in that big house ? Edited October 6, 2017 by sATL 2 Link to comment
Iguessnot October 7, 2017 Share October 7, 2017 Didn't they have to leave their old house temporarily for some mold issue or something? That issue should be taken care of by now. I had forgotten about it until you brought it up but this house does feel staged. 2 Link to comment
rmcrae October 10, 2017 Share October 10, 2017 On 10/6/2017 at 2:17 PM, sATL said: Tina was all for MaryMary when she was unknown, childless, single and broke. Now that she's a "star' (tour dates/Grammys), a mother, married and has a little coin, she doesn't want to be bothered. I think she sees that her taking MaryMary tours/concerts was a symptom (or reason) for Teddy's cheating. So she is trying to create a job where her and Teddy can be together. How she figures people want to pay good hard earned money to hear how & why she forgave a cheater beats me. People just don't care that much. Most in the audience are thinking - let me hear her story, while he sits there and plays the fool, and then we can get to the singing. And what exactly does Teddy do for a living now? I can't believe he's agreeable to doing this "ministry". I would never forget when that man said on national TV that he was with COUNTLESS women. Damn, you know that is a big nbr of side pieces when a man says that. There was an episode maybe last season or the one prior where Erica's voice was acting up and she left the stage. Somebody told Tina to go out and sing and she got that mike and told the cheating story like it was the first time she was sharing it with another person. If I'd been Erica I'd have snatched that mike so fast and croak out whatever song that came to mind! Lol. 2 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 12, 2017 Share October 12, 2017 How can two people who look absolutely dissimilar continue to confuse me so as to who is whom. Kudos to the creator of the thread titles, Erica - the one married to Warren and Tina - the one married to Teddy? I can't stop giggling. On 10/1/2017 at 10:54 PM, rmcrae said: Tina and Teddy need to divorce already. Constantly rehashing the cheating and his harem isn't doing anyone a bit of good. Neither is bringing another child into the mix. Lord, I hope she's not pregnant again. Girl. Louder! say it for the back pew to hear. Forgiveness is in her ministry, forgetfulness? Nah church. She got me in my feelings understanding Teddy better. On 10/6/2017 at 3:47 PM, sATL said: I hate to see them go, but if all they (the entire family) can talk about the "when is the next MaryMary album" - then it is time. Even the momma was starting to annoy me with her requests. Groups are formed and groups do break-up - usually b/c someone wants to go solo. I do think it is wrong for Tina to leave Warren hanging for "7 figures" with Sony. I bet if she wasn't family, he would replace her, rename the group, and move on. Tina wants to have her way - doesn't want to sing group and doesn't anyone to replace her. No boo-boo, you can't have it both ways. I am surprised she's not in breach of contract with Sony. Warren is lucky that the Marys sings gospel. when he said the last album was in 2011 , I almost fainted. How many groups can go MIA for that long and comeback to make a platinum/ award winning album? If they do comeback, please work on developing a market on the west coast, where you live. seems like every time there is a concert, they are crisscrossing the country. I think Erica, warren and Goo can do the show (kinda like tamar & vince spinoff from the braxtons) - let tina be re-occurring/sitting in the background - like a couple of other sisters (ex. Alana). That conversation b/w Erica and warren when Erica finished by " sometimes I don't want to be your artist, sometimes I don't want to be your church member....sometimes I just want a hug and let me know it is going to be ok..." - that can make a show. A couple who is trying to make it work - in the middle of other drama. Why doesn't tina have any furniture in that big house ? I don't wanna be this chick, but it's time. I said to my commuter boo, I haven't seen this show in ages but if I hear the words: dueling albums, Mary Mary, group, nauseous or healing one. more. time. I'll spit on the floor. I told her we got allllllll the way to the end of the episode and I thought to myself oooh we finna make a clean getaway, Tina ain't say the word cheater (wait, is that a spoiler? were yall aware her husband cheated?) once.....and then......the last 5 minutes came and she said it 13 times in a row. I respectfully disagree. Please don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong because I didn't see all the episodes but Warren didn't check with either of the Marys when accepting that advance. I mean if we're sticking to the rules of professional misconduct, he's gotta be up first. I feel for him and all that but his management sucks and if he doesn't have a signed contract that guarantees a certain number of records, this is just not a job for him. Hell I know that and everything I learned about the record business was from watching vh1 specials on Diddy lol. There's more tea to this relationship but I won't blab it because it wasn't spilled on this show. Watch the Black Love Series on OWN if you get a chance. Because her children ruin everything! remember? lol. On 10/9/2017 at 11:14 PM, rmcrae said: There was an episode maybe last season or the one prior where Erica's voice was acting up and she left the stage. Somebody told Tina to go out and sing and she got that mike and told the cheating story like it was the first time she was sharing it with another person. If I'd been Erica I'd have snatched that mike so fast and croak out whatever song that came to mind! Lol. That segment for tv or is it radio? they do was hilarious. She wants him to fall on his sword and beg her pleading, undying and everlasting mercy lol. Meanwh'ile... Teddy is far and beyond over his flagrancy. Smh, he was talking about how he had to forgive her for wrecking his car and I was like saywhunow? You a ho bruh, forgiveness my ass you need to cheerfully accept that L and charge it to the game. 3 Link to comment
Rlb8031 October 12, 2017 Share October 12, 2017 3 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said: I respectfully disagree. Please don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong because I didn't see all the episodes but Warren didn't check with either of the Marys when accepting that advance. I mean if we're sticking to the rules of professional misconduct, he's gotta be up first. I feel for him and all that but his management sucks and if he doesn't have a signed contract that guarantees a certain number of records, this is just not a job for him. Hell I know that and everything I learned about the record business was from watching vh1 specials on Diddy lol. There's more tea to this relationship but I won't blab it because it wasn't spilled on this show. Watch the Black Love Series on OWN if you get a chance. Because her children ruin everything! remember? lol. I think that the advance they were talking about was the advance they received at the time they signed their last multi-album deal with Sony. Its the standard "here's seed money to get you into the studio, and oh, btw did we mention it gets repaid off the top on each album you complete and if you don't complete your contract you owe us all of this plus a couple of pieces of snatch?" money. Those ladies may not have known the terms of repayment if they breached with Sony, but neither one of them didn't know Warren accepted that advance. My guess is that he probably can breach Tina as her manager, but it would involve actually taking her to court and he knows that he'd be forever looking over his shoulder at the next birthday, bridal shower, wedding, funeral, Saturday BBQ, after-church repast, and cousin playdate for Tina coming for him. (Not to mention I wouldn't put it past one or two of the other sisters as well). As for the tea...spill it. There isn't a Black Love thread here and OWN gives me hives, LOL! 1 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 13, 2017 Share October 13, 2017 33 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said: I think that the advance they were talking about was the advance they received at the time they signed their last multi-album deal with Sony. Its the standard "here's seed money to get you into the studio, and oh, btw did we mention it gets repaid off the top on each album you complete and if you don't complete your contract you owe us all of this plus a couple of pieces of snatch?" money. Those ladies may not have known the terms of repayment if they breached with Sony, but neither one of them didn't know Warren accepted that advance. My guess is that he probably can breach Tina as her manager, but it would involve actually taking her to court and he knows that he'd be forever looking over his shoulder at the next birthday, bridal shower, wedding, funeral, Saturday BBQ, after-church repast, and cousin playdate for Tina coming for him. (Not to mention I wouldn't put it past one or two of the other sisters as well). As for the tea...spill it. There isn't a Black Love thread here and OWN gives me hives, LOL! Lol ok girl that’s a relief that they know. That leads me to a follow up question. If they know why are they feet dragging? Frustrating. Tea: Spoiler So the black love series is about the complexities of marriage - black marrieds. Famous, everyday people, you get it. One of the shows featured Erica and Warren talking about the challenges that they have overcome in their relationship. Years ago was that Warren was complaining about Erica being on the road and busy recording all the time and he wanted her to be home more. She did not do that and as a result he had an affair. That affair produced a whole baby. The woman later miscarried. They rebuilt. So in terms of splashy messy cheating… Erica has Tina way beat. In all the years since, I’ve heard her reference it publicly exactly once. 2 Link to comment
Rlb8031 October 16, 2017 Share October 16, 2017 On 10/12/2017 at 8:08 PM, ZaldamoWilder said: Lol ok girl that’s a relief that they know. That leads me to a follow up question. If they know why are they feet dragging? Frustrating. Tea: Reveal hidden contents So the black love series is about the complexities of marriage - black marrieds. Famous, everyday people, you get it. One of the shows featured Erica and Warren talking about the challenges that they have overcome in their relationship. Years ago was that Warren was complaining about Erica being on the road and busy recording all the time and he wanted her to be home more. She did not do that and as a result he had an affair. That affair produced a whole baby. The woman later miscarried. They rebuilt. So in terms of splashy messy cheating… Erica has Tina way beat. In all the years since, I’ve heard her reference it publicly exactly once. I think the feet dragging is due to two factors. First, when it's only you, you make 50% more than when you have to split the artist take in half. Second, they have two different work styles (well more like Erica has a work ethic and Tina wants to work only when she damn well feels like it) and now neither of them has to compromise for someone else. Erica can book fifty-bajillion radio interviews, blog interviews, morning show appearances, etc to push her album and Tina can show up for rehearsal 30 minutes late, sing for ten minutes, get pissed because someone didn't fix her mic, bring her coffee, and come in on the downbeat and walk out. Neither of them has to field the pissed off calls from Sony, nor has either one of them had anyone in the business say to them "well you walked out on your Mary Mary deal so we think you are flaky as hell and won't work with you on a solo project". Trust and believe if they got that reception from folks in the industry, they would be in the studio putting together a new album quick fast and in a hurry. I gotta say that I respect Erica's position of not publicly dragging her husband. What happens within the bounds of their marriage should be between the two of them and whatever decisions are made as to how its going to be dealt with and responded to should be between the two of them. She doesn't owe us a public beatdown (although that does make for far more entertaining tv) 3 Link to comment
sATL October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 On 10/12/2017 at 8:08 PM, ZaldamoWilder said: Lol ok girl that’s a relief that they know. That leads me to a follow up question. If they know why are they feet dragging? Frustrating. Tea: Reveal hidden contents So the black love series is about the complexities of marriage - black marrieds. Famous, everyday people, you get it. One of the shows featured Erica and Warren talking about the challenges that they have overcome in their relationship. Years ago was that Warren was complaining about Erica being on the road and busy recording all the time and he wanted her to be home more. She did not do that and as a result he had an affair. That affair produced a whole baby. The woman later miscarried. They rebuilt. So in terms of splashy messy cheating… Erica has Tina way beat. In all the years since, I’ve heard her reference it publicly exactly once. Spoiler I heard the story a while ago, but didn't know this much detail .if warren is the producer seems a little dumb to have a an issue with touring and recording to the point he did that. It's not like he married a woman who had a 9-5. He doesn't have an issue with MaryMary $$ and fame, so why cry lonely when they do the job you and they want to do. SMH. 2 Link to comment
sATL October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 Looks like with the finale season, Goo is also out of a job hence her moving out of the storefront studio. I can't believe the shyest sister (I forgot her name) agreed to do a segment on girdles/body shapers. She too must be low in funds. Glad they answered my question on how you go to the bathroom in one of those "all in one" under pieces. If I got in one, I surely wouldn't want to take it off until it was going back into the wash & drawer. With that said, yes, there are ways to control the extra and look good in your clothes, but I do wonder how much the sisters focus on being a healthy (eating and exercise) size, shape and weight. And it was nice to see Alana have a speaking part even though it was dumb to expect Tina to invest in a pot business. 1 Link to comment
sATL October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 (edited) On 10/12/2017 at 3:28 PM, ZaldamoWilder said: Because her children ruin everything! remember? lol. Speaking of which - this season they seem to be keeping the children mostly off camera -showing them off in a room playing & their back to the camera. Tina's oldest actually shocked me by speaking directly on camera asking her dad about wearing makeup for the 8th grade promotion ceremony. Does Alyana have more than one child now? I can't help to think of what it was like to be around Tina during her childhood years.. I wish they would dig up an old childhood friend of hers to spill the tea. Was she a bully then? Picking fights? Always had to have her way? Was she a scatterbrain back then and get frustrated/stressed easy? Edited October 17, 2017 by sATL 3 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 9 hours ago, sATL said: Reveal hidden contents I heard the story a while ago, but didn't know this much detail .if warren is the producer seems a little dumb to have a an issue with touring and recording to the point he did that. It's not like he married a woman who had a 9-5. He doesn't have an issue with MaryMary $$ and fame, so why cry lonely when they do the job you and they want to do. SMH. ^ my verbatim response to commuter boo. Silly. 9 hours ago, sATL said: Looks like with the finale season, Goo is also out of a job hence her moving out of the storefront studio. I can't believe the shyest sister (I forgot her name) agreed to do a segment on girdles/body shapers. She too must be low in funds. Glad they answered my question on how you go to the bathroom in one of those "all in one" under pieces. If I got in one, I surely wouldn't want to take it off until it was going back into the wash & drawer. With that said, yes, there are ways to control the extra and look good in your clothes, but I do wonder how much the sisters focus on being a healthy (eating and exercise) size, shape and weight. And it was nice to see Alana have a speaking part even though it was dumb to expect Tina to invest in a pot business. It's actually Goo doing the segment. I was waiting for her to say the part you need to know most of all - when it is time to go, you gotta use the loo dude-style, otherwise, it's curtains. Lol. 1 Link to comment
sATL October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said: ^ my verbatim response to commuter boo. Silly. It's actually Goo doing the segment. I was waiting for her to say the part you need to know most of all - when it is time to go, you gotta use the loo dude-style, otherwise, it's curtains. Lol. the part where Goo was displaying a black waist shaper that was a size 16, and she said to get an XL. I thought that was another Akins sister . A couple of seasons ago she filled in for Tina/Erica for one song, for some reason.. She is very shy and doesn't like to sing in public. Edited October 17, 2017 by sATL Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 35 minutes ago, sATL said: the part where Goo was displaying a black waist shaper that was a size 16, and she said to get an XL. I thought that was another Akins sister . A couple of seasons ago she filled in for Tina/Erica for one song, for some reason.. She is very shy and doesn't like to sing in public. Chiiile. I've heard stagefright ain't no joke. You made me go look at it lol. I think it's still her - fast forward to 2:09: Link to comment
sATL October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 2 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said: Chiiile. I've heard stagefright ain't no joke. You made me go look at it lol. I think it's still her - fast forward to 2:09: Shantay is her name. At 2:48. yes, they do look alike 1 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 17, 2017 Share October 17, 2017 I'm so dumb lol! You meant the model, I thought you meant Goo. Makes sense, she said the demonstration was on family and friends. Link to comment
Rlb8031 October 27, 2017 Share October 27, 2017 Am I the only one thinking that the series finale came because production got tired of Tina showing her ass one too many times? She hasn't gotten a sympathetic edit at all this season, and the more I watch the more it seems like this was a low-key dragging of Tina. It's been made clear that she's unreasonable, mean-spirited, selfish, self-centered, and generally not someone anyone including her husband wants to be around. Its painful watching her bulldoze over everyone including refusing to give her MOTHER time off from watching her kids so she can go home and pack. And apparently between this and the Trump stuff there has started to be a bit of a backlash. I saw on FB that she cancelled the latest solo tour due to low ticket sales: 6 Link to comment
sATL October 29, 2017 Share October 29, 2017 I only caught a snippet of the end of the latest episode. just how many episodes were there - to be at the end of the season and therefore series already ? Link to comment
sATL October 29, 2017 Share October 29, 2017 (edited) agree. Tina is too much of a handful. When she told the assist what time SHE was going to get to the airport, and the assistant was going to meet them to see them off properly, I though this lady is too full of herself. Tina and Erica hired the lady to do a job and to advise, and you are giving her un-necessary static? When Tina gets hungry and broke enough, she will come back to her senses and realize the world does not revolved around her. And she needs to realize her children are not infants. Yes, she needs to be present and involved but she acts like they are still crawling babies and can't learn to do things for themselves. Somewhere along the line of growing up, the family let Tina have her bully-way to much. Sister or not, I really wish Erica/Warren/Goo would just keep pressing on what they have been doing and leave Tina out of it. Spin off the existing show. I like the idea that Erica has a radio show and Goo has another client to style that does not involve Tina. No need to blame Trump for poor ticket sales. She didn't have a product worth selling - esp. to the point of doing a multi-city tour - off of a couple of songs and a sad-story. She might have a chance tagging onto churches' ,in LA so she doesn't have to travel, marriage retreats and seminars - but then again she would have to follow the rules of that host church. Edited October 29, 2017 by sATL 3 Link to comment
sATL October 30, 2017 Share October 30, 2017 (edited) this scene...beginning at 21:31: Erica to Honey - "you all packed for Israel? Tina - " Momma will go home and pack when I say . You don't get to come in and orchestrate our comings and goings at this house" Later after a rant - Tina " I 'm going to take me some nerve calming solutions". then goes outside - to avoid the camera - and goes on anther rant. All she did was call a party place and order a cake right, for a date she knew was coming when school started in back August, right ? She does have 3 more kids to finish 8th grade, let alone HS and college graduations. 1) I applaud Erica for holding up the one index finger - excusing herself out of the room w/o firing back. I would have to cuss someone out - your house or not. My mom would have taken a house slipper to the back of my siblings head. 2) So Tina has "solutions" ?? Let's make damn sure what ever is in her Koolaid that she never runs out. 3) Honey needs to continue to be a mom to ALL of her children. At times she acts like a "girlfriend" Edited October 30, 2017 by sATL 2 Link to comment
Rlb8031 October 30, 2017 Share October 30, 2017 11 hours ago, sATL said: Later after a rant - Tina " I 'm going to take me some nerve calming solutions". then goes outside - to avoid the camera - and goes on anther rant. 2) So Tina has "solutions" ?? Let's make damn sure what ever is in her Koolaid that she never runs out. Several times this "season" (what has it been five episodes?) I wondered if Tina was on something. She appears manic at times (that's my own opinion, not a medical diagnosis) and has crazy mood swings. Not sure if she's medicated to deal with issues, or she self-medicates because she has issues, but either way, the most concerning part is that seemingly, she hasn't looked at herself on tv and seen that whatever she's doing IS NOT WORKING. Now that she's chosen to not pursue Mary Mary, and the public has chosen not to support her solo work, perhaps she can have some quiet, introspective, time to really relax and figure out what she wants and how to make it all work in a manner that doesn't have her screaming at the top of her lungs and abusing the people she claims to love. 4 Link to comment
Iguessnot November 3, 2017 Share November 3, 2017 Can someone who follows Mary Mary please explain what's going on? Earlier the audience was told that Mary Mary was booked for an event in Israel. Yet there was no booked concert. We saw only a family trip where the Marys found a venue to sing to their family. I got suspicious an episode or two ago when the song for the "concert" was not even finished. Working on lyrics and melody in route? Totally bogus. The Kenya to Manchester trip was also suspect. I'm not a musician, but I don't understand how you do venues with no rehearsal/ no contact. And although they kept playing up this 4 hours to concert thing, Tina let it slip in a talking head that the Manchester band had be practicing for four days. In the end, Tina just comes off as unbearable. She's the customer/client/family member from hell. I'm glad she returned to her marriage on her terms, but her whore husband can just shut up. "Pastor" Warren with his past infidelities can take a seat too. And to think these two were trying to school Goo's ex-boyfriend on how to treat an Atkins girl. 2 Link to comment
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