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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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I did indeed have a good time.  And Budweiser did as well.  We had a little BBQ (not specifically for my birthday) and there was so much food that everyone went home bloated!  Which generally isn't good, but once in a while is nice.   Buddy got a large pork chop, and the rest of us had bacon & cheese burgers with genuine Angus beef.  (No clever comments, please!)  Buddy had a fair amount of bacon, too.  There was also a huge number of hot dogs available for anyone who wanted to throw them on the fire, but the burgers were so fine not many dogs went. Usual thing -- everyone bring enough for themselves and six others!


As the sun was going down, we spotted a hare standing in the entrance road.  "Look, Buddy!  A bunny!"  (Bunny is the magic word!)  Buddy looked and saw the hare, but the hare was standing perfectly still, so Bud wasn't sure, and just stared.  And stared.  And the bunny moved an ear.  And lookit him go!  My little boy with 3½ good legs did a creditable imitation of a rocket from a bazooka, and the hare was looking the other way!  Bud had halved the distance before the hare looked over his shoulder and saw him coming.  The distance had quartered before the hare even started to move...


You know, they didn't pick the hare randomly to star beside the tortoise in that story.  Hares are faaast!  And they're tricky, too.  Little Buddy (or any other dog) won't ever catch one in a footrace, but he sure has a great time trying, and it's very entertaining to watch.  And he comes strutting back ten minutes later, proud of having chased the bunny off his airfield.  And he's had his cardio for the day.


Thanks again.  No member of my family remembered except my niece Robyn in Canada.  Not that I've got a lot of family left...  

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Stella ( my Ter Rock a Poo - as my son says)  has a new friend in the neighborhood, a huge Rhodesian ridgeback who really, really, really wants to catch the local squirrels. He goes galumphing after them, but isn't even close. But their cat, just your average black and white domestic shorthair, has caught four in  as many months. For Halloween they decorated their yard as a crime scene, complete with chalk outline on the driveway. Nov 2, the cat left his latest victim in the hand of the chalk out line.  Scary smart and quick that kitty.


I'm glad your niece remembered and you had a nice gathering with your friends. Yea!

  • Love 2

I was just doing a little work on a Christmas present I am making for someone.  It is made of wood, and it's nearly complete, but the bit that remains to be done is the sanding and finishing.  So, I got all the sanding materials out, and decided to sit on the steps where the breeze would help carry the fine dust away.  I also got a dust mask to save the old lungs.


Buddy arrived on scene to assist, as he usually does when I'm doing something.  He took one look at the dust mask and decided it had to go!


I wish I had video.  There we were, rolling around on the top step, me laughing uncontrollably and trying to avoid falling off the stairs, and Bud, being careful not to harm me, but savagely attacking the mask on my face and being defeated by the elastic straps behind my head.  Every time he thought he'd got it off, he'd let go and it would snap right back into place.  Then he decided to stick his nozzle under the mask as well, treating me to unprecedented nosie-rubs and slobber-kisses, all while the mask/elastic kept us face-to-face.  


I eventually got the mask off, and after a final slurpy smooch, he wandered off to sit on the roof of my car, quite satisfied with himself.  I had to go do my sanding somewhere he couldn't see!

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Just in case anyone is interested, this is what I was working on when Buddy went on the offensive against the dust mask:




It's my first attempt at an ornamental seashell, made from wood.  This was made from a piece of two-by-four that was 16" long.  Actually I cut the piece from a two-by-twelve so I could choose clean grain, but I cut it down to 2x4 dimension.  One section of wood makes two shells, but I've only been working on this one.




The basic shaping is done, and now I must sand it to higher and higher grit, eliminating any lumps and bumps and making it nice and smooth.  Then I'll apply boiled linseed oil (I think) and finish with spray poly.




I do recognize that I've done a poor job, but I'm not dissatisfied, given that it's a first attempt.



An error occurred: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.


Yeh, well thanks a bunch.

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 1

Wow! that's beautiful, Netfoot! Way back in Junior high ( "middle school") I took wood shop, twice. I really enjoyed figuring out what to make and how. My mom still has the little chest of drawers I made for all her jewelry.  But that shell is amazing! 


And Buddy trying to take the mask off your face is hilarious.  I'm sure he thought it was hurting you somehow and he was going to rescue you! And then him getting stuck under the mask too! Oh my, that's a good laugh.


I've been taking Stella to the local ball field in the mornings where many of the friendly dogs ( and owners) congregate. Some of the dogs really want to play ball and many of the others don't quite get it. This is evolving into a game where the ball obsessed dog runs after the ball, and then all the other dogs chase her around and keep her from getting back to her owner easily. it's pretty funny. It's like their all playing defense.


My son is away at outdoor education/ science camp this week, with  his entire grade and teachers. It's only for the week days, but it's just ridiculous how much I miss that child. This is the longest he's been away from home and it's way to quiet in the evenings.

Middle school seems to be 6th through 8th. Junior High seems to be just 7th and 8th.  But that's just  my version.  Kid returned  from camp today. I managed to not cry when picking him up , so that was good.  It was annoying, I missed him a lot, but whenever people asked me about it, and I said I missed him, they would get all patronizing and say "he's fine!" and I wanted to smack them. I know he's fine, I just miss him,. I happen to like my child and enjoy his company.  Arg! 


Anyhow.  Heard a good story, you know how there's always that one kid who doesn't listen? A couple of weeks ago a friend of mines kid was at this camp, and they all got an email saying someone had to be taken to the ER. While they were out on a hike they found a rattle snake. and that kid wouldn't stop poking it. They told him to put down the stick, so he tried to touch it  with his hand.  They got the anti-venom  in him, in time, he's ok, but dang that is some Darwinism in action in there.  My kid knows to not touch the rattlesnake, that's for damn sure.

It's been a while since my Trinidad trip last year, but I was browsing through the 2,500 odd photos I'd taken and selected some to represent Day Three of the trip.  I realize that everyone is dying to see them, so:


We set off in our trusty SUV aiming for Joyce Boodoosingh gas station, because any gas station with a name like that deserves a visit.  And besides, it was on the way to Mayaro.  It wasn't the most modern, but we got gas, and I got a cold Peardrax to drink.  From there, we stopped at La Vega Gardens on the way to Tabaquite, where we looked at all the pretty plants and other stuff.  That scummy watercourse looked like an ideal spot for a huile to live.  (It's pronounced "wheel", which is the local name for an anaconda.)  But I don't suppose the La Vega people would allow one to stay in residence for long!  can't have customers getting eaten!


After that, we went looking for Knolly's Tunnel.  This is the only railway tunnel in Trinidad, for the trains that used to haul cane to the factories.  I mentioned to my buddy that I'd seen them as a boy, and he laughed.  Apparently, he used to hitch a ride on them, on the way home for school!  We found the Southern entrance instead of the Northern entrance we went in search of.  (I was navigating.)  As you can see, it's not very long.  We had to drive through it to see the other end.


After that, it was on through Tabaquite to Rio Claro, heading for Manzanilla / Mayaro.  We stopped for an aloo pie, and that's when I discovered an Apple-J in a glass bottle!  When I was a kid, Apple-J was my favourite soft-drink.  When we moved away from Trinidad, that was the end of Apple-J for me.  45 years later they now import them into Barbados, but they are in cans, and they just don't taste the same as the old, 10 oz. bottle made of glass.  So, there I was, at a road-side vendor in the middle of nowhere, chewing on an aloo pie and drinking a coke, when out of the corner of my eye...  Just as wonderful as 50 years ago!


Onward to the East coast, and North along Manzanilla beach to the bridge over the mouth of the Nariva River. They used to harvest copra down there so there are coconut trees by the millions.  Looking North in the direction of Galera, where we went the day before, looking up (Yes up.  I was just as surprised as you).  And looking South towards Point Radix.  Lots of seaweed on the beach today!  Like I said, millions of coconut trees.


After turning South again, we went back out onto the beach.  Here is Point Radix from there.  Then we stopped on the bridge over the Ortoire River that my buddy remembers from when he was a little kid.  Looking South to Galeota point, you can just make out some of the oil processing plant.  A gas flare can be seen in the photo.  This is why Trinidad doesn't bother with agriculture, tourism, or any other type of revenue generating enterprise.  More scenery!


Galeota was a hive of activity.  We looked West across Guayaguayare Bay, where the frigates play.  I remember hundreds of frigates overhead when we spread my brother's ashes, but that was at the opposite end of the island, just about as far as it's possible to go.  We headed West along Guayaguayare Bay, and spotted this fisherman just before we turned for Edward Trace.  Now, Edward Trace turned out to be a pipeline service road that was in such bad shape, I couldn't take any photos as we bumped along.  I had a video camera running, but it is so filled with crashes, bangs and expletives, I don't think I'd post it even if I knew how!  Maybe later, I'll pull some stills off it.


Next stop:  Moruga, a little fishing community on the south coast.  The Pirogues were coming in as we got there, and there was some fish already up for sale.  (I don't remember what type.)  We ran into Budweiser's Trini cousin, and the ever-present corbeaus circled overhead.  St. Peter kept watch over everything.  He was a fisherman too, right?


From there, we headed North, to look for Cookie in Hindustan Road.  Cookie essentially raised my buddy, after his mom died.  She was 92, and still pretty sharp.  After that, we visited two houses where he lived as a kid, and the sugar factory where his father worked.  Sugar was big in Trinidad, but now, it's day is done.


After that, we drove straight back to the hotel, because we were quite tired, and had another long drive ahead of us the next day.


You can look through this Day Three album as a whole, if you like.

Wow.  Three+ months and not a single post?  I just dunno what happened to all the folks, to make them less interested in chatting.

Anyway, I'm off to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow for just a couple of days.  With a ticket price of $153 return, how could I say no?  And I don't even have to pay for a hotel.

My poor, sweet, snuggly boy Budweiser doesn't know it, but he's off to the kennel first thing tomorrow, and I don't think he's going to like it.  It's a good kennel, well kept, clean, and modern, with comfortable suites for the guests, and a caring staff.  But it's not home with Daddy!  Last time he went, he was the belle of the ball.  (If a boy can be a belle?  Maybe I'll just say he was Top Dog.)  He took the place by storm and everybody fussed over him and looked after him and kept him entertained, so, hopefully he'll be OK again this time.  It's only for a couple of days, anyway!

  • Love 1

$153. return? And you're in Australia? WOW! I'm in Florida and can't to-and-fro Tampa for that.

Did you enjoy Lauderdale?

I'm directly across the state on the Gulf. Lived briefly in Lauderdale in the 90s and haven't been back. Were on boat on the New River. Really enjoyed our time there. 

Wish I had as good of a place for our kitty as you found for Buddy

No, not Australia.  I'm from Barbados!  But $153 is still pretty cheap, because jetBlue is introducing a new service to Ft. Lauderdale, so fares are low until the end of the month.  (The flight was roomy, comfortable, and the service good.  Only negative was not being able to do online check-in on the return journey, due to using two passports -- one to go and one to come.  Oh, and the line for FLL customs was really long.)  One suggestion tho -- don't pack talcum powder in your hand luggage, unless you want to watch them run a drug-assay.

I enjoyed it well enough.  We were only there for two days, really.  Arrived late Tuesday afternoon, and left Friday first thing in the morning.  Spent most of that time shopping.  Bought a dozen pairs of shorts, and maybe two dozen shirts, some sandals, a stingy-brim hat, a couple of computer bits, and a few tools.  

Biggest problem is, my buddy (common 'b') wouldn't let me hire a car, so I must have walked 10 miles (not counting indoors) in two days, from one place to another, which tied up a lot of time. And there were shops that were just too far to reach.  Neither he nor I drive on the right-but-incorrect side of the road, but I thought that with two of us in the car, we might give it a try.  But he was dead against it, despite the fact I was willing to pick up the cost of the rental.  

Buddy (capital 'B') went to the RSPCA, where they have a modern, clean facility thanks to a large donation a couple of years ago.  He went there last year when I spent a week in Trinidad.  To my surprise, when I went there last week to drop my boy off, I discovered that the administration section had been completely rebuilt within the last year, thanks to an endowment.  The people are now as spiffy as the doggies.

Went to pick up my boy straight from the aeroport yesterday, and all the doggies were excited and noisy to see someone coming, but my boy was looking out of his suite and began yodeling when he saw it was me!  He's been particularly attentive and loving since coming home, and uncharacteristically well-behaved.  I threatened to take him back and lock him up for a couple days every two or three months, but he only laughed at me when I said it.

  • Love 2

Barbados! Never been that far down-island but remember more than a couple of weekend shopping sprees from the BVI. Did the liveaboard boat thing for a number of years and many items are much more easily found stateside. Don't know why I thought Aussie. Old imperfect twop memories I guess.

Wish we had the kind of pet facilities you described. Except I'd probably come home with more animals than I started with!

And I never (ever) considered Lauderdale any kind of pedestrian-friendly. Wow. And I bet it was hot and humid. Glad you had a good trip. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

Don't know why I thought Aussie. Old imperfect twop memories I guess.

Well, the part of Barbados I live is the parish of Christ Church, so I do occasionally get asked about NZ.  But not usually Oz...

1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

I never (ever) considered Lauderdale any kind of pedestrian-friendly. Wow.

It still isn't.  Believe me.  My legs are still afire from the knees down, and my feet hurt as well.  And the powder I mentioned?  It was vitally needed in... certain other areas.  It was hot and humid, and we frequently ducked into some random air-conditioned store and pretended to be interested in their merchandise for a couple of minutes, before moving on. 

I also managed to come home with a horrible cold, and thanks to the aeroplane trip, that also manifested itself as a terrible sore throat, due to the dry cabin air.  Now, if I take anything to dry up the cold, the sore throat goes into overdrive.

Ate some positively delicious junk food, which would raise my doctor 's ire, but walked it off again, I think.  Asked an "associate" in Lowes if they had rooms for rent, because I wanted to live there.  Bought a $29 brolly so I could get out of the mall, only for the rain to immediately stop falling.  

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Runny nose and sore throat, now also a cough.  I hurt all over.  Feet, face, head, hands... everything.  I think I had a fever, but it's hard to feel your own brow.  I felt so bad this morning, I considered going to the doctor.  But I couldn't face getting out of bed, so I lay there and drooled on the pillow.  

Little Buddy was a very concerned nursemaid, repeatedly visiting me in bed and giving me comforting cuddles.  And stealing my tissues and my  biscuits.  I don't mind him having the biscuits, but he's always spilling crumbs on the bed!  (Wond'ring Aloud.)  As for the tissues, well, he can convert a square of Bounty roll into confetti in seconds.  The bedroom looks like a snow-storm hit it.

Everything is feeling slightly better tonight than last night and this morning.  Except the cough, which is getting worse.  Got to get up tomorrow, because the cupboard is bare, so here's hoping that a good night's rest with a furry hot-water bottle will see further improvement come the morning.

Buddy isn't really a dog.  He is a devil in canine form.  But he's cute.  Go here for an album of photos.   He is a mongrel.  But that is my favourite type of dog.  And he can be very sweet.  When he wants something, usually.

Just got back from the doctor.  It's not a cold.  It's a bacterial infection that doesn't get better on it's own, and without treatment, it leads to pneumonia.  On anti-biotics now.  Apparently, it's been going around.  She had it herself.  I should expect to feel better on Friday morning.  Until then, I'm going back to bed!

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I take it Buddy was not your proposed subject?

No.  :)   But he likes to get involved with what's going on.  Usually by curling up in the middle of it, whatever it is.

I've been photographing my knife collection, which is a job that has needed doing for ages.  I've got about ⅔rds of it done, but the difficult ones remain!

I'm all better, except for a slight remanent of the cough.  I'm sipping the remains of the cough syrup to help it depart, but it puts my tongue to sleep.  

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Bet they're difficult to shoot.

I see what you did there!

Yeh, well, I'm lousy with a camera.  In fact, the camera itself is a better photographer than I am, by far.

Some aren't too bad.  Like the collections of similar pieces.  You lay them out on a novel background (I'm ripping down the curtains, next), set up a few lights, and shoot.  But some require multiple shots of a single knife (open/closed/etc), in different positions on the background, and an hour or two with GIMP afterwards, to make some sort of passable image out of the set.  

Not even started on my Kershaws yet, and I have 23 of them, most of which will require individual treatment.  And some will need to be featured twice.  For example, the Chive, Scallion, Leek and Shallot will have to be photographed as a group, but the Leek has the composite blade, and deserves an image of it's own.  And I have two Blurs.  One with Desert Sand scales, and one with an S30V blade.  But by taking them apart and putting them back together differently, I can also get a standard black Blur, and the world's only (maybe) Desert Sand Blur with an S30V blade!  So, can I get the four of them seamlessly into a single shot, when I only actually own two?

Fun!  While the rain falls!

1 minute ago, NewDigs said:

And I was just going to ask if travel to your neck of the woods this time of year was a really bad idea.

Well, not really.  It's been very dry for weeks.  Months.  But today, because there was a ton of stuff I needed to do outdoors, the rain has pissed down all day long!

Technically, it is the start of the hurricane season, but we usually get the majority of the rain later in the year, like October/November.  Not that you can count on anything weather-related, these days...

  • Love 1

To add to my previous:

It's been rainy for days, like my name is Noah.  We had a BBQ scheduled for last Sunday -- a weekend that's probably the rainiest I've ever seen since the flood of 1970.  It would appear that the rainy season has started, a bit early, perhaps.  The up-side is that everything has changed colour form khaki to green, overnight.  And it's cooler, too.  The down-side?  Well, the worst part is that my car has no windshield wipers.  Oh, and Buddy loves to jump into the bed covered in water/mud, and roll around to dry off...

On June 21, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Netfoot said:

To add to my previous:

It's been rainy for days, like my name is Noah.  We had a BBQ scheduled for last Sunday -- a weekend that's probably the rainiest I've ever seen since the flood of 1970.  It would appear that the rainy season has started, a bit early, perhaps.  The up-side is that everything has changed colour form khaki to green, overnight.  And it's cooler, too.  The down-side?  Well, the worst part is that my car has no windshield wipers.  Oh, and Buddy loves to jump into the bed covered in water/mud, and roll around to dry off...

Ha! A cyber-ad that continues to appear is from the Barbados Tourism Bureau touting what a wonderful place Barbados is in the summer! I clicked so will probably continue to see it. Looks beautiful. 

RainX works really well on windshields. Back in the day it did actually work as a wiper replacement.

59 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

A cyber-ad that continues to appear is from the Barbados Tourism Bureau touting what a wonderful place Barbados is in the summer!

They're right!  But we had a bit of a deluge to signal the end of the dry spell.  

RainX looks interesting.   I'll see if I can find some.  I wonder how it will affect my puppy's ability to scamper over the windshield 50 times a day, as he climbs onto the roof?

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, NewDigs said:

what's that rack hold? 

Ladders.  The vehicle was used for 10 months by telephone/electrical installers, and the rack is designed to carry 2-3 ladders a side.  I will have to remove it and possibly acquire a different rack that can carry sheet goods.  And isn't so tall that it can't fit into the multi-level parking at the mall next door to my house.

Wipers, reverse gear, A/C, electric windows, turn indicators on all four corners, a horn that blows, doors that lock... all manner of things Buddy and I aren't accustomed to!

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So, Budweiser caught a bird.  A large dove, or a small pigeon.   (I think it was a pigeon.)    I was unaware of what was going on until it was all over, so I had no opportunity to rescue it.   Anyway, he... disassembled it.  What a mess. There were feathers everywhere.

Anyone care to guess where he caught it?

BTW, Buddy's birthday is coming up next Friday.  He will be three years old.  Maybe  I'll take some photos.

He did the dastardly deed in the new car!  No, he dragged the majority of the creature out onto the lawn, leaving a mess of feathers for me to clean up.

Budweiser is convinced that the car is his room.  He felt the same with the old Suzuki, but now he thinks he's been given an upgrade.  So the doors are often left open for him to come and go.  I guess Mr. Pigeon made the mistake in thinking he was welcome to come and go too!

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Hello everyone - long time since I've posted, but I'm procrastinating, as usual.  Netfoot, glad to see you are still posting regularly and that Buddy is still a spitfire.

I can't even recall when I posted last.  In any event, I retired from my years of librarianship in December of 2013.  I've taken quite a few trips, including my decade in the planning cross country sojourn of 6 weeks.  MissStar is now 26!  She lives in Denver, working as an office manager and wellness coordinator for a residential realty company.  I'm heading out next weekend to visit with her.

I spend most of my time finally pursuing my bliss of acting.  It's mostly background work on network shows, but I have had a few larger jobs as well.  It gets me out of the house and into NYC pretty regularly.  This week I'm a guest on a podcast dealing with money management, and they will use me in their print ads, too.  

Still loving TAR, of course.  I long for the days of "regular" teams, though.

  • Love 2

Well, here he is, the Birthday Boy, looking as serious as any young fellow might, on his twenty-first birthday.

@mpstar, so nice to hear from you.  So many of the old crowd seem to have vanished, or at least been struck speechless by the passage of time.  It's pleasant to get a status report from time to time.  

Glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself, doing the things you enjoy.  Isn't that what we all should be doing?  But unfortunately, most people leave it too late.  

Nothing to report from my end, I'm afraid.  Budweiser and I live quietly, and aren't into any sort of flamboyant lifestyle.  I was going to take him across to the other side of the island today, where we could go swimming together.  But it's been raining off and on all day so far. Most out of the ordinary thing I've done recently is finally buy the car (or van, actually) I've been talking about for years.   

Have done no travelling since my trip to Trinidad last year.  (Well, not counting a couple days in Ft Lauderdale a few months ago, but that was shopping only.) I'm ready for another road trip somewhere, but my buddy is going to NZ this winter (which will be summer there), so no travel likely until maybe late '17 or even '18!  

 Please pass my regards on to MissStar, who I never met, but heard so much about as the years rolled by, it's as if I know her a little bit.  And to your brother who I did meet, (and who struck me as a pretty cool guy), tell him I say hello.

"Cause our show's not on and not many people come here anymore?

Man, some days I really miss the old "Meet Market". It was so cool to have all the friends all over  the place. I miss them and I wonder what happened to them.

All is well  in California, finally getting some rain. I started in at TWoP with a baby in my arms, he turned 13 recently.

Nice to see you Netfoot, best to Buddy!

Bud just jumped into my lap and won't be moved!  So, forgive the slow typing wit my arms under his neck/tummy and my eyes peering over his back.

Go away, naughty cuddle-bunny!

ETA:  We're dancing to Boz Scaggs ("1993").  He's licking my neck! It tickkkkles!

Phew!  Finally got rid of him by pointing down the passage and shouting "Mousie!"  He'll be snuffling all over the house for the rest of the day now, tho...

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 1

A couple days late, but here's hoping you had a Merrie Christmas, or what ever other celebration you... celebrate.  

I have to report that I have been sick as a dog for nearly two weeks with a killer-cough that's been sweeping the land.  I've never had whooping-cough, but this was the worst I've ever had, by a long chalk.  The worst of it is over, but they tell me that I can expect to be barking for several more weeks.  Today is the best I've felt in quite a while, thank goodness.  Even went up to the cliff for some gliding with the lads, but made sure to keep my distance and stay down-wind of everyone.  Christmas day and Boxing day I only got out of bed because I had to take the medication, and because my laptop is dead so I couldn't surf the net or watch videos without getting up.  And in fact it was last weekend that I thought I was going to die...

I don't know where the name came from, but I was told (by a Customs officer, and they know everything, don't they?) that this thing is known as the Trump Flue.  Can't think why...

But here's hoping you guys had a better time than I over the last few days, and let's doubly hope that the coming year will be good to all of us!

If you're all nice, I'll take a cuute daddy/doggie photo and post it.  (Buddy was so glad to get out of the house this afternoon!)

Here is a link to a very bad cell-phone video of Budweiser embarrassing himself this afternoon, in an attempt to catch a bunny.  


He stands no chance of catching a hare, but it took him over two minutes to even see the hare!  Please excuse the horrible quality, and the rude remarks being made by my so-called friends, about my dog!  Never mind, I still love him.

And (just because you are a glutton for punishment) here's a still-picture (same cell phone) of the guys flying at the cliff yesterday.  Winds forecast at 22 mph, but Kev's portable anemometer was reading 31 mph, gusting to 35!  You could have flown a concrete block if you could have got the center-of-gravity right!

Edited by Netfoot
Forgot link to photo!

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