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Supernatural Obsession: Quotes, Memorable Moments, etc


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Hmm.  I think JP looked his worst in Season 1 (that hair!) and also in Season 9 (that hair! and also his face is so thin).  He looked his best as soulless Sam and I'll admit my choice is likely entirely due to the naked chest.  Plus, I just realized I might have a thing for the bad boy eyes because....JA looked his best in The End and in the latter half of Season 9.  And also Purgatory.  I'm not sure when JA looked his worst because Dean's looked hasn't gone through many changes.  I think the most change is that Ackles has developed more fine lines around his eyes, which isn't all that problematic.  So, I'll just say he looked his worst in Bloodlines because I hated that episode.  

  • Love 2

Heh---I actually like S1 JP. The hair somehow worked for S1 Sam, as odd as I realize that sounds. I just CAN'T with his hair past S3 as a general rule...and don't get me started on the supersized sideburns! I also liked how JP wasn't quite as huge those first few seasons. Granted, my fondness for S-S3 JP could all very well be influenced by the fact that I liked Sam far more in those first few seasons than at any time since.


I agree that JA's look doesn't vary as much, though in parts of S1-S3 they seem to use too much gel in his hair. Yes, I notice only the truly important things about this show! I actually think he looks particularly gorgeous on S6-S7.   

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Heh---I actually like S1 JP. The hair somehow worked for S1 Sam, as odd as I realize that sounds. I just CAN'T with his hair past S3 as a general rule...and don't get me started on the supersized sideburns! I also liked how JP wasn't quite as huge those first few seasons. Granted, my fondness for S-S3 JP could all very well be influenced by the fact that I liked Sam far more in those first few seasons than at any time since.


I agree that JA's look doesn't vary as much, though in parts of S1-S3 they seem to use too much gel in his hair. Yes, I notice only the truly important things about this show! I actually think he looks particularly gorgeous on S6-S7.   

Oh lord, the side burns! For a while there I thought Jared had lost a fight with a rug and it was slowly eating his face. I would agree that Jared did hulk out a bit for a couple of seasons and I'm not sure it was his best look.  There are times in S2 when watching Jared makes my head itch, his hair is so greasy looking that I want to go wash my own head and clean up that image. And something changes in JA's face when they tone down the spikey hair--like in It's a Terrible Life or at the beginning of S6--his face is somehow softer and rounder and I remember thinking he looked a couple years younger.


I'm really bad at this game, I rarely pay attention to these kinds of things, so if I notice then it must be really noticeable. I would say, S1 is probably when they looked their best because I think that's when they looked most like their characters...if that even makes any sense. S1 was before there was any fan or network expectations, so the choices they made were less influenced by what they thought would be popular and more by who they thought these characters were. I don't think that made it any clearer...sorry, I'll stop now.

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More pop culture references - I love the ones mentioned so far:


Andy: "These are not the droids you're looking for."

Sam's use of Wedge Antilles as an alias.


Ed: "Be brave. WWBD. What Would Buffy Do, huh?"

Harry: "What would Buffy do. But Ed, she's stronger than me."


Dean's "The most disturbing thing about this is that you're a Bon Jovi fan" when (Meg)Sam used "Richie Sambora" as an alias followed later by...

Dean: "Bon Jovi rocks... on occasion"


Dean: "Jefferson Starships: because they're horrible and hard to kill." Followed later by...

Sam's at first recluctant use of and then upon seeing them coming to get them, yelling "J-Jefferson Starships!"


The whole exchange between Sam and Bobby about Dean knowing the words to Clint Eastwood movies, ending with

Bobby (somewhat horrified): "Not the monkey ones."

Sam: "Especially the monkey ones."

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Do I even need to say "Agent Victor Henriksen"?  I love and miss that character so much.  

Hmm.  5 - 7, huh?  OK:


1 - Henriksen

2 - Ava Wilson

3 - Jo Harvelle (I'm shocked at how much I've grown to like her)

4 - Rufus

5 - John Winchester

6 - Castiel

7 - Bobby


Least favorite:  You know what?  Just pick any seven random demons and angels (not counting Crowley, Castiel or Zechariah), and consider them my list.  

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7 is not enough :) but I'll play along.

Favorites of mine:

- Mary Winchester


- Charlie

- Dorothy



- Cain...

Abaddon, Henry Winchester, Grandma Winchester --Deanna?-- Bobby, Jody, Death, Andy, Ellen and Jo are favorites as well.

Least favorites:

- Meg 2.0 ( I liked her better when she was evil, she killed Pastor Jim and Caleb then suddenly she becomes a friendly demon?)

- Ruby

- that kid from Swap meat

- Garth

-Dick Roman

-Eve, the mother of all.

-Christian Campbell ? The character played by Corin Nemec.

Edited by Mia-667
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Favorite outside of Sam and Dean in no particular order (well Cas is number one)



Dick Roman






Least favorite


Bobby (as of the end of S5 he went on my crap list)

Lisa and Ben

Ruby 2.0

Alastair (character was great, actor was great, but I fucking HATE Alastair, I MEAN LOATHE HIM so I love him but I hate him. It's all very confusing)



Henrikson  (And yes, I think it goes without saying!), Ellen, Ava, Ronald (with the laser eyes, hee!), Pamela, Rufus and Death (I do love me some Death! ;) .)

Note: I would have added Bobby and Crowley, but both long out-lived their welcome and really became something I don't think they were, IMO. And Castiel I would consider a given just like Sam and Dean. And, there are so many others from the first few seasons that were richly drawn and absolutely delightful, but these were the first that came to mind.


Least favs...

Meg, Ruby, Missouri, Tamara from Seven Deadly Sins...let's just finish it off by doing what ElleryAnne did and say the first three Stunt Demons/Angels come to mind.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Argh, I'm finding it torturous to answer my own question! 


Favorite non-Sam, non-Dean characters in no particular order:






Trickster (at least for his first few appearances!) 

Meg 1.0 

Bobby in S2-S3 


Least Favorite:



Lisa (It's not like I dislike her, exactly---she doesn't have enough of a personality to make much of an impression one way or the other----I just hate her role on the show, and her scenes put me to sleep)

Becky from Skin (I realize this is irrational :) I just can't stand her and couldn't buy her as a friend of Sam's! And I resent her for inadvertently marring what would otherwise be among my favorite S1 episodes!)

 As others have said---nearly all the angels and demons! Since this "war" has been going for about a zillion years now, can't they just all kill each other off and let our characters move on to a more interesting storyline? ;) 


Character I'm most conflicted about: John 

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 3

Here's one.  Which are your favorite alternate versions of Sam and Dean?


Favorite Deans

Leviathan!Dean - because he's so fucking smarmy and funny and thrives on making Actual!Dean and Actual!Sam miserable.

Future!Dean - Because he's just so hard and cold and driven

WIAWSNB!Dean - Because he's so damn happy

Dean!Smith - Because Dean is apparently well adjusted

Shapeshifter!Dean - Because he's one fucked up piece of work

Demon!Dean - I have no idea what you are talking about


Favorite Sammys

Lucifer!Sam (or Samifer)- Hands Down. Best thing Jared has ever done in the show.

Meg!Sam - Because creepy

Leviathan!Sam - Better sense of humor than Actual!Sam

Soulless!Sam - I pretty much hate Soulless Sam.

Oh gosh, yes.  Throw my hat in on the Ronald ring.  He was great and Ava too.  And Jake before he went all traitor

  • Love 3
And Jake before he went all traitor



Sharing the Jake love! I love Aldis Hodge anyway, and would have been so happy if this show had made Jake a recurring character instead of going the route they did with him.  But then, I guess I wouldn't have gotten to have five years of him on Leverage.


Which are your favorite alternate versions of Sam and Dean?



This one is tough, because I love original Dean and Sam so much.  But here goes:


Favorite alternate Deans:

Dean Smith - because yes, well-adjusted looks good on him.  Also, suit looks good on him.  Also, Dean on the cleanse makes me laugh.

WIAWSNB!Dean - He can break my heart because the "real" Dean still comes through, but I love seeing Dean with his mom, and his reaction to finding out that his dad died of a heart attack instead of the way he actually did.


Favorite alternate Sams:

Sam Wesson - smashing that phone in that tiny little cubicle is so cathartic.  I cheer when I see it.  Also, I like that Sam has a work friend in Ian to tell that he dreamed he killed a reaper named Tessa.

Becky's husband Sam - Don't ask me to explain it, because I can't.  But I get a kick out of Sam married to Becky.


Least favorite alternate Dean:

Demon!Dean - although I'm officially telling myself he doesn't exist until S10 proves me wrong.  Lots of things can cause blackness of the eyes, right?  Maybe he's been taken over by alien oil from the X-Files or something.


Least favorite alternate Sam:

WIAWSNB!Sam - because he's pissy and doesn't know how to play the Bitch-Jerk game.

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It's times like this that I realize how they've run the characters into the ground, either through killing or ruining. Then they struggled with making good new characters, and when they managed to... dead. My god will they cling to bad characters, though.



- Henricksen (dead)

- Ellen (dead)

- Benny (dead)

- Rufus (dead)

- Jody Mills

- Tessa (dead)

- Death


Honourable mention - Gadreel (He grew on me and then died), Gabriel, Linda Tran, Pamela

Villains - Gordon Walker, Alastair, Azazel, Naomi, Abaddon


There were other ones I really enjoyed (Ronald, Sarge, the lawyer from that episode, Frank grew on me before dying, Samandriel, the girl from Providence, Lee, i enjoyed hating Zachariah and Meg, it goes on)


Least (this list could be twice as long, I could do a season 6 and forward one)

- Garth (kill!)

- Ruby (2.0 was the worse one)

- Charlie (Sue. Which sucks because she has good chemistry with JA)

- Bobby (good job ruining him, gang)

- Metatron (shut up)

- Ben (so annoying)

- Amelia (so baaaad)


Dishonourable mention - Becky (that shit was offensive), Krissy (please go away), Adam (such a stupid thing), Missouri, Bela (deliberate on their part), John (what a mess they made of that), the Campbells (awful), Dick Roman (bland and dick jokes), Amy. Lisa I knew they would botch so I preemptively didn't like her.

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Non-Sam, Dean or Castiel characters: Hmm I'm gonna cheat and do one category for recurring and one for one-offs (and one time characters brought back only to get killed - which to me don't count as recurring). I'm including good guys and villains together, so a recurring favorite villain may be a character that I love to hate.


Favorite Recurring:



Jody Mills






Lucifer (including Hallucifier)


Least favorite recurring:








Favorite One-off Characters:


KC (from "Bloody Mary")

Paul (from "99 Problems")

Sarah (from "Provenace")

Everybody on the set in "Hollywood Babylon"

Maggie, Spruce, and Corbett from "Ghostfacers"

Audrey from "Wishful Thinking"

Aaron and the Golem from "Everybody Hates Hilter"


Least Favorite One-off Characters - probably more, but off the top of my head Roy and Walt (boo) from "Dark Side" and those crappy hunters from "Free to Be..." as well, Jane (who shot Paul - Boo!) from "99 Problems," smarmy Mercury from "Hammer of the Gods," the witches of "Malleus Maleficarum," the slimy head vampire in "Live Free or Twihard," that crappy witch guy who killed the cat familiar in "Man's Best Friend..." just the worst character ever, and I refuse to go back and see what his name was, since I want nothing to do with that episode ever again, and the crappy power-hungry sister in "Bloodlines" (or whatever that backdoor pilot was called.)


I'll do favorite versions of Sam and Dean a bit later.


Edited to add: Oh, man Elliot Ness. I considered him and really should've put him as one of my "One-off" character choices, especially if we get his fun assistant as part of the bargain. And ditto to keeping to the number I'm supposed to  ElleryAnne. I'm so bad at that.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Reading through all of this, I agree with most lists.

I adore Crowley, I think he's become the most interesting bad guy on the show. Of course, he had lots of time to develop and they actually managed to keep him fairly consistent. And because he calls them Moose and NotMoose.


Favorite Sam version: Hands down MegSam and Samifer from The End. I don't think I need to explain.

Favorite Dean versions: ShapeshifterDean. Because he was evil, creepy, disgusting, whiny and pathetic all at the same time. LeviathanDean because he's funny. I miss funny Dean. Especially since he was never as funny as he thought he was. Which made him funny. Does that make sense?

  • Love 1
I miss funny Dean. Especially since he was never as funny as he thought he was. Which made him funny. Does that make sense?


YES! Especially because he kind of KNEW he wasn't as funny as he thought he was, and would make these post-joke expressions indicating that, which was even funnier. And I'm pretty sure that didn't make sense anywhere other than in my own weird little mind, but hopefully you get the gist :)


I enjoyed PossessedSam in Born Under a Bad Sign beyond the telling of it. Like many of you, I also liked It's a Terrible Life's Sam Wesson and adored successful but slightly smarmy, amusingly health-obsessed Dean Smith. (IATL is actually one of my top 2-3 episodes of S4, but I digress!) 


Here's an interesting one: Who were the 5-7 female one-episode characters you liked most and/or would have wanted to see more of?  

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Single appearances, huh?  So no Ava.  Okay, mstaken, I see what you did there.... ;P


So I guess I would pick:


Detective Ballard (from The Usual Suspects)

Sarah (from Provenance)

Cassie (from Route 666)

Mara (from Folsom Prison Blues)

Melanie (from The Mentalists)


And I won't try to add a sixth or seventh, because I think it's been adequately established that I'll realize I'm missing some when I see everyone else's lists!

  • Love 3

Here's an interesting one: Who were the 5-7 female one-episode characters you liked most and/or would have wanted to see more of?


Kathleen from The Benders

Kat from Asylum

Melanie from The Mentalists

The whacky fairy lady from Clap Your Hands If You Believe--good times!

Benny's Granddaughter


Gosh, that was harder than it should have been. This show really doesn't have a good track record with female characters, IMO.

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I suck at those lists but Sarah appeared twice! I haven't forgiven Crowley for that one yet.


I believe Benny's grand daughter and the scared mom in Lisa's first episode were played by the same actress.


Yup, I suck at lists but I don't forget a face once it made an impression.


Ok, one off female characters. Btw, I suck at names too.

The sheriff in The Purge.

Mara in Folsom Prison Blues.

The cop from The Benders.

The girl in The Asylum.

The blonde "bar wench" in Monster Movie.

The woman who published the Supernatural books (I think she showed up as a victim in season 2's "The Usual Suspects")

Bobby's neighbor, who probably moved away. Poor woman!

Edited by supposebly
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I believe Benny's grand daughter and the scared mom in Lisa's first episode were played by the same actress.


Same actress, two different characters. It counts


Yes I love the sheriff from the Benders. She was awesome.

Yes, to the Sheriff in the Purge.  I loved her! She had such a nice rapport with Dean.


I think the lesson here is that if you are a female and you want to survive in Supernatural you need to be a cop. 

The Benders Sheriff Katherine

Sheriff in the Purge


Linda Blair FBI agent

  • Love 3

Oh, and how did I forget Amelia in recurring characters I disliked.


Which are your favorite alternate versions of Sam and Dean?


My Favorite Alternate Sam's: I agree with all of the love for LuciferSam, MegSam and Sam Wesson. But I also enjoyed SoulessSam, especially when he no longer had to pretend to be actual Sam. He was at the same time evilly amusing and an arrogant jerk. It made it all that much sweeter when real Sam shot his smug ass. (So I enjoyed both finding him amusing and watching his demise - both times). And as also mentioned LeviathanSam was also amusing. That line about the salad tasting like self-righteousness is one of my favorites from the show.


Alternate Deans: I agree with Leviathan Dean, Shapeshifter Dean, and Dean Smith. And although it doesn't technically count as an "alternate" Dean, I will say that I really loved PA Dean from "Hollywood Babylon." He really was one hell of a PA.


I would like to say that I liked 2014 future Dean, but I was more distressed by him. I don't know, somehow I didn't enjoy cold, methodical Dean like I appreciated cold, methodical Sam. I don't know why. And his sending future Castiel in to get slaughtered... just so, so wrong.


Here's an interesting one: Who were the 5-7 female one-episode characters you liked most and/or would have wanted to see more of?


Repeating KC from "Bloody Mary"

and Audrey from "Wishful Thinking"

and Maggie Zedmoor from "Ghostfacers"

Ezra Moore from "Time After Time..."

Melanie from "The Mentalists" (I agree with DittyDotDot on that one)

Marin from "The Born-Again Identity"

Dorothy from "Slumber Party"


I might've put Annie Hawkins from "Of Grave Importance" but sadly she got killed.


Edited to add:

I do like the quirky with a little bit whack-a-do sprinkled on top, don't I?


Oh, speaking of this - and I agree on Bobby's neighbor and the sheriff from "The Purge" - like you, I did love Marion, the fairy lady from "Clap Your Hands If You Believe" in all her "wackadoo" glory.

Edited by AwesomO4000
  • Love 1


Here's an interesting one: Who were the 5-7 female one-episode characters you liked most and/or would have wanted to see more of?


Ohhhh, good one.


Kathleen - The Benders

Layla - Faith

Dianna - The Usual Suspects

Mara - Folsom Prison Blues

Casey - Sin City

Ezra - Time After Time

The Rugaru's wife - Metamorphosis (what happened there?)


HM - Dorothy and Elizabeth.



I wish we'd seen more of Deacon. Stupid show.

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Okay, new challenge: Rank the nine season premieres from your favorite to least favorite. And then the nine finales from favorite to least favorite. And no ties allowed, because I'm sadistic like that ;)


God knows I used to love the season premieres and finales.



S2 - In My Time of Dying

S4 - Lazarus Rising

S5 - Sympathy for the Devil

S1 - Pilot

Drop in quality

S8 - We Need to Talk About Kevin (Purgatory...)

S9 - I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here

S6 - Exile on Main Street

S7 - Meet the New Boss

S3 - The Magnificent Seven (it didn't feel like a season premiere)



S3 - No Rest for the Wicked

S2 - All Hell Breaks Loose Part II

S1 - Devil's Trap

S4 - Lucifer Rising

Clear difference of quality

S9 - Do You Believe in Miracles?

S7 - Survival of the Fittest (only for the cliffhanger)

S6 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

S8 - Sacrifice

Steep Drop

S5 - Swan Song (Turd)


The Man Who Knew Too Much and Sacrifice can switch depending on my mood. I think others aren't concrete either

  • Love 2

I reserve the right to change my rankings at any time. :P
Favorite Premieres:
S4-Lazarus Rising :  For obvious reasons it is the most awesome premiere and is in my top 5 favorite episodes ever. Holy shit, the cinematography, Dean crawling out of the grave, reunion with Sammy! Castiel's intro!

S8 - We Need To Talk about Kevin - Purgatory!Dean, Purgatory!Dean, Purgatory!Dean
S2-In My Time of Dying- Because beautiful and wonderful and sad and joyful all at the same time.  Also, Tessa
S7-Meet the New Boss- Godstiel
S1-Pilot- Not ranked higher because other seasons
S9-I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here- I don't know whether I liked it or not.  But I can't rank it lower because others I disliked more
S3-The Magnificent Seven- Meh. It was alright. Dean was really out of character but then by Sin City it all makes sense why he was the way he was. He was terrified and projecting IMO. Sam was actually being Sam!
S5-Sympathy for the Devil - I completely forgot about this one! Lucifer rose, right?
S6-Exile on Main Street- Boring. I hated Domestic!Dean. I don't like the Campbell clan. Bleh. Just Bleh Boring.
Favorite Finales:

S3- No Rest for the Wicked - Creepy Li'l Lilith and they actually killed Dean really most sincerely and sent him to Hell. Holy shit. Balls right there.
S2- All Hell Breaks Loose p t 2-Because Dean hovering ove r Sammy and making the damn deal. Sam figuring it out was great

S6- The Man Who Knew Too Much-Erased the worst of s6 and gave us a great new starting point for s7 with the leviathan. Also, Godstiel
S1- The Devil's Trap-  The Impala getting t-boned with Dean already dying in the back seat. Shocking.
S8-Sacrifice -  I hated the whole switch of the trials to Sam but the angels falling was pretty badass and Dean getting through to Cas as Cas is beating the shit out of him was pretty emotionally gut wrenching.
S4- Lucifer Rising - Given the massive reveal of Ruby was a big thing but I can't say I loved it nor did it really move me emotionally
S7- Survival of the Fittest - Exploding Dick sent Dean to Purgatory
S5- Swan Song -I  would list this last until s9 happened.
S9- Do You Believe in Miracles - caveat this would have been like 2nd or 3rd because Jensen Ackles acted the hell out of it and he dies better than a person ought too and I cried like a little girl.  But fuck I'm pissed off about demon!Dean. I hate-loved it. So confused!
ETA: Because format was hinky

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 2
Okay, new challenge: Rank the nine season premieres from your favorite to least favorite. And then the nine finales from favorite to least favorite. And no ties allowed, because I'm sadistic like that ;)



Ok... Other than the first few in each list, I could've put them in groups that were tied, but I'll play by the rules... ;)


Season premieres:

S2 - In My Time of Dying - So much love for this episode.

S1 - Pilot - Also love 

S4 - Lazarus Rising - okay, like

S7 - Meet the New Boss - eh

S3 - The Magnificent Seven

S8 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

S5 - Sympathy for the Devil

S9 - I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here

S6 - Exile on Main Street - weak


Season finales:

S1 - Devil's Trap - love, love, love 

S2 - All Hell Breaks Loose Part II - still love

S3 - No Rest for the Wicked - getting into "like" territory here

S4 - Lucifer Rising - meh

S7 - Survival of the Fittest

S6 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

S5 - Swan Song - blergh

S8 - Sacrifice

S9 - Do You Believe in Miracles? - grrh

  • Love 1

Alright, you guys sucked me into another time wasting challenge...work, what's this thing called work you speak of? ;)


Season premieres:

S2 - In My Time of Dying

S4 - Lazarus Rising

S1 - Pilot

S7 - Meet the New Boss

S8 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

S3 - The Magnificent Seven

S6 - Exile on Main Street
S5 - Sympathy for the Devil
S9 - I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here


So the first two are basically ties for me--but that darn mstaken and her rules won't allow that--so Lazarus Rising edged out In My Time Of Dying because of the first few minutes of silence that I love and Castiel's intro was pretty freakin' awesome. The Pilot is a close third and then a sizable gap where everything else that follows is basically tied for meh.


Season finales:

S1 - Devil's Trap

S2 - All Hell Breaks Loose Part II

S3 - No Rest for the Wicked
S4 - Lucifer Rising
S7 - Survival of the Fittest
S6 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
S5 - Swan Song

S8 - Sacrifice

S9 - Do You Believe in Miracles?


This list was much harder. In general, I don't really like SPN's finales--they're usually over-packed and so heavy that they could drag the whole planet out of its own orbit.  I also feel like generally they are mostly emotional manipulation and I don't really care to be manipulated. However, the first three are practically tied: Devil's Trap for the shocking car crash; All Hell Breaks Loose II for Dean's speech over a lifeless body; and No Rest For The Wicked for having the balls to send Dean to Hell--everything that comes after is meh.

  • Love 3

Season premieres:


S2 - In My Time of Dying - Still my favorite season opening. A great use of the previous finale.

S1 - Pilot - a great introduction to the show.

S7 - Meet the New Boss - A great pick up from the previous finale. A clear narrative to the story with a good voice and story for all of the main characters. A lot happened without the episode being too crowded or unnecessarily confused.

S4 - Lazarus Rising - Dean's story was mostly well done*, but Sam's story was unnecessarily muddled, and in retrospect this episode set that tone for the entire season. So though while with first watch I might have placed this higher, over time it has fallen out of my favorites by quite a bit. In some ways, I thought the time jump especially by not revisiting it until 8 episodes into the season  was a big mistake. **

S5 - Sympathy for the Devil - Not my favorite, but it did set the tone for the season nicely, so I knew what to expect for the season. Also nice use of Chuck. At some point it might jump ahead of "Lazarus Rising"

S9 - I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here - Not the best, but it set the tone for the season, and I knew what to expect and where we were coming from. That's something I look for in a season opener.

S8 - We Need to Talk About Kevin - Another opening where the story for Dean is well done, but  Sam's story is unnecessarily muddled and in this case, unlike season 4, there was little or no attempt later to explain or correct the muddle, so this gets knocked down for that.

S3 - The Magnificent Seven - This didn't feel like a season opener, and it didn't really set the tone so much. The persons in peril were not ones I found interesting.

S6 - Exile on Main Street - meh


In general the premieres weren't as enjoyable for me as the finales. The first three are easily my favorites. The next two are close, and the last 4 are also close.


* I have a small nitpick with the vagueness of whether Dean remembered hell at this point or not. If he did, the rest of the opening would make little sense, so I assume he did not, but then the question becomes when did he remember... and if the answer is during "Yellow Fever," for me that was a crappy and wrongly toned episode for that to happen.

** I don't know: maybe Dean's  coming out of the grave should've for me happened at the end of the episode with the beginning a quick-through on what Sam did and how he came to be there in that same town when Dean came up (And why that's where Sam buried him in the first place)... and save Castiel for the next episode or two and get rid of some of the lame and/or unnecessarily relentless and grim episodes in the middle.


Favorite Finales:


S1 - Devil's Trap - Saw this in "real time" and so had to wait until Fall to see what happened. My thought: "Holy crap! What?!? No!"

S5 - Swan Song - I loved season 5, and with my interpretation, I loved this too. Dean and Sam screwed destiny, and Sam got to actually help win one for the first and only time in the series.

S6 - The Man Who Knew Too Much - I agree with cartox on this one. This elevated season 6 and set up season 7 very well. I liked the storyline for both the brothers and for Castiel.

S2 - All Hell Breaks Loose pt 2 - This just barely got edged out by season 6's finale, and this only in retrospect, because in some ways the switching of the storyline abruptly from Sam  "and oh yeah he's sort of psychic, but the main focus is on the cases of the week" to "all about Dean and the deal which will now overhang the show relentlessly and start it on the path to never-ending angst" started here in this finale.

S7- Survival of the Fittest -  I like it when the guys win. And the set up for both brothers was interesting. It's not season 7's fault that season 8 didn't really deliver.

S3 - No Rest for the Wicked - They sent Dean to hell, which was gutsy, but it was also depressing as hell and set up the angst-fest that was season 4 for me.

S4 - Lucifer Rising - Of course Sam raised Lucifer. Crap. Used to be higher, but gets docked for including heavy stuff in way over its head.

S9 - Do You Believe in Miracles - Interesting story for Dean. Less interesting, but at least concluded story for Castiel. Too bad they had Sam fail to save Dean or be involved more than peripherally in the main plot action for the 4th season finale in a row.
S8 - Sacrifice -  The set up of both stories had promise. I liked both the Sam/Crowley and Dean/Castiel interaction, but in the end what was the point of this again?


I seemed to like the finales in general more than the season openings.

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