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Gilmore Girls Bests and Worsts

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This is the place to gush and snark about the best and worst of Gilmore Girls, my all-time favorite show but one that also has more than its share of snark-worthy flaws! I'd love to hear about people's favorite and least favorite seasons, episodes, characters, actors, storylines, scenes, quotes, most awesome and groan-worthy moments, etc.


For starters, how would you rate the seasons from best to worst---and why? Needless to say, there are no ties allowed ;) 

If I could rank S6 lower I would.


To quote our show: Amen, Sister Friend! 


Mine would go S2, S3, S4, S1, S5, S7 and S6. 


S2 just happens to have a disproportionate number of supremely rewatchable episodes that I love and very, very few that have me reaching for the fast forward button. I love how Jess's presence affects both Luke and Rory. I love how Lorelai's character is a little less vain and juvenile than her S1 incarnation (hey, I said a LITTLE!) I love the Rory/Lorelai scenes in this one and the Luke/Lorelai friendship. I love the wit, the poignancy, the---okay, I'll shut myself up mid-gush, but suffice it to say that S2 is still one of my favorites of any show ever! 

I deeply love S3 as well and am always pleasantly surprised to remember that the nonsense with Francie is a far smaller part of the season than I recalled, as is the lethally dull Nicole and her chemistry-free relationship with Luke. S3 does have a few clunkers, but it also contains some of the series' true pinnacles for me: Lazy Hazy Crazy, They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?, Let the Games Begin, Those Are Strings, Pinocchio, etc. 

I do love S4---quite a bit more than the other seasons that remain, in fact---but maybe not quite as much as most fellow GG addicts seem to love this season. It's consistently very good but contains fewer personal favorite episodes for me than S2 or S3. I love watching Lorelai realize her series-long dream of owning an inn and Rory first adjusting to college. However, I really, really, REALLY hate the Rory-Dean affair and the buildup to it; Luke marrying Nicole will never not be absurd to me; this is the season when minor characters like the townies and even Sookie start to grate on my last nerve; and the overall tone just isn't quite as effervescent and sparkly to me as my beloved S2 and S3. Again, though, I do love it, and more than I love..

...S1, which I always expect to love more than I actually do! First the positives: This is the very best season for Luke's character IMO---he's a whole lot sharper, smarter, sexier and more interesting here than in any subsequent season to me. Snarkier, DeepVoiced Rory is also a favorite of mine. The thing is, S1 is just so overly cutesy, heavyhanded, unsubtle and twee compared to the golden age of S2-S4, at least to me. On a related note, Lorelai herself is so cutesy and vain and immature through parts of this season that I can honestly say she annoys me even more here than in S6. (Is there going to be an unpopular opinions thread?!) Also, while later seasons get a lot of understandable criticism for being too focused on 'ship-related angst, I'm always unhappily surprised to see just how heavily Dean and Max were featured in s1. I don't like either character or their relationships with their respective Gilmore Girl so, yeah, despite some stellar episodes, s1 is not an overall favorite for me! 


S5: This is actually a really interesting, layered season in a lot of ways---just not one that I happen to personally enjoy all that much aside from a handful of great episodes. As desperately as I wanted to fall in love with Luke and Lorelai, I just see them as incredibly flat, incompatible, and devoid of romantic chemistry and connection as an actual couple. While I wasn't against the idea of Rory going through changes, the actual execution bugged the living crap out of me, and I could never bring myself to like the never-not-smirking actor who played Logan. The townies, Sookie, Emily, etc. crossed the line into shrill, grating caricatures for me this season. There are still, of course, some great lines and scenes and, as I've said, some pretty interesting changes taking place. I just don't happen to enjoy it nearly as much as I want to, and those last six or so episodes are still among my least favorite of the entire series.  


S7: In some weird way, I enjoy this a little more than S5 despite agreeing that S5 is the 'better' season. On the plus side, Rory is far more likable to me this season than in S5-S6 (which, granted, is an awfully low bar!), and the minor characters have regained some of their warmth and charm while toning down the eye-rollingly annoying insanity. And (*ducks*) I actually like a lot of the Lorelai/Christopher stuff. Despite not wanting them to end up together, I see a terrific connection and chemistry between them. On the other hand, I totally agree that there's something 'quintessentially Gilmorian' missing from this season, the Logan/Rory stories are weirdly pointless and aimless; the pacing is horribly erratic; and, really, it just shows its age as a seven year show (isn't that, like, 95 in people years?!) that's ready to fade away. I do actually think DR did a decent job with the mess he inherited from AS-P, though, and prefer S7 to S6 by a surprisingly wide margin. Speaking of which... 

S6: Oh my god, what an utter disaster! Seriously, I hate pretty much every single thing about this season. The characters I once loved and the show's formerly joyful, witty tone are pretty much MIA for the entire season. And who thought it would be a wise idea for the titular Gilmore Girls to go a full third of the season estranged, after which neither changed or learned anything anyway?! I refuse to even waste more time and bandwidth ranting about my dislike of this season, so will a general "ARGH" suffice?!  

Edited by mstaken
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Lulu, you know how excited I am to see you here, right?! Same goes for you, Nolieblue! This place is already starting to feel like home. 

4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6, 7

For some reason, I thought you liked S3 a lot more than you actually do. Or is just that you love the seasons you listed before it even more?  

And you know I now have to make us all pick 3-5 favorite and least favorite episodes from each season, right? :) 

I would go 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6

I think 7 does rebound in the back third of the season. I think the last two episodes are a very decent send off. At this point I don't think I can watch season 6 ever again. Or at least for a long time. I don't know that we need to rehash, but what is the 2014 going theory on exactly what DP/ASP were doing with the show in season 6? I've heard various things.  Do you think Amy always intended for the Girls to be estranged for a huge chunk of time?

I started watching season 1 last week and actually it's always rosier in memory than in execution. I vaguely recall Mrs InChicago trying to get me to watch the show in 2000, and I *hated* it, though I can't remember why exactly. It took a while to get going, and it NEEDED MORE LANE.

My ranking is as follows:

5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2, 7

Season 2 really shouldn't be as low as it is, but it's that one season I just kind of forget about and ends up pushed towards the end. 7 will always be my least favourite even with all the frustrating things that happened in 6. Season 6 still has the magic of Gilmore Girls. Season 7 felt like another show. 

  • Love 1

I hope more people will chime in on favorite to least favorite seasons, but for those of us looking for time-killing weekend fun: What would you guys name as your favorite 10-12 episodes of the entire series...and why?! 

It's nearly impossible for me to narrow it down, but I'm obsessive enough to try. :) These aren't the episodes I'd objectively declare as the series' "best," just my personally most beloved favorites. (For example, I think Say Something is phenomenally well done, but it just isn't an episode I find myself attached to or yearning to rewatch.) In chronological order:

1. The Third Lorelai---Oh, cool, we get to kick things off with one of my oddest and most unpopular picks! I can't explain why this one elicits such a strong personal attachment from me, but it does. I love getting to see Trix out-Emily Emily, which is not only amusing, but serves to make Emily more relatable and vulnerable. I love the Tristan/Rory interactions (no, I don't "ship" them, but I enjoy their dynamic), and Paris and Rory's pre-date bonding will always be among my very favorite of their scenes.  I like that the often cold Richard turns out to be such a blindly adoring 'mama's boy.'  

2. Road Trip to Harvard---So I don't necessarily disagree with the frequently made argument that the girls are ruder and more self-superior at the bed and breakfast than they usually are, but somehow I just fell in love with this one. Lorelai attempting to escape her guilt and conflicted feelings over Max really resonates with me, as does Rory's confusion, annoyance and forgiveness.  Rory's awed wonder at all things Harvard never ceases to delight me, as does Lorelai's wistful 'what if...?' wondering when she stares at the photograph of the woman who graduated from college when she would have if she hadn't gotten pregnant. I love Rory's giddy reunion with Lane. And you guys know I'm not a Luke/Lorelai shipper, but I do love their friendship and how Luke encourages Lorelai to pursue her dream of running an inn.  That Luke/Lorelai scene at the end is  one of my all-time favorites of theirs. 

3. Like Mother, Like Daughter---Probably the episode I've watched with the most absurd frequency, and that's really saying something! An episode which stresses that it's fine to be a natural introvert who loves reading, music (and, er, TV) over forced socializing with girls you don't fit in with? Sign me up! If only I were young enough to have seen this one back in high school :) Plus, I love the Paris scenes (I know, I know...no surprise there!) and the Lorelai/Emily fashion show. And this one seems to have even more brilliant, endlessly quotable dialogue than usual.   

4. Lorelai's Graduation Day---I love Rory's polarizing 'apology' scene and feel it was very in character for her and this babble-prone show! I adore Emily and Richard's pride at watching Lorelai graduate. The Rory/Jess scenes may be my favorite R/J scenes of the entire series. I just love this one so, so very much.   

5. I Can't Get Started--Life as a GG fan would be so much easier if I didn't see so much romantic chemistry, connection and affection between Lorelai and Christopher! That's not my primary reason for loving this episode, though---I actually find it a really rich, layered hour of TV with tons of interesting and/or amusing things going on without it feeling too rushed or crowded. I love the Paris stuff, the Lorelai/Sookie scenes, Jess's return...etc.   

6. Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days--Emily and Richard's sadly predictable reaction to Lorelai's 'failure' is difficult to watch, but the rest is gold for me. I love the "come again, Mimi" beyond the telling of it. My Gilmore-loving heart usually hates when Lorelai and Rory argue, but this one really worked for me---and it was nicely balanced by a lot of supremely loving Lorelai/Rory scenes before and afterwards. Reconciling over the 'purse donut' is easily one of my favorite final scenes of the series.   

7. They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?--- Such a classic GG episode. I've watched it such an outrageous number of times that I'm probably just a wee bit sick of it by now, but it will always be an all-time favorite. 

8. Let The Games Begin---It's actually only after a couple of rewatches that this one started to really stand out to me as a special favorite. I'm just blown away by how fantastically written and acted this episode is. Emily/KB is even more brilliant than usual, the Lorelai/Rory talk about how to handle Rory's new relationship with Jess hits all the right notes for me, the Rory/Jess scenes at the gas station are probably the best kissing scenes of the series for me (At the gas station?! That just sounds all kinds of wrong...!) and who can forget our oft-quoted "Hi...hi...hi...hi...." :) And the Dean/Rory post-breakup scene is a thing of brilliance---and quite possibly the one time during the series when I really do like and connect with Dean.  

9. Those Are Strings, Pinocchio---Rory coming into her own by negotiating with her grandparents on her own behalf rather than relying on her mom, Rory's valedictorian speech, everyone (including me!) crying at said speech, Rory's closure (sort of!) over the phone with Jess, the dream about Lorelai telling Luke not to go on the cruise...this episode is top three for me. And, yeah, I DO say that about more than three episodes :)   

10. The Lorelais' First Day at Yale---I have a weirdly conflicted relationship with this one. Over time and a gross number of rewatches, a lot of aspects of this one irk---the excessive, over-the-top-even-by-this-show's-standards blathering about the freaking mattress and sexist truck, the (also over the top---noticing a theme here?!) reaction to Nicole's lawyers, Lorelai and Rory's forced 'howling', etc. But I'll always just be really, really emotionally attached to this one, and the Lorelai/Rory goodbye scenes---all of them!---are among my favorite scenes of the whole series.    

11.  The Fundamental Things Apply---You know, I don't quite know why I love this one so very much. Objectively, I think it's a good but comparatively unremarkable GG episode, yet it's often my 'go to' mood boost, the GG equivalent  of comfort food for me. I really like the Luke/Lorelai scenes in this one, Rory's roommate issues at Yale, and then there's the fact that I relate to Rory's cringe-inducingly awkward first date all too well... :)

12. But Not as Cute as Pushkin--The very first GG episode I ever saw, and one that will always have a special place in my sappy, GG-obsessed heart! It's one of the sadly few post-S4 episodes where I think Luke/Lorelai have genuine chemistry and in which I (gasp) genuinely love and relate to Rory.  


I'm excited to read about other people's picks! 

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 2

Howdy all, I was a major lurker over at the GG board at TWoP. I could almost mimic MsTaken's favorite seasons list except I think season 6 is better than 7. Even with all the horrible things that happened in season 6, the show just didn't seem the same without the Palladinos at the helm.

I'll come back later to state some of my favorites.

Happy to be here!

  • Love 2

Hi all!  I won't try and rank the seasons but I'll do top ten episodes.  In no particular order:

The Bracebridge Dinner - this would be on my favorites list just for that scene where Lorelai realizes she's got her mother's mannerisms.  

Road Trip to Harvard - because I could completely relate to everything about it, including the fact that I would rather eat an ancient metallic Certs for dinner than make small talk.

They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?  - didn't they all look fantastic in those vintage clothes?

Like Mother, Like Daughter  - I was one of those anti-social readers too.

Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out - I love this kind of turning-point, the-truth-dawns episode in any series and sometimes I'll watch them to get my own nerve up about something

A-Tisket, A-Tasket - more for the Sukie goings-on than the Gilmores.

A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving - I watch this one every Thanksgiving.

Santa's Secret Stuff - I watch this one every Christmas.  It's festive without beating you in the face with Christmas messages of hope and joy.  (Just a whisper of festive!)

Raincoats and Recipes  - you know why.

I Get a Sidekick Out Of You - Lane had the best wedding.

Hay Bale Maze - somehow this episode was like those first few minutes when you realize the aspirin is finally kicking in.  I have no idea how to describe it better than that.

Edited by random chance

Random Chance! You know that seeing you here makes my entire weekend, right? Welcome! 

I Get a Sidekick Out Of You

Heh---this is easily my favorite episode from Season 6 and definitely among my top 10 post-S4 episodes overall, though for me that's damning with fairly faint praise :)


Santa's Secret Stuff - I watch this one every Christmas.  It's festive without beating you in the face with Christmas messages of hope and joy.  (Just a whisper of festive!)


Awww, I'm so glad to find another fan who loves this one! I'm always surprised all over again by how well done this resonant, beautifully bittersweet episode is, especially as compared to most of S6-S7.  I feel the same way about Farewell, My Pet, though I find myself skipping through the Rory's-got-a-crush-for-three-seconds-but-no-one-cares-on-any-level scenes between her and Logan. 

Road Trip to Harvard - because I could completely relate to everything about it, including the fact that I would rather eat an ancient metallic Certs for dinner than make small talk.

They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?  - didn't they all look fantastic in those vintage clothes?

Like Mother, Like Daughter  - I was one of those anti-social readers too


As you can see from my own list, an "Amen, sister friend!" is totally in order here, especially after reading your comment about my beloved Like Mother, Like Daughter. 

The Bracebridge Dinner

This would definitely be in my top 25! It's such a winter wonderland-y love letter to Stars Hollow, and the Richard/Emily scenes are phenomenally well done. 

Random Chance! You know that seeing you here makes my entire weekend, right? Welcome!

Right back at ya sister friend!


I feel the same way about Farewell, My Pet, though I find myself skipping through the Rory's-got-a-crush-for-three-seconds-but-no-one-cares-on-any-level scenes between her and Logan.

That would absolutely be in my Top 20 for many, many reasons. Rory and her crush is not one of them of course.

  • Love 1

Okay I'm going to randomly list them.

Forgiveness and Stuff (You knew that was coming didn't you, MsTaken)

Dead Uncles (Probably my all time favorite episode)

Bracebridge (it's just so pretty)

Lost and Found

A Tisket- A Tasket (The double pathetic , and Sookie and Jackson)

Poes and Fire

Nag Hammadi

Last Week Fights, This Week Tights (I'm a sucker for Luke and Lorelai dancing)

Raincoats and Recipes (Is my Java Junkie card showing yet?)

Written in the Stars


Jews and Chinese Food

Yes, I know I am over the 10. If I had to I could eliminate Tisket or Lost and Found or Jews and Chinese Food

I could stop there but I'll give Season Six some love with Balalaikas and Bon Voyage in Season Seven.

I'll do the seasons :-)

S2 -- both Lorelai and Rory at their best, and very little exposure to annoying characters

S3 -- Pinnochio always makes me cry so hard. Many good episodes, no really crappy ones

S4 -- I love to see Lorelai archive her her dream, and I love to see Rory struggle with college. And yes, I'm a JJ, so, it's kinda obvious.

S5 -- Loved it up to Pulp Friction, even the whole thing with Rory's Logan struggles. I wish I could erase the last 5 episodes, though, especially Kropogs (I felt so badly for Lorelai at the FND from hell) and BIAG (because Rory actually said it)

S1 -- while I fell in love with the show during s1, it was only because I fell in love with Rory (and Lane). Lorelai annoys the hell out of me a lot in s1, and that's hard for me to watch, because she's my favorite character.

S7 -- while I hate seeing Lorelai with Chris, I was relieved to see the girls together again. Plus, s6 doormat Lorelai (caused by Rory, then Luke) makes me want to cry.

S6 -- 'nuff said

  • Love 1
I wish I could erase the last 5 episodes, though, especially Kropogs (I felt so badly for Lorelai at the FND from hell) and BIAG (because Rory actually said it)

Heh---yeah, I'm always kind of shocked anew by how much I hate those last five episodes of S5. They're every bit as awful for me as most of S6---maybe even worse in some weird way, since in S5 my expectations of the show were still quite high, so those final episodes are all the more disappointing. 

Lorelai annoys the hell out of me a lot in s1, and that's hard for me to watch, because she's my favorite character.

Ugh, yes. As I rambled about above, she's so vain, cutesy, juvenile and just plain annoying throughout much of this season. 

And you know you need to give us your desert island episodes next :) 

  • Love 1

I always think that it's good I started watching in S2 and then caught up on S1 because I never would have stuck with the show. I hated Lorelai in S1 and I don't think Rory hit her stride until mid-season. I often want to rank S2 higher on my list because there are so many things I like about it (ahem, Jess) but S4, 5 and 3 are better for me.

The Lorelai/Rory "I think I'm dating Luke" bit outside the diner in R&R is my absolute favourite scene in the entire series. Lorelai banging into the table is the cherry on top. Other favourite episodes are both trilogies in S4, Haunted Leg (someone FINALLY calls Christopher on his crap and Kirk asking Lorelai out), Poes, Ballrooms and Biscotti and The Fundamental Things Apply. 



Heh---yeah, I'm always kind of shocked anew by how much I hate those last five episodes of S5. They're every bit as awful for me as most of S6---maybe even worse in some weird way, since in S5 my expectations of the show were still quite high, so those final episodes are all the more disappointing.

Agreed! They were all very un-GG like -- there was no spark or lightness. Very dreary, just like nearly all of S6.

Edited by nolieblue
  • Love 2

One thing I realized when I attempted to do MsTaken's rewatch was that I have to edit the episodes by fast-forwarding through stuff that annoys me, otherwise some of them go from being a favorite to being unbearable.  Like the Poes - I can not watch Rory pied-piper the children with her halfassed puppet show, and I can't stand the way that Lorelai and Sukie don't ask Luke for help, they just barge in and take over in the most obnoxious way possible.

Heh---yeah, I'm always kind of shocked anew by how much I hate those last five episodes of S5. They're every bit as awful for me as most of S6---maybe even worse in some weird way, since in S5 my expectations of the show were still quite high, so those final episodes are all the more disappointing.



Agreed! They were all very un-GG like -- there was no spark or lightness. Very dreary, just like nearly all of S6.

That's EXACTLY it, Nolieblue. (Great to see you here, by the way!) In the past, I could more readily handwave the show's rather sloppy plotting, inconsistencies in characterizations, excessive quirkiness that sometimes crossed into grating, over-the-top insanity, etc., because the show was just such a life-affirming, mood-boosting burst of warmth and joy. Sure, the characters were sometimes sad, angry, and realistically unpleasant to each other, but overall it was a show that celebrated life's pleasures, both big and small. It was a flawed but upbeat world populated by people who (gasp!) seemed to actually LIKE each other more often than not. Those last episodes of S5 and a scary 95%ish of S6 was, for me, just so conspicuously devoid of that sparkly fun and cozy warmth which makes the show so distinct for me. And just as the show's effervescent enthusiasm of the first 4.75 seasons was infectious for me, so, too, was the comparatively grim dreariness of S6. I actually tried to rewatch all of S6 last year in hopes of falling in love---well, even falling in LIKE with it, but everything about the tone and characterizations actually depressed me, and that's pretty much the antithesis of what I look for from GG. And it wasn't even darker in a deep, high quality way, you know?! More like AS-P just arbitrarily decided to stomp all over exactly what once made her show so beloved with no clear objective in mind---other than to irritate a large portion of her viewers ;)  



One thing I realized when I attempted to do MsTaken's rewatch was that I have to edit the episodes by fast-forwarding through stuff that annoys me, otherwise some of them go from being a favorite to being unbearable.  Like the Poes - I can not watch Rory pied-piper the children with her halfassed puppet show, and I can't stand the way that Lorelai and Sukie don't ask Luke for help, they just barge in and take over in the most obnoxious way possible.


It's so true. And I hold the UO that the very popular Poes is among the few S3 episodes I don't love, so it's funny that you used that one as an example. But, yeah, I often have to either be in the mood for over-the-top quirk or have my fast forward button within easy pushing range :) 




IMHO it would have been better to have stopped the show at the end of season 5 (without Rory stealing the yacht). Very few tv shows can continue past season 5 with quality writing & stories,


I still can't read any reference to Rory's ridiculous grand theft yacht-o without laughing...albeit laughing in a bitter, what-were-the-writers-smoking sort of way :) I think your above point actually helped pinpoint why I hold the UO of liking S7 a little more than most...or, er, at least disliking it less than most. I guess I just don't really expect ANY show to maintain its high quality past four or five seasons. Plus, for me S7 at least made a valiant attempt to recapture some of the warmth and charm that was so sadly lacking in S6, though whether they succeeded is certainly up for debate! I do hold the UO that DR, while far (and I mean, like, really, really, REALLY far) from perfect, sometimes gets a little more blame and criticism than he deserves, while AS-P often gets something of a free pass despite the fact that she saddled DR with quite a mess of a show to clean up before making her grand exit.

So for our next bests and worsts: Best friendships/friendship-y scenes? Best/worst dates/kisses etc.? 

Edited by mstaken

I have a feeling my answers probably change every time, heh, but for now I'm going to say -


Season rankings - 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6 (totally with you guys on the "dreariness" of S6, and S7 tried but there was just no coming back from the depths of crap that was S6)


Without giving too much thought to it (because I tend to overthink it and then get all indecisive), favorite eps, in order of season -


Double Date

Concert Interruptus

Bracebridge Dinner

There's the Rub

I Can't Get Started

Let the Games Begin

A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving

Those Are Strings, Pinnochio

The Fundamental Things Apply

The Reigning Lorelai

Season rankings - 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6 (totally with you guys on the "dreariness" of S6, and S7 tried but there was just no coming back from the depths of crap that was S6)


Our season rankings our identical, so I guess an "Amen, sister friend" is in order here.



There's the Rub

I really love this episode, though the series-long Lorelai/Emily 'one step forward, three steps back' dance can get awfully exhausting for me as a general rule. Still, some of the Emily/Lorelai scenes here are among my favorites, and I love the scene with Paris, Rory and Jess bonding over books and junk food beyond he telling of it! Just don't get me started on Dean in this episode, okay? Really, it's for your own sanity :)



I Can't Get Started

Let the Games Begin


How did I not know until now that you love these as much as I do?! Let the Games Begin wins my award for the episode that improved most for me with repeated viewing; I recall being kind of neutral on it when I first watched for reasons that now escape me, but now it's a special favorite. 

Edited by mstaken

Here are my seasons in order: 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

Season 6 and 7 are really a toss-up, because I HATED the Lorelai and Rory split and the long-lost daughter story lines in season 6, but loved all the Luke and Lorelai couple moments we got in the first half. For season 7, I HATED the Christopher and Lorelai stuff, but loved that they did away with him as a romantic possibility forever at the end of it and I really enjoyed the last part of the season. So ... yeah, a toss up between those two for last place. If I could break up those two seasons, I'd put the last half of season 6 at the very bottom of my list (with the first part of season 7 right behind it). I will say, though, that watching season 6 is much more depressing for me than watching season 7.

As for my favs, season 1 is like a big, warm blanket to me. I love it so much. Funnily enough, I didn't even start watching the show on a regular basis until season 4, but my first introduction to the Gilmores was through those Gilmore Girls Beginnings reruns of season 1 on the WB and those reruns comforted me at a time when I needed it most. Overall I love pre-Yale Gilmore Girls more, but I love me some season 4. I love seeing Lorelai making her dream of the Dragonfly come true, I love that Rory didn't have a love interest for most of the season, I love the Luke and Lorelai stuff at the end SO MUCH, and I even liked Jason (as a pre-cursor to Luke only). 

  • Love 1

Double Date is such a 'go to' episode for me as well, Random Chance! It's sweet but not totally without an actual storyline and conflict. There's even a very relatable 'when, if ever, is it okay to lie and should all Moms abide by the Mom Code?!' issue thrown in there. It's funny and warm and well-paced and just infectiously engaging in that uniquely GG-esque sort of way, you know?! I don't even really dislike sullen, dull, perpetually annoyed Dean in this one...well, at least not as much as usual. ;) I absolutely adore Sookie and Jackson here. And while you guys know I'm not a huge Luke fan overall, I don't know that I ever find him sexier and more generally appealing than I do in this episode. It's easily among my three favorites of S1, and probably in my top 25 of the series. 

The Fundamental Things Apply is another mood-lightening, cozy go to episode for me. Apparently, I really like watching awkward first dates :) 

  • Love 1


[M]y first introduction to the Gilmores was through those Gilmore Girls Beginnings reruns of season 1 on the WB and those reruns comforted me at a time when I needed it most...

Blackbird, this is similar to how I was introduced to GG - terrible horrible break-up during summer classes and working full time and my friends loaned me their DVDs.  I watched them constantly when I couldn't sleep.  Later on, the syndicated reruns on ABC Family were my break from studying for the bar exam.

  • Love 2

I don't like those last two, but I'm perversely fond of Vineyard Valentine.  It's a terrible episode but I enjoy its badness.  Luke the awful houseguest (you'd think he was raised by wolves and never peed inside before), Rory cooking, Logan giving Luke half his present, that lovely dinner by the ocean, Logan's dad who was also raised by wolves - I love all of that.

But I do hate Keg! Max!  There isn't a single redeeming scene in that entire episode for me. 

Edited by random chance
  • Love 1

I hate Kropogs. I just want to yell at Emily, "Where are YOUR manners?" She was purposely trying to make Lorelai feel bad. Plus, this showed a side of Logan that was the spoiled, "I'm better than you" side. He showed he didn't care that the maid was getting in trouble. But what was worse was that Rory was allowing him to do it.

I have a love/hate relationship with Vineyard Valentine. I totally agree that ASP turned Luke into a country bumpkin, a person that doesn't know it's not okay to bring a bowie knife to a weekend get away. And suddenly he doesn't know to bring a jacket in winter. His army jacket was literally a part of his person and yet he doesn't bring it? If I can get past all that,he latter part of the episode where he and Lorelai are snuggled up and talking was good. Sadly he turns right back into Pod Luke.

  • Love 2
But I do hate Keg! Max!  There isn't a single redeeming scene in that entire episode for me.

Ugh, yes, I hate this episode, including the title. 

Speaking of which, what are your 5-10 least favorites from the generally beloved S1-S4?!

My 5-10 least favorite S1-S4 episodes (though, sadly, the worst of S1-S4 is still better than a good portion of S5-S7 for me): That Damn Donna ReedChristopher Returns (I like Christopher a lot more than most do, but this episode is just so heavyhanded, weirdly paced and clunky) P.S. I Lo... (I've bored you guys with my rant about this one many times, so I'll mercifully spare you!); Love, Daisies and Troubadours (too cutesy, too precious, way too much Dean and Max); Sadie, Sadie (hate the Dean and Richard stuff beyond the telling of it, hate the obviously doomed engagement with Max, etc. S2 is one of my favorite seasons of any show ever, but this is the glaring exception!); Application AnxietyTake the Deviled Eggs (I like the town loner subplot a lot, but the rest is weirdly unpleasant for me to watch), Keg!Max!Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist (If we could only name 3-4 least favorite S1-S4 episodes this one would still make the cut!), both "Booms" (Yeah, I know...a very unpopular pinion!) There are a few more from S1 and S4 that I'd be fine  skipping over (Cinnamon's Wake, Kiss and Tell, Nag Hammadi, A Family Matter, etc.), but they have a few scenes that kept them off my chop list! 

Sadly, I can't even BEGIN to narrow down my least favorites of S5-S7! It's easier to narrow it down to just the 5-10 S5-S7 episodes that I love, so here it is:

But Not as Cute as Pushkin, Women of Questionable Morals, Come Home (stop laughing at me! The Toblerone/Dark Shadows plot alone lifts this above most post-S4 fare for me!), Say Something, So...Good Talk, I Get a Sidekick Out of You, That's What You Get, Folks..., Farewell My Pet, Santa's Secret Stuff, Bon Voyage. 

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 1

I'm with you on pretty much the bulk of those. I do kind of like Girls in Bikinis, or at least I don't hate its guts. I mean Rory gets ignored by a guy - that right there makes it worth watching.

Love, Daisies and Troubadours: too precious plus it was more like a million daisies. That's all I can think about when I watch it.  "Who's counting these things, come on!"

Application Anxiety: sure, mock the nice people who are doing you a favor. 

One I like and I have no idea why is The Festival of Living Art. It just about couldn't be more stupid, but I'll always watch it.  Another one like that is Knit People Knit

  • Love 1

I also hate French Twist and Go Bulldogs. Nothing like erasing over two decades of being a shitty father in just a couple of episodes. Season six has plenty of episodes that have large chunks that I don't like, but no specific episodes are coming to mind. As for dislikes from seasons 1-4, Secrets and Loans and Keg!Max! are probably my two least favorite. 

  • Love 1

S1 - S4 least favorites -


Paris is Burning - I haaaaate this episode.  OMG, I cannot even describe how much.


PS I Lo.... - ugh.


LDaT - again, ugh.  The thousand bazillion daisies thing drives me crazy too, but I've fanwanked that it is actually a thousand pots of daisies, not a thousand individual daisies.  Utterly ridiculous no matter how you look at it, and good lord a'mighty how much money did Max blow on those, but at least that seems more like what it's supposed to be.


Sadie, Sadie - more Max and Dean ugh-ness.


Road Trip to Harvard - I just can't overlook their behavior.


I Solemnly Swear - I hate Francie, and the deposition stuff is amusing but not enough to salvage the ep.  Dang, that's the one where Sookie accidentally flirts with Joe though.  I love that part.  So hilarious.


ATOPAF - I just never can warm up (heh) to this one, for whatever reason.


Keg! Max! - The band stuff amused me the first couple of times I watched it, but after that it got tiring.  Don't even get me started on Rory crying to Dean like Jess tried to rape her or something.  *eyelid twitch*


Tick Tick Tick Boom - The Floyd/Jason/Richard stuff is just so horrible.


There's a few others that I'm rather indifferent about, but those are the ones that I actively dislike.


I'm with you on pretty much the bulk of those. I do kind of like Girls in Bikinis, or at least I don't hate its guts. I mean Rory gets ignored by a guy - that right there makes it worth watching.

Heh. I don't mind Girls in Bikinis. I like seeing Rory being nice to Paris. So often Rory just seems to tolerate Paris, but in this episode they were both on the same wavelength and seemed to be getting along like real friends. 

Of the S1-S4 episodes, I skip right over Paris is Burning every time. It's both bad and boring. Oh I really hate Lorelai out of the Water. 

  • Love 1
My favorite scene in that one is when they're so happy that they can get a pizza and a VCR to watch some documentary. On spring break. And then they figure out on their own that this is not how you do spring break.

Heh---see, I'm geeky enough to wish that they HAD stuck with their own delightfully nerdy, unconventional version of spring break. I also hated how Nicole (who I never cared about in the slightest, by the way) was sloppily vilified by making her a cheater rather than the show addressing the myriad other reasons why Luke and Nicole were clearly not meant to be and how Luke had been doing the same passive-aggressive 'technically in a relationship, but distant and withholding and totally not really in the relationship' thing he did with Rachel, which would have been far more interesting, original (for TV) and relatable for me. And then Luke kicking the car...well, suffice it to say I'm not so into his angry brutish side. (Yeah, I know that people react far worse when they find out they're being cheated on---I just don't like when the show played up that side of Luke's character.) Add in the fact that I'm allergic to Louise, who makes a (for me!) unwelcome reappearance here and that we end the episode with Rory reconnecting with Dean and...well, needless to say, to say I'm not a fan :) But you guys are totally right about the awesomeness of the pizza/Bill Moyers scene, and I love Rory and Paris petitioning in the rain as well. Even the worst S1-S4 episodes have a few great scenes and moments for me...except for perhaps Keg!Max!

So how about our best/favorite non-main characters? (i.e., characters other than Lorelai, Rory, Luke, Emily and Richard) 

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 3

Paris, the top of that list is always Paris. Paris whose Nanny attends her graduation instead of her parents, and who pretended to be a doctor to get Rory the info on Logan's injuries, and who I always imagined would be President someday, and then she'd blow it somehow and be impeached (or just run out of office with torches and pitchforks). As much as I love Lane, Paris is just the more fascinating character.

(This would be a good elimination game - best supporting characters.)

Edited by random chance
  • Love 2
Paris, the top of that list is always Paris. Paris whose Nanny attends her graduation instead of her parents, and who pretended to be a doctor to get Rory the info on Logan's injuries, and who I always imagined would be President someday, and then she'd blow it somehow and be impeached (or just run out of office with torches and pitchforks). As much as I love Lane, Paris is just the more fascinating character.


Amen, sister friend!!! Paris tops my list as well. In real life, I would probably avoid Paris like the proverbial plague. As a fictional character, I find her endlessly compelling, layered, witty, entertaining, and just generally a scene stealer. I think her frenemy-ship with Rory was in many ways the most skillfully depicted, nuanced relationship on the show. 

Then again---and  this is another fun one for us to answer---which GG characters WOULD you really like in real life?! Their flaws and quirks tended to be deeply exaGGerated for TV purposes, and in real life most would simultaneously amuse and horrify me :)


Other non-Paris favorite minor characters, in no particular order:

1) Jason/Digger (as discussed, yay for giving us a significant other who actually has a vivid and well-defined personality!),

2) Jess (So, I think Jess's wiseass pukery was overplayed and could really grate, but I love how his presence on the show affected both Luke and Rory, and he and Rory had the best pure chemistry of every couple on the series for me),

3) Dave Rygalski (Maybe if he had been around long enough to be marred by AS-P's writing, I wouldn't like him so much---but he wasn't, so I do. :)

4)  Gypsy---Tough, snarky, rude but somehow able to convey that she wasn't a meanspirited person at heart. And I love how she subverted gender expectations---the best mechanic in town is a petite female! 

5) Can I mention Paris yet again? No? Okay, then maybe I'll go with Tanna: Amusingly odd, endearing, brought out a nice side of Rory and one of the few geek/nerds on the show. I always find myself wishing she'd stayed around in S5---it would have made S5 Rory more likable to see her maintaining a friendly relationship with girls like Tanna rather than hanging out almost exclusively with the Life and Death Brigade. 

Least Favorite Minor Characters:

Liz, TJ, Colin, Zach (S4-S6; I was grudgingly semi-fond of him in S7) and...hmmm....there's, like, a seven-way tie for that fifth spot, but I'll go with Dean!   

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 1

Paris is indeed a fascinating girl, even though she would probably make me suicidal if I knew her in real life. 

Has anyone ever figured out why she was so close to Louise and Madeline before Rory came along?  I've fanwanked for years that she had an incident with the school counselor like Rory did in LM,LD and came out of the office saying "You, and you - I have to make friends at this school so you're it."  Heh.

I love Jess, and yes I love Liz too.  TJ is an idiot but he makes me laugh and he makes Liz happy, so for that I am okay with him.  I adore Gypsy.  "I can't look at this car anymore.  I miss my home!"  Heeeee.  I liked Tanna too.

  • Love 1

Then again---and this is another fun one for us to answer---which GG characters WOULD you really like in real life?!


Oh, great question.  I guess it would be Sukie.  She's funny and warm and not too completely nuts.  Rory's too perfect, Lorelai's too self-involved, and as for Lane - well, let's just say I've had enough of people in bands in my life.  Maybe pre-band Lane.

I would probably get along well with Digger too.  I actually got why he wanted Lorelai to sleep in another room.  (Or why he'd want anyone to sleep in another room, plus, why anyone would want Lorelai to sleep in another room.) 

  • Love 2
I would probably get along well with Digger too.  I actually got why he wanted Lorelai to sleep in another room.  (Or why he'd want anyone to sleep in another room, plus, why anyone would want Lorelai to sleep in another room.)


Oh my gosh, me too! I understood that to a rather frightening extent, actually :) 

I, too, would greatly enjoy Jason in real life, though I'd probably want someone at least a little more sensitive and emotional as a long-term partner. I kind of agree with you on Sookie, but I'd qualify it to say that I'll take S1-S3 Sookie---after that, she got kind of shrill and selfish for me. Before that, though, she was funny, warm, supportive, just nutty enough to be interesting...and, seriously, who wouldn't want a friend who's that eager to bake and cook for you at every opportunity?! 

I'd actually have really liked to be friends with Early Seasons Rory. (And let's conveniently ignore the fact that I'm about a zillion years older than she was, okay?!) I can see myself getting hurt sometimes by the somewhat detached distance she seemed to keep from pretty much everyone other than her mother, but I always have room in my life for a friend so passionate about learning and whose idea of a perfect weekend was reading, watching TV and movies and bonding over junk food. 

And I'd also have liked to be friends with....seriously, I think I'm already out of options! 

Lorelai is pretty much the quintessential example of someone who I really liked as a fictional character but who would drive me all kinds of crazy if I actually knew her. Paris is awesome as a fictional character, but totally insane. Emily is...Emily. Richard and I would get along fine as long as we both sat there reading in peaceful silence and pretty much never interacted. Luke's helpful and generous, but his perpetual low-level anger and enthusiasm-squashing negativity is a really bad match for my depression-prone personality. Logan reminds me of some guys I grew up with---and not in a good way---and I have an admitted bias against smirky, cocky party boys whether or not they're semi-"reformed." Jess was fun as a fictional character and in my (much!) younger years I could see being drawn to 'the loner who's sensitive enough to love reading!' thing, but, at this point in my life, I'd probably have sadly little patience for him. Dean would manage to both infuriate me AND bore me to tears! Liz and TJ...never mind, i can actually feel my poor blood pressure starting to rise... ;)  

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 2

I agree on Sukie, I should probably specify pre-children Sukie. (Sookie? I never knew which one was correct.)  That scene where Luke and Lorelai are having dinner at their house while they're screaming at Davey to turn the TV down, ugh, been there too many times with real-life people, noooooo thank you, there isn't enough booze in the world.

I think I'd probably have to kill TJ him the first time he said es-ka-row.  I would lunge at him from my seat in the diner with a fork or a butterknife or whatever was handy and stab away until he at least lost consciousness.  And Liz - just too ditzy.  I wouldn't even want her to visit me in prison (although I'm pretty sure no jury would convict me for stabbing TJ).

Dean is boring, you're right, I never thought about that before but he is dull.  I like Jess but I'd have a crush on him and meanwhile he'd be trailing after Rory and when he did talk to me it would be things like "do you think Rory likes me?" and I'd have to cut him out of my life for my own good.

Logan though, I could cope with Logan.  Especially if we were merely friends and I wasn't expected to haul his drunken ass home from the bar or anything like that.

  • Love 3

I could see myself being friends with Sookie and Lane and early seasons Rory (later seasons Rory would have me rolling my eyes and on the edge of yelling at her all the time). I also really liked Rachel, for the short time that we saw her. And although the drama they put her through might be too much for me to handle as a friend, when you boil her down to just her personality, I think I'd be friends with Lorelai, too. A lot of the friends I've been most drawn to in my life, whether I've been able to keep in touch with them long-term or not, are very Lorelai-like.

  • Love 1

I forgot about Rachel, she did seem pretty cool.  As for Lorelai, it's not the drama that would put me off, it's the endless jibberjabber.  The bits, the asides, the tangents, the interruptions, the explanations nobody asked for - she never stops talking.   I could take maybe a couple minutes of that a week, tops. 

Edited by random chance
  • Love 4

The bits, the asides, the tangents, the interruptions, the explanations nobody asked for - she never stops talking.


Hee!  So true.  My hubby watched a few eps with me over the years, and he always maintained that Lorelai was pretty to look at but would drive him crazy in about 3.2 seconds with the constant running of the mouth.  He'd much prefer to be with Sookie - still pretty, still fun, but slightly less neurotic and talkative.

  • Love 1

How about just ONE (or, okay, two) favorite and least favorite episode from every season?


*cracks knuckles*

Season 1:

Favorite - Rory's Birthday Parties and Double Date

Least Favorite - Paris is Burning and Love, Daisies, and Troubadours

Season 2:

Favorite - There's the Rub and I Can't Get Started

Least Favorite - Sadie, Sadie and Road Trip to Harvard

Season 3:

Favorite - A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving and Those Are Strings, Pinnochio

Least Favorite - Swan Song and Keg! Max!

Season 4:

Favorite - Ballrooms & Biscotti and The Fundamental Things Apply

Least Favorite - Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom and Afterboom

Season 5:

Favorite - Women of Questionable Morals and To Live and Let Diorama

Least Favorite - But I'm a Gilmore! and Kropogs

I'm not going to do any for Season 6 or 7 because I don't enjoy the seasons enough as a whole to really care.  I do love Lane's wedding reception, though.  It's the one truly, truly bright spot in Season 6 for me.


ETA - Also, this list is subject to change depending on what mood I am in at the time.  ;)

Edited by Taryn74

Woo hoo---way to kick us off, Taryn! Is this the part where I have to attempt to answer my own question?! You'll be pleased to see that we agree quite a lot here :) 

Let's see...



Two to Keep: Double Date and The Third Lorelai (Though it kind of hurts not to include Rory's Birthday Parties!) 

Two to Discard: P.S. I Lo...and Love, daisies and Troubadours 


Two to keep: Can I pick 19 instead of two?! No? Okay, then Like Mother, Like Daughter and Lorelai's Graduation Day, but this one is especially brutal for a S2 lover like I am! 

Two to Discard: Sadie, Sadie (I'm SO with you there, Taryn!) and...hmm...I'm tempted to pick The Ins and Out of Inns since I dislike Mia and the Sookie/Lorelai fight or It Should Have Been Lorelai, but I'll go with Nick and Nora. As much as I enjoy Jess overall, he's a little too over-the-top awful for me here, and I hate the Luke/Lorelai fight here beyond the telling of it. 


Two to Keep: TSG, DT? and TAS,P (Argh---it hurts to eliminate Lazy Hazy Crazy and Let the Games Begin!) 

Two to Discard: Keg!Max! (easiest selection ever for someone who likes neither the keg party nor Max!) and...hmmm....I'm torn between Application Anxiety and Take the Deviled Eggs, but I'll go with the latter. For now. Maybe. 


Two to Keep: The Lorelais' First Day at Yale (there are aspects of this episode that really annoy me, but I'm weirdly attached to it anyway!) and The Fundamental Things Apply 

Two to Discard: 

I love that someone else is as meh on the Booms as I am, Taryn! I'll eliminate them as well, though Girls in Bikinis is a REALLY close dishonorable mention :)


Two to Keep:

But Not as Cute as Pushkin and Women of Questionable Morals (glad you like this one as well, Taryn!) 

Two to Discard: There are about 10 S5 episodes I'd happily bid farewell to at this point, but I'll single out But I'm a Gilmore and Kropogs as particularly loathsome. 



I do love Lane's wedding reception, though.  It's the one truly, truly bright spot in Season 6 for me.

Heh---yup, pretty much! 



Two to Keep:

I Get a Sidekick Out of You and...er...We've Got Magic to Do, if only because of Paris 

Two to Discard:The entire rest of the season, please, but I'll single out AVV and He's Slippin' 'Em Bread


Two to Keep: 

That's What You Get Folks and Farewell My Pet (though it feels somehow wrong not to include BV, and I do love Santa's Secret Stuff...) 

Two to Discard:

I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia and Go Bulldogs

Edited by mstaken

I'm just going to do the keepers.

Season One:

Forgiveness and Stuff (I love the L/L stuff. Plus it is Christmas time. And Lorelai gives Luke the cap.)

Cinnamon's Wake (I love the townies. I love  Babette and Morrie 

Season Two:

Bracebridge Dinner (Felt so magical)

Dead Uncles (I loved the support Lorelai gave Luke)

Season Three:

One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes (Lane and Rory's friendship, Lorelai teasing Luke is never  not funny to me.)


Season Four:

Last Week Fights, This Week Tights (It's the Java Junkie in me)

Raincoats (see above)

Season Five:

Written in the Stars


Season Six:

21 is the Loneliest Number

Balalaikais  (Where stuff was still good between L/L)

Season Seven:

Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore? (I love townies. What can I say?)

Bon Voyage

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