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  1. The TWoP forums are officially gone as of about 30 minutes ago--just wanted to say it was nice to see so many familiar names over there throughout the day, especially in the GGMM and fan fiction threads. I hope to see more familiar names here. :)
  2. Luke dealing with guests at the inn. Lorelai's cooking skills are so dismal that she would end up relying on the rest of the kitchen staff to do all the work, so I feel like watching Luke deal with cranky guests and managing Michele would be much more entertaining. Time to explore a couple of relationships that almost went the distance ... but didn't. WYR have Lorelai go through with her marriage to Max or have Luke marry Rachel when she came back in season one? (Not ruling out divorce in either of these cases, but obviously either one would have impacted a lot of other things).
  3. They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? Let's go a tiny bit harder with this one (but still fairly easy, I think):
  4. I could see myself being friends with Sookie and Lane and early seasons Rory (later seasons Rory would have me rolling my eyes and on the edge of yelling at her all the time). I also really liked Rachel, for the short time that we saw her. And although the drama they put her through might be too much for me to handle as a friend, when you boil her down to just her personality, I think I'd be friends with Lorelai, too. A lot of the friends I've been most drawn to in my life, whether I've been able to keep in touch with them long-term or not, are very Lorelai-like.
  5. Yeah, Alex disappeared onto 24. As for Lane, I'm still pissed off she didn't end up with Dave, even if the actor did leave the show. If she couldn't be with Dave, why did they have to pair her up with anyone from the band? Why did they have to pair her up at all? That moment when she said she barely got to do it, barely got to be a real person, was so sad for me, because I feel like that's really what they did to her character by marrying her off to Zach and having her get pregnant with twins. I grew to like Zach more and I liked a lot of the things about Lane and Zach's wedding, but ultimately I didn't like what they did with her character once they paired her up with Zach.
  6. I also hate French Twist and Go Bulldogs. Nothing like erasing over two decades of being a shitty father in just a couple of episodes. Season six has plenty of episodes that have large chunks that I don't like, but no specific episodes are coming to mind. As for dislikes from seasons 1-4, Secrets and Loans and Keg!Max! are probably my two least favorite.
  7. I didn't like Rory's boyfriends for the most part, either. I liked Dean in the beginning, but obviously that got ruined, I never liked Jess because of his punk teenage attitude, and Logan definitely grew on me by the end, but I was so happy she turned down his proposal. I guess my most unpopular opinion is that I didn't like Rory much post season 4. In high school she was so concerned about grades and school, even when she had a boyfriend, and then after season 4 it seemed like going to Yale took a backseat to Logan and rebelling against her mother. I feel like they totally changed her character, and high school Rory would be ashamed of Yale Rory. I think they tried to turn it around a little in season 7, giving her Yale friends (as annoying as they were), having her freak out about her post-college plans, losing on the NYT fellowship (finally Rory doesn't get something that she wants just because she wants it), and turning down Logan's proposal. It just wasn't enough, though. Also, I really dislike how somewhere around season 4 and 5, the show's focus turned away from the mother-daughter-granddaughter relationships and became almost entirely about romantic relationships. I love Luke and Lorelai, but I feel it would have been much more novel (and entertaining) to have Luke and Lorelai break up once (because, given their track records with relationships, it was bound to happen once) and then let them be a stable force together while focusing more on the changing relationship between Lorelai and Rory as she grew up at Yale and between both of them and Emily as Rory became more familiar with the elder Gilmores' world (and yes, I realize that the Rory moving into the pool house storyline kind of goes along with that, but I felt it was done badly).
  8. Here are my seasons in order: 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Season 6 and 7 are really a toss-up, because I HATED the Lorelai and Rory split and the long-lost daughter story lines in season 6, but loved all the Luke and Lorelai couple moments we got in the first half. For season 7, I HATED the Christopher and Lorelai stuff, but loved that they did away with him as a romantic possibility forever at the end of it and I really enjoyed the last part of the season. So ... yeah, a toss up between those two for last place. If I could break up those two seasons, I'd put the last half of season 6 at the very bottom of my list (with the first part of season 7 right behind it). I will say, though, that watching season 6 is much more depressing for me than watching season 7. As for my favs, season 1 is like a big, warm blanket to me. I love it so much. Funnily enough, I didn't even start watching the show on a regular basis until season 4, but my first introduction to the Gilmores was through those Gilmore Girls Beginnings reruns of season 1 on the WB and those reruns comforted me at a time when I needed it most. Overall I love pre-Yale Gilmore Girls more, but I love me some season 4. I love seeing Lorelai making her dream of the Dragonfly come true, I love that Rory didn't have a love interest for most of the season, I love the Luke and Lorelai stuff at the end SO MUCH, and I even liked Jason (as a pre-cursor to Luke only).
  9. Hi, smrou! Also, thanks for the reminder to check out that podcast. I was a regular at Luke's for awhile over at TWoP, and while I haven't been a regular visitor for awhile, I did stop by on occasion for a Gilmore fix. I'm sad to see TWoP go since it was a big part of my life for awhile (and introduced me to a lot of awesome people), but it's nice to see a Gilmore forum here.
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