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Small Talk: The Impala

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I found this on one of the reddit boards (a new twist on "sympathy for the devil):



The big fly in the ointment here is that God supposedly made man in His image...so this analogy is saying that God is a stinking smelly ferret who shits all over everything, which may or may not be true but Lucifer was still jealous over God's new creation. Sorry Lucifer. No sympathy from me. (well he was until s10)....grrr.  but that's for the episode thread.

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I'm taking three a three day weekend to attend the Supernatural convention in Minneapolis.  I got here last night.  I'm already pretty sure I should be taking regular three day weekends.  I haven't seen any t shirts I like, but I have a bad feeling that I will be buying every different style coffee mug they have to offer. I found a really stylish computer bag. I actually needed one as one of my dogs peed on the old one. 


I will let you know if anyone says anything of interest. I have already been given a free #AlwaysKeepFighting band.  I guess it is supposed to show some sort of solidarity on Sunday - like that video someone posted from Comic Con. 

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If you guys have Twitter and/or Instagram you can vote for Random Acts to win 500K from Microsoft. I really do believe in what Random Acts tries to accomplish. If you want to vote you can do so using the following example.


Help us do great things and win $500k. Vote for us by tagging us @RandomActsOrg with the hashtags #UpgradeYourWorld  and #Vote.
For example : I #vote for @RandomActsOrg to #UpgradeYourWorld
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Thanks everyone, for your help with the yellow jackets! Sorry I didn't check in last night, but we had company and it got too late to post, I crashed!


Mick and a buddy of his formed a few plans of action, involving everything from gas to black powder. Thank God C4 was never mentioned! While they argued about the best plan of attack, I called the local Extension Service. They were wonderfully helpful and told me (as AwesomO4000 did) how helpful yellow jackets were for the control of other insects.  But when I told them how fascinated the Pups were with the nest, they agreed the nest had to be eliminated. Seems these things are very aggressive, and we were even warned not to mow until the nest was taken care of. They recommended wasp spray, applied late at night or very early in the morning, (whenever it was coldest) for several days., echoing AwesomO4000 again!  We started early this morning, and I've already seen a lot less of the bastards! I just so wanted to use Omegamom's suggestion and watch skunks eat the nest, I'm vengeful like that!


7kstar, I was just trying to be funny, I value your friendship, and hope I didn't hurt your feelings. I'd never forgive myself! The internet sucks sometimes!


Thank you again you guys!

Edited by Mick Lady
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He claimed that he's sick and won't be at the convention this weekend. 

*Mark Sheppard 

He just says 'no hugs'.  So far they haven't announced he's not coming.  I'll let you know tomorrow.

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I was skimming through Facebbook while standing in line.  I must have read it wrong.  I thought it said no Minneapolis.  Or else I just interpreted what he was saying wrong. If Mark Sheppard doesn't show up, I'm sure they'll announce it.  He is supposed to appear at 1:00 pm today.


Misha Collins is on at 4:50.  


I'm not sure why Gil McKinney has a second showing.


Long day today.  I'm not sure yet when I can find a dinner break.   

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I am pretty upset right now.  They announced that Misha Collins was mugged last night.  Apparently by several people. They tried to send him home, but he decided to stay. He won't be doing his solo appearance later on today, but I guess he still going to do his other appearances.  

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This is so awful. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. I can't help but think of Jensen, Jared and Mark becoming actual hunters and a pissed off King of Hell going after whoever did this to Misha. :(

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That's terrible for Misha. I hope he's not too freaked out. Getting mobbed and attacked like that sounds terrifying.

About us all having different tastes in music: you all know what this means, don't you? We've got to put together a mix! That way, we can include something for everyone

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Thanks everyone, for your help with the yellow jackets! Sorry I didn't check in last night, but we had company and it got too late to post, I crashed!


7kstar, I was just trying to be funny, I value your friendship, and hope I didn't hurt your feelings. I'd never forgive myself! The internet sucks sometimes!


Thank you again you guys!

Never fear I knew you were being funny!  Glad that you have figured out a safe solution, but seriously sometimes guys do go for the most dangerous methods and it's up to saner heads to lead the way.  :)


That's awful that Misha has been mugged.  I wonder if he will have to have a bodyguard or feel like he needs one.  Glad it wasn't serious but I know it is easier to make him feel less trusting which is a shame.  I bet there are some fans who would love to show those idiots a thing or two. 

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It says something about his character that he's going ahead with the photo ops.  


I don't know if Mark Sheppard is just that intimidating, but the questions people were asking him were total head scratchers. Almost like they have never watched the show. He's was kind of snarky. 


Sebastian Roché pretty much sang his entire set and only ended up answering two or three questions. It was pretty funny though.  He answered them in the style of Jim Morrison and James Bond.  He made some poor girl ask her question in the voice of Sean Connery.   

Edited by Commando Cody
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People have learned that Mark really doesn't answer anything, kind of like the characters he plays.  hee hee


Sounds like you best know the panel and enter at your own risks. 


I sort of wish I could attend one, but so far the cost is out of my reach.  :(

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So, I am feeling kind of weird tonight. Years ago, I bought bracelets for my mom and me. One had a charm with the word LOVE in English on one side and in Chinese characters for 'Love" on the other side, which my mom kept. The other one had the word "Peace" in English and Chinese characters. Long story short I found the one with "peace" on it  at my mom's when I went back for her funeral. It was weird because I just thought I had lost it long ago, but it was at her house the whole time! Anyway, I've worn it everyday since I found it. Yesterday, the charm fell off, and I picked up and and put it somewhere and now I can't find it anywhere!  I'm irrationally anxious about this. I'm sure it was a placebo effect but it made me feel better to know it was there.  Yes I would nervously fondle the charm and just remind myself that I can find peace again. Ugh. Why am I so upset!?


Anyway.....yeah...that happened. :(

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I hope you find it quickly.

It is so very hard to lose a parent. My mom died five years ago, and I still find myself wanting to call her up to talk about things.

Be good to yourself. Realize that the grief will rise up like a tidal wave at the oddest of times, triggered by the most mundane things. But it lessens as time goes by, bit by bit.

Again, major hugs to you.

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So, I am feeling kind of weird tonight.  Long story short I found the one with "peace" on it  at my mom's when I went back for her funeral. It was weird because I just thought I had lost it long ago, but it was at her house the whole time! Anyway, I've worn it everyday since I found it. Yesterday, the charm fell off, and I picked up and and put it somewhere and now I can't find it anywhere!  I'm irrationally anxious about this. I'm sure it was a placebo effect but it made me feel better to know it was there.  Yes I would nervously fondle the charm and just remind myself that I can find peace again. Ugh. Why am I so upset!?


Anyway.....yeah...that happened. :(

Because in a way you found a piece of your Mom which felt real and live.  We do that.  We put sentimental value on the weirdest things especially when the lost of a love one is so recent. 


I have an issue with butterfly rings...I've owned two in a lifetime but lost both.  I've tried to find it but can't.  There is an emotional issue with the ring which I don't share with anyone.  But it's been missing for almost 10 years.  I still get upset sometimes, but do my best to move on.


Yours is connected to your Mom...and the loss is really recent in the realm of emotions.  So allow the feelings and try to retrace your steps and see if you can find it.  Maybe you'll get lucky.  But also be gentle with yourself. 


How you feel is how you feel.  You may find that if you do something creative, write about it, turn it into a poem...a story or even something else like painting or drawing can help you release the emotions in a positive way and help to ease the anxiety your feeling. 


BUT most of all, NOTHING is wrong.  It is okay that you want it back and well listen if you just need an ear.

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It's brutal.  I tend not to replace things until I have no choice.  Last April, my phone was on its last legs (bear with me here, it's not as shallow as it sounds).  So I got a new one.  Transferred everything important... or so I thought at the time.


Two weeks later, my best friend died.  I opened my text messages to read all the things he had sent me over the years, only to discover that they hadn't transferred from my old phone.  I was crushed.  I'll always beat myself up for not making sure that those messages were transferred, but what's done is done.  No going back.  So I move forward and find new ways to be reminded him, almost every day.  


Best of luck to you, and I hope that you find something to help you through this difficult time.

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I have a one-sentence horror story for you:

"Mice got into the pantry."

Ew, yuck, gross, bleah. Apparently, they've been in the back of the shelves for longer than we realized. We are now armed with hole-filler, bleach, plastic containers and mousetraps. Yuck yuck yuck yuck. Did I say, "Yuck"?!?

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Ewwww! That sucks, Omegamom! I would be horrified.  I hope it's not going to be overly costly for you to replace the food!


Thanks everyone for the well wishes and support. I did find the charm this morning. It was under the bed. I don't even know how it got there LOL. Maybe it was my mom's way of telling me to make my damn bed!


Anyway, thanks again!!

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I hope you find your charm, catrox14.


I can't begin to say that I understand how you feel, but I do understand the frustration. I'm old enough now that I am currently going through some changes, many that I was not prepared for / unaware were coming. And one of those is apparently losing my mind at inopportune times. I will have something, and the next thing I know, I've put it down somewhere and have no idea where that somewhere was. Then I drive myself crazy looking for it. (And apparently sometimes crazy-over-the-top responses go along with the losing your mind, too. A colleague of mine told me that when she went through it, she thought she was having a nervous breakdown at the time.)


So a year or so into this - and they say it can last for 5, or more sometimes (I hope not, or I'm going to be half crazy), I've decided to just let myself be pissed off and frustrated if I want to be, and let the people around me know it might be coming. And...


Update: Yay you found your charm! And so all of my blabbing here is somewhat superfluous, but I think it still holds that should another such moment come up... let yourself have it. I've found that in my situation, a modified Dean + Sam tactic is best: forget the bottling up part and just go with the random outburst of anger and frustration... but talk it out and warn those around you. My hubby was certainly appreciative, and now he no longer has to wonder WTF is wrong with his wife and is she losing her marbles (well maybe that part is still up for debate. ; ) ). He (and my Mom) just knows to let me go and I'll run out of steam eventually. And then I'll be all good again.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Your comments were not for naught, Awesome.  


I appreciate them.  For me,t's tricky because I do live alone and I've found that calling my family now doesn't really give me comfort because it turns into competitive grieving and that just sucks.


But I do appreciate the kind words, everyone.

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First YEAH!!!  you found it.  Since this is the Supernatural Forum...

Some would say it is your mother's sneaky way of trying to communicate with ya, to let you know that she is still watching over you. 


Plus it could be a reminder to make that darn bed.  I still don't. lol.  Sometimes you just need to vent and then the solution shows up!  I still hate that.  :)


Omegamom...ICK...mice, they have got to go.  Good luck and may it be a easy repair and clean up.


Okay either a stray cat or a cat that lives in the neighborhood killed a crackle, a pesky ugly bird.  The yuck part is that is right near the back door.  Of course it was a black cat.  lol.  I hope it finishes it soon as I don't wanna deal with it.  Whine, Whine.


Plus first day with students tomorrow and I'm not ready...NOPE, nope.

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SueB--Did you have a good time?!?

Awesome!  i'll post pics and info tomorrow.

Here's my stats:

- Attended dozen plus panels with apparently 4000 other people (no hyperbole there... that's the headcount)

- 4 Meet & Greets (Mark, Jared, Jensen, Misha)

- 3 photo ops (Mark & Misha, Jared & Jensen, J2 & Misha)

- 8 autographs (J2, M2, Chad, Gil, Tahmoh, Sebastian)

- Karaoke night partied til 1am-ish

- Saturday Night Special (Loudoun Swain w/ guests rock concert)

- Costume contest


My feet are tired, I'm exhausted, and can't stop grinning....

...oh and Jensen tried to steal my bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label (in memory of Rufus) I had people signing.  Items are slid over from the "handler" to the cast to sign.  He put it on his lap and then sweetly said "do you have something for me to sign?".  He's kinda adorable. 

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...oh and Jensen tried to steal my bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label (in memory of Rufus) I had people signing.  Items are slid over from the "handler" to the cast to sign.  He put it on his lap and then sweetly said "do you have something for me to sign?".  He's kinda adorable.


Oh. My . Gods. I would have just died right there. That's so great. Did you have to negotiate to get it back?

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Oh. My . Gods. I would have just died right there. That's so great. Did you have to negotiate to get it back?

Only a little. I quibbles that he probably lived in a dry county. He wasn't buying it. But he signed it and returned it anyway.
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@SueB,  Sounds like you had a blast except for the tired feet.


Jensen has really come out of his shell...what a great memory.  Plus he might remember you now. lol


I'm glad Misha could do some of his stuff, just so awful that he got mugged.  Did Jared or Jensen give him a hard time for not having a good bodyguard like Cliff?  :)


Looking forward to the pics and info.  I have to live through you since I can't go.  So does that make you famous?

Edited by 7kstar
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Your comments were not for naught, Awesome.  


I appreciate them.  For me,t's tricky because I do live alone and I've found that calling my family now doesn't really give me comfort because it turns into competitive grieving and that just sucks.


But I do appreciate the kind words, everyone.


One good thing about living alone though is that you can swear and yell all you want without scaring anyone.


Heh, and maybe you could get a cat to yell at / complain to. They mostly won't care as long as you feed or pet them when they want to be fed or petted. Back when we had cats, my hubby always used to tease that when I had a bad day, I could go home and squish or kick the kitties (He was kidding. We'd never kick our kitties). I would squish them though - it'd make me feel better and the kitties liked to be "squished."


Another therapeutic thing, especially if you can't have pets yourself? back when we first lost our first cat and weren't ready for another pet yet, hubby and I would go down to the local shelter. Some shelters like people to visit the animals, because it keeps them used to people. So we'd visit, and he'd pet the dogs. Me - being a weirdo - I'd visit, pet, and play with the resident pet rats (not like the ones that get in your house which are ew!). Few people visited the rats, so they enjoyed it, I think. I'd bring them toilet paper rolls to play with, and they'd seem so happy about it, immediately picking them up in the air with their teeth and/ or sticking their heads inside and waving it around, squishing into them or rolling them around, and I couldn't not feel uplifted after that.


*Is a dork... and proud of it*

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Thanks, Awesome! Unfortunately, my landlord doesn't permit pets but I always had a kitty until mine died a few years ago.  I've wanted to get another kitty.  But I do have neighbors who have dogs so I get to pet them every now and then.


That's a good idea about volunteering at a shelter! As soon as I get my car running again, I'll look into that.

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Definitely cool, Omegamom. There aren't many critters who naturally have that magenta color. That one is lovely and interesting-looking at the same time.


catrox, sometimes you can call and ask your local shelter if they allow visitation like that. For our shelter in Indiana when we lived there, you didn't even need an appointment or anything. We'd just drop by during business hours and say we were there to pet the animals and they'd say "sure, come on in." We'd visit the ones ready for adoption. As I said, they liked to have people come by, because it got the animals used to being around people. I liked the rats, because I could pick them up and snuggle them. And the shelter workers liked that someone came by to give the rats some love - hee.


They also got to know us too, so that when it came time to adopt some new pets, they knew who we were and whether we'd make good pet parents. Even after we got our new cats, we'd still drop by and pet the shelter animals sometimes.

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I'm glad Misha could do some of his stuff, just so awful that he got mugged.  Did Jared or Jensen give him a hard time for not having a good bodyguard like Cliff?  :)

It sounds like there was a constant stream of jokes about mugging for the camera, being lippy, face planting, and it being muggy outside.   Apparently Jared said something like he should have been there and Richard Speight was like, 'sure, muggers would randomly pick out Jared or Tahmoh to go after',  And then I think it was Rob Benedict that started laughing about what a surprise they would have received if they had tried to mug 'Mr Chau.' 


It was clear that everybody was very concerned about Misha and amazed at his dedication to the fans and the convention by refusing to leave, but there was also a very strong "family vibe" to giving him a hard time about it.

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So, Stephen Amell says he'd like to see Batman on Arrow.  (TPTB are saying no, but anyway...)


catrox, would Jensen as Bruce Wayne on Arrow be good enough for you?  ;-)


Oh man. I might make a deal with a Crossroads Demon for that. Lordy.  It will never happen though :(.  But yess...SOOOO MUCH YES. YES YES YES. I would...just yes. 

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Off topic, I know, but Mick and I saw something really cool last night!


Sunday, we had our Fantasy Football draft at our place. Twelve guys came, (the same twelve that had been playing for 28 years!) and they stayed to play poker until about 2 am. When they left, Mick and I went down to the gate to lock up. We were leaning on the gate, talking about nothing really, when this HUGE bird flew down the street! I'm talking about a 5' wing span! It was snow white and didn't make a sound. We'd never seen anything like it before, but Mick thought it was an owl. The smoke from the Oregon/Washington fires have driven a lot of animals here, and he thought that might have driven the owl down the mountains.


Silly thing, I know, but guys, you should have seen it! It was so awesome!

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Your comments were not for naught, Awesome.  


I appreciate them.  For me,t's tricky because I do live alone and I've found that calling my family now doesn't really give me comfort because it turns into competitive grieving and that just sucks.


But I do appreciate the kind words, everyone.


Wish I had seen this sooner, catrox! I know exactly what you mean about "competitive grieving", and it does suck, mainly because no one is really listening to you. I think that's the worst part of it. But, you're a strong woman, and have one hell of a support system here!


We're a lucky bunch to have each other. No shit.

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Thanks for all your "thumbs up" on my owl post guys! I know it seems like such a small thing, but I felt so, I don't know, the only word I can think of is "privileged" to see this bird. Nature gets me like that, especially out here. I know many of you "get it".

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