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All Episodes Talk: What's Up Doc?

Meredith Quill

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53 minutes ago, GiandujaPie said:

To be fair, I think Carol impulsively quit the day she did and then hopped on a plane. My issue is people knowing that they are leaving or moving and then working one last shift on their way to the airport. If I were moving, I'd put in my notice at work, then plan to move a few days after my last day. I wouldn't work my last shift and then just go straight to the airport like they made it seem Neela did. They do this on other shows too and it's stupid. Nobody does this in real life unless they have no other choice, and I don't believe for a second that Neela had to work right up to the minute of her departure. She could have worked her last shift, then gone home and spent the next week packing up her apartment and making arrangements for the move. Instead, she goes from the hospital directly to the airport so that Simon can run after her and declare how much he loves her. 🙄

Susan essentially did the same thing first time she left.  Worked her shift and then hopped on the train to Arizona.  I don't believe we ever heard what happened to her car or the several rooms of furniture she had in her apartment or her clothes, either.  Did she sell everything and start fresh?  Why?  Did she hire movers?  That would've been quite a bit of money for her.  She was still a resident at that point, it isn't like she had money to buy everything new once she got there. 

Obviously, Mark rushing to the train station to see her was far more dramatic than him chatting with her in the parking lot as she left with her VW beetle packed to the brim with her stuff,

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10 hours ago, GiandujaPie said:

That was the thing I always appreciated about ER, they never acted like once characters left the show that their lives got worse or that they remained stagnant. ER always showed that life continued to move on for the characters, even after they left County. 

I mean, Benton was still with Cleo, so presumably that qualifies as his life being worse or stagnant!  I did enjoy they brought back Reese for the final episode.

4 hours ago, Notabug said:

I don't believe we ever heard what happened to her car or the several rooms of furniture she had in her apartment or her clothes, either. 

I do think we saw a scene where Mark was in her apartment to discuss taking over Susan's lease, and the landlady thought he was one of the movers. 

I really appreciated that even if the main characters left, they kept up the continuity with the nurses.  Haleh, Chuny and Malik being there since the beginning, and carrying on regardless of who was the doctor in charge.

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Yes, I had forgotten about Susan's first exit! I agree, I think tv shows do this so there can be some big dramatic moment at the workplace or immediately after, like Susan and Mark at the train station or Neela/Brenner at the airport, although theirs was so dull I don't think it was quite the dramatic moment the show thought it should be. 

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On 1/21/2024 at 12:52 PM, Notabug said:

Carter's sister is never heard from again after the mention in Season 1. 

Having just watched the season two finale last night, it turns out we were wrong and she is mentioned again -- when Carter lists all the family coming to his graduation, he says his sister is flying in from Paris (she was in Switzerland during the first mention). 

I love Noah Wyle's face when, after Carter invites Benton to come to his graduation or the fancy party afterward so he can meet the family who've heard so much about him, Benton says the evaluation is already turned in, he doesn't have to keep brown-nosing him anymore; Carter mostly rolls with Benton's prickly personality by this point, but he's still hurt sometimes, and that was a great little moment of face acting (when I generally find that not Wyle's strong suit).

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23 hours ago, Bastet said:

Carter mostly rolls with Benton's prickly personality by this point, but he's still hurt sometimes, and that was a great little moment of face acting (when I generally find that not Wyle's strong suit).

Yeah, I find a lot of times that Carter comes off as smug when I don't think that is what was scripted.     

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Went to a dinner tonight where the band played Twist and Shout, and I had that final scene from Full Moon, Saturday Night (from S1) in the back of my mind the entire time.

I will say that ER had a lot of good music during its run, even in the song choices that played in the background at Doc Magoo’s. And even though I don’t like the later seasons I still download the songs from those episodes to enjoy on their own merit. I have to finish my ER playlist on Spotify and then I’ll share it here if anyone is interested. 

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10 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Went to a dinner tonight where the band played Twist and Shout, and I had that final scene from Full Moon, Saturday Night (from S1) in the back of my mind the entire time.

I will say that ER had a lot of good music during its run, even in the song choices that played in the background at Doc Magoo’s. And even though I don’t like the later seasons I still download the songs from those episodes to enjoy on their own merit. I have to finish my ER playlist on Spotify and then I’ll share it here if anyone is interested. 

I would love to see your playlist!

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14 minutes ago, andidante said:

I would love to see your playlist!

Here you go!

(As a note: since I write ER fanfic as well, there are some songs on this list that were not in the show or came out after the series ended but were used as inspiration for fic titles, songs I thought of when plotting, etc.) 

ETA: Since it’s in progress, I still need to add most of the songs from Seasons 9-15 but the early years are covered! 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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2 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Here you go!

(As a note: since I write ER fanfic as well, there are some songs on this list that were not in the show or came out after the series ended but were used as inspiration for fic titles, songs I thought of when plotting, etc.) 

ETA: Since it’s in progress, I still need to add most of the songs from Seasons 9-15 but the early years are covered! 

Awesome, thank you!

Anyone else watch any episodes while the forums were closed? Let’s discuss! 

I watched 9x2 and 9x3. Abby’s brother showed up in episode 3, so I’m looking forward to skipping past the rehash of her family problems. 

I would have loved to have seen more of Romano and Elizabeth interacting after she seems him in physical therapy in 9x2. Especially when she said she was sorry and Romano said “about what happened or not being there more?” (Paraphrase; I can’t remember the exact quote.) And Elizabeth’s hair looks great, but I have always had a woman crush on her.

I’m on Carter’s side about the metal detectors and the safety in that hospital. But the whole plot was kind of fruitless in the end, unfortunately, since I think the metal detectors disappeared a few episodes later and crazy stuff kept happening in the ER. He is right; they are owed a safe place to work and it’s wild how security is never around. I would have walked out too. My dream B plot that never happened is someone saying they found a different job at a safer hospital and were outta here.

Harkins (med student Luka gets into a car crash with eventually) is also here too. I don’t remember much of her outside her debut and Hindsight (the backwards episode), but I do remember being amazed that Luka drives recklessly with her in the car and somehow still remains employed given his track record before the accident. 

I will watch 9x4 next and then may have to look at skipping around. 

I watched 9x4 and 9x5 last night, and Abby and Luka are both awful (as individuals). Luka making out with the patient’s mother in the supply closet and Abby with her whole “I’m a recovering alcoholic, but also I’m drinking with my girlfriends because I’m happy!” routine. Honestly, with her attitude towards recovery, it’s no wonder she ends up relapsing in S14. She seems to think recovery and sobriety is something she can do whenever she wants to rather than actually something she has to work towards. She can still be happy and go out with friends while having soda or water or any other non-alcoholic beverage. And someone with her mindset towards drinking should have never brought a baby into the world but that’s a discussion for three or four seasons from now.

It’s an eighth wonder of the world how Luka has stayed employed through S9. He was fine in S6 but after he went MIA after killing the mugger and was caught having sex with that girl’s mother, how could anyone keep him around? And the fact that he gets all depressed later because “he misses Abby” is stupid. She and Carter didn’t even kiss till the end of S8; Luka had more than enough time to talk to her and try to rekindle their relationship. He’s a grown man; it’s so pathetic that he gets all sullen and goes out of control over a breakup. 

I liked the awkwardness between Elizabeth and Romano in the surgical lounge but I always appreciate him for helping to recover her wedding ring.

Romano quotable of the week: “I’d say chop chop, but that would be in bad taste!”

The whole Kerry forcing Abby to be the nurse manager plot made zero sense. I could see offering it to her and discussing it but why just tell her “you’re the nurse manager; no questions asked”? There’s also never been any indication that Abby has the on-the-job understanding or capability of/interest in being a manager. I mean surely there had to be some random guest star they could bring in or elevate one of the other longtime ER nurses. 

I forgot that Romano gifted Kerry a cactus. It made no sense but it was an interesting little touch. 

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6 minutes ago, Dr.OO7 said:

Neither did forcibly transferring her to the ER two years prior, but there you go.

What I didn’t get about that plot was Kerry saying something along the lines of how it would be better for Abby to work in the ER since it would be good experience for her when she was going back to med school. I’m not in healthcare, so maybe I’m missing something, but why would the ER be superior to being an OB nurse or an OR nurse or any other specialty as far as med school was concerned? Abby was an OB nurse before beginning her ER rotation anyway and didn’t seem that underprepared to be in the ER. 

I also don’t recall her saying in S6 or S7 that her first choice was an ER residency. 

14 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

What I didn’t get about that plot was Kerry saying something along the lines of how it would be better for Abby to work in the ER since it would be good experience for her when she was going back to med school. I’m not in healthcare, so maybe I’m missing something, but why would the ER be superior to being an OB nurse or an OR nurse or any other specialty as far as med school was concerned? Abby was an OB nurse before beginning her ER rotation anyway and didn’t seem that underprepared to be in the ER. 

I also don’t recall her saying in S6 or S7 that her first choice was an ER residency. 

Exactly. Supposing Abby wanted to be an OB/GYN? It would have made far more sense for her to stay in the OB department where she already was.

That's precisely why that was so stupid--she does this without even asking Abby what she herself wants? Abby's own nurse manager on the OB floor doesn't discuss this with Abby? How hard would it have been to have a few throwaway lines that ABBY was the one who asked for/arranged this or have Kerry ASK HER if she'd like to work in the ER instead of Kerry doing it when she'd have no ability or authority to?

Edited by Dr.OO7
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On 1/2/2024 at 8:36 PM, Notabug said:


HIPPAA came into being in 1996, while ER was in its early seasons and almost every episode includes multiple HIPA violations.  Remember Mark whining and complaining when Kerry stopped allowing patient names on the status board?  Linking identifiable elements to a diagnosis and location is about as big a HIPAA violation as there is and Mark, of all people, having just recently completed his residency, should've been well aware of it and advocating on behalf of patient privacy.

HIPAA the law was enacted in 1996; the privacy regulations weren't issued until end of 2000 and compliance wasn't required until 2003. 

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On 2/12/2024 at 12:15 PM, RedbirdNelly said:

HIPAA the law was enacted in 1996; the privacy regulations weren't issued until end of 2000 and compliance wasn't required until 2003. 

True, but even before there was an actual law; there was common sense and a patient’s right to privacy.  I attended med school in the late 70’s-early 80’s and, even then, in the dark ages; we were warned not to snoop in charts without a medical indication and to not discuss patients except as part of their care or at private educational sessions.  And not by name. And there were consequences if the guidelines weren’t followed even if not legal ones.

Edited by Notabug
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Picked out two tolerable to me episodes for tonight, 9x7 (Tell Me Where it Hurts) and 9x11 (A Little Help from My Friends).

I kinda was laughing when Elizabeth talked about no surgeon would do a Whipple on the old guy that Nathan was pushing for to have the surgery. Yes, she is right. But I was just laughing because my 92-year-old grandmother had a Whipple a couple of years ago and she bounced back like it was no big deal. She also had surgery for macular degeneration and still drives (albeit only during the day). My family was really hesitant about her having the Whipple but it ended up being more like yeah it went well, Grandma’s great and she’ll be home soon. She rocked it. So that brought back some memories.

Carter was pretty damn forgiving of Abby lying and claiming he was Eric’s doctor. Enough to go see her later and try and support her too. 

I really enjoyed the interaction between Kerry, Susan and Sandy when Kerry told Susan about the pregnancy. It’s nice to see them as friends, or at least cordial colleagues, considering their relationship in S2 and 3. 

9x11 brings one of my favorite Romano quotes: “Did anybody bother to verify that there really are medical schools in Croatia? Anyone?” Anspaugh  hit the jackpot too with “welcome to another fun-filled morbidity and mortality.”

I was kind of amused with everyone’s complete non-reaction to Luka saying he was hungover and tired when he messed up that case. S9 is where I really start disliking his character though. He’s a grown man having a spiral because he misses his ex-girlfriend when he had all of S8 to try and fix things. Yeah I can’t get behind that. Be an adult and learn to cope with your breakup feelings and don’t bring them to your job as an ER doctor. 

Kerry’s scenes with her deaf patient, eventually telling her about the miscarriage and crying, are some of my favorite Kerry scenes of the series. So emotional and perfectly acted.

Oh hey, it’s Miss Patty from Gilmore Girls! 

Not sure yet what episodes I’m watching next week. Stay tuned…

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On 2/15/2024 at 11:33 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

Kerry’s scenes with her deaf patient, eventually telling her about the miscarriage and crying, are some of my favorite Kerry scenes of the series. So emotional and perfectly acted.

Kerry had great scenes with a Deaf child in one of the earlier seasons -- the girl who had epilepsy and had a seizure while she was out in public, alone. Remember that? 

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On 1/24/2024 at 2:20 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

I can only imagine they have the blandest sex with Cleo’s monotone voice and bored facial expression leading the way. The one S6 episode where she tried to be sexy and get Benton to come to the shower with her she sounded so completely uninterested, like she was asking him to read the paper with her. 

If we're going to imagine how good or bad someone is at sex I always figured someone as robotic and lacking personality as Cleo had to be dynamite in bed

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On 2/17/2024 at 2:44 PM, Heathen said:

Kerry had great scenes with a Deaf child in one of the earlier seasons -- the girl who had epilepsy and had a seizure while she was out in public, alone. Remember that? 

Vaguely, yes. Season 2?

1 hour ago, outsmartabullet said:

If we're going to imagine how good or bad someone is at sex I always figured someone as robotic and lacking personality as Cleo had to be dynamite in bed

In this case God knows what two people who are constantly sullen and miserable as Luka and Abby were like when they made their baby. Or better yet…Kem…

I can buy that about Cleo for some reason. Especially with how fit and athletic she is. 

The topics of discussion really do scrape the bottom of the barrel now that the show has been over for almost 15 years… 🤣

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On 2/13/2024 at 1:04 PM, Notabug said:

True, but even before there was an actual law; there was common sense and a patient’s right to privacy.  I attended med school in the late 70’s-early 80’s and, even then, in the dark ages; we were warned not to snoop in charts without a medical indication and to not discuss patients except as part of their care or at private educational sessions.  And not by name. And there were consequences if the guidelines weren’t followed even if not legal ones.

agreed and there were (and are) state laws. It's just not accurate to say "HIPAA violation!" pre 2003.

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2 hours ago, outsmartabullet said:

If we're going to imagine how good or bad someone is at sex I always figured someone as robotic and lacking personality as Cleo had to be dynamite in bed



Thank you  LOL!  It's always the quiet ones The ones you least expect who are the freaks in bed.  I also disagree that Cleo lacked personality.  I actually liked her. She just didn't work with Benton. 

Edited by Mrsmaul2021
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On 2/17/2024 at 11:44 AM, Heathen said:

Kerry had great scenes with a Deaf child in one of the earlier seasons -- the girl who had epilepsy and had a seizure while she was out in public, alone. Remember that?

Not specifically, but Kerry had a very good bedside manner.  They wrote her that way right from the beginning, probably making her so good with patients to give some balance to a character they brought in as an antagonist to the other doctors.

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I don’t remember that particular episode, but I have never liked Sam. Well, she was fine in the last season by the time she was going back to school and such. Luka was fine in S6 and 7 but started going downhill after that.  Even in those two seasons he had some questionable moments with how he pushed patients around (into treatments and such, not as in physically shoving them LOL). I’m also in the part of the series where he goes into his sex addict/spiraling phase and this is where I really lose interest.

I may take a break from ER for tonight and start rewatching The Resident or something. My interest has waned in sticking with ER since I watched On the Beach, and I’m not really finding many episodes I’d be interested in watching again. I figure if I miss it that much there’s always next week. 😂(I have shows that I rotate and watch them on specific days.) 

4 hours ago, outsmartabullet said:

Holy shit, caught an episode that I hadn't seen before. Sam and Luka and the rape victim...

We're supposed to like these two characters? That's quite possibly the most fucked up breach of ethics in the entire series. 



Season 11 White Guy. Dark Hair. Yeah....that was so arrogant and just wrong of her and Luka covered for her. 



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On 2/19/2024 at 12:02 PM, Mrsmaul2021 said:



  I also disagree that Cleo lacked personality.  I actually liked her. She just didn't work with Benton. 

there is one scene where she is shooting basketball outside the ER and has a nice interaction with Mark. It was a nice bit of personality and I wish the scripts had more scenes like that

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6 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

there is one scene where she is shooting basketball outside the ER and has a nice interaction with Mark. It was a nice bit of personality and I wish the scripts had more scenes like that



Yup that scene was so cute. I also liked the scene she had breakfast with Benton's family and she was tearing up those waffles. 

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15 hours ago, Mrsmaul2021 said:



Yup that scene was so cute. I also liked the scene she had breakfast with Benton's family and she was tearing up those waffles. 

I think Cleo had potential as a character and could've been developed much better and her relationship with Benton been more natural. 

We knew she was a jock, why not have her and Benton play a round of H-O-R-S-E outside the ER?  Remember Elizabeth playing darts with him?  It might've been repetitive, but it could've been fun.

We also learned that Cleo was biracial and raised in a family that was fairly comfortable financially and seeing her and Benton explore their differences could have been a good story (and not the stupid story of them dealing with the runaway teen delinquent).  He sometimes seemed to indicate she wasn't 'black' enough because of her upbringing and they could've explored how black people also come from different socioeconomic circumstances and have to learn and adapt just like anyone else.

Of course, the main problem was that Michael Michelle was a terrible actress and I suspect the writers didn't think she could handle a nuanced storyline.  And there were already a zillion other main cast members they could write for, so they took the path of least resistance.

Edited by Notabug
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On 5/27/2018 at 11:18 PM, doodlebug said:

Let's design our ideal marathons.  How about one with memorable patients?   Or best of each of the original cast members?  Or best disaster episodes?  (Blizzard, Exodus, The Crossing...)   Hell's bells, a marathon starting with Be Still My Heart through the stabbing and its aftermath would be a welcome revisit to one of the most memorable story arcs in TV history.


I want an  ER X The Sopranos!  Seriously I think they had everyone except Gandolfini 

On 6/2/2018 at 1:19 PM, debraran said:

I think, especially today that story line was not a good one the way they handled it, especially with Carter being so young. He didn't seem happy about it so I felt that set the tone. I don't think some of these episodes would be shot the same way today.

I also feel Sam and Alex are a crazy mother/son pair. I'm just up to when he saw his Mom kill his father, but even before, taking him from place to place, school to school, moving in with Luka, then the wealthy patient, Gates if I remember correctly later.  Everyone says what a good mom she is but it seems like stability and common sense are not always prevalent. Lying to your son about his dad, changing jobs monthly or yearly just seems so over the top. I would rebel too, he is never in any safe place and sees so much turmoil and craziness and then it's "go to school, do your homework"  Maybe it gets better in later episodes but I doubt it. 

Wasn't there some indication that she did this because she was afraid of/hiding from the BioDad? Wasn't he abusive from the get-go? 

On 6/3/2018 at 10:21 AM, doodlebug said:


White coats are germ catchers and the person wearing it ends up hauling a bunch of unnecessary stuff around in the pockets which is why I stopped wearing mine 30 years ago.  I have a white coat, tailored and everything, with my name on it because the hospital system where I work issues at least one to everyone.  I wore it once when required for a photo.  Otherwise, it's hanging on the door in my office, still in the plastic back it came in.  Who knows, maybe I'll wear it again someday.

As a patient I have to say I like a doctor in a white coat. Maybe not in the actual procedure room, but I do think the presentation is important, I worked in a Heme/Onc office and one of the docs used to dress overly casual and sporty and I always felt it was sort of unprofessional. 


On 12/18/2023 at 10:26 AM, GiandujaPie said:

Just watched the 2 episodes in Season 14 before the writers strike, with the horrible hockey storyline. So we are to believe that suddenly all of the surgeons are really good at hockey and ice skating. And we are to believe that Neela's field hockey experience translates into ice hockey prowess? BS. This has to take the cake as the most ridiculous and unnecessary storyline ever. You can totally see how this show has gone downhill. 

and the like, slo-mo montage of Morris et al skating out on the ice? My eyes about rolled out of my head. I said to my husband "this show REALLY has jumped the shark." 


On 2/19/2024 at 11:19 AM, Cloud9Shopper said:

Vaguely, yes. Season 2?

In this case God knows what two people who are constantly sullen and miserable as Luka and Abby were like when they made their baby. Or better yet…Kem…

I can buy that about Cleo for some reason. Especially with how fit and athletic she is. 

The topics of discussion really do scrape the bottom of the barrel now that the show has been over for almost 15 years… 🤣

Can totally imagine her as a dominatrix, throwing Benton all over the place LOL 


I've been on a marathon rewatch from Season 1 straight thru, I'm on S15 E 4 now.  I watched in real time but had a baby in 2000 and I think that's when i stopped - so the late episodes are all new to me. 

The one story line I hate the most? The Forrest Whittaker one. UGH


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I have been slowing down in my watch a bIt and am not as into the show as I was a year or two ago, but I’m picking up some S10 episodes. And I forgot about how it seemed like the entire hospital read the Dear Abby letter. It was a pretty hilarious subplot, and we got another great Romano quote:

Neela: “I imagine it’s private.” 

Romano: “You’re probably right. What’s it say?” 

I feel like I want to hate watch Freefall in a few episodes. Just to mark the time this show jumped the shark and went down in literal flames.

I liked the hockey game plot only because S14 was otherwise miserable and depressing and it brought some much-needed levity and something else to focus on besides trauma porn. 

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On 3/16/2024 at 10:45 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

I feel like I want to hate watch Freefall in a few episodes. Just to mark the time this show jumped the shark and went down in literal flames.

Don't miss the part where Chuck is NOT seen on the roof when the helicopter is taking off, but somehow he was not on the chopper or in the elevator, and nobody knew where he was until he arrived in the ER with an intubated patient. Always a mystery -- maybe he was hanging off the roof by his fingertips. 

Also the part where Abby single-handedly saves Chuck by diagnosing a splenic laceration, intubates him, and gives him a central line, even though she is at that point either a medical student or an intern who failed her multiple-choice boards in medical school. St. Abby for the win! 

It's one of my favorite sucky-season episodes to snark on because it was so stupidly over the top. Just like Morris smoking weed in the ambulance bay, in plain sight, while on duty. He couldn't even go to his car? 

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22 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Don't miss the part where Chuck is NOT seen on the roof when the helicopter is taking off, but somehow he was not on the chopper or in the elevator, and nobody knew where he was until he arrived in the ER with an intubated patient. Always a mystery -- maybe he was hanging off the roof by his fingertips. 

Also the part where Abby single-handedly saves Chuck by diagnosing a splenic laceration, intubates him, and gives him a central line, even though she is at that point either a medical student or an intern who failed her multiple-choice boards in medical school. St. Abby for the win! 

It's one of my favorite sucky-season episodes to snark on because it was so stupidly over the top. Just like Morris smoking weed in the ambulance bay, in plain sight, while on duty. He couldn't even go to his car? 

I just watched the episode where Abby goes to Richard to get a loan to go back to medical school and she recoils when she hears a baby crying and looks annoyed that Richard has a wife and child. (How many signs can I count that Abby herself should have never had a baby? Let’s discuss when I get to S12!) So anyway, at the point of Freefall, she is a med student in the ER again, and earlier in the episode she was questioning Coburn’s approach to treatment of an HIV-positive woman who I believe either was pregnant or wanted to be. Because it’s a great idea for a med student to question an OB attending who’s also the head of the department. 

There’s also the point where Morris just stands there during a mass casualty event and doesn’t do squat to help out. And no one knowing or caring where Romano is. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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3 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Stay tuned for the episode where he gets chased by an army tank! Because this show hadn’t gone downhill enough already. 

Ironically, Morris v. Tank was one of the less awful episodes from the later years, at least that I remember. At least that episode (per my recollection) didn't consist of St. Abby's high dramatics or Sam and Gates having sex in the hospital or mysteriously reappearing flight nurses. Or brat kids setting fires. 

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Heathen said:

Don't miss the part where Chuck is NOT seen on the roof when the helicopter is taking off, but somehow he was not on the chopper or in the elevator, and nobody knew where he was until he arrived in the ER with an intubated patient. Always a mystery -- maybe he was hanging off the roof by his fingertips. 

We know he wasn't taking a shower somewhere, since when he turns up he looks like he always looks -- as if he hasn't had one in a week.  I know I need to let it go, but I cannot believe they saddled Susan with him. 

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46 minutes ago, Bastet said:

We know he wasn't taking a shower somewhere, since when he turns up he looks like he always looks -- as if he hasn't had one in a week.  I know I need to let it go, but I cannot believe they saddled Susan with him. 

I’m with you. It seemed out of character for her to marry someone on a whim in Vegas, much less someone like Chuck who she barely knew. And then she has a child with him with a ridiculous name. I’m still not over them naming him Cosmo! (Although I know this was to write in Sherry Stringfield’s real life pregnancy.)

Not to worry, Chuck eventually moved to New York and changed his name to Declan to become a lieutenant in the NYPD and bust illegal gambling and sex trafficking rings, and he met up with Cynthia while he was there. (If you know, you know…)  

  • LOL 3
1 hour ago, Bastet said:

We know he wasn't taking a shower somewhere, since when he turns up he looks like he always looks -- as if he hasn't had one in a week.  I know I need to let it go, but I cannot believe they saddled Susan with him. 

He looks like he smells. Even on SVU, he looks like he needs a good scrub (I am not volunteering). 

I always pictured Susan with some clean-cut guy with a mildly boring, non-physical job. Maybe a teacher, engineer, or lawyer. 

15 hours ago, Heathen said:

He looks like he smells. Even on SVU, he looks like he needs a good scrub (I am not volunteering). 

I always pictured Susan with some clean-cut guy with a mildly boring, non-physical job. Maybe a teacher, engineer, or lawyer. 

I always thought Susan was a 'good girl' with a badass side.  I could see her doing something impulsive like running off to Vegas with a guy she'd been dating for a brief period; but the notion that she went there, met some dude and they got drunk and went to a wedding chapel on a whim did not seem like Susan.  I could see her marrying a guy a lot like her; on the surface, straight and narrow, with a good education, good job and clean cut appearance.  But, on the weekends, they ride off on their matching Harleys with their motorcycle club.  And get tatoos that won't show when they're dressed for work.

Donal Logue is a very good actor, but, aside from not being given much to work with, didn't have the right 'look' for Susan.  A haircut and some grooming product would've helped, but the entire character, as conceived by the writers, just seemed wrong for her.

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