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S02.E14: Kali Yuga

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Hee, the actual line is "popped a lotta 'tang down in New Orleans," which is a very very very vulgar way of saying you had sex with a lot of virgins.

The actual lyrics from the Creedance version is "pumped a lot of pain down in New Orleans." Some think it is pane as in propane.

The Ike and Tina version has Tina saying "tane." She is not saying "tang," I just checked it. Given the line that proceeds it in both versions of the song, I agree with those who think the "tane," or "pain/pane" referenced in both versions is talking about octane or propane. There is nothing lewd about the lyrics.

Edited by Happytobehere
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I'll miss Matt Barr, he was a fun character. Too bad that Jenny was so underused in the first part of the season since I liked them as a team.  I hope the reason he didn't exit in a body-bag is they are leaving the door open for guest appearances. 


I enjoyed Katrina more than usual this episode, probably because there was much less of her and she actually seemed to do something instead of looking blank and shaking her hands. As usual she seemed shady as hell, both in what we saw and what we were left to fill in on our own. Someone needs to explain to me why she would see Frank's visions of an apocalyptic future, then surmise he was free of the influence of Henry and other evil influences unless she's lying, because that doesn't really add up otherwise. Especially since his lack of a reflection shows that something is badly off about him. It's probably just me reacting to my suspicion of her, combined with fanwank, but I felt there was something really off in the way she referred to Henry as my son. I don't think it odd that she would say it, just that her emphasis  made it seem like she was his only parent.


I enjoyed the Karaoke. It was very silly in a good way and fun to watch. I could have done without the clunky dialogue between Abbie and Jenny that something was off between the witnesses, but it was almost worth hearing that consequent bit of shade about his witch wife.


When team witness eventually use the sigil to call upon Orion, I wonder whether it will be Henry or Katrina that they need to stop. I think they will have her go dark eventually if they keep her around.

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When team witness eventually use the sigil to call upon Orion, I wonder whether it will be Henry or Katrina that they need to stop. I think they will have her go dark eventually if they keep her around.


Why not kill two problems with one angel?  Just to make it complete, he can kill Abraham and snuff out CFD completely.

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I wish they had made us see more of the Proud Mary performance. It was fun from the bit we saw.

I definitely think Katrina was lying to Frank about him being free of the influence. She just looked too shady.

Overall a good episode, seemed like the old Sleepy Hollow.

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I wish they had made us see more of the Proud Mary performance. It was fun from the bit we saw.

Yeah, I definitely have negative feelings about scenes involving Katrina, but it didn't help at all that in a blissfully mostly Katrina episode, when they did cut to her, it was to cut off the Proud Mary bit. I mean, obviously, I knew they weren't just going to show them singing the whole thing, but the abrupt cut (which I get was intentional) just made me groan all the more than I already would've. They cut away from fun singing for character who sucks the energy out of every scene she's in. Not a way to win tolerance for Katrina screentime with me.
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Why not kill two problems with one angel?  Just to make it complete, he can kill Abraham and snuff out CFD completely.


They destroyed Orion's halo weapon though so unless he has some powers he didn't showcase before, how much help would he be? I thought they should have held onto the halo instead of completely destroying it.


I certainly hope Orion returns. I'm sick of the dangling plot threads. We already have the Kindred wandering around Sleepy Hollow and now an angel?

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I wish they had made us see more of the Proud Mary performance. It was fun from the bit we saw.


I was hoping we'd see Abbie bust out some Tina Turner dance moves. That would have been awesome.


And I agree with theatremouse; it was a disappointment when they cut abruptly from this fun and funny scene to Katrina. I groaned when that happened. I mean, I understand that they wanted to end with something dramatic and potentially dark and scary, but I just wish we could have ended the show with Crane and Abbie. It was great to see them come together as a team again, just the two of them, and I think most episodes should end with something involving them. They are the two leads. *heavy sigh* I suppose you can't end a show like Sleepy Hollow on something light. BUT... The X-Files managed to do it (and do it well, in episodes like: Bad Blood, Small Potatoes, Humbug, Post-Modern Prometheus), so I don't know why they couldn't with Sleepy Hollow on occasion.

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I certainly hope Orion returns. I'm sick of the dangling plot threads. We already have the Kindred wandering around Sleepy Hollow and now an angel?

The Kindred and Orion are roomies at the Sleepy Hollow Shelter for the Temporarily Misplaced Paranormal & Supernatural.

I was hoping we'd see Abbie bust out some Tina Turner dance moves. That would have been awesome

If they have any sense (questionable) it will be on S2 DVDs in out takes / special features. Edited by DeLurker
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They destroyed Orion's halo weapon though so unless he has some powers he didn't showcase before, how much help would he be? I thought they should have held onto the halo instead of completely destroying it.


I don't think it's a stretch that he could contrive another weapon or that it could be a duplicate of the halo.  He lost it in the same episode where Abraham made another battle-axe for himself, one powerful enough to destroy the halo.  

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I don't think it's a stretch that he could contrive another weapon or that it could be a duplicate of the halo.  He lost it in the same episode where Abraham made another battle-axe for himself, one powerful enough to destroy the halo.  


I was thinking Abbie's charm could end up being converted to another weapon.


I just hope they bring Orion back. Not only is the actor hot, I still loved that he was ready to kill 2 of the 3 biggest problems on the show-- StruggleWitch and Wimpy Headless. If only Ichabbie had just let him take care of business, then stopped him from causing catastrophic world disasters after he'd taken out the dead weight.. Ugh what could have been.

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Well, he is an angel, so  I'd expect him to have more powers than just that halo/chakra thing.  I'd expect this even as a fallen angel.  We did see he can still fly, as an example.  What that weapon gave him was not only killing other supernatural beings but the ability to absorb their powers.  

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For one thing, because of what she flashed to seeing when they did the ritual was at least ambiguous. I supposed it could be interpreted as just being his memories, not indicative of some connection, but to me, it looked pretty damn connected. So to have her respond to seeing those images with "you're free and clear" is suspicious. It may not pan out that way, because who knows with this show, but it sure looked to me like an intentional juxtaposition of her seeing something and then stating "nothing" intending to imply she was not being forthcoming.

Edited by theatremouse
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Well, he is an angel, so  I'd expect him to have more powers than just that halo/chakra thing.  I'd expect this even as a fallen angel.  We did see he can still fly, as an example.  What that weapon gave him was not only killing other supernatural beings but the ability to absorb their powers.

The way he got overpowered by Headless and flew off suggested he doesn't have much else up his sleeve. Maybe they can retcon something for him.

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For one thing, because of what she flashed to seeing when they did the ritual was at least ambiguous. I supposed it could be interpreted as just being his memories, not indicative of some connection, but to me, it looked pretty damn connected. So to have her respond to seeing those images with "you're free and clear" is suspicious. It may not pan out that way, because who knows with this show, but it sure looked to me like an intentional juxtaposition of her seeing something and then stating "nothing" intending to imply she was not being forthcoming.


I agree the way Katrina seemed to be in a trance, but suddenly snapped out of it and calmly told Frank he was fine looked like she was hiding something. Same with her facial expression as she was leaving. Though I think it speaks to the problem with both the writing and acting for Katrina that is her motives and actions can be so ambiguous and up for interpretation. 


I am worried they are setting up a dramatic moment where Katrina back stabs Irving to help Henry, and she justifies it to Ichabod who ends up siding with her in the end. The writers either could have made Katrina a helpful character with a smaller role or an completely evil character for the Witnesses to fight against, both which could have been reasonable options. Instead she has ended up in between, constantly acting shady and interfering in the main plot, but also been shown by the writing to be justified in her actions. At some point this cycle has to be broken and Katrina either has to become evil, killed, or moved mostly into the background because she has gained much more importance in the story than anyone expected and viewers have to watch in-spite of her, which is never something you want to have on a TV show.

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I am worried they are setting up a dramatic moment where Katrina back stabs Irving to help Henry, and she justifies it to Ichabod who ends up siding with her in the end.

I kinda wish they would do something like this so I can just give up on this show.


Can't Fox just spin-off a Katrina & Henry show with Goffman as showrunner and leave SH to re-group with the rest of the cast?  KW could continue her impression of walking drywall, John Noble could chew up said drywall and they would offset each other.  I could watch SH without the distractions of either of them.


Note:  I like John Noble, but he's been over-used this season and not well either.  It truly is a testament to the appeal of NB, TN, LG & Orlando Jones that I am still watching (and wishin' and hopin' - cue Dionne Warwick).

Edited by DeLurker
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