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S04.E02: Triggering

Tara Ariano

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I don't think that was Gary Cooper.


I find it tiresome and transparent that Lena uses the show to defend the show. I had a writing professor in college who used to tell us not to write about the act of writing, especially if we appear to be complaining about it somehow. She told us it was self-indulgent. Now, I don't entirely agree with that, because I think it can be done well and creatively, but episodes like this feel to me like one big whine from a very privileged person.

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I find it tiresome and transparent that Lena uses the show to defend the show.



It was only one scene, which lasted maybe 4 minutes.  I'm not sure she used it to defend the show rather have Hannah go through what Lena went through.  From what I remember some of the critiques from the writing group were quite valid for Lena and/or for Hannah.

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It was only one scene, which lasted maybe 4 minutes.  I'm not sure she used it to defend the show rather have Hannah go through what Lena went through.  From what I remember some of the critiques from the writing group were quite valid for Lena and/or for Hannah.

I agree.  And I think it was supposed to be self depreciating and comic.  I don't think her writing was supposed to be that good and she was kind of making fun of Hannah for being so full of herself.

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I liked the episode and find Girls in general is much more enjoyable to watch if you aren't looking for pieces of Lena in Hannah, or think Lena is trying to convey a message via another character. It is a fictional show, Hannah is not Lena, so I take scenes like the workshop more on face value than trying to find some deeper meaning that Lena is trying to tell the viewers.


I loved the bat scene, because that is percisely what I would do in that sitauation...scream and end up sleeping in the locked bathroom. I do like that Hannah was knocked down a peg at the workshop, then again at the bar by the girl who in fact wasn't abused...but my problem is with the split of Iowa and NY. I see myself tiring of the two locations quickly unless they find a delicate balance between showing what is happening in NY and Iowa without flipping back and forth between a Hannah-centric episode, then a NY-centric episode.

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I have watched every episode of this show since the series began, HOWEVER: with every episode, I'm always wishing the characters had more of a backstory. Not a scene or two with their weird parent, something else that defines who they are and why they do the things they do. Marnie is awful and passive aggressive. Why? And why should I care about such an awful character, if she has no history of not being awful, or an explanation that helps me understand her.


Jenna and Hannah were also never portrayed as basically good people who sometimes do bad or stupid things. They have always been horrible too. I WANT to care about these characters, but I am never given any reason to. They all seems like really terrible people who I would cut out of my life in a heartbeat.

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Marnie wasn't evasive, she was taunting. She's the one who brought Adam up, then cockteased Hannah by acting like she'd been grilling her. But yeah, something is definitely up.

Jessa is probably my favorite Girl, but if Adam is gonna hook up with anybody, I'd rather it be Shosh. They just seem comfortable with each other.


Well, you know he's going to hook up with one of them. Possibly all three of them. Because each of them is going to make a move, I think.

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I'd like to believe Adam is helping Jessa back to Program, but yeah, my prediction was, Marnie would do that bridge burning stuff she does and throw herself at Adam when he was in a weak moment, chaos would ensue between Adam, Hannah, Marnie, folkie- dude and his girl, Hannah and Adam would call it quits, and when the dust settles, Shosh and Adam hang out as friends and then find themselves making out. Followed by a tortured " I know you are broken up and stuff I just wanted to see if you were ok with this" phone call from Shosh, who is so guilt- wracked that Hannah winds up comforting her.

I dunno, their banter during last season's road trip made me think...

Edited by bunnywithanaxe
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Indie creative writing as an undergrad and that workshop did not ring true to me. Iowa is a VERY competitive program. Anybody accepted has been thru workshops before, has maybe published.

You would certainly know that you criticize writing based on e writing, not the underlying political issues in it. I objected to the bad mimes is here (just as I did when adam auditioned for a role and was cast on the spot, and then was shown rehearsing on stage in a broadway house.)

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Indie creative writing as an undergrad and that workshop did not ring true to me. Iowa is a VERY competitive program. Anybody accepted has been thru workshops before, has maybe published.

You would certainly know that you criticize writing based on e writing, not the underlying political issues in it. I objected to the bad mimes is here (just as I did when adam auditioned for a role and was cast on the spot, and then was shown rehearsing on stage in a broadway house.)

Yeah, I researched it last season out of curiosity after Hannah was accepted. Indeed it's no joke. Shame they've thus far been portrayed worse than a Freshman creative writing class at generic university USA. I hope that changes if only for the current students who likely worked their asses off to be accepted. Seems harder than meeting Apatow and hitting the young writers lottery.

Sometimes I wonder if Jengi Konner (that looks wrong after typing, sorry) and Apatow ever offer their perspective. For instance that scene where Hannah is talking to the girl in the bathroom line could have been so much better. But it was Dunhamed to death and over the top making it fall flat. Wish they'd reign her in a bit.

And when done well, few things bring more smiles than a kick ass dancing scene. The dancing scene in this ep, to me, reeked of self importance. Lena does scenes in a way that I am removed from them and analyze instead of just sitting back with a stiff cocktail and enjoying. That's not my MO either. Hell, I can get entranced in a Law and Order much less Mad Men. Scenes rarely ring true in Girls and it suffers for that.

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 Hell, I can get entranced in a Law and Order much less Mad Men. Scenes rarely ring true in Girls and it suffers for that.

O.k. this is the first episode of Girls I've watched. And I only watched about 15 minutes. And only because my sister made me.


That bat scene was so baaaaaaad. Is Lena really this bad an actress? I was trying to figure out if the bat was CGI'd or something, because Lena's body language was so unnatural. It was like hesitate a beat, wait for the signal that the bat is supposed to be there, then, freak out. I didn't believe it for a second.


Next, does she always dress that way? Is she wearing padding? She doesn't look that fat off the show. If I'd met her character IRL, I'd have suspected she might have a mental deficiency.


Then I BEGGED my sister to switch the channel. Ugh.

Edited by carrps
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