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S04.E09: Sketching With Sharks

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The hood on Sonjia's dress made her model's face look awesome.  I've notice this model has an odd blank stare

especially in the stills of  the London coat Dmitri made.  Minor thing, but this was something positive for me about

her dress. 


Justin's dress made me think of Victorian women.   I think it was the model's hairstyle that put that over the top in

my imagination.


Michelle's dress is something I design every morning when I wake up with the blankets all bunched up over me. 


AG or not,  done before.. whatever,  the back of Dmitri's coat was stunning to me!

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At the end of the runway, my daughter commented that she had absolutely no idea who was in the top and who was on the bottom.  I'm not sure the judges actually did, either!  It was perplexing, to say the least.  Isaac seems to be wildly inconsistent and illogical, and for the life of me, I can't figure out exactly what his criteria might be.  The others aren't much better, either.  


Is he even using the right word? I keep thinking he means "androgynous," not "asexual," when he talks about wanting to create designs that aren't necessarily Female or Male in style.


I wondered about this, too. I think he was trying to say that he was inspired to make an androgynous piece because his aquatic inspiration was asexual? Or something? But it was a helluva stretch and made little sense. And, in any case, he turned out more comfy looking PJs or loungewear, which I thought were definitely more asexual (not in the true biological term, but in terms of how one would feel about gettin' busy while wearing it) than androgynous.


I have watched this show for so many seasons and I still don't know how to tell "AG" from "costume." I mean, Zanna tried (poor feather brained dear; bless her little Golden Girls knit hot pink top and 1980s white pants boating ensemble, by the way) to say that AG had to "be more than just weird," but, come on, how do you tell good weird from bad weird? 


All I saw was a bunch of ugly crap. Except Sonjia's and Dimitri's, which were interesting to look at, even if not proper AG. 


If Alyssa was the inspiration behind Ariel, why was she dressed like a Snow White parade float? (That dress would have made even Twiggy look like she needed a tether).



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Michelle's dress is something I design every morning when I wake up with the blankets all bunched up over me.

Ha, me too! My collection is called "What Is That Horrible Noise? Oh, My Alarm Clock? Crap, Why Didn't I Buy a Lottery Ticket and Become a Zillionaire So I Wouldn't Have to Get Up Early and Go to Work?"

My girl has uncombed hair and circles under her eyes. She is still wearing part of the outfit she wore on her last minute trip to get to Whole Foods before they closed. She ate a cheeseburger from McDonald's for dinner after she got to Whole Foods five minutes after they closed. She ate it in bed while watching House of Cards (she finally decided to watch the entire series so she is trying to get caught up before the new season starts next month) but Kevin Spacey's voice lulled her to sleep.

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Finally caught up to this on my DVR.


The editors certainly were Johnny-on-the-spot with the flashbacks to Dmitri's repeated looks. 


After Justin spoke the most ludicrous words I have ever heard, something to the effect of "I don't often show my feelings, I keep them bottled up inside," I would have liked to see flashbacks to every time he has cried. Because the dude cries more than Tammy Faye Baker. My predominant impression/memory of him over the two seasons he has appeared is of him weeping. I'm sure he's a nice person, and the way his fellow contestants treat him seems to be a testament to that. But a little self-awareness might do him some good. 

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I disagree. Sometimes it's because a person keeps their feelings bottled up inside -- perhaps by being too nice all the time, instead of expressing their anger, upset, frustration, etc. -- that they end up crying and it seems like it's for no reason, because they haven't expressed themselves and established personal boundaries. I speak from experience on that one. 

Justin seems like a super-nice guy, but I also bet that means he's too polite for his own good. As someone who has spent way too many years trying to please everyone else, I think Justin would benefit from standing up for himself more often, not only emotionally-speaking but also in regard to his designs. Break outside the box, be bolder!

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I thought Sonjia's was the best, by miles, so like many of you, I was stunned when she was merely 'safe'. She seemed happy with it, though, but I think Sonjia defaults to cheerful most days, and I love that about her.


Fabio's didn't wow me, but I thought it had some potential. I wish he was breaking out of the pack, as he so often did in his own season. I often feel in this AS season that he isn't doing the best work of which he's capable.


I rarely remember exactly what Jay designed, but I enjoy watching him on my tv. Still, I don't want to see him outlast people whose designs impress me more.


Dmitri's was beautifully made but neither avant-garde nor original - not even original to Dmitri. But "sea whores" was a gift from him to his fans.


Michelle's had some good points - and I thought the colors worked unexpectedly well together - but the off-sides lipstick was awful and the dress could have had some more form. But I do think it was at least kind of avant-garde.


I actually liked Helen's when it was a mass of waves, much less so when she cut it short and took off most of the ruffles. It, too, could have used more structure.


Justin's was more avant-garde than some of the top looks, and I kind of liked the 'chestbuster-from-Alien' bodice, but the construction really was awful. I kept wanting to take a nail scissors and cut away all those loose threads! But wow, have you ever seen an exiting contestant receive such an emotional, loving farewell from every other designer, plus the judges? He always seemed likable to me, but watching these reactions made me think he's even more appealing a person than I thought.


Nicole Scherzinger surprised me by making some very intelligent, pertinent comments in her critiques.

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