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Seriously, have there ever been any serial killers who were wealthy enough to carry off the involved plots that xyz (and all the similar super-villians) carry out?

Here in Canada, the three most famous serial killers were a pig farmer who murdered streetwalkers, a career criminal who killed hitchikers when he wasn't in jail, and a bookkeeper who killed teenage girls.

Castle is too lighthearted a show for such realities.

Come to think, has the 12th ever had a murdered hooker(s) story? Are all the victims middle class?

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And they meet again. ;)  Sneak peek is out: http://tvline.com/2015/02/05/castle-season-7-video-3xk-returns/


Is anyone rolling their eyes already?  How do they prove it?  Um, DNA, dental records, top of the line facial recognition etc.?  No doubt they're going to say all the records were stolen or something, but c'mon.  Why don't they just say Tyson has a secret twin? ;)   Will try to reserve judgment but it's hard to repress the eye rolling based on the clip alone.


Of course they won't be able to prove it's him. If they could it would be a short episode. That interrogation would be the end & he would either be in jail or shown to be an impersonator. The other question is how is Castle (a PI) in on the interrogation. I guess he's back. You'll probably have to suspend your intelligence along with your disbelief & accept the fact that fake Esposito stole all the evidence proving he's 3XK. Even the evidence from sources in the other states where 3XK has killed. It's not that much to swallow when compared to forgotten marriages & pup tents.

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The episode is only over quickly if they prove this man is Tyson. If they prove he's not - then they go after Niemann to find the real Tyson, which is what I'm guessing is more likely. No one said Michael Mosley only has one role in this episode. He could be cosmetic-Tyson and actual-Tyson. Or maybe actual-Tyson isn't even around until part 2, when, in the last minute of part 1 we see that he's kidnapped Beckett.


Speaking of, I also thought it was interesting that cosmetic-Tyson said his live-in not-girlfriend had work done. Maybe Niemann is turning her into a Beckett lookalike?


The other question is how is Castle (a PI) in on the interrogation. I guess he's back.


The official synopsis says that Castle's called in to consult - my guess is that because he's been targeted before, and also had Tyson figured out before he disappeared the first time - he gets to help out. I don't think that's an indication he's officially back yet.

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I may be in the minority but I like 3XK/Jerry Tyson. The character and the actor elevates every scenes he's in and kinda owns them. Remember his scene on the hotel w Castle/Nathan and him asking why Castle was drawn to death and how close he wants to get. I remember rewinding that scene multiple times b/c MM was great and the character wasn't some suspect that Beckett and Castle could use their normal tactics. Same goes for Dr. Neiman.  Is it bad that I want them to continue to mind fuck Castle and Beckett and get away? Maybe my thinking also has to do w. I can't stand Rick Castle this season and Kate Beckett is damn near unrecognizable. *shrugs* 

You know what's pissed me off w. this bullshit P.I. arc? ... well one of the things! ... The idea that Beckett, Espo, and Ryan can't pull their thumbs outta their asses and do their jobs w/o the greatness of Rick Castle! Really? Ugh. They were doing it before he came into their lives!

Edited by Samantha84
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You know what's pissed me off w. this bullshit P.I. arc? ... well one of the things! ... The idea that Beckett, Espo, and Ryan can't pull their thumbs outta their asses and do their jobs w/o the greatness of Rick Castle! Really? Ugh. They were doing it before he came into their lives!


I think this is a gross overstatement. Castle hasn't swooped in in a storm of greatness and stolen their thunder. The first case he insinuated himself into their investigation (just like he used to do, before he was welcomed with open arms), the second case he was working alongside them on a different case (with Beckett's blessing) that led them to answers they needed too, and this third case was his, and Beckett and the boys are helping him (because he still sometimes needs official avenues).


I think if we take anything away from this PI arc, it's that Castle still thinks out of the box, and sometimes that's faster and more complete than having to wade through red tape and paperwork and protocol. Beckett and the boys are still good at what they do, but Castle is helpful too, even if he's not a cop.

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For better or worse, people aren't really spoiling much of anything in their reviews. (I guess it's better for most people, but I actually don't mind being spoiled.)


Given that I think I can surmise what the cliffhanger is, though, this segment from the end of Lisa Caputo's preview actually has me quite intrigued. 


"And while most viewers, if not all, will surely deduce what the cliffhanger will be before they see it play out, again something that seems perfectly constructed by the Castle team, it is still a complete shock in so many other brilliant ways. In fact, it is more so what that cliffhanger reveals and how it will force one to view the entire episode in a remarkably different light that is the key to its emotional and jaw-dropping impact than the event itself."

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So I haven't read any of the articles that resulted from the screener being released (I'm treading on shaky ground even being in this thread, but my will is weak), but based on that last quote ...


I swear to god, I'm going to be so upset if this tumbles down into Lois and Clark territory and we find out that real-Beckett has been kidnapped at any point and replaced by doppelganger-Beckett that Niemann has created. Or vice versa, with Castle. Maybe real-Castle still being missing and this Castle is doppelganger-Castle is more plausible?


I will literally accept anything other than Castle or Beckett having been replaced by a doppelganger.


I will be slightly less upset if we find out that there is a Castle or Beckett doppelganger running around and they've had nothing to do with the story up until now, but I'll probably still have to question that storytelling decision.

Edited by McManda
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Thanks for the link but I can't take Lisa Caputo's reviews seriously, they're so OTT and hyperbolic about everything to do with Castle. I gave up reading that one half way through it was exhausting. 

Edited by verdana
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I swear to god, I'm going to be so upset if this tumbles down into Lois and Clark territory and we find out that real-Beckett has been kidnapped at any point and replaced by doppelganger-Beckett that Niemann has created. Or vice versa, with Castle. Maybe real-Castle still being missing and this Castle is doppelganger-Castle is more plausible?

If either of those cases were true, it would get Castle a lot closer to Criminal Minds or LO:SVU territory, since it would necessarily involve the one NOT switched having become a victim of sexual assault, and if that would occur, I would have a hard time returning to the series.

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So I haven't read any of the articles that resulted from the screener being released (I'm treading on shaky ground even being in this thread, but my will is weak), but based on that last quote ...


I swear to god, I'm going to be so upset if this tumbles down into Lois and Clark territory and we find out that real-Beckett has been kidnapped at any point and replaced by doppelganger-Beckett that Niemann has created. Or vice versa, with Castle. Maybe real-Castle still being missing and this Castle is doppelganger-Castle is more plausible?


I will literally accept anything other than Castle or Beckett having been replaced by a doppelganger.


I will be slightly less upset if we find out that there is a Castle or Beckett doppelganger running around and they've had nothing to do with the story up until now, but I'll probably still have to question that storytelling decision.


I'd be O_o -- ing if that happens. I hate when shows do doppelganger stuff.

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I swear to god, I'm going to be so upset if this tumbles down into Lois and Clark territory and we find out that real-Beckett has been kidnapped at any point and replaced by doppelganger-Beckett that Niemann has created. Or vice versa, with Castle. Maybe real-Castle still being missing and this Castle is doppelganger-Castle is more plausible?up until now, but I'll probably still have to question that storytelling decision.


I really hate the whole surgical look alike idea. If you accept that as reality then there is really no limit to the stupid shit they could come up with. I just hope they don't go too far down that path.

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Just my take, but I think some are over thinking this.  :-) Will this be ridiculous? Perhaps. But this clone idea has been done with dead bodies already. I think any prolonged deal with Castle or Beckett as such comes straight out of Days of Our Lives (or maybe I should say One Life To Live as a nod to Nathan's soap past!).


I don't see it. But on the very off chance it does happen, someone needs to have a seance and contact Roy Scheider to channel his Jaws character Martin Brody and kill the shark that will be sure to be jumping!

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Is it me or does it seem like there have been a lot of screeners this season?

Not really, I'd say about the norm, we've had a screener for the premiere obviously and we usually get a few revolving around key points in the season story wise or "special" episodes, like with the PI arc we had one (they did the same with the DC arc) and I'm not that shocked we got another here. I hate screeners, I think they over hype a lot of stuff more often than not and if you like tumblr it's very difficult to avoid finding out so much that it affects how I end up viewing the episode when it would be better to come to it relatively unspoiled. If only they had stuck to the one sneak peek they usually release I would have been okay and resisted the temptation to know more, oh those sneaky devils. 

Edited by verdana
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No to doppelgangers also (this isn't Alias and even in the end that show didn't really pull that off), and no to sexual assault, please.  I wouldn't be surprised if Nieman wants to steal Beckett's eggs to make her own beautiful Beckett baby or for some creepy science experiment.


They're going to go the psychological thriller route and I hope they can pull it off.  Less is usually more for me when it comes to that genre.  Tends to not work for me when it's too over the top and they try too hard to come off as menacing.  Let's see if they can do anything like on Hannibal or Elementary.  


2 of the things that have interested me most courtesy of 3XK, and they both happen to be psychological things, are: 1) his hints about Castle's interest in death and the macabre during their tete a tete, 2) Castle's sense of guilt over not being able to stop 3XK from killing more people.  I'd like to see those themes revisited.  

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No to doppelgangers also (this isn't Alias and even in the end that show didn't really pull that off), and no to sexual assault, please.  I wouldn't be surprised if Nieman wants to steal Beckett's eggs to make her own beautiful Beckett baby or for some creepy science experiment.

You're making me feel decidedly queasy talking about egg harvesting and a definite NO to sexual assault, don't ever go there writers. I don't want them trying to be too clever or go too dark because based on what I've seen they don't have the writing chops for it. 

Edited by verdana
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Various ABC Shows - Upcoming Episode Synopses - 8th February 2015 at Spoiler TV.


Oh so they're not heading off into space then, Castle will be so disappointed. 

I'm not entirely sure about that.  Could the "shocking turn" mean another alternate universe?  There were pics of Nathan and Jon in spacesuits so I don't know if they have to play pretend (again!) in the space simulation.  They just did that last season so I am hoping for something different.  The whole theme is quite out there but I guess they wanted to go where no man has ever gone before with all the space jokes they inserted. ;)  Let's hope this episode is wittier than those.


Hm... what if Nieman is interested sexually in Beckett?  And/or 3XK is too?  That creep did say he watched Castle and Beckett make love. I feel creeped out just typing all that.


I still think Castle will be back permanently at the 12th after the 2 parter.  Maybe his part in apprehending 3XK earns him back his place.

Edited by madmaverick
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I personally think Nieman is more interested in making Beckett "perfect". She seemed kind of obsessed with her facial structures in 6x09 and I'm betting Beckett will have a scalpel pressed to her cheek or something at some point during the 2-parter. 

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Castle - Episode 7.16 - The Wrong Stuff

    An astronaut is killed inside a Mars simulation; a discovery results in a shocking turn in the case.


Oh so they're not heading off into space then, Castle will be so disappointed.


When I heard about a case in space ... well, this was my first though. I'm pretty sure I thought Space Camp, but close enough.


Just my take, but I think some are over thinking this.  :-) Will this be ridiculous? Perhaps. But this clone idea has been done with dead bodies already.


Oh, for sure I am. This is absolute worst case scenario. I don't actually think they'll go there, but ... I just don't want to give too much credit. I'm sure it'll be less soap operatic than that. :)

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You're making me feel decidedly queasy talking about egg harvesting and a definite NO to sexual assault, don't ever go there writers. I don't want them trying to be too clever or go too dark because based on what I've seen they don't have the writing chops for it.

It isn't just that the writers don't have the skill for it. I can't imagine Beckett being anything but a major head-case if either of those scenarios occurred, and Beckett in a haze of tranqs or stashed in a mental ward for a while, although perhaps "true", would warp the show out of recognition, but for her to go right back to being on-her-way-to Captaincy Beckett just would seem ridiculous. I can't see any kind of successful resolution to such a story line, and I don't trust that the writers won't feel pressure always to "up the ante," particularly where 3XK/Nieman are concerned.

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That creep did say he watched Castle and Beckett make love. I feel creeped out just typing all that.


Maybe he's annoyed they don't show them having sex on the show, so had to plant his own camera?


It isn't just that the writers don't have the skill for it. I can't imagine Beckett being anything but a major head-case if either of those scenarios occurred


Yeah, I was thinking about that too.  She was a mess for months after her shooting, I don't want to do a repeat of that.  The only reason we get Castle not being a mess after his abduction is the amnesia.  They can't also give Beckett amnesia.

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I may be in the minority but I like 3XK/Jerry Tyson. The character and the actor elevates every scenes he's in and kinda owns them. Remember his scene on the hotel w Castle/Nathan and him asking why Castle was drawn to death and how close he wants to get. I remember rewinding that scene multiple times b/c MM was great and the character wasn't some suspect that Beckett and Castle could use their normal tactics. Same goes for Dr. Neiman.  Is it bad that I want them to continue to mind fuck Castle and Beckett and get away? Maybe my thinking also has to do w. I can't stand Rick Castle this season and Kate Beckett is damn near unrecognizable. *shrugs* 

You know what's pissed me off w. this bullshit P.I. arc? ... well one of the things! ...



The 3XK arc has always been the most compelling of the arcs of this series. 

Edited by Hipshooter
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You're making me feel decidedly queasy talking about egg harvesting


Sound like Scully's alien mythology. Hey Amann and Bowman, you don't need to pull serious storylines from the X-Files.


I may be in the minority but I like 3XK/Jerry Tyson. The character and the actor elevates every scenes he's in and kinda owns them. Remember his scene on the hotel w Castle/Nathan and him asking why Castle was drawn to death and how close he wants to get. 


Yeah I wish this is what they should've been concentrating on Castle's character development. Tho I'll take the P.I. arc any day over the Castle abduction that we got from 6x23 to 7x02 as it currently stands.

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A "Little Castle Baby" is so on it's way.


I really hope not.  I feel like the series finale should have Beckett finding out she's pregnant.  I want a happy family for Castle/Beckett, but I don't want to see a pregnancy play out onscreen.  Although, I did have a dream last week that Beckett was going to get pregnant.  I didn't actually dream about it on the show, I dreamt Tumblr reacting to a spoiler about it.  And yes, I realize how sad that sounds.


Yeah I wish this is what they should've been concentrating on Castle's character development. Tho I'll take the P.I. arc any day over the Castle abduction that we got from 6x23 to 7x02 as it currently stands.


I definitely agree that 3XK brings out more depth for Castle's character, but I do have issues with making Tyson too powerful to ever get caught.  (Until now, maybe). 


The abduction is annoying, because Marlowe kept talking about how they needed to open up a new mythology to replace the mambatross, but they haven't even done anything with it.  They don't even need that to bring up what happened to Castle in the woods as a kid, because they could have had Tyson talk about that.

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I really hope not.  I feel like the series finale should have Beckett finding out she's pregnant.  I want a happy family for Castle/Beckett, but I don't want to see a pregnancy play out onscreen.  Although, I did have a dream last week that Beckett was going to get pregnant.  I didn't actually dream about it on the show, I dreamt Tumblr reacting to a spoiler about it.  And yes, I realize how sad that sounds.


Agree with halwideman that the anvils they've been throwing out definitely point to it. Hehe to the dream. But I agree with you, that I'd rather not see it on the show (but that's just me). I'd rather the show end with that and the book launch of the final NH novel. That for me would be full circle of the show. But with TPTB no idea wtf they have planned regardless if there's a S8 or not.

Edited by Nadine
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A "Little Castle Baby" is so on it's way.

Yeah it's inevitable but I wish they would hold off a while longer but subtlety is not their strong suit so my head is going to hurt from those anvils being hurled.

I really hope not. I feel like the series finale should have Beckett finding out she's pregnant. I want a happy family for Castle/Beckett, but I don't want to see a pregnancy play out onscreen.

Why not? I'm saddened by your lack of enthusiasm heh. They would have a pregnancy arc with a guaranteed B story every week about Beckett's issues like morning sickness, constipation, tiredness, high blood pressure, backache, heartburn, needing to pee a lot and then we could have a post pregnancy arc with further trials and tribulations as Castle and Beckett adjust to parenthood. In this one I would suggest yet another run of stories which they could sprinkle throughout the season such as Beckett dealing with leaking nipples, swollen feet, stretch marks, skin and hair problems, more sleeplessness and of course they don't have the time or the energy for having sex cue angst! Although since it never looks like they have much sex anyway may be that's never an issue. There's a lot of those you can turn into slapstick comedy moments between them and even those you couldn't they would, the opportunities for these writers are endless.

The abduction is annoying, because Marlowe kept talking about how they needed to open up a new mythology to replace the mambatross, but they haven't even done anything with it. They don't even need that to bring up what happened to Castle in the woods as a kid, because they could have had Tyson talk about that.

Did you mean mombatross....although mambatross sounds cool heh. Although I've realised mombatross could now be used for the Beckett pregnancy and baby rearing arc too as it's bound to become just as painfully convoluted and tiresome, that's great it can get some extra use. Edited by verdana
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Michael Mosley @MikeGeneMose  ·  5h 5 hours ago

RT if you'll be watching #Castle tomorrow night and you'll be by yourself and what's ur address?



Terri Edda Miller @TerriEdda  ·  9h 9 hours ago

When you watch Resurrection tomorrow night, have someone there to hold your hand. #Castle


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The abduction is annoying, because Marlowe kept talking about how they needed to open up a new mythology to replace the mambatross, but they haven't even done anything with it.


That was a whole of BS PR speak in my opinion.  They just wanted to delay the wedding, create more melodrama to stretch out the story a bit more without really thinking things through for S7.  I still think they miscalculated by ending last season the way they did and some viewers didn't come back after seeing no wedding and no answers in the season opener this season.  


Clearly by now the writers have gotten amnesia about what happened to Castle along with Castle himself. ;)  Maybe they are all used to the procedural framework writing and have no clue how to write a serialised story arc well.


Count me in as not excited by the possibility of a season long pregnancy arc either.  It'd be like the wedding planning arc all over again, except worse.  I think if a pregnancy is coming then it'll mean that contracts will only be signed for 1 more year, not any more.

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Think we've all guessed that Beckett is kidnapped by episode's end, yes? I cannot take Beckett being this damsel in distress and waiting for Castle and the guys to come save her. Nope. Sorry. Not after her ass kicking turn in, "In The Belly Of The Beast" or "Veritas" for that matter. I get it's the season of Castle but I can't fanwank him being the hero that comes and saves the little lady.  The only way I'd remotely buy Beckett not kicking ass and trying to get away is that she is pregnant. They'd be the only way she'd not put herself in further danger is to protect her unborn child. 

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I don't think involving help from her husband and work family makes her a damsel.


Of course not. I should have been clearer. Castle, Espo, Ryan & Co. helping to get her back is normal and natural. I don't want Beckett sitting back twiddling her thumbs, so to speak, waiting for them to come save her. I want her present in her own rescue...working to save herself. 

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Pretty sure Beckett won't be made a passive participant in the whole ordeal.  Castle, Alexis and others have had their turn being kidnapped so it's just Beckett's turn this time.  They've had her as the kickass cop hero saving others many times already so it could be interesting for them to play a different note and have her be the more vulnerable 'victim' this time.  I'd like to see something different on top of more run of the mill "badassness".

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